
Bethesda's Fallout 4 Trailer Was Probably the Most Honest Trailer We've Had in Years

OnlySP: Fallout 4 has finally been revealed, and while most fans of the series are totally ecstatic about it, there’s already talk about the game not looking as good graphically as people hoped it would. To that I say, stop it!

jamie893286d ago

That was a good read, and I agree. It doesn't 'look' spectacular, but it's probably going to be representative of what we actually get in the end.

And games such as this are substance over style, as they should be.

AngelicIceDiamond3286d ago

Its funny to me gamers were thinking Fallout's graphics were gonna be something that was gonna blow us away. I knew the graphics were gonna look as they were.

Overall the graphics look fine to me. Fallout 3's graphics weren't that great. Elder Scrolls Oblivions graphics were some of the best open world graphics early last gen. Skyrim's graphics were decent.

FO4's teaser and early in game graphics suggest its coming out soon. Like this falls gaming season soon. That trailer was all in game and no BS. And again the graphics looks great for a game that's probably gonna be the biggest Fall out and Elder scrolls game yet.

I agree great read.

Ezz20133286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

What's funny is that people thought if it come out on ps3/360 too
that mean they will downgrade the graphics for ps4/xb1/pc

yet the graphics for this "next gen only" game look like fallout3.2

but yeah that was very honest trailer
and that Fallout4 is real is more than enough to make me happy

GutZ313286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

@ Ezz2013
"yet the graphics for this "next gen only" game look like fallout3.2"

Did you play fallout 3?

i.ytimg.com/vi/gik-jDVRDSg/ma xresdefault.jpg (delete the space in "max")

I would find it hard to say that fallout 4 is only a .2 in terms of visual bump.

mikeslemonade3286d ago

Here come you apologists giving Bethesda a free pass.

I want a target trailer. The graphics aren't even as good as many first year games on PS4 and X1. They look as good as COD Ghosts.

I rather have trailers like Witcher 3 and then they downgrade just because the developers couldn't make it happen. Atleast that seems like they tried to make it work. Instead of settling for substandard graphics.

oasdada3286d ago

Ok not spectacular but man this looks bad even for last gen standards.. witcher 2 on 360 looks way better than this :/

3286d ago
Ezz20133286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )


I played every single Fallout game ever made
so yes i played Fallout 3

I'm not mad though beacuse i never cared about graphics
and i can't wait for Fallout 4
but don't try and act like the graphics don't look too close to Fallout 3
The Dog in the trailer looks like coming from ps2 game
there is a reason why people out there saying the graphics look very dated
But hey, Pc mods will make it look like a true next gen

700p3286d ago

fallout 4 made my day. Graphics or not, Bethesda game studios always made great experiences with their games.

Vegamyster3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )


"Lol, it does look like fallout 3.2

The terrain is exactly the same.

Are u people high or wat?"

There is more to the game then the terrain, the texture quality, addition graphical effects like fog/smoke, lighting, details in the cities/characters ect all look much better, there is also a matter of performance which we don't know at this point, Fallout 3 on the 360/PS3 looked pretty muddy overall and the performance wasn't the greatest.

If you care that much about how the game looks then get a PC if you don't already and wait for the mods to start rolling in.

BlackWolf123285d ago Show
Ezz20133285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )


thank you for your immature comment
instead of discussing this like a grown up
you are acting like 5 years old kid

Also are you really that caught up by hype that you went as far as saying it look like GTAV graphics ?!
why not say it look like Witcher 3 too while you at it ?!

If it look soo damn great then why there is tons of articles and gamers talking about it poor graphics ?!
It must be mystery

Wow, i said i'm buying this game day 1 and i don't care about the graphics
it was just my opinion about the graphics
but the so-called "We don't care about graphics" gamers
wish i get panned from planet earth when i said the graphics don't look good

Double Standards FTW

BeefCurtains3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

Gamers are almost impossible to satisfy.

Boo, downgrade from release trailer.
Boo, release trailer doesn't look good enough.
Boo, it looks great but gameplay sucks.
Boo, not enough DLC.
Boo, too much DLC.

_-EDMIX-_3285d ago

@Ezz- lol, though I don't agree with you, you bring up a GREAT point. Had this had 2 versions, many might be claiming one version looked a certain way based on PS3 and 360....yet it looks this way all on its own.

Perspective. And to think, if they did have PS3 and 360 versions, many might have not ever known that how it looked on PS4 and XONE was how it was ALWAYS going to look regardless.

and this game is beyond anything Fallout 3 looked like. It shares its art direction clearly, but Fallout 4 looks NOTHING like 3 graphically. By default it won't really look like 3, different gen.

Fallout 3


and Fallout 4



Soooooo what were you playing? lol

UltraNova3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

I'm willing to give the admittedly mediocre graphics a pass if the actual game wont need 4 patches fixing 600 bugs each just to play more than 2 hrs without lagging (those save files like to get fat, real quick!), crushing, loading into infinity and unable to make any progress because casinos or any place were you have to surrender your arms has a grudge against you bringing your companion along.

I mean I get while they call their engine 'Creation' it creates all kinds of issues to make you rush to the store return the darn game and get a Bioware RPG instead!

On a more serious note,I love the Fallout series so please Bethesda you had 4 years so far so please fix your damn engine and do some extensive quality control this time... something like more than 2 hrs worth..?

BallsEye3285d ago

AHh I remember when Oblivion was revealed..and then my first time playing it. Felt like a 2 gen leap over every other game. Oblivion is still my favo game of all times. The only open world rpg which made such a huge jump in terms of graphics, physics simulation and sandbox.

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its_JEFF3286d ago

I agree as well, it doesn't look spectacular like you said but I do think that it does look good. This game is going to be big, and it took a long time to make. This game was probably being built well before the PS4/X1 and it's probably a cross-gen game, which I'm okay with... I just wanted a new FallOut game.

AngelicIceDiamond3286d ago

I truly think Fallout 4's production probably started right after Skyrim launch.They probably started developing for it probably in 2012. So about 2 in a half years. Lol PS4 and X1 were fetuses back then lol.

MaximusTKG3286d ago

It is not a cross-Gen game. PC, Xbox One, PS4.

Erik73573286d ago

This game is going to be one of those good games that you only get every once in a decade.....

aragon3286d ago

lol its funny how theres articles like these already, really goes to show how gaming has changed the game looks awesome its fallout, i remember when no one analysed pixels so much but i guess im old school, one thing tho at least its an honest representation, the graphics can only get better not worse. im just happy theres a new fallout. cheers guys

3-4-53286d ago

If it looks better than the last one, it's good.

Haru3286d ago

CDPR and other developers could learn a thing or two from these guys

kraenk123285d ago

In which accounts?! Trailer presentation?!

Pennywise1383286d ago

Geez I thought the graphics actually looked really good when I watched the trailer. At least for a gigantic open world game that's coming still relatively early in the current gen. Especially compared to fallout 3 and is a lot more colorful. Open world games will never have the graphical comparison to more straight forward games like uncharted.

thelwebb1003285d ago

Funny because Rockstar games look great! Red Dead Redemption is 5 years old and still looks good!

Pennywise1383285d ago

I never said open world games couldn't look great. I'm saying they will never be at the top of the graphics chart in comparison to games that focus on graphics and more linear gameplay ala the order. My point was I don't think fallout 4 looks bad at all.

Pogmathoin3286d ago

People forget about the games? It looks like a really impressive video game! What are people expecting?? Once you play this game, you will be excited to explore every ounce of it! Culture of begrudgers!

abstractel3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

Yet it looks worse than the retail Witcher 3, Infamous Second Son, Ryse, Killzone Shadowfall, Driveclub... so I don't really agree. Yes Witcher 3 was downgraded a bit, but still looks way better than this.

starchild3285d ago

Yeah but if you think about it none of the Fallout games were known for their graphics. There were always better looking open world games at the time, but while graphics do matter they aren't the most important thing. The game can excel in other ways, and the graphics are good enough anyway.

iluvmaPS33285d ago

The witcher 3 is a lot more simpler and linear game. Fun combat but no freedom.

DVAcme3285d ago

People who just focus on the graphics fail to realize just how much more a new-gen system can accomplish beyond awesome graphics. Yes, the graphics in the trailer are not "OHMYGAWDTHISISTHEBESTLOO KINGGAMEEVER" level... but this will be a HUGE game.

Beyond the simple graphics you'll have draw distance, intricate architecture, objects on screen, AI characters with diverse behavior patterns and combat behavior. You'll have a huge world with a bazillion nooks and crannies to explore. You'll have a bazillion weapons to tackle it with.

This game might not have a new-gen LOOK, but it'll offer a new-gen EXPERIENCE. It'll be a game that goes beyond uz8ng the power of new-gen systems merely for showy graphics and actually offer new and more exciting game experiences.

Besides, stop bitching, PC players, the graphics mods will be available within a few months tops.

bennissimo3285d ago

Bethesda's games offer consistently great stories.

If Fallout 4 supports 1080p and a locked framerate on PS4, I really don't care about any other graphical element.

Suck it, texture and lighting whores!!!! :)

thelwebb1003285d ago

1080p and a locked frame rate? Keep dreaming bro.

bennissimo3285d ago

GTA did it, so there's no reason Bethesda's open world games could do likewise.

LamerTamer3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

My worry is that like all Bethesda games(and most games now days) FO4 will have megatons of game/quest breaking bugs. Every game they make is a buggy mess. I could never finish FO3 on the 360 because the "water of life" bug where every time I would go through the door that you needed to the game would freeze at the loading screen. They never fixed it either.

FO NV I almost couldn't continue because I had the game save corrupting bug. They did patch later so I was lucky.

There will probably be 10 patches on this game before it will be playable. If I was smart (and patient) I wouldn't buy FO4 for a couple of months after release.

DVAcme3285d ago

There will always be a few bugs that slip through. Such a massively interactive open world will always have issues that slip by until thousands of gamers play the game at the same time and they get identified. However, I do expect much better support for this one, since the PS4 and XB1 are much closer to PCs architecture-wise and the hardware itself can handle the game better. I expect this fame to be relatively pain-free at launch wehn compared to other Bethesda games.

Call me naive if you like, but I try to remain positive, especially where my favorite gaming series is involved.

Lamboomington3285d ago

Were the graphics a little dated ? Yes. Little disappointing perhaps ? yes.

Does it really matter ? No.

The trailer was beyond epic. That music... they know how to get us hyped.

The best part about the trailer ? As someone on twitter said.
There was no preorder bonus or DLC bonus bullshit at the end. That's so true, because that stuff leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

-Ikon-3285d ago

Guess this sites never heard of Kojima Productions rofl

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Kayant3286d ago

From big publishers/Devs yh. I think the last time a big publisher/Dev introduced a game with pure gameplay was GTA V?

mydyingparadiselost3286d ago

Uhhh, how about almost everything Nintendo has revealed?

Kayant3286d ago

Ha I don't tend to follow Nintendo stuff so forgot ;)

ThatKanadianKid3286d ago

I enjoyed this trailer and yes, it's pretty obvious the game isn't going to be the best looking game of this year, but Bethesda's games have never been known for their "out of this world" graphical quality. I'd rather explore a world with substance than just something that looks pretty.

The Witcher 3 offered both, obviously, and comparisons will be made, but I'm looking forward to Fallout 4 all the same. Cause, as beautiful as The Witcher 3 is, I enjoyed the game much more.

Erik73573286d ago

Im digging the style and art-style in Fallout 4

May not technically be the best graphics but it sure as hell looks a lot prettier than all the other games.

DrJones3285d ago

Oblivion was that "out of this world-ish" when it arrived. Graphics was a major talking point. The same was Morrowind. Not quite as much in Fallout 3 and Skyrim.

aquaticDonut3286d ago

Bethesda never makes games with really sophisticated engines. They specifically avoid doing so to allow for great mod support.

spacedelete3286d ago

and how do gamers react ? they go apeshit calling Fallout 4 "crappy graphics" and "looks like Fallout 3.5". this is probably why so many companies would rather deceive everyone as everyone will trash the actual graphics. these "gamers" say they gameplay is important but then turn into hypocrites trashing the graphics.

AngelicIceDiamond3286d ago

And yet for years now those same ppl have been sending death threats to Bethesda. Because they wanted them to announce the game so bad.

They announced the game ahead of E3 with a REAL IN GAME TRAILER. No bs cgi, no bs WD type of tech demo. What do they get back in return "Fallout 3.5 and crap graphics. Great loyalty and appreciation gaming community...

3286d ago
GameBoyColor3286d ago

Man, why do people put graphics on such a high standard. Yeah its good to have if it's possible, but really, i play a game for a good story and addictive gameplay. I still play old ass games every once in awhile and they are amazing compared to buggy high graphic games.

oasdada3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

If not gfx idk why one would buy a nextgen console if gplay can be achieved on last gen hardware.. i mean cmon it must be cool to defend it but lets be honest they could have done it a little better

UnHoly_One3286d ago

I don't get it either.

A graphics masterpiece is all fine and good to look at, but it doesn't make the game good.

I could go back and play Fallout 3 right now and have a bunch of fun, and I wouldn't be giving a damn about how it looks.

GameBoyColor3286d ago


I dont know about anybody else, but i buy consoles/handhelds for games. Not just graphics, but games that appeal to me. Ive done this every gen.

Plus i had to make the move since ps3 wont be getting as many games in the coming years.

Perjoss3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

I'm lucky enough to have a PC that can run games like Crysis 3, Witcher 3 and GTA V all fully maxed but I find myself regularly going back to Red Dead Redemption. A good game is a good game.

On a side note, i just watched the old E3 demos for Fallout 3 and Skyrim with Todd showing us the games, you can see there is no extra fluff, just vanilla gameplay of the real game with no fancy scripted stuff or anything else like that.

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Testfire3286d ago

Its better this graphical debate gets out now rather than later. Let people get it out if their systems. Now E3 can be better enjoyed and we can look forward to gameplay.

ManAnimalX3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )


Whoa there horsey, getting carried away abit, yea I agree the complainers about graphics for Fallout 4 are out of line.

But you must be doing drugs if you think deceitful practices by companies is an excuse or because of consumers.

That's going WAY WAY TOO FAR WITH IT. For every great or very good game there's 10 mediocre games being Over hyped and buggy, glitchy, and just flat out lies (Destiny anyone?)...

I would NEVER give the Rich and greedy an excuse to be deceiving, now now let's not encourage such behavior.

Even still I'm hoping Fallout 4 is DRM free , big and expansive, on the graphics front, the ONLY GAME it should be compared to is it's predecessors fallout 3/Vegas.

And it looks to me it's an upgrade, I'm PERFECTLY CONTENT with the new graphics, look awesome imo. To compared Fallout 4 graphically to any other is just UNFAIR, plain and simple.

Every game doesn't have to DEPEND on graphics, some games are so meaty and intriguing, its about the "Gameplay", Lore/experience/adventure/etc.

Absolutely love this franchise, will finally be joining Next Gen (PS4 of course) as soon as this game drops. Can't Wait.

CaitSith3285d ago (Edited 3285d ago )

Am I the only one that thought the graphics were awesome?! I guess I have low standards... And, geez, I just want another Fallout game by Bethesda.

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto18d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx17d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast23d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast23d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead23d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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