
The PS5 and Its Accessories Shine In Plenty of Official Images From Sony

Following the PS5 – The Future of gaming reveal event, Sony released a press kit with plenty of official images of its upcoming PS5 console.

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CaptainHenry9161450d ago

I just hope they have them in black or grey in the future

darthv721450d ago

Oh they will have other colors / themes available later on. They know there is a market for variants. Maybe they will even let you design your own controller.

bouzebbal1450d ago

idea of designing your controller is stupid, tbh..
i was a bit sceptical into white console, but not that there is glossy black in it and the futuristic look i'm all in for a white model.
...it's same colors as PSVR.

1450d ago
morganfell1450d ago


Glad I am not the only one that was on that. I posted it earlier because it should seem obvious to most but the similarity has been missed by quite a few. Love the color scheme.

Abriael1450d ago

All I know is that I can't unsee a white whale. 😂

RazzerRedux1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

Huh? The console is white and black. Like a killer whale...maybe? I'm lost.

Unspoken1450d ago Show
Abriael1450d ago

RazzerRedux: looks like moby dick to me, white whale.

Advocate901450d ago

Moby Dick is a fictional (SPERM WHALE) who is the main antagonist in Herman Melville's 1851 novel... 🤔 White whales and sperm whales are not only two totally different species of whale but also they are different in color. LMFAO know what your talking about before trying to "diss". Thank you 😁

Abriael1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

@Advocate90: diss?

I can't care the less about the looks of a console. I look at my screen while I play games. This could be a literal sperm-shaped piece of plastic and I'd still buy it.

I simply found it funny, just like I found funny seeing a black fridge into the Xbox Series X.

Army_of_Darkness1450d ago

Whatever it looks like, it's the most stylish looking console I've ever seen! And I'm loving it!

Sprucegoose771449d ago

Your mom walked in front of the TV while you were watching the reveal? That's sweet of her to visit you in the basement!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1449d ago
Sayai jin1450d ago

I like the design and really like the headphones, but not crazy about the white.

Prubar1450d ago

Funny I find this console to busy and the series x to simplified. Love the controller and accessories though.

bouzebbal1450d ago

as i wrote above, i was a bit afraid it would be a square white box.. but it has some PSVR feel in it and that's okay.
it actually looks beast horizontally. looks somewhat different… i like that

cell9891450d ago

I mean look at PS4. How many different color options for the controllers there are, and then there’s the theme based consoles. Plus there will probably be a pro and a slim down the line too.

CaptainHenry9161450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

I would like a black PS5 down the line.

The_Sage1450d ago

I'm with you Captain... I think it's a beautiful design, but all of my electronics, as well as my entertainment centers are black. I wish I could attach a pic.

Tross1450d ago

I might be a little too fond of black. Well, if white is all that's available for pre-order I guess I'll have to make due.

dumahim1450d ago

Agreed. I mean, I'm not going to not buy a console because of its looks, but I really don't like white electronics for the shelf.

Wrex3691450d ago

Black and black or black and blue or nothing lmao

1450d ago
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NeoGamer2321450d ago

The interesting part was the deafening silence on PSVR.

Hopefully it will have its own event.

darthv721450d ago

have no fear, the new camera should be a sign of good things to come for PSVR.

tontontam01450d ago

resident evil VIII feels like it will still support VR mode.

Dfooster1450d ago

Hopefully psvr 2 doesn't need a camera as it's all inside the headset

tontontam01450d ago

"Hopefully psvr 2 doesn't need a camera as it's all inside the headset."

I'm hoping that we can use the current psvr on ps5.

crazyCoconuts1450d ago

a couple of those games look like they were designed for VR. we may have to wait a year but i think it'll come.
i thought it was interesting that they released an upgraded camera as opposed to just supporting the existing 720p camera for existing PSVR sets. I wonder what their plan is there - will a camera still be needed for PSVR2?

morganfell1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

It isn't deafening silence. Sony already stated they did not wish to discuss the PSVR 2 until after the PS5 was launched. They acknowledged they are working on it and the current PSVR is compatible with the PS5 but anything of note will wait until later.

From Sony's Dominic Mallinson, "“There’s no reason for us to coincide it with a new console,” he explained. “From the point of view of the consumer, to be bombarded with many many things — oh, you have to buy this, you have to buy that — is a message that we don’t want to send. In some ways, it’s good to have a little breathing space between those things.”

That was from his talk at Collision where he discussed PSVR2 improvements such as resolution, field of view and even eye-tracking.

ApocalypseShadow1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

He's just reading into nothing Morgan. Sony schooled gamers today on how to present some games and a console.

Now, you see people picking through looking for something to hang onto.

Why would Sony talk about VR when, as they said and you said, would be a later topic.

It's like Sony speaks. But none of these people listen. Cerny spoke during GDC. But people didn't listen. It's like, "what's the point of language?" "What's the point of having ears?" Lol

But when you look at the hardware and accessories, they all match PSVR in color and futuristic possibilities.

morganfell1450d ago


I know and I know his post history. What I wrote wasn't for his benefit. There have been about 4 or 5 such posters on the forums tonight, obviously having issues caused by the show...while the rest of the gaming community is absolutely and rightfully stunned.

Hakuoro1450d ago


Seriously, they are throwing crap at the wall all over the site trying to see what will stick.

NeoGamer2321450d ago

I felt Sony did really good today. And I didn't see PSVR as an accessory. Did not know they said they weren't going to talk about it anytime soon.

There is nothing wrong with any post I have made on the PS5 show. They were just what I thought. In one post I rated the event 8/10. Another one, I cannot wait for GT, so you can't really say I am "having issues" or "I know his post history". That is a bunch of stupid BS. I compliment and take shots at both MS and Sony all the time on forums if you look through my history. I didn't see PSVR and even said hopefully, it will have its own event.

The only thing I really didn't like and it is a gripe I have with every console vendor... Is that very few of the games had solid delivery dates. I have learned from game cancellations, games not living up to expectations, and games that have literally taken many years after the first announce (The Agent, Last Guardian, Fable Legends, Scalebound, The Order, Duke Nukem Forever, Crackdwn 3, etc, etc.) to see through every console vendor's hype. XB's showcase was bad at that, and so was Sony's. No ship dates for over 3/4 of the games shown by both of them. To me that is sad. It is just marketing hype to get you to buy the console as quick as possible simply to play Spider-man, Playroom, and a few other launch games (I feel these games will be fine, but is it worth shelling out $399 or $499 just to play them this year when next year the console may be $100 cheaper and have a deeper catalogue?).

I did also talk about the two editions. and there was nothing wrong with the post, just facing reality for the cost of the new console. And it will probably be the same for XSX. I don't see these consoles as cheap ones and that is also going to play into my purchasing decision.

I have no problems with people being excited after the show and I am happy that when I pick up a PS5 and XSX they should both be piling up games. But, frankly, I am not sure that there is a reason to buy either console on day one this year. There is hype, and then there is the reality of what they are delivering and the value it has, so far neither Sony or MS has given me a reason that I need to buy the console day one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1450d ago
Gaming4Life19811450d ago

I'm positive they are not abandoning psvr, probably didn't want to overwhelm people with to much hardware.

dumahim1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

I think it was said a long time ago they would come out with a new VR a while after the launch.
Also, current VR hardware still works on PS5.

Clover9041450d ago

PSVR is going to be a match made in heaven with PS5's super-fast ssd. Cannot wait. Perfhaps PSVR2 will release alongside Resident Evil VIII :)

yeahokwhatever1450d ago

the super powerful sound processing + vr is going to be great.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1450d ago

LOL they were never going to announce PS VR 2 at a PS5 reveal, it will come later and have it's own thuing.

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Atticus_finch1450d ago

I can't lie. I was acting the same way during the entire reveal.

Muzikguy1450d ago

"A THREE!" 😂😂

This reveal was great. I really hope to hear a price in the not too distant future

Relientk771450d ago

I watched this last night, good video. Love Angry Joe

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DragonWarrior191450d ago

So glad they finally showed it laying on it's side. I know vertical is for flashy marketing but ever since the 360/ps3...even PS2 encouraged vertical standing it has always looked awful and scratched discs to hell. Don't know how many times at gamestop I would lecture people to stop doing that when they brought back their games with that horrible circle scratch.

DrDeath1450d ago

Vertical is fine. You just couldn't move the early PlayStations while they were turned on spinning a disc.

DragonWarrior191450d ago

True but I am sure you certainly know the amount of idiots that do anyway.

blackblades1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

I wonder how strong the edge are, looks like it can be broken off. Not feeling the drive being at the bottom but if it help keeps the system cool and quite then I'm fine with it but I do prefer the digital looks though. Also makes we wnna flash forward to the slim design.

MecheSlays1450d ago

Yeah, im not vibing with that hump for the BluRay Drive. Digital just looks symmetrical and much better to me.

dumahim1450d ago

Maybe if you drop it off of a shelf or really smack it with something, but at that point I'd be worried about other parts than just some plastic on the edges.

yeahokwhatever1450d ago

i wouldnt hold my breath for a slim. not saying it wont ever happen, but the chipset is already 7nm. its going to be quite the task to get a super cutting edge set smaller than it is. I remember cerny talking early on about the custom cooling solution and how the system is designed to run fast without getting overly noisy or anything. (it wont sound like a harrier like the ps4 pro does when playing Dreams, for example).

yeahokwhatever1450d ago

nothing is just going to break off, but cleaning it is going to be a chore with the textured flaps. lol

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