
UPDATE: Pre-order Horizon Forbidden West now: Collector’s and Digital Deluxe Editions detailed

PS Blog: "Thursday was to be a celebration of Horizon Forbidden West and the amazing team at Guerrilla working to deliver it on February 18, 2022. However, it’s abundantly clear that the offerings we confirmed in our pre-order kickoff missed the mark.

Last year we made a commitment to deliver free upgrades for our cross-gen launch titles, which included Horizon Forbidden West. While the pandemic’s profound impact pushed Forbidden West out of the launch window we initially envisioned, we will stand by our offer: Players who purchase Horizon Forbidden West on PlayStation 4 will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version for free."

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thorstein1000d ago

Well, that didn't take long. Nice job sticking to your word.

LucasRuinedChildhood1000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

It's good that we know that there will be a simple €10/$10 upgrade fee for their other cross gen games going forward (GOW2, GT7).

What I don't fully understand is this: "Players who purchase Horizon Forbidden West on PlayStation 4 will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version for free."

There's officially a €10 difference in the price between the PS4 and PS5 versions, so ... can we all just buy the PS4 version, get a free upgrade and save a tenner?

thorstein1000d ago

I assume (so I could and probably am wrong) that goes for digital only.

VersusDMC1000d ago

That sounds like that's what they will have to do. They already had the ps4 version for preorder at 60. They can't expect there to not be another backlash if they increase it to 70.

Gaming4Life19811000d ago

I think you have to actually buy the game on ps4 for it to work. I recently sold my ps4 pro cause I didn't use it and I think if I bought the ps4 version on ps5, the free upgrade will not work.

arkard1000d ago

Yes, you can buy the ps4 version, stick it in your Ps5 and it will play. You might have to check the data install. And make sure you re playing the Ps5 version and not the ps4 but you will get the Ps5 version.

1000d ago
EvertonFC1000d ago

I guess? A bit odd that 🙄

gravedigger1000d ago


Copper has nothing to do with production increase. They already mentioned production increase before heatsink design. It is normal through console lifespan to do a revision where they can. Original heatsink was an overkill in design. This one smaller is more effective

Zjet999d ago

of course you can, always find it amusing how American pricing is so strict though, in my country PS5 games regularly sell for $40-$50 USD instead (and we have tax included because we aren't psychos)

for me I still buy the PS5 version regardless as I want it for media preservation.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
CS71000d ago

Kudos for the change. Good job Sony.

This is why we should voice our concerns and not blindly agree to everything.

(Let’s hope the nickle and dime decision makers who made the first call aren’t making other similar decisions)

Aussiesummer1000d ago

Well we are agreeing to it for future titles, we've agreed to there about "we believe in generations" crap too.

gamer7804999d ago

They are that’s why all other games will cost 10$ to upgrade.

CaptainHenry9161000d ago

When the Sony fans and install base speak up they'll listen.

SullysCigar1000d ago

Refreshing isn't it? If you don't take their crap, they won't give it. Sony fans won't take this kind of nonsense!

DaCajun1000d ago

First I didn't down vote you and I would love to agree with you but I don't unfortunately. All I've seen the past few days were sony fanboys defending the previous price decision and chastising anyone who did not support Sony's decision.

Thinking it might have been the xbot trolls that inadvertently helped out us on the Sony side even though they probably didn't mean to when they were just trying to jump on anything Sony negative, lol.

itsmebryan999d ago

Did you miss all the people defending Sony for charging extra for an upgrade they said would be free?

IRetrouk999d ago

Funny that, cause on twitter I seen plenty of sony fans calling them out, any of you want links?

CaptainHenry916999d ago


Fair enough. BTW I don't care about upvotes or downvotes

999d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
Aussiesummer1000d ago

It's a piss poor job actually, having to be forced to change your greed because of a backlash from disgusted customers.

badz1491000d ago

so...you'd prefer they remain as scumbag and thickheaded like Nintendo?

IRetrouk999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Yet when MS done it, your response was much different.... and only warranted one comment in the whole thread, and it wasn't even to do with the actual reversal.....can't think of why that would be🤔...🤦‍♂️


darthv721000d ago

Feels kind of weird seeing sony being the one to do 180 on things with new platform. Last gen it was MS doing all the backtracking 180 stuff when xbo released.

crazyCoconuts1000d ago

MS backtracked on their Gold pricing change beginning of the year. Good to see both companies being responsive to feedback. It's a sign they're concerned about competition.

Chevalier1000d ago

Yeah Sony is as quick to respond as you were to forget that whole Xbox Gold doubling price right?! 😆 🤣

porkChop1000d ago

That's fantastic news. It's still shitty that they tried it in the first place, but at least they've listened.

gamer7804999d ago

First step accomplished, next step getting rid of the 10$ up charge to goto the os5 version on other games

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
Silly gameAr1000d ago

Let's see if this gets as much attention as the "anti consumer" version did.

But, I am glad Sony listened and acted.

1000d ago Replies(2)
derek1000d ago

Sorry Elemental but your wrong. You know what's worse then this latest nontroversy it's people like you with your phony outrage. I venture to say that the majority of the most vocal clowns hyperventilating over this issue didn't give a crap about horizon or playstation. Elemental let's be real most of the people b**ching and moaning were the same xbox freaks who try this with every bit of even slightly negative Sony news. I to didn't think it was a big deal as I own a ps5, but thought since they made the commitment they shouldn't go back on their word.

Gamer751000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

And it's people like you who let companies get away with ripping off their fanbase because you think that the bad things that they do isn't a big deal

Tacoboto1000d ago

Xbox freaks bitching about Sony choices saved PS4 players up to $70 repurchasing a game they already bought.

If you're gonna be that much of a twat at least have the courage to not self-censor your own fowl mouth with what else you spew out.

derek1000d ago

Gamer75 if you think this a big deal, than you obviously must live a very charmed existence. It's not a big deal at all.

derek1000d ago

Grow up Taco, don't waste your time talking tough with me. Lol. Saved ps4 gamers 70$? You must consider yourself a hero. Lol

KillBill1000d ago

So you are claiming that it was the "xbox freaks" that forced Sony to change their marketing on this game? lol

Gamer751000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

Yeah such a charmed existence that I work 16 hrs a day 7 days a week despite the pandemic

derek999d ago

Gamer75 then you should certainly agree that none of this is objectively important or worth getting worked up over.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
SonyPS360999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

You think they deserve praise for NOT being pricks?

Actually that isn't even correct. They tried to be pricks but realised they couldn't get away with it.

I will never understand the simple-mindedness of brand loyalty. It's like you people WANT to be suckered out of your money.

999d ago
Gazondaily1000d ago

Lol Sony this gen is like Xbox last gen. This is a good u-turn. Well done true gamers for speaking out and not defending this nonsense.

generic-user-name1000d ago

They've already released 3 quality PS5-only titles, so they are nothing like Xbox last gen with that alone.

Don't forget Xbox kept F2P titles behind a paywall for the whole generation, under Phil's watch, only recently fixing that, but media were very VERY quiet about it and Phil is continually portrayed as a white knight.

Aloymetal1000d ago

Some fanatics hate the facts, look at your downvotes. And yeah, how dare you to mention lord Phil aka ''The Messiah''...

Darkborn1000d ago

Phil has been with Xbox for years before he became head and he was a top honcho for a while. He was involved in a lot of the Xbox one fiasco, sure he didn't do all of it himself, but he still agreed to a lot of it. He's only recently trying to look good to make Xbox look good.

Aloymetal1000d ago

Exactly!. Some always seem to forget (on purpose) that Phil Spencer was GM of Microsoft Game Studios starting in 2008, became the VP in 2009. He was in charge of their games.

Petebloodyonion1000d ago

Quick question how many threads in N4g or Xbox support group, reddit started by Xbox user mad about not being able to play Free to play games that you even get on mobile?
How many ppl ripped their shirts about the need to pay 20$ for the physical Fortnite disc that you still need to download half the game from the Internet and play online?
Man do you see thousand of ppl screaming at Sony because they removed the browser from PlayStation?
The same applied to Netflix Does it suck that it was behind a paywall? of course It does and it's stupid but did someone really complained when TV, phones, tablets, Blu-ray, Apple Tv, etc are bundled with Netflix?

Now again let's be clear I still found this a stupid move from MS just like it's stupid move from Sony to have Cloud saving behind a paywall but it's far major issue that makes ppl go on a uproar a company website.

Now if you want to talk about the why do we need to pay for online gaming in 2021 when MS and Sony don't provide server to publishers, makes tons of money from Microtransaction and digitals store etc.
Then yes Now you do have a case (that I will gladly defend with you).

mike32UK1000d ago

Never owned an XBox, had every single playstation at launch including PSP, Vita and VR. What they were planning prior to this u turn was pure money grabbing and I didn't support it whatsoever. This was likely Jim Ryan's doing, he really needs taking down a peg or two

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1000d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1000d ago (Edited 1000d ago )

They have made some big anti-consumer mistakes (attempting to shut down the PS3 PS Store was another one), but on the other hand, they are pumping out great games just like on the PS4 which didn't happen on the XB1, so it's a bit different.

MS have made less mistakes, but they did have to reverse a crazy plan to try charge $120 for XBL Live Gold (they're going to try increase prices again at some stage).

What people should learn is that if we voice our complaints both Sony and MS will often cave and do better for the consumer. Fanboys don't need to make excuses.

4U2NV1000d ago

MS has made less mistakes?...🤣🤣 🤣

Needing Gold for services such as netflix etc
Kinect - that was just a mistake altogether which leads to the next point-
Removing Kinect LOL
Tv Sports Tv Sports
Weaker console - higher price.
Releasing a next gen console with no games for it.
Oh man the list of MS mistakes made I could go on and on LMAO

LucasRuinedChildhood1000d ago


I was only talking about mistakes (anti-consumer moves) so far this generation because the OP compared this gen to last gen.

Flakegriffin1000d ago

Except Xbox never “listened” to their fans last generation and didn’t start “listening” until recently.

derek1000d ago

Sorry Flake but Microsoft are listening and have been listening. There fanbase refused to pay for their crummy games last gen so now Microsoft is giving them away for free this gen. Lol

Petebloodyonion1000d ago

MS never listended last gen?
Lets see
Remove DRM when it wasn't possible
Remove Kinect when it wasn't possible
Started to focus on gaming division instead everything except gaming
Started to really care about PC player (that's me)
Brought backward compatibility when it wasn't possible
Bought several studios.

Now If MS underperformed last gen is basically because they made one the worst launch in history and believed that consumers thrust was won. A fun fact that this gen it's all about Xbox has no games when Sony sold PS4 with barely real exclusives except remasters but Sony was pro consumers while MS was bashed for several crappy move.

Now good news is that Sony is quick to turn around and fix this and do have a great track record and console.
But never forget thrust is won 1 single drop at the time while you can lost the whole jar in a flash.

derek1000d ago

@gazondaily yeah like xbox last gen accept with a system people actually want with games people will pay for. Lol

1000d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box1000d ago

Yet you spent all of last gen defending MS lol

Aussiesummer1000d ago

We're defending it though....for future games, also defending g the bullshit statement that was "we believe in generations"

IRetrouk999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

How was it bullshit? Did sony release cross gen and next gen only games? Yes,
Is that two generations they are supporting? Yes.
Wheres the bullshit?

dbcoops1000d ago

What U-turn? Sony didn't get the chance to even clarify the upgrade option before IGN jumped to assumptions so they could write their little hate article. This is a classic case of someone else creating a problem that never existed so they can advertise for xbox, gain click revenue and rile up the usual's in the process.

IRetrouk999d ago

To be fair sony did state there was no upgrade option at all for standard and special editions, to get access to both version's you had to buy one of the more expensive editions like ea etc are doing with their games now, they were clear, people didn't like it, complained and sony listened.

anast999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Nice. I like your style.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
isarai1000d ago

Demand better, get better

Aussiesummer1000d ago

They slipped up and got called out but slammed back with a this is the last time this will be happening be thankful message.

dbcoops1000d ago

Or just wait for actual confirmation from Sony instead of grabbing your pitchforks anytime IGN writes a Sony hate article. We should be demanding better of IGN.

KillBill1000d ago

Wow... way to change the story to suit your own version of what went down. Sony admitted in their reply that they were wrong in this situation.

dbcoops999d ago


I'm not changing anything, I'm stating facts as apposed to mindlessly riding the IGN fodder train with you.

"Last year we made a commitment to deliver free upgrades for our cross-gen launch titles, which included Horizon Forbidden West."

"we will stand by our offer:"

Clearly some people are trying to change the story but I'm not one of them.

Go ahead post they exact quote from Sony where they said they were wrong in this situation, I'll wait.

Doge999d ago

"Thursday was to be a celebration of Horizon Forbidden West and the amazing team at Guerrilla working to deliver it on February 18, 2022. However, it’s abundantly clear that the offerings we confirmed in our pre-order kickoff missed the mark."

An update (by Jim Ryan) posted two days after the original blog post indicating that they failed to achieve the results intended in the original post, and how they are correcting it with a past commitment. You can continue blaming IGN if you want though or say stuff like how Sony "planned this all along" (which would make the situation worse since that would come off as a desperate marketing tactic).

Take it how you will~

dbcoops999d ago


If it was a past commitment they made as you stated how am I wrong saying it was previously planned? You can continue using this whole thing as an excuse to slam Sony but I think its been made clear to everyone's satisfaction hopefully, so everyone can move on with their lives now.

Doge999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

I never said you were right or wrong. All I did was give you the quote that you asked for, gave my 2 cents, and asked you to take it how you will.

But don't expect me to reply to you further because I really do not care for whatever insinuation you wanna throw at me, and instead I'll continue playing the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV which has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime. Cheers~

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 999d ago
ocelot071000d ago

I bet you this won't get as much coverage at the sonys horizon upgrade path sucks one.

derek1000d ago

Nope you're right, the outrage mob will be on to the next phony outrage.

999d ago
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5 PlayStation Exclusive Games That Look Better Than Hellblade 2

The Nerd Stash: "Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has some of the best graphics on Xbox, but there are PlayStation games that look even better."

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PrinceOfAnger7d ago

Lol some sony fans now disagreeing with DF !?
They said :
Hellblade 2 is a defining moment in the evolution of real-time graphics".

(The Next Level in Real-Time Visuals)

Takes advantage of everything UE5 offers
- Final game 'lives up to the lofty expectations' of the 2019 reveal
- Character rendering sets new standards and nearly resembles movie sequences with actual actors
- Leverages Unreal's Meta Human 5 to bypass the uncanny valley feel
- DF were left guessing whether some cut-scenes were in-game or real life footage (photo mode shows they're all real time)


Right now nothing on PS looks better than HB2.

PrinceOfAnger7d ago

5 PlayStation Exclusive Games" also on PC..
so what Exclusive? No one here confesses and accepted the word "Console exclusive". they were making jokes about it!

PrinceOfAnger7d ago


Sony fans were making jokes first about the word " Console exclusive" here and on other sites.
Now they use the word by themselves.

P_Bomb7d ago

I write console exclusive all the time. I use it in Xbox’s favor too. Those are the games I generally go after over there.

MrDead7d ago

Now I understand who these articles are written for.

Just buy and support the game so MS doesn't shut down Ninja Theory.

S2Killinit6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You cant really talk when xbox has all its games released elsewhere. Not a good look.

Cacabunga6d ago

HB2 on PS5 will look better than HB2..
And even with that i won’t buy it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
PrinceOfAnger7d ago

This article says Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima has better graphics than Hellblade 2 i'm done! 🤣

VenomUK6d ago

Of course! But that doesn't make it invalid.

I haven't been playing too much recently except a bit of Dave the Diver (retro pixel art). But if this has the best graphics then I definitely want to see so will download it for my XSX and start the game. If I had more time I'd play through the first one first.

S2Killinit6d ago

DF can talk from its arse all it wants. I’m sure they are spending their advertising money wisely.

DivineHand1255d ago

I was under the impression Microsoft didn't have any marketing for this game. I also don't need to be paid to say Hellblade 2 is the most photo realistic game on consoles ever made.

Nacho_Z6d ago

People are free to disagree with DF, it's debatable how impartial they are.

The article is a bit of a stretch though. Hellblade has an open goal graphically because it's using the latest tech on small areas with crap framerate so the fidelity is through the roof. It's not impressive to me personally but it's an achievement that shouldn't be denied.

S2Killinit6d ago

Yes. But then a picture can be extremely beautiful but you cant really play it. Hellblade must be beautiful but it has low frames, and its pretty much on rails so it does not really impress me personally.

Information Minister6d ago

I've been subscribed to DF's YouTube channel since before their videos were even narrated and I tell you no debate is necessary about how impartial they are.

DF has clearly had some level of proximity with Microsoft since the launch of the Xbox One X. They haven't exactly tried to hide either. Their coverage/damage control for Starfield was quite blatant.

So yes, people on all camps are free to disagree with DF's opinions.

That aside, this particular article is complete flamebait.

neutralgamer19926d ago (Edited 6d ago )

what good are graphics when rest of the game is a walking sim (coming from a pc fan) if it's only about graphics than any game can push the boundary but that's without much gameplay

to me gears of war 5 is more impressive because it had the graphics and gameplay to back it up, just like uncharted 2 back in the day. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is also up there.

SGT_Squirrel6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I don't understand people. Both the PS5 and Xbox one X are great machines. I own both and could care less which system has a game that is marginally better looking than the other. Yes, Hellblade 2 is the best-looking console game right now, but it isn't a huge leap over what the PS5 has. Since I am not tied to one company's console, I see things differently I guess.

Abear215d ago

Agreed, plus traditionally all PS exclusives are third person action and everything on Xbox is usually FPS.

Let’s talk gameplay people, you know, that thing that actually matters? I remember Gamepro would rate “Fun Factor” in their reviews—is the game actually fun to play?!

If this was the judging method, and not resolution and “bespoke tech” that digital foundry wants you to be obsessed with, than Dave the Diver is my GOTY so far (ps5)

itsmebryan6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Grasping at straws to make a positive Playstation story. Too bad they can't talk about AAA first party games. Because "PS5 has NO GAMES!!!" Why can't people just be honest. HB2 looks amazing.

Abear215d ago

Woah there little fella, you are way lost in what is no longer reality, hope you left bread crumbs

Sonic18816d ago

Horizon is West definition looks better than Hellblade 2

VariantAEC4d ago

This comment doesn't even make sense and I agree with it.

purple1015d ago

Digital foundry recently said ps5 ports are holding back Xbox

You can’t really take them as gospel anymore

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4d ago
darthv727d ago

Okay, I've played all of those, and they looked good for their time. This game just takes realism to a whole other level. some would even say uncanny valley-esq at times.

Maybe that's why people are having a hard time with this game... its almost too real and makes them uneasy about it.

Bathyj6d ago

I doubt that's it. The game has woorde problems than that.

darksky6d ago

The game is a walking simulator with tech demo graphics. Nothing special at all.

Flewid6384d ago

Next gen graphics are always special, even when the game is bad.

rlow17d ago

lol, really???? The title sounds so desperate. Those games are excellent but not in the same league.

ravens526d ago

..."not in the same league graphics wise*" Fixed it so you don't sound too crazy. Also not sure its in "another league" but I haven't seen it in person so 🤷🏽 idk.

ravens526d ago

All of those games on that list are literally objectively BETTER GAMES than Hellblade 2.

S2Killinit6d ago

I would say those games are on a much higher level because Hellblade is a game made to look great but its not on par when it comes to how it is linear with small playing areas and low frames. Anyone can do that, but is it a good game? No.

JackBNimble5d ago

If this is an argument, then yeah , this is desperation. Why do you sonyboys even care? The market always dictates, besides last I checked (as a ps5 owner) sony exclusives are few and far between, at least anything worth playing that is. And if I can play it on ps4 I'm not too then I'm not calling it exclusive.

Chevalier5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

You make it sound like Xbox has so much more games than Playstation, but, they have far fewer. Playstation has far more better 3rd party exclusives filling the gap too.

Chirping about Playstation when Xbox gets a game ever like 3 years worth talking about is idiotic. Would take the most recent FF, Gran Blue Relink and Stellar Blade over Xbox poor offerings any day of the week. Death Stranding 2 and Silent Hill look more interesting than HB2.

JackBNimble5d ago

No, that's not what I'm saying. The point is this is such a petty non argument yet you sonyboys just take the bait and bitch regardless. Xbox is dying but you gotta keep claiming how great your corporate brand is.

Must be another zero news week

Chevalier5d ago

Then why feed the fire then? Lol. Hellblade 2 is barely a game. The 1st one we literally had a ton of Xbox fans call it a walking simulator when it was timed exclusive to Playstation. Now people are reiterating similar sentiments about the 2nd game when it's much of the same with minimal 'gameplay' and Xbox fans are offended.

Ironically the very same idiots chirping said that all Playstation games were just 'cinematic' experiences as a slight and now we got guys like you with the oh whoa is me like it wasn't expected?! Lol. Seriously idiotic

MrDead7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

...now I remember why I hate gaming media, it's because 99.9% are like this article.

purple1016d ago

yeh, probably gonna have to wait for 'Death Stranding 2: On the beach', to get better environments and facial animation than this.

Yusi-D-Jordan5d ago

I honestly think Uncharted 4 was more visually impressive than Hellblade 2

purple1015d ago

Yeh there was a lot going on in uncharted
A lot of moving parts
Jumping from planes
You could say it was the more accomplished game. Hellblade looks like god of war, but without the sick fighting,

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Horizon Forbidden West Optimized for Low-End PC: NVIDIA RTX 4060/AMD RX 6600

We’ve already posted the optimization guide for Horizon Forbidden West, including one specifically for GeForce RTX 4060 laptop GPUs. This article will specifically target low-end PCs costing $600-$700 to build with entry-level components such as the Radeon RX 6600 and the Core i5-12400F.

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Horizon Forbidden West Optimized Settings for RTX 4060 Laptop GPU

Horizon Forbidden West is one of the more optimized PC ports to launch of late. We tested Forbidden West on one of the most popular mobile GPUs to find a balance between quality and performance.

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