
Baldur’s Gate 3 and Starfield buried us, Immortals of Aveum dev says

Immortals of Aveum may have been better received if it wasn’t drowned out by Starfield and Baldur’s Gate 3, according to the studio’s founder.

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CrimsonWing6994d ago

I mean, yea, better games bury sh*tty games... better luck tomorrow.

goldwyncq93d ago

Horizon and its sequel are good examples of being on the receiving end of that.

TripleAAARating93d ago

except "Horizon and its sequel" are exceptionally well made games, nice try wirh the surreptitious comment.

andy8593d ago

I mean Horizon 1 was one of the highest rated games of the year and has sold 25 million. Wouldn't really call it a sh*try game and buried.

isarai94d ago

You're game didn't stand out, interesting concept with the most generic execution.

-Foxtrot93d ago

Guys blaming everything but the actual game looking generic and being average

Lightning7793d ago

Yet didn't think twice to delay it? Who's fault is that?

Tacoboto93d ago

I'd wonder how the relationship with EA worked. EA did sacrifice Titanfall 2 in a similar way.

Horrible decision making regardless of what party decided it though.

Crows9093d ago

Srarfield barely buried anything...it buried itself but baldurs gate....yeah that buried everything

Barlos93d ago

Shhhh. You know comments like that will attract Obscure Observer like a fly is attracted to shit.

Actually now that I think about it that's quite an accurate analogy 😂

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DF Weekly: FSR 3 frame generation comes to consoles - and we've tested it

Proof of concept for a promising new technology.

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purple1014d ago

I did note that the Xbox frame-gen implementation is not perfect. There appear to be intermediate freezing issues when there's a camera cut during cinematics, but while a bit annoying, it does not intrude on gameplay (a quick look at PS5 doesn't see this issue manifest)

Xbox Can’t catch a break recently

Obscure_Observer4d ago

"I did note that the Xbox frame-gen implementation is not perfect."

Grasping at straws I see.

In the video John literally says that FSR 3´s implementation on Xbox Series X is far better than the PC version on release, and they are very impressed with the results. Especially considering that they didn´t even expect such performance to be possible achieved from 30fps. Not even AMD itself recommends 30fps for frame generation.

And... perfect? It´s not perfect even on PC to this day, so I´m no sure what you mean by that.

Maybe it´s perfect on PS5, I don´t know. It would be nice if you post the source of the analysis video of the PS5 version you saw to back up your claims.

"Xbox Can’t catch a break recently"

Don´t worry about the Xbox. There´ll be PLENTY of upcoming first party games to take advantage of FSR 3 in the coming months and years.

Indiana Jones, Avowed, Fable, Shattered Space (Starfield), Gears of War 6, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3 and many many more.

Also, I´m expecting a FSR 3 update for Hellblade II rather sooner than later.

Great times ahead.

purple1014d ago

"It would be nice if you post the source of the analysis video of the PS5 version you saw to back up your claims.'

no I just quoted from the very article we are commenting on, these were digital foundry's words, saying xbox isn't perfect, but on the ps5 version, it doesn't see the issue manifest.

Tacoboto2d ago

Console warring over a framerate pause during non-interactive content in a first-of-its-kind implementation in a game no one gave a crap about when it released 9-10 months ago.

Gotta love N4G.

PassNextquestion2d ago

I watched the DF video and they hadn't even tested the PS5 version yet. They tested the Xbox version is it was available first.

Maybe theres a different video..

StormSnooper2d ago

You see that top comment? “Game changer finally!”
That is an attempt to pretend that this is Xbox only and that it’s a new thing.

So I just hope you are aware of that when you put the blame on purple101.

Tacoboto2d ago


... That statement doesn't imply anything about Xbox exclusivity. It is a game changer - AMD's recommendation for frame gen is a 60fps base but this game is below that yet apparently feels great.

You thinking it's about Xbox does tells me that you're obsessing over Obscure (lots of people do here). I also don't blame purple... Or anyone. There's no blame, I'm remarking on the exchange.

Einhander19722d ago

"Don´t worry about the Xbox. There´ll be PLENTY of upcoming first party games to take advantage of FSR 3 in the coming months and years."

We're not worried about xbox, but you should be.

"Indiana Jones, Avowed, Fable, Shattered Space (Starfield), Gears of War 6, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3 and many many more."

They'll all run better on PlayStation 5 Pro.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
Einhander19722d ago

Frame gen isn't going to save xbox,

It's funny though WCCFL and DF both tried to say that frame gen wasn't going to work or was going to be slower than on xbox because it didn't have DX, I said it will just use the PlayStation equivalent feature.

I was right, and not only that it works better on PlayStation, just like FSR 2 does.


Eonjay2d ago

Its promising tech and what's even more funny is that it was DF that was saying it wouldn't work. If fact they were pretty emphatic about it. What's stupid about their claims is that consoles are just specialized PCs. Now imagine if they combine this with a different upscaler like TSR or the upcoming PSSR.

jznrpg2d ago

DF act like they know as much as the engineers that work on this software but they are not even close to as knowledgeable they only have tools that give them numbers and then they act like they are experts.

Luc202d ago

That's right and they're biased. I've stopped watching their analysis long ago.

dumahim2d ago

I'd think there's a chance PSSR and frame-gen could yield better upgrade performance for PS5 Pro than PS4 Pro did if this is how well it's going to be working on consoles. I'm curious about input latency though.

DustMan1d 23h ago

I know this a console thread. I just have to say is that AMD basically just gave Nvidia a giant FU. Being able to mod in frame generation on Nvidia cards is ridiculously easy, and basically just extended the life of many peoples 20 & 30 series cards that won't get native frame gen support from Nvidia for a couple years. The results have been ridiculous in all I've tested. Cyberpunk runs at high settings with full rtx and stays in the 90fps range. Starfield in the 100's in the populated areas, and Witcher 3 with full rtx runs incredibly well. Couldn't be freaking happier.


Baldur's Gate 3's Side Quest Design is its Secret Weapon

With a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a number of factors make it successful—but perhaps none are as powerful as its side quest design.

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Popsicle5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Article makes a great point and I agree with it but is spoiler heavy. It should be marked. If you haven’t played through the game be warned as it even spoils parts of act 3.

Dirty_Lemons5d ago

Thanks for this dude, I am very interested in playing when I have time and am trying to avoid spoilers.

dakarli1d 20h ago

This game rocks, everything is quality, and I love the cutscenes, which remind me of Dragon Age Origin.



Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Physical Deluxe Editions Delayed Due to Production Issues

While we were so hoping to not have to update owners of the console physical Deluxe Edition with any further news of delay, we’ve now run into more production issues which means that players who pre-ordered their PS5 North America copy that was expected to ship later this month, will now have to wait until July before they can get their hands on them.

shinoff21837d ago

Got that email like 2 weeks ago. Tbh I'm not tripping. I understand sht happens. I'm just glad they changed their minds on the physical release

Popsicle7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I with you. I got the email is well. Happy to eventually own a physical copy and glad it’s not digital only.