
Pokemon GO Footprints: How to Track Nearby Pokemon

Finding Pokemon in PGO can be quite frustrating at times – especially if you live in a more rural area where they aren’t as likely to spawn in big numbers. The game does, however, provide a way to tell how far critters are from your location. It displays this in the form of footprints. This system is a bit confusing, though. In this article we explain the tracking system in detail.

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Eck02870d ago

the app is either still broken..or the servers.. it still always show 3 footprints for all of them

Alduin2870d ago

According to everything I've read it's either "glitched" or the developers intentionally disabled the distance tracking feature to alleviate server stress. Either way, you can still track them using the blinking bar and the order the Pokemon are listed. It's just not as easy as it could/should be.

FPSFox2870d ago

Blinking bar just means the order of the pokemon on the radar have shifted. it does nothing to tell you what is and is not closer.

escott0132870d ago

Try actually reading the article, my friend.

Alduin2870d ago

I have read it, what's your point? It mentions the glitch. With or without the footprints being accurate you CAN still track by doing a bit of guessing for directions..

Deadpooled2870d ago

Either tap on the pokemon you want and then the compass to give you an idea of the direction it's at, or jump on pokevision.com which pinpoints you to the exact location and time it's available for.

Zombie012870d ago

google pokegps info
It's way easier then tracking steps

peewee110162870d ago

PokeGPS shows and does nothing

Alduin2870d ago

The one the article mentions works well, but only if the servers are actually up. Which they haven't been like all day for me.


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