
Donald Trump Uses Pokemon Go To Attack Hillary Clinton

Disclaimer: NE does not get involved in politics and does not condone any actions taken by any political campaign.

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Deltaguy2863d ago

i think we have the worse candidates for presidency ever....

gangsta_red2863d ago

Seriously, not one of these nominees have any redeeming quality about them. It's like would you rather eat a bowl of sh** or drink a mug of pi**?

MrBrofist2863d ago

I remember something funny Eddie Murphy said once as a joke about elections. It was something like

'' Doesn't matter who your voting for. Both are going to kick you in the ass, so you may as well vote for who has the softer shoe. Lol

deafdani2863d ago

I'll take the mug of piss, thank you.

babadivad2863d ago

Seriously. I can't believe how horrible these candidates are. My God!! Also, the system is rigged.

ZombieGamerMan2863d ago

or the best analogy ever given, giant douche or turd sandwich

HallowedSoul12863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

whats it gunna be stan ? giant douche or a turd sandwich ? lol @ zombie damn thought i was the first to mention south park haha

fllysurfer2863d ago

btw…before deciding, which is which? Not that it would change much but might as well know.

Errorist762863d ago

I don't like Clinton either but she at least has some experience and a bit of dignity. Trump does not. He's as laughable as Boris Johnson being the new foreign minister of the U.K.!

Ashunderfire862863d ago

Why choose between sh*t and piss when you have more choices than the 2 overrated parties. I rather be independent from sh*t and piss. I rather eat green grass for Green Party.

ninjazfistz2863d ago

Vote Anonymous. Put it on the write in or put a post it note. It is time for a new constitution and new political party. The government is bad. No single person is the problem. Look them up on youtube and wakeup everyone you know

Dee_912863d ago

I wish deez nuts was still running tbh.

KurtRussell2863d ago

Haha, depends if you are hungry or thirsty. But lets get serious, if you want a puppet steered by unseen puppetmasters vote Hillary, If you want a leader vote Trump (where will he lead you is another story).
With Hillary it's more of the same corrupt war profiteering, Trump on the other hand is giving people chance of a lifetime to kick the establishment in the balls and turn the ship around. Or tip it over:)

nX2863d ago

Though if Trump get's elected the whole educational system should be questioned. It takes a lot of stupidity to even agree with one of his points.

UnHoly_One2863d ago

I think Trump has one redeeming quality that makes him the obvious choice, and that is that he is an outsider, instead of another "more of the same" politician.

We NEED somebody different in there, and unfortunately, he's the one option we have.

If Hillary wins this country is doomed.

TheCommentator2863d ago

@ NX

That's why Trump says he loves the uneducated.

OTOH, Clinton reminds me of a cross between Martha Stewart and Norman Bates' mother.

The real problem is all of the old blood in the House and Senate, doing things like taking a two month vacation without voting on funding Zika research first.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
Summons752863d ago

Yeah, worse part is everyone thinks they HAVE to choose between one of them when they can refuse both of them.

deafdani2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Refusing both of them basically means giving the advantage to the worst candidate (Trump), thus giving him more chances to win.

Concertoine2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Cough, vote libertarian


I dont want voting for Clinton or Trump on my conscience. Neither would be good for the country. Trump at least has a decent business career, god knows how that would translate to president. But Hillary has basically nothing but failure to her name, and the Clinton name is the only thing that got her this far.

vickers5002863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )


I don't like either candidates.

But if someone put a gun to my head, I'd choose Hillary. Trump is a flat out moron, he has the mentality of a spoiled child, in addition to being a liar and a shady/horrible businessman. At least Hillary is pretty much JUST a liar.

The only thing imo Hillary has going for her is that she ISN'T Trump. It's because of this that I have yet to decide if I'm going to vote for Hillary just to make sure that wreckless, racist, moronic man-child idiot doesn't get elected, or simply not vote. Trump would eradicate our country, Hillary would probably keep it the same crappy place it is now. I'm conflicted.

edit* And before I get too much crap, yeah I'm a democrat, but I do respect republican ideology and philosophy. I may not like it or agree with it, but I still respect it. I respect those that wanted to vote for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, John Kasick because those people took their intentions seriously. Trump is a clown, an idiot and a so-obvious-it's-painful hatemongerer. I can't respect anyone that actually LIKES him as a candidate (like him as a joke, sure, I get it, but not as a serious candidate). So please don't mistake this comment as just some "libtard" point of view (or whatever you would call it). I attempt to be unbiased and open-minded as much as I can (there's a limit for every human being though), but Trump and people who actually like him (not people who are voting for him simply because they think he's a better choice than Hillary and feel like they're forced to vote republican over democrat, but people who ACTUALLY LIKE HIM) I have no respect for.

Erik73572863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Yea I dont like both really either but Trump, like vicker said, is just kinda immature and stupid and worst of all focuses on things that divide us like attacking race or religion which is just so in the past.

kevnb2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Hillary is just a typical evil politician, Trump sounds almost like Hitler at times.

Concertoine2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )


I get that, and respect your opinion. If i had a gun to my head, i'd vote libertarian (i know i cheated :P).

My preference of Trump over Hillary stems from her war hawk track record and dislike of all the outsourced jobs. Also desire for someone not indebted to super PAC's and special interests.

But there's other choices out there, so i dont have to pull the Trump trigger.

rainslacker2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Sadly, when you vote outside the main two parties, it means you don't even stand a chance to have your vote mean something. Perot was a fine example of that...although it could be argued that he actually did help one candidate. There just aren't enough people who will vote outside their party to really make that much of a difference, and I'd wager, that the vast majority of people don't even know who's running beyond the two candidates who will actually be able to get elected.

So, voting becomes more a lesser of two evils when we have two candidates which are questionable on their qualifications. Clinton is probably more qualified, and less likely to make the world hate us by saying the wrong thing, but I'm not a big fan of hers. Not really because of the things they're trying to use to discredit her, just because something about her doesn't sit well with me. Trump....I don't care for him at all. He's way too much about himself and his ego, and we don't need a president who wears that on his sleeve.

Errorist762863d ago

What a stupid thought! In your two party system refusing both means giving Trump the power. If you don't vote you help the wrong party. Understand that! You had the chance for a revolution. You missed it.

CptFalcon2863d ago

Calling Trump a racist is the same as calling grass blue.

JacketsNest1012862d ago

Yeah, it's not like Trump and Hillary are the only options. We have write-ins. I choose to write-in if Trump continues to be the candidate.

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NotEvenMyFinalForm2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Since most of the press is left wing they focus on attacking Trump at every turn but Hillary does have a lot of fabric to cut from when it comes to her many lies and corporate worldview but the press covers for her like they cover/protect Black Lives Matter and the killing of 5 cops the other day.

Right now America doesn't has a single decent candidate for presidency. and the press itself is just as rotten.

kneon2863d ago

Trump is just so much easier to attack, they just have to play any clip of him talking or show one of his tweets.

thorstein2863d ago

"Most of the press is left wing." Most of the press is owned by 5 corporations that tell you what they think you should believe.

Erik73572863d ago

If she was that corporate wouldn't she be republican?

kevnb2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

are you high? Look at the things Trump says on a regular basis... how could they not attack him? Trump is basically saying he wants to run the country like a dictator. The worst part is if the media just ignored trump then he wouldnt even have a campaign.

rainslacker2863d ago

It's not like Trump doesn't make it easy for the press to attack him. Heck, even if you never go to the press for their opinions, just listening to him is enough to make you wonder how he ever got the candidacy. Guys not an idiot like many people say he is, but he is a bigoted, racist, ego maniac, and that is painfully obvious no matter what side of the fence the media sits on.

It's not the media that makes trump say stupid things which only further the belief by non-Americans that we are bigoted racist, ego-maniacs....it's Trump himself.

"Right now America doesn't has a single decent candidate for presidency. and the press itself is just as rotten"

To that I can agree. If Trump hadn't been the spectacle that he was, one of the other, more qualified republican candidates would have gotten the nomination. I find it hard to believe that so many people actually think what he says is in any way representative of the people as a whole. Most people would be ashamed to say the stuff he does, and many would be uncomfortable around people that says things the way he does. Why anyone would even consider he would make a good president is beyond me

Errorist762863d ago

If you want your country to burn and the world with it..go vote for Trump. If you want the at least acceptable status quo to go on, vote Clinton. Don't vote and you vote Trump!

Dee_912863d ago

"Since most of the press is left wing"
No you just only pay attention to liberal media. There's a hefty dose of right wing media making it their duty to remind people that Hilary is a criminal and black lives matter are the only racist people in america and that they hate police.
Both sides are just about equally toxic and if you believe otherwise, you're part of the machine you hate.

Rude-ro2863d ago

Ummmm no.
Trump is like Microsoft... Has his wallet controlling most.
Cnn, Fox News, ESPN, even npr only keep him in the media. Usually doing nothing but supporting.
You have no idea what attack means if you think that is what they do with trump.
It would be lethal and endless if they did.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
Hold_It2863d ago

That's why Gary Johnson will be the only choice for this election.

Power to the People! Not to these corrupt idiots

Kabaneri2863d ago

Libertarianism is impractical, a ridiculous "ideology" based off the fictional works of an insane woman, its only supporters are rebellious high schoolers.

Hold_It2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )


So you'd rather vote for someone who has Wall Street in her back pocket, or some racist xenophobic tyrant who's waiting to start WW3? Rather than trying to show these people that we can see in more than just Red and Blue? That we don't want a two party system, but want to elect people into office who are equipped to represent us?

It's pretty sad that you are that standoffish towards trying something new, and come off extremely condescending, and narrow minded. That's not true at all. That's your opinion, not a fact.

Ravenor2863d ago

Right because autonomy without oversight always works out well. /s

kevnb2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Ill take the typical evil politician over the guy who sounds like a mix between Hitler and Putin. we have survived guys like nixon, bill clinton and bush... but a guy like Trump could screw the country over completely and for good.

rainslacker2863d ago


While I admire your enthusiasm, when it comes down to it, the American people are just so accustomed to a two party system, that they don't realize it doesn't have to be. The people are indoctorinated to believe they have to choose Democrat or Republican, and some venture out to become something else. Those that venture out don't get presidential nominations because there aren't enough people to give them support. Ross Perot managed to do it, but he did it by spending his own money.

While I'm not going to say Gary Johnson is any better or worse than the current candidates, or put you down for wanting a more open system, when it comes to election day, one of two things happens.

1. You have someone who has made significant headway into people's hearts and minds, and they manage to get a significant number of votes. Those votes won't be significant enough to get them elected, but it will be enough to pull votes from one of the other candidates, and then the other wins in a landslide victory. It effectively removes the chance for all but one to get elected, because the disparity is vast.

2. You vote for an independant or whatever. You're vote now did nothing except let you stand on principal. One of the two candidates you don't like will get elected, and it's a crap shoot on if it's the one you like less or not. Also known as being a meaningless vote. You can have your pride, but ultimately, you will not get what you want either way.

Would be nice if things would change, but the people as a whole don't want that, otherwise it would change....if the media allowed it, since they seem more than happy to perpetuate the idea of a two party system.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2863d ago
Hold_It2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Amen. I refuse to be bullied or told that my vote doesn't count. It's negativity like that that stops people from considering of voting for a third party.


InMyOpinion2863d ago

The only person who could have brought some change to the insane political and economical state of the US was Bernie Sanders. Too bad such a large number of its population is programmed to believe socialism in all shapes & forms is bad. Your real enemy is neoliberalism and as is today it would make more sense if corporations or banks ran for president instead of persons. Cause that's basically where your vote lands in the end.

2863d ago
CaptainObvious8782863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

I sincerely hope you're talking about Hilary.

trooper_2863d ago

R.I.P if either one gets in.

Zorkaz2863d ago

Ikr? What the hell is going on in the world this year?! I mean, I'm wondering whether I would vote at all. Then again, does that really help matters? I mean I really REALLY hate Trump, but Hillary's a massive b*tch too, let's be clear here. I mean the ironic thing is that chances are she's going to make things worse abroad than Trump, but that's going on his foreign policy speech, and let's be honest, he's not exactly the kind of guy who sets what he says in stone. Whatever the case, I'm way to preoccupied with the damn Brexit (double trouble), and the fact that we now have Theresa May (eeeurgh) as PM, and Boris Johnson, the least qualified man for the job IN BRITAIN, as foreign minister. Talk about unelected officials ...
The world's turned upside down and looks like this is the year I lose what was left of my faith in democracy ...

343_Guilty_Spark2863d ago

Hillary is fine in my opinion, she'll basically be 99% Obama which I'm perfectly fine with. Trump on the other hand is unelectable and equally unqualified.

Orionsangel2863d ago

Yep, it's either the corrupt lady or the corrupt racist guy.

JacketsNest1012862d ago

So true. I am praying that the Republican convention gets contested and we can get rid of Trump and at least have one candidate who is even remotely competent.

Although this was kinda hilarious, in an awful way.

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Shubhendu_Singh2863d ago

Hillary vs Trump..
more like,
Two-face vs Joker

Somebody call Batman.

Chaos-Dad2863d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

100x Pokemon Go news...

MultiConsoleGamer2863d ago

Absolutely brilliant! Love him or hate him, you have to admit this is clever.

OC_MurphysLaw2863d ago

Definitely agree...that is some quick marketing regardless of preference

Errorist762863d ago

True, marketing targeting the uneducated youth. Don't fall for it.

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