
Report: First Call of Duty 2021 Images Leak Out

It seems the first Call of Duty 2021 images have leaked! While there's something Call of Duty 2021 related happening on August 19 as well.

autobotdan1025d ago

I didn't know there was going to be another one

quenomamen1025d ago

Theres always another COD game.

dbcoops1025d ago

lol, right? Rather we wanted it or not.

coolfool1025d ago

This is definitely sarcasm.

zachyBROosevelt1025d ago

I’ve always said there needs to be a sarcasm key or something on a keyboard because it’s always hard to convey through writing or text

thorstein1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

@boyyzackk Currently sarcasm is either indicated by "/s" "/sarcasm" or bY aLtErNaTiNg EvErY oThEr LeTtEr As A cApItAl (aka Mocking Spongebob). There are generators that let you type in your comment and then sarcasm them up.

LordoftheCritics1025d ago

Hope this one has a call center map called Caller Duty

autobotdan1025d ago

There hasn't been a new Call of Duty game in over 10 years. It's long overdue for another one. I dont know why there isn't a new Call of Duty game every year

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1025d ago
Mikeyy1025d ago

I hope sledgehammer tries harder this time, because COD WWII wasn't very good. Dice may be bringing the heat this year if they don't want to get embarrassed again.

MasterChief36241025d ago

I really liked WWII, but Advanced Warfare was really their peak so far. I hope for a vision closer to that one, but I also understand that a lot of people got tired of the hyper traversal mechanics in Call of Duty. But man, that game really got its hooks in me, for some reason. Blops II was my original favorite, but AW exceeded it.

KyRo1025d ago

The reason COD has been in a state after MW is because if SHs cockup. They've had to scrape together another WW2 shooter the same way Treyarch had to rush out a game last year. SH COD title was that busted Activision pulled the plug on it.

Role on next year for MW2

senorfartcushion1024d ago

Making rivalries between game companies is dumb,

moomoo3191025d ago

You can be dissapointed and also not buy it lol

Abear211025d ago

Halo and Battlefield are going to body COD so hard this year, a few months from release and the first info we get has to leak, not a great sign

Profchaos1025d ago (Edited 1025d ago )

Black ops cold war didn't get it's first info drop until closer to launch and some like crazy.

It's cod doesn't matter what you or anyone here thinks about it and despite how hard you want it to flip it will sell millions in Xmas sales alone. It's been going on for years everyone wants to jump up and down and claim franchise fatigue and Activision is just making the next guitar hero a popular franchise and over saturating.it yet it's been dropping yearly since 2007 and making billions.

Halo and bf are just not as big in terms of franchise popularity

Hikoran1025d ago

Has someone sent a memo to all devs to say we want loads of 4 player co op PVE games?

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Activision: We Do “Like Our Position a Lot” When It Comes to Call of Duty 2021 and Its Competition

Activision president says we "like our position a lot" in regards to Call of Duty 2021's competition due out this holiday.

seanpitt231032d ago

Soon they will say this is the best cod they have ever made like they do every year haha

NeoGamer2321030d ago

The best two CoD games were the original Cod Modern Warfare and CoD Black Ops. The others have built on those or not met those.

DaniMacYo1032d ago

Haha okay Activision....Okay

SpeedDemon1032d ago

Like it or not, they're probably right and will outsell the competition as they do with every COD game

excaliburps1032d ago

You never know though. BF2042 and Halo Infinite are heavy guns. If one of those click, and COD sucks ass, then you can see the tides turning. Nothing lasts forever.

SlothLordPootus1032d ago

@excaliburps We thought that 10 years ago with the release of Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 2.5, and Call of Duty has continued its reign since.

Halo usually does good numbers, but doesn't seem to have the legs of other FPS games.

In all likelihood the battlefield franchise has probably shrank in audience. The hardcore players are likely playing even more hardcore games (Tarkov, Rust, Siege). I have seen many complain about the lack of realism in BF 2042. The more casual players will stick to COD, which offers warzone and multiplayer, leaving a shrinking audience to play Battlefield.

DragonWarrior191032d ago

I don't actually believe it exists this year but I don't really care because I haven't bought Call of Duty in over ten years because it's terrible and now with their recent skeletons coming out of the closet I hope nobody does.

Smok911032d ago

After witnessing people’s response to Epstein’s accomplices and they’re roles in government and business I don’t think people will care much about Activisions revelations.

DragonWarrior191031d ago

Well they are just going to have to deal with being compliant with sexual assault. Just like the people still supporting and buying games made by studios owned by Tenccent even though we know they are from and in line with the communist government of China and the people who support them support communism.

TheEnigma3131032d ago

They probably don't even have a name for it smh. They will just release something garbage that will sell a lot.

Father__Merrin1032d ago

COD is so popular even if you don't like it you can sell it easy there's no doubt they have a guarantee of hitting number 1 spot because of how big it is.

I'm holding off from Vanguard for now though

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Activision: Next Call of Duty "Really Robust Game at Launch;" "Seamless" for Current and Next-Gen

During today’s financial conference call for investors and analysts, Activision Blizzard executives talked about the next Call of Duty game

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Jin_Sakai1034d ago

Another cross gen CoD game. How exciting. Can’t be any worse than Cold War I guess.

ActualWhiteMan1033d ago

Cold War is Cold Garbage. I'm sure this years will suck too. Not buying at launch...

Jin_Sakai1033d ago (Edited 1033d ago )

“Cold War is Cold Garbage. I'm sure this years will suck too. Not buying at launch...”

Agreed. They can keep their $70 150GB garbage. BF6 and Halo Infinite is where it’s at this year. Halo Infinite MP being F2P is also great and should bring in more players.

JEECE1033d ago

Lol COD and sports games are about the only situations where cross gen makes sense. People always say "but the install base!" when anyone complains about cross gen, but in the case of more hardcore games, the install base numbers between new and old consoles don't matter much because the hardcore who actually buy games are the ones who move to the new consoles (this was exemplified by Hitman 3 on PS5 doubling the PS4 version's sales in the UK). However, the casuals who buy COD and Fifa are the ones who aren't upgrading, so it actually does make sense to keep those on the old machines (unlike something like God of War, which is going to sell the vast majority of its copies on PS5).

masterfox1034d ago

Robust game?, oh man I hope is not 300 GB this time lol.

Muigi1033d ago

That’s exactly what that means lol.

LucasRuinedChildhood1033d ago

It probably just means that it has the same amount of maps and other content at launch as old COD games, or not quite as much. lol.

GoodGuy091034d ago

Will have to wait for mw sequel next year sadly. I do enjoy sledgehammer campaigns though.

ActualWhiteMan1033d ago

Yep, likely going to be another year playing MW 2019 for me until the sequel drops.

XxSPIDEYxX1033d ago

Do they realize it's almost September? There's no name, there's no CG trailer, there's no gameplay. Just talk to prevent investors from worrying.

Hellcat20201033d ago

They obviously waited till the BF trailer dropped so they can try and make last minute changes

Jin_Sakai1033d ago

“Do they realize it's almost September? There's no name, there's no CG trailer, there's no gameplay. Just talk to prevent investors from worrying.”

The game is a mess just like Cold War. That’s why they supposedly have every studio working on the game.

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Report: Call of Duty 2021 Alpha Codenamed “Slipstream” Appears on PSN and Battle.Net

The Call of Duty 2021 alpha, codenamed "Slipstream" has reportedly surfaced on both the PlayStation Network and Battle.net as devs test out the game.

b3l0kk1065d ago (Edited 1065d ago )

COD with time travel?

excaliburps1065d ago

Eh? Supposed to be WW2 again.

John_McClane1065d ago

I'll be too busy with Battlefield to care.


Battlefield LOLOL good one. Halo Infinite will kill them both.

John_McClane1064d ago

I'll be playing Halo Infinite too.

BioShockGX1064d ago

Halo feels old even though it's not out yet

Sunny123451064d ago

Yeah thats what history tells us, Halo killing COD and BF. LOL, cod and bf caters to a much larger audience than halo does. Though for me it will be BF>Halo>Cod.

Teflon021065d ago

Forgot about a new CoD being a thing this year. Focused on Battlefield lol