
Kingdom Come: Deliverance | Review - SquareXO

SquareXO Writes: Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a game which flew well under my radar. Coming from a lesser known developer in Warhorse Studios, which Kickstarted the title back in 2014 and was funded to the tune of £1.1 million. It’s a title I, most likely at the time, thought would be underwhelming at best. Oh, how wrong I was.

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opinionated2288d ago

I bought it day1 and played a couple hours. I didn’t run into anything gamebreaking but I decided to wait a few months anyways. I’ll start over with the patches.

starchild2288d ago

Agreed. It's a great game that happens to be somewhat rough technically speaking.

wotta2288d ago

I never encountered any bugs really. It’s a great game.

Maybe the patches released so far have made it better.

opinionated2287d ago (Edited 2287d ago )

Yup. I ran into that with Witcher 3. It wasn’t a bad game by any means but the changes they made throughout the patches made the game 100 times better. I was already a 100 hours in when this stuff started rolling out and I was like “damn I wish I had that in my playthrough” lol.

2288d ago

Kingdom Come Deliverance is just $4 on PS5 following reveal of KCD2

If you’re hyped for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, then you can play the first entry of the RPG series on PS4 and PS5 now for a very low price.

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Just Bought it Thank you after checking reviews alot people enjoyed it Worth Picking up for that Price.

Spenok43d ago

I already own the physical copy on PS4, and even bought it on Steam for my Steamdeck... but I went ahead and bought this as well. Because, why not?

Aussiesummer42d ago

If you just like wasting money sure.

Spenok41d ago

It's not wasting money, it's me supporting the developer, in hopes it helps them in the long run to continue making amazing games.

This one was certainly not a needed purchase. As for the Steam copy, I wanted to be able to take the game on the go, and it was on a good deal besides.

thesoftware73042d ago

Yeah, good price, saw this yesterday on SX as well

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Review: Playing Kingdom Come Deliverance on Switch isn’t as bad as you think - Entertainium

Kingdom Come Deliverance is yet another Switch miracle, but you should temper your expectations before diving in.

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The historical ARPG "Kingdom Come: Deliverance” is now available for the Nintendo Switch

"The Höfen-based (Austria) video games publisher PLAION and Prague-based (czech republic) indie games developer Warhorse Studios, are today very happy to announce that their critically acclaimed historical ARPG "Kingdom Come: Deliverance", is now available for the Nintendo Switch." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

just_looken77d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Like i thought it can get into the 10's of fps but pushes to 30fps

TGG_overlord77d ago

Oh dear me :S I'm sorry to hear it -_-

just_looken77d ago

Yeah in one way they must have done alot of work to get this unoptimized trash fire to work on the switch the other hand was it worth it? in that video the series s is kicking its ass.