
Performance Analysis: Fallout 4

Four years on from its predecessor, Bethesda emerges from the vault with the hugely anticipated Fallout 4 - adding new technologies to its Creation Engine on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Equipped with an improved physically-based lighting model, it's confirmed the game's development process began with the team porting its earlier work to Xbox One first. However, optimising for both platforms has evidently proven tricky since, and on analysing the reality of each console's frame-rate at launch, the results are something of a mixed bag.

First up though, we can confirm PS4 and Xbox One render at a native 1080p resolution, with no compromise in either case. It gives us a sharp base image, and in presenting a post-apocalyptic world that sprawls out for virtual miles in each direction, it pays off hugely in keeping the image sharp on views across the wasteland. It's a surprise for Microsoft's machine too, with its previous history of cutting back on resolution in similar open...

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sigfredod3128d ago Show
Ozmoses3128d ago

been waiting on this from digital foundry!!

Good work guys!!

Once again you prove you're the go to source for performance analysis!

SoulWarrior3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Indeed, always better to wait for these guys as opposed to believing fanboy drivel.

So the X1 version is actually worse off, not the PS4 version, going by the article and video.

LordMaim3128d ago

"On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps. Each has their blips, but having tested two separate Xbox One and PS4 consoles, the results are always the same across the world at large; we get sizeable stutters on Microsoft's console that aren't present on PS4."

Looks like that doom and gloom report over the weekend focused on a PS4 frame rate dip when it should have been calling out major issues on the Xbox One instead.

Cupid_Viper_33128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

""On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps.""

ZERO FPS....... is that a typo????
Followed by....

FITgamer3128d ago

Yep so much for yesterdays's article. Glad to see it's running decently on PC. I'll be picking it up after they release a few patches.

dirkdady3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

"It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero)"

Yikes!! Zero FPS?? thats a new world record.

Why didn't Bethesda just downgrade the resolution to 720p instead of sacrificing FPS?? Whyyyy Bethesda, why???

Bansai3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Are they kidding me with this perfromance? I mean I know it's year '15, but that doesn't mean my framerate also needs to be 15.

Instead of turning it into console wars, maybe we could just focus on the fact that both versions run like shit huh?

xHeavYx3128d ago

Some drops on the X1 version are painful, I'm sure it will get fixed with a patch though.

FATAL1TY3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Xbox 0ne version looks horrible. 0 FPS

UnHoly_One3128d ago

So they suspected the hitches in the XB1 version were caused when streaming stuff from the HDD.

I wonder if those of us like myself that use an External HDD that is noticeably faster will see an improvement there?

I'm surprised they didn't test that themselves, even if only to be able to pin down if that was really the source of the issues.


Im just happy its 1080p on X1 lol, You PS4 guys should have a steadier frame rate being that everything else matches

BeefCurtains3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )


More mindless fanboy dribble. Read the first few sentences, draw your PS4 fanboy conclusions, and don't read the rest of the article. Here, this is the *other* part you're failing to mention in the comparison:

"It's a clear result across city areas, but surprisingly PS4 has a shortcoming elsewhere. While most battles produce a similar overall frame-rate, shootouts involving heavy transparency effects can affect PS4 more negatively than we'd expect. In extreme cases, such as on approaching an early Deathclaw enemy in Concord town, PS4 wavers close to the 20fps line when letting rip on a minigun. Fire, smoke, and blood splatter effects collide, and on re-testing this section several times on both consoles, Xbox One consistently produces a near-unshakable 30fps. It's possible this is a side-effect of Bethesda's choice to begin engine optimisations on Xbox One - but even so, PS4's lengthy stretches at the low 20fps range are out of place, given its advantages in every other area. "

Bring on the PS4 fan girl disagrees, but I didn't write that. DF did, you just blocked it out of your biased minds while drooling to bash the X1.

3128d ago
Why o why3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Lol@ beefcurtains trying his hardest

Jokes aside, the consensus is the game hasn't been optimised as well as it could've been done on both consoles..yes the ps4 has issues but it still performs better than the x1...some people need to deal with it already

@gape.....you still here ragging on ps camp like the x1 is your bullied little brother... the ps4 is the most powerful console...pc will always reign supreme. ..I can live with that.

BG115793128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

@Beefcurtain, did you even read what you post? The answer is right there "this is a side-effect of Bethesda's choice to begin engine optimisations on Xbox One".
That is the reason why optimization on the PS4 isn't top notch failing in places it shouldn't.
You really expected to see an optimized game from Bethesda? Ahahah lol!

@gapecanpie Comparing 0 fps with the 28 fps, mathematically, at this moment the PS4 is infinitely stronger than the Xbone. ^^

JasonKCK3128d ago

I'll say what I said in the other news before sensitive people took one of my bubbles.

This is what happens when you choose image quality over performance.

BeefCurtains3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

LOL @ why o why,

I wasn't trying my hardest, I copied and pasted a portion of the article, direct from DF. I got disagrees because it's not in-line with the PS4 hive mindset, but the fact is you all jumped on X1 so hard because it was the first part of the article, and then either stopped reading before the PS4 part, or chose to disregard the ps4 part.

@BG: "It's possible..." As in, it's their hypothesis, they don't know why. Which is why it's disregarded because it's non-factual. Again, another pS4 fanboy picking facts and opinions like they're a buffet...

The average frame rate for PS4 was 28, and X1 was 25... Both need a large improvement. Either way, I'm going PC (assuming is fares at least a little better when the full testing is released).

amiga-man3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )


BeefCurtains it also goes onto say

On balance PS4"s performance profile is in better shape overall, it has nothing close to the stuttering we see on xone and a better framerate in big towns and cities as well.

Shame you didnt see fit to quote that too.

S2Killinit3128d ago

its ironic that you claim that others are taking things out of context whereas you are most guilty of doing that. The review clearly says that overall the PS4's performance is the better of the two. Your quote is correct, but its not the big picture. OVERALL, the PS4 has the better version of Fallout 4. I just thought I mention this for the sake of rationality and fairness.

Off topic: I was looking up the metacritic scores for Fallout 4 and its doing great. But, I'm curious if anyone knows why it is that often, the PS4 version of multi-platform games are given lower scores than the xbox version, even in cases where the PS4 version is the better version. Its not the first time either, there is numerous examples of this. Anyone know why this would be?

BeefCurtains3128d ago


I see where you are coming from, my comments are just directed at those implying the X1 version is so terrible. It's not my intent to say it's better than, or directly equal to the Ps4 version. It was just meant to be read by those claiming the X11 version is so horribly gimped, they should stand back and re-read the facts.

Claiming the 28fps version is so much greater than the 25fps version, which looks identical, and saying that X1 owners should "eat crow", it's just non-sense. Hopefully this is a more clearly explained version of my thought process. I wasn't intending to dismiss the fact that overall the os4 version was overall in better shape, we all could have guessed that long before any reviews.

donthate3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

This must be Bethesda's best ever marketing strategy. First they get people super hype on F4 which I'm not sure why although the game look beautiful, but so do many others.

Then they somehow twist the poor optimization around and MS get's blamed for it! That is despite the fact that F4 runs at 1080p on Xbox One which is a huge feat, because that means the performance gap between PS4 and Xbox One is further narrowing.

In the end, I would have preferred a 900p or even lower resolution if we would have gotten a better and stable frame rate.

This resolution BS is ruining gaming and I blame it on the people that are constantly focusing on it with their weak @ss hardware!!!

If you want resolution, go PC and leave consoles alone.

Letthewookiewin3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Ahh it's fantastic when gamers can come together and fight over which version of their game is worse. I honestly thought with both console versions being at 1080p and the graphics not being taxing the X1 could keep up.

BG115793128d ago

@beefcurtain, I actually find it easier to believe in what Digital Foundry say, than your speculations...
Having said that, Bethesda ported Skyrim to Xbox One while developing Fallout 4.

You were saying?

BallsEye3128d ago

Ps4 have frames advantage in few places but then drops a lot of frames during combat. I think both versions came out pretty bad.

b3ast3128d ago

Lol #gapecanpie you say that in pretty much all you comments. Go enjoy you pc you silly man

ThanatosDMC3128d ago

How are sigfredod and chronicpsycho trolling?

For people who have both consoles, PS4 version is the ond to buy. Also, there's a new fw update released today for the PS4.

pimp79973128d ago

NX Gamer does a much better job than Digital Foundry, making their analysis seem almost amateurish.

BenRage33128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Yes, the X-box One version is worse off than the PS4 version. And the PC version will look better, play better (because of the vastly superior frame rate) than the PS4 version, and have a near limitless ceiling of longevity due to the modding community.

I just do not see how mods will function on the consoles without lowering the frame rate even further. It might be possible to put a few on there, but if you want to retexture the entire game for the Xbox One and the PS4, you can forget it.

It's funny how if you simply state the fact the PS4 version is better overall than the Xbox version you will get dozens of agrees. But if you state the fact that the PC version is better than PS4 version you get dozens of disagrees. Fanboys are so insecure.

Mr Lahey3128d ago


"Off topic: I was looking up the metacritic scores for Fallout 4 and its doing great. But, I'm curious if anyone knows why it is that often, the PS4 version of multi-platform games are given lower scores than the xbox version, even in cases where the PS4 version is the better version. Its not the first time either, there is numerous examples of this. Anyone know why this would be?"

The PS4 version almost always have more reviews than The XONE version of the same game, making the metascore a bit lower.

In this case the PS4 score (at the time of writing) is 89, counting 42 reviews. And the XONE score is 91, counting only 22 reviews.

The PC score is also 89, counting 15 reviews.

tuglu_pati3128d ago

0 fps on Xbox damn... They should have stick with 900p for the XBO version.

awi59513128d ago

A i3 really? My pc will crush this game i only have to use one GPU then the other isnt needed.

LamerTamer3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )


It is no feat getting the xbone version to 1080p, it pays the price in stuttering and choppy framerate.

The lead platform was xbone for some reason where they optimized for that then lazy ported it to the more powerful PS4 and PC.

There is no gap narrowing, it is in your mind. If it took advantage of the other systems the gap would be bigger.

BattleAxe3128d ago

I love that they showed a budget PC blowing consoles out of the water. This is actually the real story here. The PS4 is marginally more powerful compared to the Xbox One.

This is why when most PC gamers see all of the fighting between fans of Xbox One and Ps4, they just sit back and laugh. The truth is that the average gaming PC is more than twice as powerful as a PS4. Get real you guys!

Unspoken3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Ouch, the PS4 is dropping so many frames compared to the X1 in PC comparison video. Poor PS4, all the hype...

These consoles are very under powered compared to a budget PC.

3128d ago
+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 3128d ago
Genuine-User3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

For those that are interested.


"Fallout 4 does hold 30fps as a general rule, but drops are noticeable. For example, moving between major city areas is a particular strain on the engine, causing PS4 and Xbox One to drop to 20fps in matching spots on the map."

"matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps." - Skyrim on PS3 anyone?

"For now though, evidence so far suggests those buying Fallout 4 on console should get an overall smoother experience from PS4."

"Meanwhile, for those with PC as their platform of choice, all the signs look good for a smooth experience even on budget kit"

Christopher3128d ago

"Even on budget kit."

Read as: they knew modders would do all the work to make the game look good, so they put little work into the PC version themselves.

Genuine-User3128d ago


I guess it does.

Kribwalker3128d ago

You forgot this when they were talking about transparency effects ect

"Xbox One consistently produces a near-unshakable 30fps. It's possible this is a side-effect of Bethesda's choice to begin engine optimisations on Xbox One - but even so, PS4's lengthy stretches at the low 20fps range are out of place, given its advantages in every other area"

LordMaim3128d ago

@Kribwalker: "given its advantages in every other area"

dirkdady3128d ago


"Xbox One has a repeatable advantage in the Deathclaw battle, where effects clash heavily, but in most scenarios we get matching, or superior results on PS4."

Seems like the only scenario this happens is during a Deathclaw battle - all other battles superior or equivalent on PS4.

Qdog3128d ago

Don't feel bad, I just started playing it on PC and its not such a smooth experience. It definitely needs a crossfire profile, and more than likely some driver refinements. I'm playing on a PC that maxes Shadow of Mordor at 4k and stills gets 96fps average, so Fallout 4 shouldn't be giving my hardware any grief.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3128d ago
3128d ago Replies(1)
Ozmoses3128d ago Show
Ozmoses3128d ago Show
KyRo3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Once again Bethesda release a broken, unpolished broken game and everyone praises it to high heaven, exactly the same as FO3.
This game has endless bugs, gets praised. Other games have minor bugs and made in a much better state than this and gets slated?

Bethesda is laughing in all of your faces. Again.

Gatsu3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Ubisoft release "broken" games too and millions play those games.

Fallouts are fun, that's why people praise them and don't let every issue bother their gaming experience.

awi59513128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

If you get disagrees you can see its just sony fans downgrading you. In the old days of this site. If you say something positive about xbox you will get 50 agrees then 130 disagrees that shows were the site has gone.

Corpser3128d ago

Of course people are going to ignore this part

"All things put into perspective, Fallout 4 does hold 30fps as a general rule"

deadpoolio3163128d ago

Of course people are going to ignore the parts that follow that...Is that when you stopped reading the article? Cause I mean ZERO fps is pretty terrible....

Pretty sad either way when they say the PS4 version runs better, and yet optimization on BOTH consoles is a joke.....

But its Bugthesda so it gets a pass still gets 9s and 10s and fanboys still try to cry GOTY for a typical bugthesda game, which either gets released flat out broken or with major issues...

Yet if it weren't precious Bugthesda or Fallout the game would be getting 6s or 7s

darx3128d ago


You don't like Bethesda?

UKmilitia3128d ago

wow some of the shadows and textures loading in are way to close to the screen for my liking.
its right in your face.

2:43 is so ugly
and the shadows and textures loading in at 2:35 owards is really bad.

XanderZane3128d ago

The FPS and textures are a mess on both consoles. I guess everyone will be getting the PC version this round. It figures Bethesda would screw up the most hyped game of the holiday. What a disaster.

UKmilitia3128d ago

thats what i mean Xander.

horrible to look at,the texture load in is not acceptable imo and i wont be finalising my order which i had in basket to buy.

not a chance they will get my money.
the game is so hyped and they know people will buy it and the issues along with the cheap and tacky pipboy is a joke and people should be sending back to store.
teach these devs a lesson

LamerTamer3128d ago


That is what we get this generation as studios rush out unfinished junk when it is not ready and honestly is probably 6 months to a year from being a finished game.

Yet everyone pre-orders and laps this up. Because of that nothing will get better, only worse. Gamers should blame themselves as we put up with this crap and even encourage it with pre-orders.

Anyone without an internet connection (or a slow one) is so screwed this gen.

showtimefolks3128d ago

During this back and forth over ps4 or Xbox one versions how about we actually look at Bethesda for once and blame them because they have been given free passes on every major release

How did this game get 9 or above is beyond me. Isn't it the job of the gaming journalists to inform their readers of the game issues? Also isn't it 2015? Why we are getting last gen graphics?

Witcher 3 at launch didn't have major issues like this and whatever issues existed were fixed quickly

My fear is that Bethesda will take forever to release patches and I am not just making that up. Bethesda's history suggest that they are slow in releasing patches

Will wait till it gets fixed before playing, there are plenty of other games which aren't broken that we can play

I have never seen a developer gets such a free pass on every major release in my 25 years of gaming.

UKmilitia3128d ago

totally agree.
its like they can release half finished bug riddled games and get high marks constantly.

yet other games slated for it.

hooba933128d ago

Yea every time Bethesda releases a game I always believe that it came out a year too early.

They could at least use another 6-12 months just to fix the bugs and glitches alone, I don't think it would disrupt sales.

TwoForce3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Yeah, I remember that Skyrim on PS3 was buggy as hell. Same goes with Fallout 4.

LamerTamer3128d ago

If you can wait it would be best to get that GOTY edition they always release with all of the DLC and bugfixes.

These days it seems all games are released a year before they should just to please shareholders. They are still finishing DriveClub and The Glitcher 3!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3128d ago

Why do you need their analysis? If you cannot tell the difference between a game running at a certain resolution or framerate with your own two eyes, then what difference does it make?

MRMagoo1233128d ago

Maybe they don't want to buy 2 different versions of the game to see with their own eyes and rather someone else did that perhaps hmmmmm.


Who would realistically buy 2 different versions of a game??

MRMagoo1233128d ago

That's my point. Ppl look for these articles to know which version to get. What are you missing here?

RedDevils3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

How the f would you tell the different if you don't watch the other version as well? lol genius??

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3128d ago
s8anicslayer3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Console gamers know that there are mid range to high end pc's that can out perform their platform but guess what?....We enjoy gaming better sitting on our sofas on our big screen tv's much more than sitting In an office chair playing with a mouse and keyboard, I know you can also use a controller to game on but you guys get my point. So to all you "Master Race" pc gamers who continuously make these dumb comparisons on how it'll look better and perform better on your overpaid rig that you can get the same experience on a $400 console just keep it moving and get a girlfriend or boyfriend if that's what your into.

Vhampir3128d ago

That low-end budget pc in the video up there is a ~$300-$350 pc. Seems "overpaid" alright.

Corpser3128d ago

My gaming PC is right next to my consoles connected to the same tv and surround sound system

ShottyGibs3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Keep your excuses. A low end $400 PC will get you double the frame rate and high AA.
Nice try about the 'no girlfriends' part.
And since you've bought it up, I bet anything I've had far more pussy than you'll ever see.. If you've even had any that is.

BenRage33128d ago

Where have you been the past ten years? I use my PC in my living room all the time....have you ever heard of big picture mode on Steam? No, because you are talking out of your rear end worse than anybody in this comment section.

Big picture mode is designed so that you can play your PC and control the menus with a controller from the comfort of your couch.

How can you not know that in 2015?

Slanty3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Oh dear guess you have not of steam big picture mode or steam link so I can game on my couch if I wish? So I am supposed to feel bad because I can afford and prefer to game on pcs? Pcs will 9 times out of 10 have the better version.Thats just common sense better hardware at a price of course but I couldn't care less I have the cash and have a better gaming experience. No girlfriends? Oh dear married with kids here as I guess alot of people are on here. Let me guess spotty virgin living at home with mummy still? No need to be butt hurt over your 20 fps console version.

NatFanBoyRestricted3127d ago

Slayer, What a true console fanboy you are. Perfect example of n4g you prove. My pc sitting right next to my 60' Samsung, same couch when gaming on the xbox

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3127d ago
StrawberryDiesel4203128d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if M$ instructed their minions to spread those false claims about the PS4 framerate running poorly compared to Xbone. That's the way they roll at the M$ gaming division. They must hate DF, good thing for them because I almost picked up the Xbone version over PS4....glad I waited.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3127d ago
ScorpiusX3128d ago ShowReplies(2)
Neonridr3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

nice to see the Xbox One version hold up for a change without major sacrifices.

Christopher3128d ago

I think overall Bethesda sacrificed a lot on both consoles just to reach a "common" view while maintaining 30FPS for the most part. I think it's a given that Bethesda sacrificed a lot to deliver the basest across platforms rather than pushing either system to their potential.

Neonridr3128d ago

and judging by the look of the game, it paid off.

Sure we can gripe because the PS4 version maybe wasn't pushed to the limit, but I think we should just be happy with what we got.

Christopher3128d ago

***Sure we can gripe because the PS4 version maybe wasn't pushed to the limit, but I think we should just be happy with what we got.***

Personally, I think both are fairly underwhelming. I think both deserve a lot more than they got. I don't care if they both run 1080p30fps. They're both subpar compared to other open world games we've gotten this generation in both looks and performance.

Neonridr3128d ago

@Christopher - fair enough

ThePope3128d ago

I would have been much happier with 900p up scaled on the X1 rather than performance issues. Perhaps its the devs, but I feel the gaming community on both sides has this insane (and false IMO) belief that if its not 1080p its bad. I have a 4k TV and the 900p X1 games look as amazing as my 1080p PS4 games. If that weren't the case we wouldn't have to wait for DF to do an analysis to know if there are differences. Performance over resolution!

Neonridr3128d ago

@ThePope - but this game isn't a situation where the Xbox One game is suffering due to it aiming for visual parity with the PS4. The game is struggling for both systems.

Patches I am sure will clear up these issues moving forward.

kenwonobi3128d ago

I would rather unbalanced resolutio nd and best game possible. Not balancing that surely held another and possibly the games graphics back.

UKmilitia3128d ago

ps4 not pushed to limit?
look at all the textures loading in right in front of you,its terrible on both consoles.
i would rather the game drop to 900p and have better textures than how this looks,its pure ugly at times.


So are you trying to say that the xb1 is holding the ps4 back?

Christopher3128d ago

***So are you trying to say that the xb1 is holding the ps4 back?***

What I said: "I think it's a given that Bethesda sacrificed a lot to deliver the basest across platforms rather than pushing either system to their potential."

What I also said: " I think both deserve a lot more than they got. I don't care if they both run 1080p30fps. They're both subpar compared to other open world games we've gotten this generation in both looks and performance."

How you interpret that: "XBO is holding back the PS4."


MoveTheGlow3128d ago

I agree that the Resolution Wars got out of hand and really pushed people to focus on pixel counts instead of movement. Really wish the console versions had a way to downtune the effects and resolution in favor of a smoother framerate, that would be my choice immediately.

gangsta_red3128d ago

We have to see what Fallout 4 is offering before we start claims of Bethesda intentionally holding their game back for anything "common".

Lets not forget that the original Fallout 3 pushed both consoles to their limits with their size and the amount of content at that time. This could also be the case for F4.

"...compared to other open world games we've gotten this generation in both looks and performance."

What other open world game so far is doing anything like Fallout 4 is claiming to do?

Christopher3128d ago

***What other open world game so far is doing anything like Fallout 4 is claiming to do?***

Exactly? None. Just like how F4 doesn't offer multiplayer elements or vehicles or other things that other open-world games do offer. Doing different stuff but overall managing the same elements as it relates to graphics/performance: Mad Max, GTAV, MGSV.

I don't see how "seeing what it offers" as far as gameplay will greatly affect graphical/performance potential.

And, these are the same issues Bethesda has had since forever in all of their games. It's obviously an engine issue and how they load chunk data. It's been an issue for over a decade and they just refuse to fix it.

And, let me say this: I have the CE of this coming tomorrow. But, it's obvious that Bethesda is just not really updating their engine at a level that they should to solve old issues, but instead keep it at a level where they keep running into the same issues on better hardware.

gangsta_red3128d ago

"I don't see how "seeing what it offers" as far as gameplay will greatly affect graphical/performance potential."

It may have a wider variety of locations, buildings that you can actually go inside, more gunplay elements, NPC's, anything that F4 may be doing behind the scenes could be greatly affecting the graphical/performance potential.

I don't think Bethesda could push either console to their potential especially when the game has been in development for what I believe I read 5 years or more. More than likely Bethesda didn't have the specs on either of these machines to do so.

Not to mention this is a third party multiplat game. No third party is going to spend an extra amount of time maximizing the same game for each console, no matter what their spokesperson may tell the gaming press.

Regardless this game looks fantastic, a few dips for a second or two I can live with.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3128d ago
UltraNova3128d ago

If one thing is for sure is that Bethesda opted to base their entire code for the lowest common denominator when it comes to general visual quality.

In other words the game looks average at best(even IGN agrees for gods sake), no wonder they were able to hit 1080p/30fps on the xb1.

Genuine-User3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Which begs the question, why on earth is the PS4 version dropping frames below 30, when it runs between 35-43fps on a budget PC?

UltraNova3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Because they did not spent the required time on optimizing said version. As I mentioned above, they clearly based their optimizations on the lowest common denominator and did not bother to optimize further for the stronger console platform .

This is evident by the fact the the ps4 hovers at 28fps while the xb1 at 24 when they drop from 30 as the ps4 is grunting it out solely because it has more GPU available. The code optimization looks to be essentially identical between the two.

As for why a budget PC out-performs the ps4, I wouldn't even bother getting my self into this subject since I consider the 'console vs PC' subject to be utterly pointless.

BeefCurtains3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )

Pfft... Whatever. Read the whole article. PS4 struggles in numerous areas. You suggest the X1 version held back he Ps4 version, when the Ps4 version couldn't even maintain constant 30fps and had its own issues. Sure, bump up the graphics on the ps4 version and play it at 15fps then, have fun.

You blame the optimization, but the answer is right in front of you. Neither console is up to par with low level gaming PC's. Ps4 is more powerful than X1, yep, but in the grand scheme of available hardware, both are underpowered and Bethesda did what they could with the machines.

So NO, X1 didn't hold back ps4. They both held back PC.

LamerTamer3128d ago (Edited 3128d ago )


It has been reported that the game was optimized on the xbone as the lead platform. It was then ported to PS4 and PC with no optimizations for those platforms. So what we get is what the xbone can do at 1080p which is less than the others. The game needs to be optimized for the PS4 architecture where the better GPU can take more load off of the CPU.

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ShadowWolf7123128d ago

I'm not sure I'd call this "holding up".

"On top of this, Xbox One is unique in its suffering of a stuttering issue, halting the game experience for up to a second during play. It's a glaring hitch downward, and matching runs to the gates of Diamond City shows Xbox One dropping to a record 0fps (zero) while PS4 turns the same corner at 28fps."

Eonjay3128d ago

I've given her all she can take captain!

dirkdady3128d ago ShowReplies(2)
Flash813128d ago

It hit 0FPS your not disappointed?

moparful993128d ago

Hold up? What's your definition of hold up because 0FPS and intermittent instances of the screen freezing is not "holding up".

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto19d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx19d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast18d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl25d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis24d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits24d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast24d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast24d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead24d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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