
Kingdom Come Deliverance Review - Not As Good As Everyone Says It Is? | Sirus Gaming

Jarren: Kingdom Come Deliverance should not have been released the way that it was. It simply needed more time in development because it’s a bit annoying hearing Warhorse bashfully asking us to be patient because they’re fixing the known issues as we speak.

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Strangeface2294d ago (Edited 2294d ago )

For a review to be this badly written in 2018 is unacceptable.

Deeeeznuuuts2294d ago

Just finished reading it and you weren't wrong, you'd think people would go over what they've just put and make the adjustments, shoddy reviewer

HollowKnight2294d ago

It's like they ditched everything that made The Witcher 3 and Skyrim great for a bland medieval setting.

mkis0072294d ago

Here's an idea...not all games have to be the same...someone could make something that is niche and appeals to a certain set of people....there's another 2 series that did that...soulsbourne.

The combat makes you feel amazing when you master it.

TheSaint2293d ago

The combat is the one thing that is putting me off, it looks janky. I know sometimes you have to try it to truly know but does it feel janky at first until you master it?

Uglyday2293d ago

@the saint You could maybe call it jank but it misses the point of the game systems and becoming the main character Henry. Your character has had one sword fighting lesson and you in his shoes take the second. You can see how the combat should work and how it could be good but you actually need to learn to sword fight. You look at who you are fighting get a read on their posture and get ready to block and/or attack directionally to succeed. You don’t just pick up the biggest sharpest sword you can find and jam on the attack button till the adversary is down you actually have to think about swordplay. Later on if you have heavy armor you can just rush in on guys and stun them with your metal shell then hack them up if they aren’t wearing the same armor. So ya, no jank, no bullet/hackhackhack sponges either.

smolinsk2294d ago (Edited 2294d ago )

The Witcher and especially Skyrim is lacking everything that is making Kingdome come great and every real RPG games need

Hungryalpaca2292d ago

And those would be? Because the story and dialogue is fantastic, which was the highlight of Witcher 3. The combat is challenging and rewarding unlike the swing until your arms fall off Skyrim. The world is detailed, rich, accurate and beautiful unlike Skyrim. Armor does something unlike both games where it just adds more health.

How uninformed are you? The only thing wrong with the game is the bugs and save system.

Not enough combat? There’s plenty. Go hunting bandits or Cumans. There’s plenty on the map. Plus. Combat isn’t the point of the game. It’s to live the life of Henry. Which millions are finding fantastic because it’s also a history lesson.

Skyrim was bland as hell dude. Oblivion was FAR superior. Nothing in Skyrim looks good. Nothing in Skyrim feels good. It’s just big with fetch quests and a bland poorly acted story. The game plays itself.

mkis0072292d ago (Edited 2292d ago )

I want an Oblivion remaster so damn bad :( Maybe they will surprise us with an Oblivion 2 or something.

Mr-Dude2294d ago

Everybody praises Bethesda when they bring out a new game, then it is buggy as hell and nobody cares. The same with other games from bigger dev and publishers. But a indie dev?

Burn it to the ground and nitpick about everything

Dark_Knightmare22294d ago

I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm so tired of a new bethseda title releasing buggy as hell and having people say "oh it's a bethseda title it's part of the charm". I mean when the hell is it "charming" for a game to be super buggy especially one that has bland characters and a crap storyline with barely passable gameplay. Oh wait I forgot I can pick up a toaster and drop it on the other side of the map and it will stay there I guess that is enough to give a buggy game a pass.

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Kingdom Come Deliverance is just $4 on PS5 following reveal of KCD2

If you’re hyped for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, then you can play the first entry of the RPG series on PS4 and PS5 now for a very low price.

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Just Bought it Thank you after checking reviews alot people enjoyed it Worth Picking up for that Price.

Spenok43d ago

I already own the physical copy on PS4, and even bought it on Steam for my Steamdeck... but I went ahead and bought this as well. Because, why not?

Aussiesummer42d ago

If you just like wasting money sure.

Spenok41d ago

It's not wasting money, it's me supporting the developer, in hopes it helps them in the long run to continue making amazing games.

This one was certainly not a needed purchase. As for the Steam copy, I wanted to be able to take the game on the go, and it was on a good deal besides.

thesoftware73042d ago

Yeah, good price, saw this yesterday on SX as well

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Review: Playing Kingdom Come Deliverance on Switch isn’t as bad as you think - Entertainium

Kingdom Come Deliverance is yet another Switch miracle, but you should temper your expectations before diving in.

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The historical ARPG "Kingdom Come: Deliverance” is now available for the Nintendo Switch

"The Höfen-based (Austria) video games publisher PLAION and Prague-based (czech republic) indie games developer Warhorse Studios, are today very happy to announce that their critically acclaimed historical ARPG "Kingdom Come: Deliverance", is now available for the Nintendo Switch." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

just_looken77d ago (Edited 77d ago )

Like i thought it can get into the 10's of fps but pushes to 30fps

TGG_overlord77d ago

Oh dear me :S I'm sorry to hear it -_-

just_looken77d ago

Yeah in one way they must have done alot of work to get this unoptimized trash fire to work on the switch the other hand was it worth it? in that video the series s is kicking its ass.