
XDefiant Server Test Session Proved It's Fun but It Needs to Change a Few Things

The XDefiant Server Test Session has come and gone, and while it proved the game is fun, there are a few key changes that needs to happen.

ocelot0736d ago

The last test was fun. But I feel if I played it for 2 weeks or so I would get bored of it at the 2 weeks mark.

X-2335d ago

I gave up super early on this one the game aesthetically isn't very pleasing to the eyes, everything looks too clean and environments look like they are too deliberately designed to be shooting arena's or galleries instead of locations with personality. Gameplay wise there game is responsive and the gunplay is nice the movement seems fluid, but hit detection is a big issue, i'm actually surprised a lot of people haven't spoken on this, but it is incredibly bad in some situations.
Most people who have been around to suffer the Ups and Downs of COD likely remember the days of poor hit detection, it's been addressed over the years, but XDefiant takes it to a new level in some regards. I don't know if that will be addressed before official release or not, but at this point I feel like another truly competent Arcade style twitch shooter that isn't trying to be a battle royale or something coming around is just a pipe dream.


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anast3h ago

It doesn't matter, most likely the player count is low and the game will be a ghost town once the Twitch people farm it for content,


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Cacolaco21h ago

I am one of those players who are learning this. My k/d is probably 0.5 on there, and I think it’s absolutely great. I’d rather find ways to win against better players than to be coddled into thinking I’m good at something.

Kaii19h ago

Games that highlight deaths In objective type game modes are pretty thick tbh
The game hit registration & being hit behind cover & snipers having zero flinch for a game that was In a playable state 2yrs ago is pretty annoying.

Onto the subject, People get older> People's reaction times get worse. I grew up on GoW/Halo/MW2 - I think its fair to say between 2013-2020 we've had a fair amount of shooters since then & people have become more accustomed to'em.

SubtilizZer16h ago

I come from the GoW/Halo/MW2 days myself (hated call of duty back then) Lmao I be smacking people in this game. The weapons are really all over place though. If I had perfect hit reg and didn’t get shot behind cover my gawd… I’d get reported every match. Game is solid though…

I hate snipers. I just have to say it. It’s the most annoying way to die in these kinds of games. No flinch is crazy. It’s why I dislike cod over all.

Sciurus_vulgaris15h ago

When Halo 5 came out I could play at mid to high Diamond-level, six years later in Halo Infinite I struggle to maintain platinum level rank. I’m simply not quick enough to keep up. I can still main a KD average of 1.1 to 1.3 in Gears, Halo and COD, but don’t enjoy COD that much anymore due to it being super twitchy. Also how twitchy is XDefiant ?

P_Bomb15h ago

My kid plays it full twitch. But he rakes in the kills. So he’s whipping around his camera a lot.