
New State of Play arrives Thursday, featuring Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Tune in February 23 for exciting updates from our third-party partners, including PS VR2 reveals and an in-depth look at Suicide Squad.

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Nyxus466d ago

"Get ready for new looks at some anticipated games from our third-party partners"

Hopefully there will be something interesting there, because I don't care about Suicide Squad and I don't own PSVR. Keeping my expectations low for this one.

-Foxtrot466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

I cared about SS a little but with the focus on co-op and now the rumoured live service additions, my hype dropped. They had another team do Gotham Knights which seemed it was roughly the same thing and it failed

I hope we see something from their first party, even Factions or something.


Wasn't it confirmed that the live service "Battle Pass" thing was fake? I'm still very much looking forward to it.


Eonjay465d ago

Looks like SS squad, some indies, some Third parties and 5 new VR announcements. This is probably the big one so a safe bet is Half Life Alyx and possibly Twisted Metal.

chobit_A5HL3Y465d ago

i mean, it's the suicide squad... a squad lol it makes sense how it would focus on co-op.

RaidenBlack466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

I am a big fan of Rocksteady and was looking forward to Suicide Squad. Now I'll tune in just to make sure if the game's actually live service or not .... 🤞🏻

Third party PSVR2 reveal? .. * cough* HL:Alyx *cough *
Third party non-VR reveal? .. * cough* something Konami *cough * MGS ....

other than that it'll mostly be updates from FFXVI, RE4, SF6 ... maybe Pragmata?

purple101465d ago

if they get Alyx wouldnt that cannabalise their own steam and index sales.?? i want it to happen as it will break the internet. but 50/50 on it

porkChop465d ago

Yeah I doubt HL: Alyx is coming. If Valve won't launch it on Oculus why would they launch it on PSVR? Do Sony launch their first party VR games on PCVR?

Christopher466d ago

I'm really hoping for something from their first-party studios. Something other than Spider-man, preferably. We know that's coming.

Nyxus466d ago

Yeah I wouldn't count on it, otherwise they would have said so I assume. Hopefully they'll have another State of Play / Showcase for their upcoming first party games.

SullysCigar466d ago (Edited 466d ago )

They might show some Burning Sands, as that's due out soon. Other than that, I'd imagine they won't want to overshadow the PSVR2 launch, so I doubt we'll get much more during this State of Play.

The one after will probably be all about showing everyone else that they haven't lost focus on flat PS5 games

Christopher466d ago

***Yeah I wouldn't count on it, otherwise they would have said so I assume.***

I mean, that's how surprises work and I doubt they would mention it if they wanted it to be a surprise. They've done this before with game teases.

Nyxus466d ago

Yeah, sure, it's possibly. I'm just not counting on it.

Lightning77465d ago

I think Sony will hold off until there big PS show case.

The only thing that's possible is a The Last Of Us Factions announced then shadow dropped. I don't necessarily think that's what's gonna happen. It would be a unique surprise.

jznrpg465d ago

It’s possible they could announce a first party game of course but I highly doubt it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 465d ago
Lightning77466d ago

Suicide Squad marketing is similar to the Avengers. Show story elements with quick cuts of gameplay. Focus on the characters to make it seem like it's a strong story narrative.

When in reality it's nothing more than a 4 player grindfest with a story.

On paper it seemed like a good idea to add both elements of narrative and multiplayer. It's just doesn't work because the narrative is just a guise to get you to play the game and suck you into the microtransactions. While story is generic and shallow.

Damn I hope I'm wrong but time will tell.

Christopher465d ago

I'm thinking a bit more like Gotham Knights, which even in its state was better than Marvels' Avengers game, IMHO. It also had to grind for gear. SS feels a bit more like Borderlands than Marvel's Avengers, IMHO.

Hofstaderman465d ago

Initial leaks indicated a smaller State of Play with little to no surprises first. A few months later there will be a bigger State of Play with bombshell reveals according to the same source.

TheTony316465d ago

MGS remake or FF9 remake would be great

Babadook7465d ago

“I don't care about Suicide Squad and I don't own PSVR”

Strongly agree with the first part.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 465d ago
Neonridr466d ago

I wonder what other titles we might see? I'm sure everyone is hoping that Valve is a Sony "partner", lol.

Obscure_Observer466d ago

"I'm sure everyone is hoping that Valve is a Sony "partner", lol."


Everyone wants to know if the rumored Half Life: Alyx is really coming for the PSVR2 this year.

Neonridr466d ago

I would definitely give it another playthrough!

Tacoboto466d ago

Has anything actually been rumored about Alyx on PSVR2? I'm fine with hopes and wishes eventually manifesting this port but if there are legit rumors of it, I'd gladly start clinging to those.

Eonjay466d ago


Valve themselves hinted at it some time ago.

SierraGuy465d ago

They'd make a hell of a lot of more money putting it on psvr vs oculus

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 465d ago
PureBlood466d ago

Yes please!

This is bonkers, they just confirmed 10 more launch titles for PSVR2 and on Thursday they're going to announce 5 more titles in the pipeline - I don't think we have to worry about choice of games!

MIDGETonSTILTS17465d ago

Yeah, and for me having a multiplayer like Pavlov covers my bases for awhile.

SierraGuy465d ago

According to orchard there are no release titles remember?

isarai466d ago

Not expecting much based on their wording, but we really need to start seeing new 1st party announcements soon

466d ago
VersusDMC466d ago

Stellar Blade, Horizon DLC, Spider Man 2 and FFXVI are day 1 buys for me. So any other announcements for 2023 will just be icing on the cake.

There is no NEED to start seeing new announcements. Especially when we have a good list of 2024 games as well with Silent Hill 2 remake, Wolverine, FF7Rebirth, Death Stranding 2 and Rise of the ronin.

isarai465d ago

I mean you've only list one 1st party game sooooo...🤷‍♂️

Im just saying, sony has SEVERAL 1st party studios due for a new announcement. And now that they have dropped PS4 to focus on PS5 i want to see what they have in store

VersusDMC465d ago

Exclusive games are coming out. Who cares if they aren't first party? Pulling out that goal post to make it seem like they have no games coming out is a common transparent tactic here...

And the only first party that hasn't released anything recently is Bend.
Let the rest take their time and show it when it's ready. Specially when they have a healthy amount of games announced and releasing in the next 2 years.

isarai465d ago

I care if they're first party. I dont like exclusives just cause they are exclusives. I like the edge it can give a titles quality and production level when they can focus on only one machine, and 1st party games are the epitome of that. That's the reason 1st party games have always been head and shoulders above anything else in the industry in nearly every aspect. There's less lost to abstraction, allowing them to get closer to the metal, and squeeze things out of the system that genuinely surprise people and set a new standard.

VersusDMC465d ago

FFXVI, FF7Rebirth, SH2Remake and Stellar blade are PS5 only so they are pretty much doing what first party games are doing by focusing on one system.

And the usual standard setters just released games recently(HorizonFW,Last of Us part 1 and GOW Ragnarok) so lets give them some time to make next gen only games. And no way is the BIG game that you want getting revealed at a State of Play. Those are Showcase or gameawards reveals.

isarai465d ago

Exclusive is not the same as 1st party, they will not have access to Sonys in house technologies and networks like ICE Team, yes they could hav an edge, didnt say they wouldnt, i said 1st party have more of an edge. Also there's far more than 3 studios under Sonys belt, i wasnt even referring to those so dont know why you felt the need to bring them up. Sony Bend, Sucker Punch, Asobi Studio, Naughty Dog (they were not the primary devs on tlou pt1), all have not released a game in about 3yrs, not to mention other studios like sony london, Savage Games studios, Bluepoint Games, Haven Studio.

And yeah... that exactly what my 1st comment is suggesting, learn to read.

Obscure_Observer465d ago (Edited 465d ago )


"There is no NEED to start seeing new announcements. Especially when we have a good list of 2024 games as well with Silent Hill 2 remake, Wolverine, FF7Rebirth, Death Stranding 2 and Rise of the ronin."

You´re making sh!t up. There´s no official release windows for Silent Hill 2 Remake, Wolverine or Death Stranding 2. That´s YOU assuming Playstation has 2024 packed when it´s far from the truth.

Sony hasn´t announced a single AAA first party game since 2021, so yeah, it´s past time to announce new first party games for the PS5.

VersusDMC465d ago


The fact that you care about what savage games studio(a PC porting team) is doing lover 3rd party exclusives like FFXVI means you don't know how to read and nothing you write should be read.

@ observer

Ronin has a 2024 date. Death stranding and Silent hill 2 are running in engine as you can see in their trailers so it will not take more than 2 years to finish. Especially since death stranding took 3 years to make. I will give you that wolverine is probably a 2025 game...but then again Insomniac is a fast studio.

Obscure_Observer465d ago (Edited 465d ago )


"Ronin has a 2024 date. Death stranding and Silent hill 2 are running in engine as you can see in their trailers so it will not take more than 2 years to finish. Especially since death stranding took 3 years to make. I will give you that wolverine is probably a 2025 game...but then again Insomniac is a fast studio."

I didn´t mentioned Ronin, did I?

I was talking about the lies you´re spreading here about Wolverine, Death Stranding and Silent Hill 2 Remake which you failed to provide official sources to back up your claims, so, your hunch is good as of those so called "insiders".

It´s really pathetic that you had to resort to false information and misdirection to try and cover up for Sony´s mess regarding their silence and absence from new first party announcements since 2021.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 465d ago
Stanjara465d ago

True, I'm here waiting for anything new PS5 related, meanwhile Sony anoucing a 100 psvr2 games?

Wtf, and seeing some of the trailers...
Vr2 haven't moved much...simple 3d, pistol in a flying hand games.

I was at least expected 2-3 HL Alex type production... Idk.

Whatever, I'm not excited for this State of VR show at all.

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Here's A First Look At Mr Freeze In Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

An image featuring a first look at the character of Mr Freeze in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has emerged online.

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Psychonaut857d ago

I’m sure the 42 people still playing are super stoked for this. Better take the day off so you can grind for 4 hours just to use the character. Let me guess, he’s got his own Elseworld and there’s fucking icicles everywhere. /s

SoloGamer13d ago

can they just FREEZE this game?? 🙄


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is Probably Finished

Disappointing sales performance, mixed reviews, and player counts in the hundreds paint a grim future for the looter shooter.

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Phoenix769d ago

The game was DOA before it even released.

Juancho518d ago

Im surprised it lasted this long.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Players Lose Hope For Season 2 After Update

The remaining few players of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are losing hope for the game’s future after a disappointing update for Episode 2.

P_Bomb11d ago

“…significant issues like the extensive amount of time needed to unlock Joker as a playable character were ignored.”

Which in turn makes the game easier to ignore. Not a great season.

SoloGamer111d ago

all 150 players lose hope 😂

Redgrave11d ago

Who still held hope after release?

CobraKai11d ago

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Player Loses Hope For Season 2 After Update. *fixed*