
Tekken 8 is a huge Unreal Engine 5 letdown, does not use Lumen & Nanite

Tekken 8 won't support Lumen, Nanite or Virtual Shadows Maps and its lighting has been severely downgraded since its announcement trailer.

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Sonic1881164d ago

UE5 has also been a letdown so far. Hopefully it gets better

isarai163d ago

Weirdly enough, the most visually appealing example I've seen so far is RoboCop. It's not the most polished game but it uses all the new tech to some capacity and overall tickles my tech junkie itch for the "next gen" experience this gen has been lacking.

Tacoboto162d ago

Have you gotten it yourself?
I'm hoping it'll be on the Steam Winter Sale when that starts up today.

isarai162d ago


Yup, it really reminds me of old school FPSs in a good way like BLACK and Half Life. It certainly has it's rough spots with some glitches and jank, but the destruction, physics, and feedback are really satisfying, and the story itself is a pretty damn good RoboCop story, like not Oscar worthy but definitely fits the series. And it's just a looker. One of my highlights of this year, just wish it had new game plus, I hope they add it later.

Cacabunga162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Which good looking game actually is using this engine?
They all are average at best

EvertonFC162d ago

I said at the start of the gen it's always a gen later when a engine takes off properly. We won't see anything amazing really this gen from UE5 maybe twds the last year or 2 of the gen.

XiNatsuDragnel163d ago

UE5 a new gen game being a letdown I'm not surprised.

-Gespenst-163d ago

I think we all knew that the initial trailer was too good to be true.

JEECE162d ago

Or at least it will take forever to get there. It's not like any early UE4 games matched that lava cave trailer.

Amplitude162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Jesus it looks gorgeous and it literally doesn't matter. Clickbait garbage headline based off two graphical features the developer opted out of in exchange for framerate. Graphical features that are largely completely irrelevant in a fighting game with a camera like this. What are you gonna do, mod in a freecam and fly over to the boat in the distance to analyze if there's pop-in or not on your flight? Break an environmental object to analyze whether or not the ambient occlusion looks natural in a closeup? These aren't features we need in fighting games any time soon. Keep the framerate, resolution and general visual fidelity up. In case it isn't obvious, UE5 has significate and countless benefits over UE4 beyond Lumen and Nanite (especially on PC) from both a user scenario and a development scenario.

I know i sound mean here but honestly if I made a purposely uneducated twitter bot specifically to whine about non-issues for attention and clicks, it would post the exact same content as every DSOGaming rant. It's all this site ever posts.

frostypants162d ago

DSOGaming only ever cares about graphics.

Huey_My_D_Long162d ago

Most on point and succinct rant I've seen on Here
Well done

LucasRuinedChildhood162d ago

Completely agree. DigitalFoundry even said that the game looks great and that the lack of these features for a fighting game prioritising response time makes sense.

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Mortal Kombat's Way Of Dealing With Rage Quitters Is Just What Tekken 8 Needs

Fahad from eXputer: "Bandai Namco has been banning excessive rage quitters in Tekken 8, but their solution doesn't punish those who don't rage quit as often."

Furesis41d ago

This "issue" has been blown way out of proportions. I have never seen someone rage quit on anyone that i've watched and i personally have maybe close to 200h in myself and this has never happened to me. Sure if they can make it like MK great but this is such a none issue imho.

slayereddy39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Your experience is nothing compared to the information they will have on disconnects, so if they say it is an issue you will accept that it is an issue that needs to be dealt with.

ReBurn40d ago

I'm ok with banning serial pluggers in ranked matches. But what I would like to see happen instead is to put people with higher than acceptable disconnect percentages into matches with other pluggers until they stop disconnecting. Let the pluggers play together in separate lobbies until they learn to lose gracefully.

slayereddy39d ago

As well as the measures they have implemented why can't they just seamlessly change the inputs from player to AI player so the player can continue the match and still recieve the match points.