
Infamous Second Son HDR Comparison Screenshots Highlight Huge Improvements

The PlayStation 4 exclusive game Infamous Second Son has received a new update introducing HDR support. Comparison screenshots highlighting some definite improvements also emerged online

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GTgamer2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Good God that lighting is insane getting my pro nextweek can't waittttt.

Babadook72768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

Why oh why did I get a 4k tv but no HDR?? Had no idea! :(

Oh well I'll tell myself HDR will keep getting better and a better time to buy one will be in 2017.

Aceman182767d ago

Hahaha i did the same damn thing last year around black friday a 55" OLED, I'll just have to take the L for now because I'm not spending another 2k for a tv no time soon lol.

lipton1012767d ago

What kind did you get? I got nervous when I read your comment and checked mine. I have a Samsung SUHD js8500. It doesn't say HDR but has something called "peak illuminator pro" which is Samsung speak for HDR.

Babadook72767d ago

I got a Visio m60-c3. I was hoping for a patch to make it HDR (ish). Lol. Not happening.

BoriboyShoGUN2767d ago

Hey bud I have a Samsung SUHD the (2016) model and mine supports HDR ! pretty sure you're good dude

Razrye22767d ago

I just bought a Samsung 4k with hdr yesterday. All ready now for my pro next week. Along with my PSVR

TankCrossing2767d ago

If it helps you feel better HDR will almost certainly be better on 2017 models, when hopefully manufacturors conqueur the brightness levels of HDR10.

ChronoJoe2767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )


Your TV has HDR but people report 37ms of input lag on that TV. That's pretty poor and I would always go for responsiveness over HDR when gaming, if forced to make the choice. 37ms isn't horrendous but it's enough that you would feel disadvantaged playing anything competitive.

That's the issue with a lot of these televisions, they have HDR, they have 4k, but they also tend to have a lot of input lag. Some of them don't even support 4k in game mode. For instance Samsungs KS7000 has 21ms of input lag in game mode, but no HDR, in movie mode (where HDR is enabled) the input lag is 112ms. That's horrendous and would make just about any game feel very unresponsive.

Not many HDR, 4K displays currently support low latencies (sub 20ms). So that's an issue that manufacturers will need to deal with going forward. Monitors don't generally support HDR at the moment, and monitors tend to be the best in terms of gaming responsivity, so the emergance of HDR supporting monitors may be the answer for many gamers moving forward.

lipton1012767d ago

I appreciate the responses guys. I calibrated my tv but when I read Joes comment I switched to game mode and it made a world of difference. Crazy how much input lag affects gaming performance

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2767d ago
XanderZane2767d ago

Why are the pictures so much darker with HDR? Looks like crushed blacks. Similar to what happens when games were upscaled on XB1 for some of their games. Is this in 4K or is it only with HDR turned on?

Example is look at the picture with the "Poem Tree: Flower Shop. The one without HDR is bright and clear. The one with HDR is dark and black, you can't see the guy on the screen.

Caedus5112767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )

Are you viewing the images on an HDR enabled screen?

And before anyone says it, smart phones don't do HDR yet, so you still have to view then on an HDR enabled tv (or monitor, but I'm not sure if there are any HDR enabled monitors yet). And HDR on our phones camera isn't the same as HDR in gaming which makes things confusing, I thought my phone could display HDR b/c I have that option when taking a picture.

Also the images could be suffering from quality issues due to image compression.

Nicolee2767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )

because you need HDR TV to see the improvement.

tmisellati2767d ago

Well , you are not far away from the truth. Yes , the games looks darker when the HDR is enabled and this is most probably because the game was developed while the HDR was not in mind. But even through , there are many improvements. The textures when the HDR is enabled , reacts better to the light. They look smoother and more detailed with no more shimmering and There is no more loss of details when light shines on surfaces.

Unspoken2767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )

Look at that amazing HDR quality captured by a non HDR phone uploaded as a non HDR photo and viewed on a non HDR screen! That lighting is incredible! I can't wait to get PS4 Pro and replay my games in HDR!

These fanatics are almost as bad as Apple users, and just as blind, literally. Trying to view HDR through the photo... lol

Extra brightness won't save a worthless game.

mozzie2767d ago

probably because they're taken with a camera. the camera is most likely able to capture some of the enhanced colors bot not all. I did some similar shots with the MAD MAX Bluray on my xbox one s.

BizarroUltraman2767d ago


The Galaxy Note 7 was the first phone to have HDR. But now that its been removed from the market. We're back to square one.

SublimeStylee2767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )

Yup I've been questioning this and get dissagrees. i'm playing it now on my 4k hdr and its ridiculously dark and you say it looks dark, and get dissagrees? when I'm actually playing the game on my tv and its absolutely the worst hdr I have seen for blacks! no other games on ps4 and Xbox with hdr look like this!!!insanely dark....every other game just happens to be amazing but the denial is insane the hdr actually takes away from the picture!! Don't see how blacking out your guy and all the detail around you is a step forward...most of you are seriously so uneducated and don't even have the devices to see first hand and you praise something you don't even have and dissagree about how dark it is.....can't wait for those articles of how dark it is when people who own proper hardware discover this!! How is every other game hdr perfect lighting the last of us, gears, forza uhd movies/Netflix all perfect don't have to touch a setting...load up second son can barely see ur guy or stuff around you? But sure dissagree lol makes no sense. I'm not even bashing the game I love the game but you can't fucking see....its that simple!!!

NotEvenMyFinalForm2767d ago (Edited 2767d ago )

HDR means whiter whites and darker blacks. So the darker blacks will look crushed on your screen because it doesn't has the gamut to display it correctly, so there'll be multiple shades of black that will look the same. The opposite happens too, where the white is too white and you actually lose detail in bright scenes.

Only new 4k displays have HDR BTW, so at least 90% of the people in this comment section doesn't even have one in order to be able to appreciate the differences. But these shots here were taken with a camera from a phone, so even if you had an HDR screen you won't be able t see anything anyway. I had tons of respect for this website, wccftech, but the idiocy there is outstanding.

XanderZane2766d ago (Edited 2766d ago )

Viewing it on my laptop. So the pictures on a computer or tablet will look very dark, but on a UHDTV with HDR it will look brighter? So if someone took a picture of the HDTV with a camera and posted it, it would still come out very dark as well? If that's the case, there's really no reason for anyone to post HDR game pictures online. You'll never see the game the way its suppose to be seen, unless you view them on your HDR TV.

So it's just with this particular game then. It's not like this will happen with all the other games.

tmisellati2766d ago

I have found a solution to resolve the darker image problem.
I changed the RGB setting of the ps4 to full and then changed the black level on the TV from low to high. Now no more darker areas problem.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2766d ago
bouzebbal2767d ago

This is one amazing looking game

2767d ago
respekanize912767d ago

ME TOO!!!! Got 10 of games that are being patched. I knew i waited to play TLoU again.

BoriboyShoGUN2767d ago

Hey bud I have a Samsung SUHD the (2016) model and mine supports HDR ! pretty sure you're good

SojournUK2767d ago

@Lipton, all Samsung SUHD (Quantum Dot/Nano Crystal etc) support HDR

Muzikguy2767d ago

I wish I was getting mine. I still need a new tv too

So these screens remind me of what Watch Dogs was supposed to look like. I'm curious if it would now if on the Pro. I'm not interested in buying it, just wondering.

uth112767d ago

It already looked amazing on standard PS4. Can't imagine how it could look much better

IamTylerDurden12767d ago

Excited that 30+ games will have Pro support on November 10th.

Games like..

Battlefield 1
Ratchet and Clank
Titanfall 2
CoD Infinite Warfare
CoD Modern Warfare
Uncharted 4
Fifa 17
NBA 2K17
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Xcom 2
World of Tanks
Mafia III
Deus Ex MKD
Elder Scrolls Online
Shadow of Mordor

And virtually every major VR game will receive Pro support on day 1.

UltraNova2767d ago

This game still holds up even today...

That said what the hell is Sucker Punch up to?? I hope they reveal their next game in this year's December PS meeting.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2766d ago
senorfartcushion2768d ago ShowReplies(5)
Jayszen2768d ago

Infamous Second Son had some really lovely locations that looked exquisite in the nighttime, especially with some rain. 30 months after release and the game still looks better than many new games released this year even using the vanilla PS4 so I expect Second Son and the expansion will look even better using the PS4 PRO, especially during the fight sequences.

KeeseToast2767d ago

And especially with the Neon powers

Jayszen2767d ago


So I guess like me, you will be giving the game and the expansion another go after PS4 Pro hits?

Mikerob20072768d ago

Doesn't look all that much different too me. If this is the only difference between a £1000 4K TV and PS PRO and my normal hd tv and ps4 i think ill just wait 5 years or so.

Raider692768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

You have to see the shoots in HDR TV .Im seeing them on my Plasma and its obvious the HDR pictures pops more detail.Now been a new feature i expect TV makers start releasing more UHD TVs that have HDR in game mode and also start focusing in making UHD Tvs with lower input lag when using HDR and Game Mode.

mozzie2767d ago

If i'd fire this up on my TV would it really be displayed in HDR? My TV always shows a little speach bubble "HDR" when i launch Netflix a Bluray or a game like FH3. I know I'm speaking about xbox but my question is if can just view HDR images in HDR e.g. in the browser or if the APP needs to tell my TV "yo this is HDR, switch to HDR" mode? I think it's the latter because when i launch HDR enabled contet i also hear my speakers "click" for a few milliseconds (sound goes from xbox via hdmi to tv and from tv to optical soundbar) this means the xbox disconnects the non HDR hdmi connection an makes an HDR HDMI connection. so I'm not entierly sold on the you have to view it on an HDR screen..

The_Sage2767d ago

I thought they stopped making plasmas before HDR was a thing.

Bennibop2768d ago

You are viewing the pics in sdr not hdr, you need to see the game on hdr TV to actually see it properly

mad-dog2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )

You can only see the differences in those screens correctly on a 4K screen that supports HDR.
In a lot of Pro games it's not just the colours that are improved ofcourse. Resolution, AA, Shadow quality, texture streaming quality, more effects, more things on screen, etc.
But we all can make the decision for ourselves if that is worth the upgrade. I can totally understand people rather waiting till the scorpio or PS5.

But i'm buying the Pro even just for 1080P.

abstractel2767d ago

Format that PS4 (and Pro, don't forget vanilla PS4 can do HDR now too) supports is called HDR10.

G20WLY2767d ago

Erm...what does PS Pro have to do with anything?

These shots are comparing PS4 without HDR to PS4 with HDR! And the HDR update is FREE! lol

mad-dog2767d ago

Ah right. Still need a 4K tv then ;P

GTgamer2767d ago

It's not being played on the pro tho so imagine it on the pro

Rude-ro2767d ago

Pssst... this is the PS4 vs PS4 with hdr.
The pro is not even at hand here.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2767d ago
iTechHeads2768d ago

If you think it looks good in the screenshots just wait until you see it on an actual HDR 4K TV :D

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts141d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM141d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck140d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati140d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher173d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88172d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183171d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie171d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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