
We are Grounded - Xbox Insider Demo - Generation Xbox

Obsidian’s new survival IP, Grounded, is finally here. As one of the lucky Xbox Insiders who get access to the 30 minute demo, here are my thoughts.

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yarbie10001440d ago

Sony ends the gen with TLOU2 & Ghosts.....Xbox gives us Bleeding Edge & Grounded. Sums up the generation pretty well

1440d ago
The_Hooligan1440d ago

And they might also announce other first party games they we don't know yet in their July event.

Hakuoro1440d ago

All i need is halo gears and forza!

Elda1440d ago

XBO will have one AAA console exclusive this year & that's Halo Infinite if it's not push back. Sony has been dropping some AAA exclusives this year so far,hopefully next-gen XB follows suit.

Imortus_san1440d ago

Sony droped one AAA this, and the other one was in 2018.

RamRod881440d ago

Oh yes, because those are the only 1st party games MS has this year 🙄

1440d ago
timotim1440d ago

Why are you bringing up Sony in an article that has nothing to do with them??? But since you brought them up...that would be just as silly as me saying Sony is starting off next generation with Astrobot, Sackboy, Bugsnacks...a game where you play as a strawberry, and dating sim where you play as dinosaurs 😄. Lets cut the silliness shall we...

knickstr1440d ago

Hard to say that since Xbox is deciding to extend this generation by at least 2 years by making everything available for this gen even after the series X comes out.

amazingmax71440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Going to get alot of flak for this, but next gen games won't show much of a difference within the first 2 years of its life.

Pretty much most games within the first 2 years can run easily on the current gen systems (Ps4, XB1), only difference is the resolution, graphics (reflections, textures, aa etc) are pushed more, game is a lot smoother due to having better specs, and load faster due to having an ssd, that's pretty much it.

Those who think this isn't the case are just delusional, otherwise you wouldn't be able to run newer games on an old PC (like 15 - 20 years old) only difference is that you just lower the graphical quality to suit your needs/fps/rig.

knickstr1440d ago

I think the new ratchet and clank game already disproves that point. That game wouldn't be possible to run on the PS4. It's more than just graphics.

King_Noctis1440d ago

Halo Infinite? Hellblade 2? Age of Empire 4? Project Mara?

Software_Lover1440d ago

Can’t win for losing with some of you.

Ausbo1440d ago (Edited 1440d ago )

Pretty convenient if you to leave off ori on your list. But then again, N4g seems to have a selective memory when it comes to Xbox titles

conanlifts1440d ago

They also have Minecraft dungeons, wasteland 3, Ori and gears tactics. Its not their worst year by far. Plus any upcoming series X launch games will work on Xbox One.

PyroMessiah861440d ago

The ignorance here is astounding. So you've never played Grounded and here you are slagging it and bringing in PS into the conversation.

Fanboys everywhere. I'd advice going to play it before jumping to conclusions. I'm on Insider and played the 30 demo this weekend. It's fantastic. Very creative, people will try to spin it as A Bugs Life but it's more survival and done better than it ever has been done as a game before. That and works great considering it's currently in Alpha.

Really it has the potential to be a Minecraft sized hit. Game Preview is in July. Full release 2021 or so. I had a bunch of fun with it and looking forward to the Game Preview personally.

1440d ago Replies(1)
Ristul1440d ago

Have fun with that woke shit, it will be interesting to see the next Nougthy Dog game. Maybe a trans simulator?

Spicyram1440d ago

Amazing how a game with a 'Crap story' (especially considering the game relies on said story) can be the fastest selling game in playstation's history hahahaha! At least you tried.

Ristul1440d ago

Spicyram: justin bieber sells a lot, doesnt mean its good. 😂😂😂

1440d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1440d ago
timotim1440d ago

"This introduction to what this game offers has me excited. This demo was also only singleplayer so I can’t wait to see what I can pull off with friends. For such a small world, this game has a big future."

Sounds good to me! I'm hearing similar things from gamers on social media. Obsidian gone be a problem next-gen!

RamRod881440d ago

I can see this game become a hit with the right support.

PyroMessiah861440d ago

It's amazing and only in Alpha at the moment. Had a tonne of fun with my 30mins. Don't let the fanboy who hasn't even touched it tell you different 👍

Elwenil1440d ago

I don't know. I tried the demo on Steam, and while it was cool for 30 minutes at a time, the world seems a little barren. Maybe I am just used to "bigger" (pun intended) survival games like Ark, but Grounded seemed a little light on things to build and why you would want to. Maybe I just needed more time, but so far I am not putting this one on my wishlist.

PyroMessiah861439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

@Elwenil Tbf it is Alpha and only 30 mins. You don't get to unlock many crafting things yet for a reason I imagine.

I guess craft to survive on SP and MP will be different too. Let's see how it goes

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1439d ago
The_Hooligan1440d ago

Plus this game being on Game Pass will only give more players a chance to play. A small development team needs that kind of recognition. Can't wait to see what the big team at Obsidian will be making.


Literally everybody gets the demo on Steam

i3eyond the Circle1440d ago

A farewell to the smaller projects Microsoft didn’t interfere or have cancelled due to acquisitions.

I for one loved the demo.. the mystery as to why your shrunk not being answered and the quest to figure out why actually makes the world interesting.

Obsidian did this with 10-15 people...
Guys we are getting 100+ team projects from them one day... hell maybe even a Ninja Theory Obsidian crossover RPG.

Exciting times for the future of Xbox/PC

bamillington1439d ago

It's not demo bad will download full game


Grounded PS5 Review - Buggy, In a Good Way | COGconnected

Grounded is a survival and crafting game about kids that find themselves in a miniature backyard world, originally on PC/Xbox and now on PS5

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anast33d ago

Never read an article that begins with "fan boys", it's a waste of time.


Grounded comes to PS5 and Switch - but performance is a problem

DF investigates Grounded on PS5 and Switch - how does the game compare to the original Xbox release? And how does cross-play work?

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gold_drake38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

360 to 720 p

what did they do lol even on the ps5 its horrendous looking

Palitera33d ago

Long story short: shouldn't be bought on PS5. Screw these guys.


Grounded (Nintendo Switch) Review - CGMagazine

Obsidian Entertainment’s Grounded is a unique survival game that shrinks down to fit on the Switch, but is it a worthy experiment?

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