
Ep. 23 - PSN Hacked Again | Gamerscore Whores Podcast

In this week's episode we discuss:
- What we've been playing
- PSN monthly free games
- Amazon buying Twitch
- Did the Playstation Network get hacked again?

...Plus we answer your questions, and much more!

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fr0sty3564d ago

Neither were hacked. DDoS attack does not equal hack. No security was broken, they just overwhelmed the servers with requests.

Th3o3564d ago


Yup absolutely right...These titles need to stop. Just for hits!

Patrick_pk443564d ago

PSN wasn't hacked, it was a DDOS, which sends a ton if traffic to overload the servers, and prevents actual people from connecting into that said server. A DDOS does not gain people's private information, the Lizard Squad are far from a real hacker. Also, I hate how people don't understand the difference between the two, it is quite annoying when false rumours spread.

CYCLEGAMER3564d ago (Edited 3564d ago )

Ok Sony got DDOS not "hacked". When is Sony going to use that psn money to invest in a stronger system to better fight those kinds of attacks on their networks?? Sure these things are going to happen but it shouldn't happen as frequent and for as long as it has. DDOS or Hack, one is definitely more severe than the other, in this case the result is the same...psn being down.

Kane223564d ago

no matter how many servers you have. if someone is gonna to attack eventually they'll get through. hell the FBI and many other bigger companies have been DDOS.

qwerty6763564d ago (Edited 3564d ago )


true you cant ever really 100% prevent a ddos attack

however you can invest in more data centers making it 10x harder to bring down.

Lizard Squad the "supposed" ddosers were able to bring down most of psn for a whole day because Sony only has one data center for psn.

they also tried to ddos Xbox Live after but it hardly had any impact, xbox live was up and running in no time and wasn't even brought down just some light loggin issues.

Lizard Squad even admitted on Twitter MS is a lot harder because they have multiple data centers opposed to sony.

so maybe thats something sony should look into?

gaffyh3564d ago

Ddos is not a hack, it's just a server overload.

Spotie3564d ago Show
Kayant3564d ago

And you want to know how many other organizationals including government ones would be considered hacked based on your misinformed logic.

Yh ddos /=/ hacking. It's is not an attack against security.

BX813564d ago

Oh god let me clear this up now before someones's brain explodes....
I didn't think I would have to include it but...... /s

dudeOplenty3564d ago


There was nothing in your post that indicated you were using sarcasm.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3564d ago
Sm00thNinja3564d ago (Edited 3564d ago )

Jesus people learning is fun. DDOSing is relatively easy to do on a smaller scale explanation it's really just overloading the network with pseudo-Mac addresses to shut down the network or overload it. This is almost impossible to stop because you cannot tell what sources of traffic are legitimate. Microsoft while better equipped to keep their network afloat was still hit with sign in issues on a smaller scale. NOTHING TO DO WITH STEALING PERSONAL INFORMATION but it can allow a gateway to greater damage if that's what these hackers were going for. Sony did a much better job of cleaning up this time lets give them that much credit.. And they kept us relatively informed of what was going on

Kane223564d ago

I love how every article about this always has "hack" and Sony. i guess they forgot about Microsoft, blizzard, twitch.tv, lol, path of exile, GW2, and many other that have been "hacked" this past 2 weeks. or my personal favorite lets leave out the bomb threat SOE president got. freaking idiots

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Skuletor1h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.