
Uncharted 4 PS4 Pro 4K vs. 1080p Screenshot Comparison Shows Similar Visuals With Sharper IQ

Here is a closer look at the 4K resolution of Uncharted 4 on PS4 Pro compared with 1080p on the standard PS4.

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Ashunderfire862766d ago

I would love to see a 60 fps Uncharted 4 please!

2766d ago
darthv722766d ago

@shin, you can see a noticeable difference in HDR than you can 4k. you may need a 4k set that support HDR but you don't have to run 4k to utilize HDR. It will work on any supported device at whatever resolutions that are supported. So HDR at 720 or 1080 looks just as amazing as it does at 4k because of how all the extra colors are utilized on the screen in varying degrees regardless of screen size.

Muzikguy2766d ago


Is it 900p? Would be news to me


I don't believe that for one second. I can easily tell a difference between 720 and 1080. I'm sure I could tell it between 1080 and 4K. I also am pretty sure HDR would look amazing. I don't see any company saying it's hard to sell 4K tvs because "people can't see a difference". It's probably got more to do with nothing being available in 4K

Babadook72766d ago

"900p lol"

Nope, no games are 900p in Pro mode.

freshslicepizza2766d ago

Will there be an option to play the single player game at 60fps on the Pro?

milohighclub2766d ago


your info is all wrong. a 4k tv is a 4k tv, even as small as 40 inch you notice an increase in detail. HDR add's a yellow pixel, and a wider range between black n white plus the increase in colour as you say.

Source: I have a 50" 4k HDR tv so......

donthate2766d ago

Multiplayer or not, this is pretty much disappointing, but kind of expected. PS4 Pro doesn't have more RAM so there isn't enough memory to put 4K textures. What does that mean?

Exactly what you get on Uncharted 4. A slightly sharper image, but not much more detail if at all!

Expect this on pretty much every PS4 Pro enabled game.

LamerTamer2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )


If you just go by numbers 4K sounds like a huge improvement as it is 4x the pixels.

The thing is the smaller the pixel size you go the less you see a difference. Since the pixels are bigger at 720p vs 1080 it is easier to see. 900p vs 1080p a little harder but is noticeable especially since 900p is not an even number vs 1080p (scaling filter artifacts). 1080p vs 4K is harder to see on a same sized screen at the same distance. It is noticeable but it is diminishing returns. When they go from 4K to 8K you will notice it even less, if at all (unless of course you have a huge screen and/or sit really close).

The biggest difference most see and attribute it to "4K" is the HDR. That is very noticeable, much more so than the res bump.

Ashunderfire862765d ago

Yes but the multiplayer slightly less detail than the single player plus it's only at 900p 60fps. For the PRO they can go for a 900p 60fps enchance or 1080p 60 FPS to run Uncharted 4's single player.

Reckless_Love2765d ago


There are 3 main components to HDR and unfortunately you've managed to highlight only one, and have done so very poorly.

Element one is the increase in colour container. This allows for developers of all media to reproduce their source materials more accurately, with a greater push in all areas, but specifically noticeably up in the greens. This in tandem with a greater bit depth (more on that in a mo) allows for a greatly expanded colour volume.

Elements 2 and 3 are the increased bit depth and higher dynamic range of brightness and darkness. sdr material is a product that has been moulded and shaped to fit within a smaller colour container AND a shallow range of depth. Highlights are capped at 100nits (light output measurements) whereas HDR is tooled to produce up to 1000 nits or beyond. Allowing specular highlights to shine in a scene, such as a reflection of sunlight off a car windscreen, or neon lights with a dimmer lamp light present nearby. Offering varying degrees of controlled light.
Here is where the bit depth comes into play. With the expansion to 10 bit from 8 the source has an increase in roughly 4 times that amount of gradients per colour, roughly a 1200 I believe. With this there's agreater ability to resolve fine details that would otherwise be lost, but it also allow allows for a greater dynamic range to be present in one scene on screen that otherwise was not possible before.

Yes, nobody can truly grasp how it looks without an appropriate display and no it doesn't benefit those who are committed to their 1080, or early 4k sets. Yes, that's a bummer, but technology has to move forward

indyman77772765d ago

A lot of people I agree can't see the big difference between 1080p and 4k. That is because they like the Cnet reviews are 50 years old AND don't have good eye sight. I on the other hand despite being over 50 DO! I can't believe someone claimed they can't see the different between 720p and 1080p! WOW! I would not admit that if I was you.

Anyway, you don't have to have a 65 inch tv to see the difference, I have a 65" and a 55" 4k tv and I can't go back to 1080p. In fact I gave my 1080p tv away to a friend because he only had tube. My third tv will be a 40 inch 4k. It looks awesome despite being less than 65 inches. This is nothing more than a sales pitch, and a techie wanting everyone to have the big expensive tv. I will admit they started out putting the high end chips in only the 65 inch and larger tv. But now they are also putting them in some of the smaller ones. It was never the size of the screens that made the quality but the chips that made the quality.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
cellmember2766d ago

The cpu unfortunately is not powerful enough for doubling the frame rate at 1080p. 4k 30 fps by comparison is a much easier goal with the new more powerful gpu and upscaling tech. The cpu is no where near enough of an upgrade to make this possible. (no fanboy pc/console gamer and I enjoy both). I have a ps4 pro ordered for the 10th.

NextGenCeo2766d ago

I'm thinking the same. Without new and faster CPU you can't get real native 4K or even doubling frame rate.

That's why Xbox Scorpio not coming this year. That's why Sony always repeating same think 'This is not a NEXT GEN' hardware!

They know PS5 will come and they know only next generation CPU and more than 6 teraflops GPU you need for smooth 4K gameplay without compromising any level of detail.

That's why i'm not paying for PS4 PRO that's why this year i'm getting good 4K TV and new PC case for Xbox games.
Because i know Playstation family more than 20 years.

They will crush every single hardware on this world with PS5. Playstation 4 Pro just the pre image for what Sony thinking and planning for Next Generation and 4K standarts.

(ESL guy here so sorry for English)

galmi2766d ago

@cellmember you dont have to mention where you game bro, your opinion is yours

Espangerish2766d ago

Good post. Nice to read a calm logical opinion. Can't honestly understand why people would disagree.

LamerTamer2765d ago (Edited 2765d ago )


The CPU in the Pro is running faster.

The better GPU can also be used to offload some tasks but then that requires major code change.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
2766d ago Replies(7)
xPaYDaYx2765d ago

The only upgrade that matters lol. The games look great the way they are currently, no one gives a damn about lightning and 4k.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2765d ago
Rimeskeem2766d ago

If you want to see an easy difference just look at the hair (nathans facial)

Pancit_Canton2766d ago

The textures are more details and lighting improves significantly.

2766d ago
starrman19852766d ago

Textures and lighting are the same (as NiteX said). It's just been rendered with 4x as many pixels so everything appears clearer and sharper.

I think it looks great in all honesty!

2766d ago Replies(1)
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to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai94d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

93d ago
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Impressive considering its a one man effort!

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Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Crows90195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

195d ago