
Final Fantasy IX coming to PC and smartphones - New Screenshots

Final Fantasy IX is coming to Windows PC, iOS, and Android, Square Enix announced. Screenshots of the new release are available at Famitsu.

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Relientk773074d ago

A masterpiece, I wish Square would remake this

Dabigsiebowski3074d ago

And have a completely new battle system as well as a multi part franchise solely on ix alone?

cartoonx13074d ago

i believe he means, remake in term of graphics/cut scene. otherwise, one can still play it on pc/android with emulator.

breakpad3074d ago (Edited 3074d ago )

the graphics , the whole plot , story and fantasy theme in FFIX were great but the characters were really awfully designed ... they are the worst designed characters and the least appealing in any FF IMO..really SE who the f was responsible for the characters art?

ShadowWolf7123074d ago


Toshiyuki Itahana.

And I actually like those designs. Worked in a pseudo-Steampunk Fantasy world.

ShadowWolf7123074d ago

IDK, would depend on the kind of remake.

I'd prefer it to stay mostly the same save for maybe a graphical tweak.

Sirk7x3073d ago

Fun fact, the lead character designer for IX also worked on various anime including Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy.

Bahamut3074d ago

Here's to them having a re-release of this along with Final Fantasy VIII, similar to what they did with Final Fantasy VII.

My only complaint is the damn "battle booster" mode which killed any challenge that the game offered. Hopefully they remove that in future installments.

Sephiroushin3074d ago

This JP article confirm that the boosters are already there on this FFIX, so tbh I really doubt it...

Articuno763074d ago (Edited 3074d ago )

FFIX was never hard to begin with though.

Given that most people have beaten the game, and that the booster occupies a layer outside of the actual game, it's quite clear it's a modification tool and not a mechanic within the game. It doesn't need removing because you can simply opt not to use it.

It allows people to play the game without the several hours of pre-final dungeon grind they'd otherwise have to go through.

Which, IMO, is great. I have time to enjoy the story, battles and levelling mechanics as they are paced alongside each other, I don't have time to dedicate to levelling in a vacuum so I'm abritrarily strong enough to beat the game.

The former is worth my time, the latter is a waste of it I'm no longer young enough to tolerate.

Bahamut3073d ago

No, picture this scenario. You're fighting a boss, you haven't saved your game in 2 hours (whoops) and the boss is much harder than you had anticipated. 3 of your allies are dead, Zidane is alone with 237 HP. You are one hit away from death and doing those 2 hours all over again.

Are you really going to "opt out" of clicking the R3 button now? Becoming invincible and destroying any challenge the game may have offered? Doubt it. If you know about it, you'll click it. Then, with maxed HP, you'll rez your teammates, who also come back with full HP, then maybe you'll turn the booster off (maybe).

That kills the game. There should be an option in the beginning that asks if you would like to play super easy mode (turning off all trophies), and within that easy mode, then you can have your battle booster.

kaizokuspy3072d ago

To be fair in ff viii, the fast forward button will be amazing when drawing magics right out of balamb garden in the beginning. Get your waters, cures, and what not and don't forget the cards. Love getting Lion heart on disc 1. Lots of card playing but worth it and fun if you like the mini game. At any rate I want ff8 badly, then 12, then 9. We have too many games to play already, but I want to drown in all the games this year.

Zeroxgi3073d ago

Damn i just finished beating ozma like 2 week ago. I wish i kmew about this sooner.


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kevco3388d ago

Bowser's a girl?!

...maybe that wasn't enough said. ;)

The_Hooligan88d ago

One of the most memorable fights I ever played. I almost didn't want to pull the trigger at the end.

Cacabunga88d ago

Maaan.. oh maaaaan!!!! Forever Legendary


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megaleo009341d ago

I liked it a lot, I will not compare it with other final fantasy, But I hadn't felt that emotion for a long time playing since the final fantasy vll remake, it lacks some things, it's not my goty, but it deserves a place in my heart, with that I say everything.


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