
It Sure Is Interesting To Rewatch That 'Fallout 76' Todd Howard E3 Reveal Now

Paul Tassi: "Fallout 76 has arrived not just as a middling title in a storied franchise, but as possibly the worst-reviewed major release of the year. Of the last few years, in fact. Time to take a look back to how this started."

-Foxtrot2018d ago

He's such a lying b******

I remember watching the E3 show and just shaking my head at everything he was saying because I knew online in a Fallout game made by partly them would be a disaster. I was also annoyed how many people cheered him on like he was so trust worthy.

Anyone see the stuff he said about Oblivion during an E3 show before it came out, most of the stuff he mentioned was never in the game.

UCForce2018d ago

This me feel annoying. Seriously, people need to stop praising Todd like a god.

salmonade2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

He is a laughing stock now. He has blown his last chance

Godmars2902018d ago

Such is true of many devs and studios. Especially studios that lost founding devs and are little more than a name.

But no, until cock-up like this, it seldom happens. Is as soon forgotten by the next project.

Ragthorn2017d ago

This is the last time I will be excited for a Bethesda game. Toddrolling Howard is great at presenting a dream and making people fall for it. In fact, when I was younger, I placed him as my favourite game creator (I mean in the likes of Miyamoto and such) because I loved Oblivion and Fallout 3. But the way he pitches these games always end up under delivering for me. I know some people like Fallout 76 and I honestly do not have an issue with that, but it's just the fact that the promise is never delivered I feel and the games are ALWAYS buggy and riddled with issues not related to gameplay per se. Even if you like absolutely everything, you can't admire that "Bethesda charm" or jank and the online environment experience is proving this point. I even like the premise of an online Fallout game because it has potential, but at least I feel that this title is lacking in its delivery.

letsa_go2017d ago

Out of curiosity, what did you intend to say with your first sentence? I keep rereading it, trying to make sense of it. haha

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2017d ago
UltraNova2018d ago

Dont worry they just got bitch slapped for their arrogance amd shortcomings like there's no tomorrow. F76 is a massive failure, something that has been made very clear to them. Lets hope they... calibrate their future plans.

Realms2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

Well we will see because apparently both the new Elder Scrolls and Starfield will be using the same out dated game engine used on Fallout 4. Bethesda has fallen off as a developer they are a solid publisher but their games are starting to show how badly the industry has left them behind.

AdonisIsBeast2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

I would like to point out that going through Fallout with a friend should be an option for every future entry moving forward - even just one friend in co-op fashion.

However I will agree that 76 fails miserably in many regards and the execution was poor at best and I would not recommend this particular title by Bethesda.

-Foxtrot2018d ago

No online

No multiplayer

Not even co op

They can’t do extra shit during development when they can’t even get a single player right

People should leave it at that. Want to play an RPG with a friend? Find another franchise, plenty out there.

Nacho_Z2017d ago

Don't know why people are so against the idea, for me the perfect Fallout or Elder Scrolls would be a game designed for a single player but with the option to have co-op players drop in to fight alongside you.

Forget PVP unless it's a bespoke arena mode and just let people play with their friends if they wish to do so. If not then it's the same game but solo. What's not to like?

2018d ago
2018d ago Replies(3)
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fluxmulder2018d ago

There are 2 scenarios. Either Bethesda genuinely thought that FO76 was good enough to ship, or they knew it was crap but decided to ship it anyways. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and go with #1. I think they've been lulled into thinking that they can do no wrong, that their fans will buy anything, no matter how buggy it is. Well that kind of thinking has backfired on them spectacularly.

ziggurcat2018d ago

I think they just got lulled into believing that an online Fallout game was worth making. I know people have asked for MP for a while, but I think it was more asking for a DiDo co-op option people were asking for, not this abomination.

porkChop2018d ago

Yeah, co-op was really what people were asking for. I would have been fine with them just adding coop to Fallout 4 instead.

KillZallthebeast2018d ago

Or zenimax forced them. Todd and a few other bethesda devs weren't even in the credits until a patch

KnightNumber862018d ago

Wasn't it Skyrim on PS3 that they shipped "knowing" there were issues that made the game unplayable? This wouldn't be the first time.

fluxmulder2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

@KillZallthebeast I doubt Zenimax were pointing a gun to their heads. They seemed pretty damn confident about the game during pre-release (E3 presentation, No Clip documentary). I think they really thought it was a good game.. by their standards at least.

@HylianHero Bethesda likes to ship games that are "good enough", and let modders fix the rest. Their fans let it slide because they like the games. It seems like FO76 was the breaking point though. There isn't good enough of a game to look past the bugs, and fans can't fix the bugs themselves because it's an online game

Lilrizky2017d ago

with mock reviews, QA testing, betas Bethesda knew 100%

my assumption is because they wanted to put out a game this year outside wolfenstein switch.

if fallout 76 didnt exist theres almost 2 full years between wolfenstein 2 on ps4 vs rage 2

MoshA2017d ago

You dummies keep talking about bugs. As if that is the main problem with this bland garbage insulting action game. Worse than Fallout 4 & Skyrim.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2017d ago
2pacalypsenow2018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

"Bethesda, who once famously denied Obsidian bonuses because Fallout: New Vegas was one point below an 85."

"Pikachu Face"

Sirk7x2018d ago

NV sure aged a hell of alot better than 3 did.

Strange_Evil2018d ago

Bathesda is quickly joining my list of worst publishers out there. We crucified Bioware cause they f'ed up Mass Effect but Fallout has always gotten a free pass with every single launch. Game breaking bugs with shitty ass graphics from the last gen era with clunky watered down RPG mechanics. FO4 story also sucked compared to 3 and NV.

These guys are stuck in the last gen. All the hype for the new Elder Scroll game has died down for me as soon as I came to know it is using the same engine. Expect a buggy glitchy last gen experience again with it.

fiveby92018d ago

I think Bethesda Game Studios could use new creative leadership. They take no risks and are producing some really lackluster products. Other studios have surpassed them and about to lap them. It's sad to see BGS fail so fard but perhaps with failure comes a new beginning.

Strange_Evil2018d ago

@fiveby9... I really hope this is the kick in the nuts they needed. I really hope they go and overhaul their entire engine (or even throw it out of the window and start new). I really hope the sales sends a message that people don't need a multi-player Fallout game without a story. I really hope they understand their core strength is story telling with good RPG mechanics and amazing world creation which cannot be achieved with their old ass graphics from the PS2 days.

But something tells me they won't give a shit and we'll see the same dance with the next ES6. The only message they understand is sales and gullible folks will keep on buying this turd fueling them more.

Armaggedon2017d ago

This game was a risk. Multiplayer game from Bethesda remember.

Realms2017d ago (Edited 2017d ago )

I don't think they care otherwise they would have started working on a new game engine for the next gen games but according from the horses mouth Peter Hines that isn't happening so any hype I had for Starfield is gone. I feel bad for Elder Scrolls fans since they will wait for years only to get more of the same.

sagapo2017d ago

In Bioware’s defence: it was a whole other team making MEA then the ME trilogy. If the upcomming Anthem sucks as well, I’ll lose my faith in Bioware too.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2017d ago
wheatley2018d ago

And what were some of reviewers' grievances with NV? The glitches in the game's engine made by Bethesda...

1-pwnsause-12018d ago (Edited 2018d ago )

Glad Microsoft brought them out, I can see obsidian make a dope AAA title without Bethesda.

Those guys are pretty talented and underrated, exactly the type of companies that Microsoft should be buying

JesusBuiltmyHotrod2017d ago

Only an idiot would praise the purchase of multiplat studios.

1-pwnsause-12017d ago

ask that to telltale games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2017d ago
AK912018d ago

I called it as soon as it was announced he can’t even make a functional offline game how on earth was he supposed to be make a working online one?

Silly gameAr2018d ago

Honestly, I'm just glad I didn't fall into the Bethesda hype back in the Fallout 3 days.

BlackTar1872018d ago

You missed out fallout 3 was awesome but fallout new Vegas was much better which was made by obsidian.

Fallout 4 was pretty lackluster but fallout atmosphere and lore are amazing things.

Silly gameAr2018d ago

Honestly I tried to get into Fallout 3, but I guess it just wasn't for me, and I didn't get it. The last game I bought by Bethesda was Skyrim on the 360. Couldn't get into that either. I just didn't like the games that they made. I like the games that they publish, though.

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I have an advice. Go outside more.

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You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

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Save your time and play something else...


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