
Leaked Marvel's Wolverine PS5 Test Gameplay Features Opening Cutscene, Boss Fights, Rage and More

A ton of leaked Marvel's Wolverine PS5 test gameplay have surfaced showcasing boss fights, Rage Mode, wall running, combat and more.

PrinceOfAnger27d ago

Are you sure this is not the leaked pc ver?

thorstein27d ago ShowReplies(2)
purple10127d ago (Edited 27d ago )

Insomniac: “have you got a good tv, with HDR”

Player: “no”

Insomniac: “your screwed”


Insomniac Games' Marvel's Wolverine Recieves A Nod In Deadpool 3 Trailer

Insomniac Games' upcoming superhero game, Marvel's Wolverine, has received a nod in the latest trailer for the Deadpool 3 movie.

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thorstein38d ago

That's Madripoor. That version of Wolverine goes by Patch. That bar is iconic in the comic books long before the games and the movies.

mkis00738d ago

Its the angle, not the location, as far as i can tell.

Cacabunga38d ago

Yes very slow news day i can see!!

mkis00737d ago (Edited 37d ago )


Ok then its the whole shot afterall...the bar looks closer to the game than the comic in the deadpool shot.

-Foxtrot38d ago

Wolverine in a bar…drinking

Well colour me shocked

solideagle38d ago

I don't think so, if he was wearing same shirt and hat then I could imagine but it feels like grasping the straws

CrimsonWing6938d ago

I mean… I feel that’s a stretch. I think it’s just an iconic shot for Wolverine as I’m sure there’s similar scenes in the comics.

repsahj38d ago

Is there a shot similar to comics? All I know is wolverine drinking on bar in madripoor but not that same exact angle.

thorstein38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

It's called the Princess Bar.


CrimsonWing6938d ago

Don’t they always walk up on Wolverine in a bar? I remember them doing it in the first X-Men movie and even in First Class. I feel like you can only show that in so many ways.

thorstein34d ago

The author of this article is now lying. He's been informed of the comic and how both the game and the movie are paying homage to it.

He deleted the comments from his article because why? He can't admit to not knowing something?

boing138d ago

Nope. You're projecting. This is iconic shot for Wolverine sitting in a bar, in comics, and movies. Why do you think Insomniac used it?

repsahj38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Can you show me an exact same angle shot from the comics?

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Marvel's Wolverine Gameplay Footage Leaks, Features Lots of Stabbing

Marvel's Wolverine gameplay footage has leaked and it shows the superhero stabbing heads and mauling enemies.

MeatyUrologist102d ago

Actually looks pretty good. With a wolverine game you need to get the aggressive combat down and it looks like it strikes a good balance. Still looks a bit stiff with the animations, but the torn clothes and blood.looks decent. Here's hoping they can get something akin to Dead Island 2s gore system in place.

jznrpg102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

It looks pretty damn good to me for a game that’s not going to be out for almost 2 years and is most likely old footage. You have to consider what the state of the game is in when this was hacked. It has a lot of time in the oven still.

Notellin102d ago

It's amazing that Insomniac has this much working for the game at this point. They are masters at efficiency.

--Onilink--101d ago (Edited 101d ago )


I mean, its not like the GTA leak where it was literally development footage.

This leak is more of a trailer they were likely going to release at some point so its more likely to be a vertical slice of the game, so its not so much about looking good or not despite how long the game has left before release, because we already know early trailers are always very manufactured from cherry picked things that are somewhat ready at that specific point in time even if nothing else around them is actually ready haha, its just the nature of early game trailers

That said, it is true that Insomniac is probably the most efficient developer out there right now

MeatyUrologist102d ago

Saying it looks good: downvoted.

Saying it could use some work: downvoted

Saying things you would to see in game: down voted. Widespread case of the Mondays folks?

Kaozz1979102d ago

Downvoted for this comment! ;)

thorstein101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

I had three downvotes and 0 upvotes for commenting the Omega symbol on a story about Sean Murray tweeting the Omega symbol.

I wouldn't get too caught up in the dvotes and upvotes here. You could literally post 2+2=4 and get downvotes.

purple101102d ago

1. shiiieeeeeeeet, people getting dismembered and stuff

2. hasn't this been released (leaked) before already?

jznrpg102d ago

You would figure Wolverine having razor claws wound include lots of slashing stabbing and slicing.

Rimeskeem102d ago

I mean, I assume there is more gameplay than just combat. Was nice to know the gameplay wasn't just 5 seconds of walking around.

KwietStorm_BLM102d ago

Every time websites post leaks like these, they're just enabling the losers who break into people's systems. They didn't get their demands, so they leak sensitive information, but if the Internet cared more about dignity than hits, the guilty wouldn't have any bargaining chips regardless.

shinoff2183102d ago

The leaders didn't get anything they wanted. It's not enabling unless the leaders got what they wanted.

KwietStorm_BLM102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Completely missed the point. And you spelled losers wrong, twice

102d ago
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PlayStation 5 Pro AI Upscaling Support Seemingly Confirmed by Recent Marvel's Wolverine Leak

A recently leaked slide seems to confirm how the PlayStation 5 Pro will support AI upscaling, as Marvel's Wolverine is going to support it

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Pedantic91148d ago

What about A.I. framerate advancements ? I'll probably not touch 4k for atleast another decade or so.

148d ago Replies(6)
Eonjay148d ago

I think the whole purpose of AI upscaling is to achieve higher performance.

Pedantic91148d ago

I get that part, guess im just a bit selfish. I always prioritize framerates over resolution, despite mainly keeping my gaming to consoles, where framerates might be considered less important as long as they hit a consistent 30fps.

Eonjay148d ago

Well here in the latest console generation for the PlayStation, mostly all games are 60FPS or have a 60FPS mode. I can't think of any PS5 game that is 30 FPS only except for the Matrix Awakens Demo. I just got done playing Star Ocean Second Story R on PS5 (and PS Portal) and I picked it up on PS5 instead of Switch because its 60FPS on PS5 (and PS Portal). The biggest thing holding back 8th gen consoles from 60 FPS was the CPU. Now, Even the Xbox Series S can (with visual sacrifices) achieve 60FPS in a lot of games thanks to the Zen 2 CPU.

But, going back to what you said, for games running on the latest and greatest engines... they can utilize things like AI Upscaling to reduce frame time (like FSR) but while also creating higher fidelity images (like DLSS can).. Especially when you factor things like Ray Tracing into the equation.

Basically you can get the increased frametimes AND you can improve image quality at the same time. Its a win win. In fact, even if your game can run native, it will probably be considered a best practice to implement an AI upscaling solution.

isarai148d ago

To be perfectly honest, I miss not having ghosting, checkerboard artifacts, and soft picture quality. Been playing PS2 a lot lately and it l reminded how muddy most modern games look in motion,

Demetrius148d ago

I was watching gameplay of getaway 1 and getaway black monday I admire how ps2 games looked at the time even now it has a charm feel to em, I been playing my ps2 as well recently just got sly 2

isarai148d ago

I've been playing Urban Reign and Samurai Western. So good 😗👌

Profchaos148d ago

From reading the leaks not just this article it doesn't confirm a PS5 pro at all but more a custom in house upscale technique that could be included on the ps6 just as much as a iterative console.

In face the leaks show suprisingly little about a incremental upgrade

jznrpg148d ago

Lots of rumors for a Pro so it seems real but it’s all rumors at this point. Either way I’ll buy their next console.

Profchaos148d ago

I agree I'll be buying the 6 the pro might need to prove itself first if it does come later this year as I've already got a launch ps5 and I'm quite happy with most games performance wise at this point compared to last gen when I was playing a ton of fallout 4 watching the base PS4 struggle to keep 30

SonOfOsiris147d ago

No one cares, waiting for Switch 2