
My mother's mental illness was a tragedy, not a video game narrative device

*Spoilers in story*

My father passed away when I was 9 years old, leaving me with my mother as my only caretaker. I had noticed even as a young child that mom seemed to be a “little off” sometimes, but it wasn’t until shortly after my dad died that she began showing symptoms of schizophrenia in earnest. I had to become a grown-up a lot faster than I should have — and when she had a particularly severe psychotic episode, it became my responsibility to keep her safe.

KwietStorm_BLM2482d ago

Funny how fictional stories work huh.

Leeroyw2481d ago

I've never seen such unanimous agreement here before.
Let's get offended and tell people how offended we are cause we were offended by the offensiveness of it all.

Eiyuuou2481d ago

I'm offended by this statement.

Abash2481d ago

If the writer believes that Hellblade is about his mother's mental illness, then he has inherited that mental illness. Writing that out even sounds harsh to me, but it is just not normal to somehow take ownership of mental illness simply because someone close to you has had it.

nveenio2481d ago

Complaining about this game's narrative is the equivalent of complaining about Call of Duty's narrative. Yes. War is bad. So it mental illness. But that doesn't mean we can't create ways for people to understand and relate to these issues. In fact, it improves education on these topics. Playing this game will not desensitize the majority of players to mental illness.

SmielmaN2481d ago Show
Eonjay2481d ago

Do some research. They wanted to present a story and did they research to make sure it was authentic to the issue in order to be respectful.

PurpHerbison2481d ago

It is called recreational outrage. Some new hobby kids are getting into.

morganfell2480d ago

"If the writer believes that Hellblade is about his mother's mental illness..."


Shin-Zantetsuken2480d ago

I think the writer is unaware that the game is a work of fiction, Senua is not modeled after his mother and the game is not based on her life and struggles...

Storm Shadow NF2480d ago

The guy who wrote this article is an absolute idiot. It's a game !!! I'm beginning to think everyone is a snowflake nowadays. Grow some balls or go cry in a corner.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2480d ago
2481d ago Replies(1)
lelo2play2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

Tried Hellblade for an hour or so, and didn't like it one bit. Nice graphics but lacking in gameplay. Story was weird and boring.

Game is not for me.

KwietStorm_BLM2480d ago

Ok? Why are you telling me this?

Scatpants2480d ago

Yeah I kind of felt like they didn't really have much gameplay wise so they tried to make it about the writing. Always feels like a lazy/low budget cop-out to me.

Goldby2480d ago

Playing an hour and saying story was weird.

How about you hold reservations until after you finish the story.

That would be like saying the Bible is about 2 people in a garden. Doesn't sound very religious.

lelo2play2480d ago (Edited 2480d ago )


So, if you have a plate full of crap, do you have to eat the entire plate to know it's crap?
Isn't the fist spoon tasting enough to know it's crap?

This goes for any game. If it's not interesting to me in the first hour or two, I'm not going to force myself into playing the rest of the game.

TricksterArrow2480d ago

Hmm... A game is not a dish. Terrible comparison. Maybe compare it to a movie.

rainslacker2480d ago

Good to know.

Would you like to say something on topic or should I just flag your comment?

Goldby2479d ago


Tell me something about your comparison.

Do the meals get better the more you eat, or just stay as tasty or bad?

Because unlike food dishes. STories for games and or movies, and books get better the further into the story. Now there are bad stories yes, but even a bad story gets better the more invested you are in it.

Food is static.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2479d ago
Battlefieldlover2482d ago

Your mothers mental illness was a tragedy. Using her tragedy to get clicks however is something far worse....

biblesosus2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

I don't think this person was doing anything for clicks and honestly, you saying this to someone who's clearly trying to open up and share a part of themselves then getting criticism like yours is pretty indicative of how toxic "gaming" culture has become. It's honestly pathetic that you'd even say this. I hope your mother doesn't have anything like this happen to her. God forbid you try and talk about it with anyone so a stranger on the internet can tell you how shitty you are for writing about it in some relevant way. This is exactly why people can't get close to each other anymore because there's always someone out there ready and waiting in the wings to attack.

Lynx02072481d ago

Imo author of the article is more toxic than Battlefieldlover. It is/was his private tragedy, It is pathetic to shout about it online. "God forbid you try and talk about it with anyone so a stranger on the internet can tell you how shitty you are for writing about it in some relevant way." Really? If I talk about my private matters with anyone, there is no online stranger who even knows about it. "This is exactly why people can't get close to each other anymore " Pople can't get close to each other because they use internet as a substitute of normal life and they don't distinguish between private and online-public anymore.

GameBoyColor2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

Just read the article, it's more like he's using his past experience with real people to nitpick on a fictional game. Not really an "opening up" or any of that sort. You need to calm down, if he wanted to open up he wouldn't be doing it in a critique lmao.

extermin8or2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

It's pretty clear that's exactly what is going on here. Clickbaiting. With a title like that how can it be anything else.

Also whatever his views on the games representation of psychosis. It's from the afflicted persons perspective. It had the assistance of leading neuroscientist and psychologists aswell as people who had suffered from the condition who recounted their experiences and gave feedback on how to improve the representation within the game. Also he seems to suggest that because the topic somehow effected his life its therefore out of bounds for all media and fiction. It'd not like they were telling the story of his mother's experiences specifically.

bluefox7552481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

Yeah, the author is a scumbag, and is exploiting his mother's illness, if they're even being honest about that. The type of person that would exploit their mother, probably isn't below lying about it as well. As someone who has dealt with mental illness on a personal level for many years, I can tell you that anything that gets people talking about it, even a little, is a great thing. It's incredibly misunderstood by many of those who lack intimate experience with it, and anything that gets people talking or even thinking is a big plus.

Gh05t2481d ago

1. He got paid to publish this story.
2. Its content on a website and you only publish content so people read it "click".
3. He wasn't opening up in a forum about mental illness he went after the game and called it out based on his experience with caring for others on mental illness like he himself owns/knows better than anyone else who wants to "open up" and "share" about it (or create a game about it).
4. The internet is extremely public, people on the internet are very unforgiving, this is old news and should be a known quantity, stop using it as an excuse. The internet is the marketplace of ideas in its true form and just like he expressed his feelings about the game why should others not express how they feel about how he wrote this piece which again WAS PUBLISHED for EVERYONE, not a private chat, forum conversation but PUBLISHED.

yeahright22481d ago

As the father of two autistic girls that will need care for the rest of their lives, please keep quiet. You're not the champion of, nor represent those of us affected directly and indirectly by mental illness. This was obvious clickbait, and a deplorable instance of it at that.

HighlyDoubtful2481d ago

You do realize this article is from a "dot com" right? You do realize that websites like that exist for ONE REASON: to make money. If it was an "edu" website MAYBE you'd have a point. Otherwise you're just being an idiot.

trooper_2481d ago

You can't be serious with that statement.

I work with autistic children and have a nephew who's autistic. That's very offensive.

OffRoadKing2480d ago

If the people you're trying to talk to about your personal issues and get close with are a bunch of strangers on an internet game web site then you're doing it wrong.

deno2480d ago

We're on a gaming site so why would we talk mental illness on a serious level? Video games!!!

rainslacker2480d ago (Edited 2480d ago )

One of the greatest works of modern literature has a main character who is often believed to be Schizophrenic.

Hamlet was written in 1603. Quite possibly one of the greatest stories ever told used a schizophrenic character, and almost the entire play is told from the point of view of hamlet where everything is disconnected from reality, perception is a strong motif, personal relationships suffer, etc. Is the author upset about that? Over 400 years, and never once have I heard someone complain, but now, this game is not allowed to do so without gaining some criticism?

When said person tries to get attention from his troubles by trying to imply that this game somehow is doing something wrong by using the condition his mother had as a narrative device, and acting like they did so in a way that wasn't sensitive or in a manner which tried to represent the condition, hence he was offended, what more can it be but attention seeking behavior?

There are tons of psychological conditions which get used in every form of media, and they have since the beginning of narratives. They weren't always understood, but the conditions involved, whether this or something else, were recognized in some form.

Not all media portrays this particular condition in a proper way, and often they do it in a way that is terribly misunderstood to the point that it doesn't treat it like an actual condition.

This game wasn't like that though. This game is trying to represent how the developer feels a person with the condition would see the world, and how they would react to certain stimulas. It wasn't meant to be some sort of judgement, it wasn't meant to be offensive, and it seemed more like an artistic representation of the condition itself done in a manner to try and let people understand those with the conditions minds, which itself can help bring empathy and understanding, which means in this case, the narrative device can be used to bring understanding and empathy for those that may suffer from it from others.

Sorry, but this guy tries to imply that the developer is somehow being offensive, and the only offense here is personal to the author who feels that no one is allowed to talk about or try to represent the condition because he somehow has some connection to it.

Someone above said that this is an indication he may indeed suffer from the condition himself, and I'm inclined to agree, because he is unable to disassociate this game from his mother.

Here is the definition of schizophrenia

a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

This article seems more like a withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, because he's making the game about him, a condition which he only attributes to his mother, and there seems to be a breakdown between his thought process which is leading to a faulty perception of the game narrative itself.

rainslacker2480d ago

What it comes down to is that for any part of the human condition(overall human behavior, not just phychological condtitions) are open to be used as a narrative device. Sometimes it will be done in an offensive way, other times it will done in tought provoking ways, but either way, it's fair game, because a good story is based on the human condition. Every aspect of it, not just those which are common and within the norm.

The author has a right to not like such things, and even say way, but at the same time, trying to act like the subject is off limits because he has some personal connection to it is selfish, narcissistic, ego-maniacal, and inappropriate.

If we applied this kind of thinking to every aspect of human psychology, then we'd have really dull stories which would all be about the same. The author has a right to not like what is being done, and he has a right to not play it if it doesn't match up with his tastes. Unless the media in question misrepresents what it's trying to represent on a core level(disregarding artistic interpretation), then there is nothing to be offended about. This game wasn't about his mother. It wasn't about him. It was about the character, and how she perceived and went about handling the condition, and it expressed that in an artistic way. The "outrage" here is misplaced, and uncalled for.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2480d ago
drunkenspy0072481d ago

Yep, this guy is just serious scum who thinks it's more important to write click bait like this than anything to do with a real personal tragedy. Which has nothing to do with this game. Just a complete loser of a person.

Kingthrash3602480d ago

Your comment closed the argument.
Best comment in tread.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2480d ago
Wingsfan242481d ago

What? Jeez, what a ridiculous article, also there's spoilers unmarked in there so be careful.

BrianOBlivion2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

Yeah the spoilers really pissed me off.

Perhaps the author would be appeased if Ninja Theory built a game specifically around her experience tailored just for her... or maybe they should just go with "crazy" for the sequel.

BrianOBlivion2481d ago

Oops... him not "her". Sorry.

NotSoMad2481d ago (Edited 2481d ago )

He really saw this game completely different.

Hell, his opinion on the ending is nothing close to what they presented. In the end the voices are still there and she is still living with them. Really, it was all about her fighting against the notion that everything was her fault and that she was a negative in the world. In the end she lets go of those "demons" to move forward and continue to struggle through her mental illness. There isn't no peachy ending or run off into the sunset. How can you even think the ending is some completely happy ending?

Also, her mental health is made a vocal point from the very beginning. They literally have a trigger warning at the very beginning of the game. Then you got the section talking about how the father was a terrible choice to go with. I'm not sure why he is making it seem like there aren't assholes in the world.

I'm not really sure that this guy understands the full context of the situation our main character is in. She is back in a time where they don't even know what the fuck a mental illness is. They regard it as a curse and so she is brought up thinking completely negatively about herself. The whole game pretty much is the fight against the notion that she is this horrible monster because she has a mental illness.

They not only talked to professionals but talked to people actually living with this illness. They reviewed the game with them throughout the whole development. This opinion really just seems off the mark and I understand he has first hand experience with this mental illness. Though, from what I read it really just reads like the game wasn't really his experience when it came to his parent. So that must mean it isn't really a good representation of the mental illness.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't!

Lennoxb632481d ago

I don't see the big deal. The game isn't making fun of people with this mental illness or anything. Nor is it making a mockery of it.

bloodbond2481d ago

I agree, but one point that the writer has is valid, this game fails to portray real mental illness and the only thing that could 'hurt' someone would be seeing the 1000 comments of people praising the game of its good and accurate portrayal, which it doesn't do actually, those people have no clue.

Goldby2481d ago

Being someone with mental illness, i will have to disagree with you blood.

it isn't just that the voices are accurate, the hallucinations at times (mainly puzzles) are close as well, but it is mainly in the content, what the voices are saying, the narration that is nearly spot on.

unless you yourself deal with illness like psychosis, or depression, you will never truly understand why someone would think that giving up their own life is the best outcome for themselves

NotSoMad2481d ago

Tell that to the professional and the ones battling this mental illness that consulted on the game. They tell me that the portrayal is pretty damn accurate.

DemoIishor2480d ago

How do you even determine what constitutes an accurate depiction of mental illness? How do we even determine what a 'real' mental illness is? This is the No True Scotsman fallacy. I can't stand seeing things like this. "Your suffering is not as real as mine", isn't the point of art and portrayals like this to be subjective in how we perceive or appreciate it?

XbladeTeddy2480d ago

"this game fails to portray real mental illness"

It makes people aware of the illness, that's what matters not 110% accuracy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2480d ago
rainslacker2480d ago (Edited 2480d ago )

Quite the opposite really. They seemed to take great care to try and develop a sense of empathy for the character, which shows they were going at this from the viewpoint of trying to bring awareness to the condition.

It'd be easy enough to just throw this character into the game without making it known it was schizophrenia, but they took care to inform people this would be the case so people could not just see her as someone crazy, but rather, she had a condition which is affects real people.

I'm sure we could name any number of games which use characters with some psychological condition, serious or otherwise, and just throw them in as a bad guy without really trying to build empathy for that charater at all. Those to me would be more offensive, but generally, I see that as the writers going for more cliched archetypes as opposed to trying to highlight any kind of real mental condition. Psychotic would be the most commonly used condition.....although the one dimensional psychotic characters have become rather boring in this day and age.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the much awaited sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, arrives on May 21st. With under three weeks left until the launch, the developers from Ninja Theory have shared the game's

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PrinceOfAnger30d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor29d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion29d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor29d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand12529d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion29d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde29d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB29d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.


You can buy Hellblade for just $3 now in the new Xbox Spring Sale

Before Hellblade 2 launches on Xbox, the new Xbox Spring Sale means you can pick up the first Hellblade game for an extremely cheap price.

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5 Terrifying Games on Xbox Game Pass to Play This Halloween

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RavenWolfx220d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.