
Devil May Cry Trademark Pops Up, Sequel Announcement for PS4, Xbox One, and PC Imminent?

Junkie Monkeys: We have discovered that Capcom has recently registered a trademark for Devil May Cry.

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Nyxus3759d ago

If they make a new game I hope they go back to classic style Devil May Cry.

Treezy5043759d ago

That would be nice if Capcom would actually listen to fan feedback.

Godmars2903759d ago

Because they've given every indication of doing such in the past. Rather than go as far as to blame fan feedback for a game failure or cancellation.

abzdine3759d ago

dmc is a very good game, but the look of Dante is really terrible.
bring back the original one or at least Nero with the same gameplay

minimur123759d ago

I wouldn't ind a PS Vita DmC, I heard there was one for PSP but I think it was in the early days where it wasn't too popular and it was cancelled :(

Conzul3759d ago

I just finished DmC since it was on PS+. I rather liked it, but I can appreciate how a big change in character look would piss some people off.

I can't imagine how pissed I would have been if SP had gone with that "new" Cole for inFamous 2.

DragonKnight3759d ago

@Godmars: The difference between then and now is that Capcom literally can't afford to piss off the fanbase this time. They simply don't have the money to absorb another flop like DmC was for them.

Lord_Sloth3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Just throwing this out there. Capcom has already stated they were pulling their resources back to internal development and Itsuno wants to make DMC5.

UltimateMaster3759d ago

If it ain't the classic Devil May Cry Dante.
Don't buy it, let Capcom go under and go bankrupt.
Maybe then the next person in charge would treat their fan base better.

Godmars2903759d ago

No, pretty sure during their last stock meeting, they blamed fans for the general failure of the new direction of the RE series. Said that we were too old.

Sevir3758d ago

I thoroughly enjoyed DmC:Devil May Cry! The world made sense, it was cohesive, and the characters gave some pretty believable and meaningful performance!

The pacing was great, and the combo system while simple did feel pretty rewarding when attempting ing the cancels and reversal counters!

NT + Capcom please make it happen on PS4... A DmC:Devil May Cry 2 at 1080 60fps PS4 on Panta Rhei, or UE4!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
sonic9893759d ago

advice for capcom :
Delete that WESTERNIZED style and story all together and return to the main thing master it evolve it .
other than that thank you

PaleMoonDeath3759d ago

.. We still need a game with Sparda as they main character, the prequel of prequels, :(

ZombieKiller3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....
Please no Ninja Theory....

(Edited @ 9 agrees and 1 disagree...not pulling a fast one)
I want a Devil May Cry not a DmC. I know some people thought it was good, and I agree TO AN EXTENT, that being that I see WHY some people might like it a bit, but this was not the Devil May Cry I have known since RE Code Veronica's demo disc.
I don't need another video showing the similarities either (whoever posted that last time, thank you but that's not my point). Please just bring back the series Japanese roots, white haired Dante (by white haired, I mean the ORIGINAL Dante attitude, Ruben Langdon, the calm collect DANTE...not DUNTE with white hair) and lets have some devs that actually have a clue about the series this time.

I say give it to Platinum Games....

CryofSilence3759d ago

Yes. Platinum games would be ideal with old Dante.

christocolus3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

I liked the reboot alot more than the classic dmc. I hope they continue with that using the pantha rhei engine.

ABizzel13759d ago

Presentation easily goes to DmC, the concept of limbo being the demonic dimension sells that verse so well (are we going to get a angelic limbo this time?).

Gameplay however, easily goes to Capcom. DmC was fine, but I want DMC gameplay when I play Devil May Cry, not Heavenly Sword 2.0 (although I would love a new Heavenly Sword Sony).

Combine the two and we have the best DMC yet, IMO.

It would be best to offer two skins so gamers can play as Old Dante and New Dante so there's no complaints. Plus I like both of them.

ABizzel13759d ago


I'm hoping for a hybrid of the two 80% original, 20% new. DmC brought some good ideas that sell the believability of DMC. Limbo just makes sense and should become part of the franchise from now on, demons in control of politics (makes sense in the real world too), angel / demon hybrid for more unique weapons (I enjoyed the angel weapons).

Other than that everything else can go back the way it was especially gameplay.

As long as Capcom is in control of the gameplay I'll be happy. If it's a definitive edition (which it likely is) I'm guessing 1080p @ 60fps + DLC. Hopefully they learn from Square's Tomb Raider incident and sell it for $40 as a GOTY edition normally would.

SaturdayNightBeaver3759d ago

slim are the chances for that, i bet its going even more casual this time.

-Foxtrot3759d ago

Maybe a DMC game thats actually a DMC game

dmc was crap, it was an inferior DMC game in every way yet it got better scores then DMC4.

I mean WTF.....sorry say what you want about my silly tin foil hat but something is going on there, especialy when all of a sudden the month before it came out journalists suddenly started to defend it despite not saying anything about it the 2 years it was being criticized. Oh don't forget the majority of big site reviews sounding all the same and talked more about the so called "haters" then the actual game it's self

Seriously they better go back to DMC and forget about dmc.

Ninja Theory should not be allowed it after what they did to it, they were so disrespectful.

ABizzel13759d ago

Because it wasn't crap as you say.

I completely agree gameplay-wise it was nothing like a traditional DMC, but overall the game was still good and enjoyable. There were some good ideas there, unfortunately Capcom didn't do the combat (thus Heavenly Sword 2.0 was the combat) and Unreal Engine was used instead of Capcom's which resulted in many of the technical issues.

If Capcom can take DmC's ideas, with their own engine, bring back DMC gameplay, and offer both Dante skins for both fans then DMC 5 should be the best in the franchise.

sonic9893759d ago

off topic :
woow fox your comment is just perfect btw is that tails on your avatar just asking
on topic :
yeah i saw most of the reviews they were talking more about what the old ( whining ) fans will do when they see this or that , and didnt truly review the game based on what it did offer .
its simple personally i wont buy a DmC game i will buy a Devil May Cry game

-Foxtrot3759d ago


Thank You

Yeah exactly, thats what most of them said. I felt like the other half of the good reviews just forget what a DMC game was supposed to be like

Hey people can like it but when it's got something to live up to then you can't give it better scores then the last game which was better. It has a name to live up to

Oh and yes...it is Tails :)

vallencer3758d ago

It got better review scores then 4 because well, 4 was complete crap. The ONLY good thing about 4 was Nero. The whole game was just a backtrack of things you already did as Nero and they were worse as Dante. No devilbringer as Dante was the worst decision ever. I also understand he couldn't have that but why not give him something with reach to bring things close to him.

Oh and I'm a huge fan of the new DmC game but I also really like the old ones too so sue me.

DanteVFenris6663758d ago


Just had to add in Dante had a devil trigger In dmc 4. I think dmcs gameplay was the best, both characters were fun. But yea level design was poor on Dante parts because they were previous places

ZombieKiller3758d ago

@Abizzel: You say there were good ideas. Which ones were you thinking of?
I didn't see any good ideas come from DMC that weren't used already in the previous games.

Maybe the Angel/Demon weapons but honestly, with the enemies only taking damage from certain weapons, all that was doing was forcing you to play a certain way. Taking away from the freedom of combat.
We went from 60FPS to 30FPS
We went from clean crisp textures to dirty, slimy nasty ones.
Dante was easy to control, now he stumbles.
No lock on.

That's to name a few. To tell you the truth, I feel like we lost alot with NT making this one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
CryofSilence3759d ago

Let the new Dante die and disappear.

noctis_lumia3759d ago

he got the white hair at the end of the game everybody was crying about so whats the prob this time ?

CryofSilence3759d ago

White hair doesn't change his personality.

Muffins12233759d ago

Honestly besides the shitty script and characters in the reboot,the story was actually nice in it and the game play was fucking awesome.If they do make a sequel just keep the characters more like the last ones and a better script writer and it will be perfect.

GetRealOne3759d ago

What is not classic about the title from ninja theory? Perhaps you don't like DMC any more and somebody else is guilty. The Character looks like Dante, you can see it in Chapter one in the hair scene. The gameplay is totally DMC. The Game was nearly perfect. What you are complaining about?

RAAMzilla3758d ago

Forgive the apparent willy-waving, but having beaten every mission of every DMC with an S rank (excluding DMC2) I still found the DmC reboot to be better and more enjoyable than the classic series. Think what You will of Ninja Theory, but I felt that they delivered an excellent game.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
Relientk773759d ago

Sweet bring on another Devil May Cry

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante3759d ago

Hopefully they continue with the DmC storyline. This time it won't be outsourced but they can still follow that same storyline.

rezzah3759d ago

I hope they don't.

Bring back the original.

We still have unfinished business with Nero.

ZombieKiller3759d ago

Rezzah I would love that. I wish they would ressurect Virgil after DMC4 and create team attacks with Dante, Virgil, and Nero.

Then make in 3 player co-op.
Dante, Nero, Vigil tag team combos would be awesome.

Bhuahahaha3759d ago

and i would like to see more scene for lady

Salooh3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

You are always against people wishes. Devil. XD

Just kidding with you ^^

Salooh3759d ago

Ok , you guys too serious, no messing with you xP

ritsuka6663758d ago


LOL@ you name.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
listenkids3759d ago

Enjoyed the reboot myself, I think the ending was too open to not progress with a sequel.

kx113759d ago

i only loved the reboot

the old DMC titles felt tasteless and silly

listenkids3758d ago

So many kids on this "site"

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Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot5d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga4d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj3d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia5d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord4d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame8184d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

4d ago
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Stellar Blade has sold more physical copies than Dragon's Dogma 2 in Japan, despite PS5 exclusivity

By the looks of it, PlayStation 5 exclusivity does not hurt the sales of Stellar Blade in Japan as the game has passed 90,000 sold physical copies.

Hugodastrevas8d ago

Stellar Blade really deserves way more praise than it got, devs have been adding more and more content, for free, since release and the game already was great to begin with!

BrettAwesome8d ago

More than it got? It got tons, by everyone except the sad wankers who's idea of a sex life, is pulling on their dicks while watching big fake cgi titties 😂

gerbintosh7d ago

Don't see the difference between cgi titties and fake boobs. Also no difference to wanking it to either one of them since both aren't physically there

RiseNShine7d ago

Salty that the game is doing well hm? ;) I suggest some cheese with your whine.

Skuletor7d ago

So you're saying the people that like watching CGI tits didn't praise the game? An educated guess is you meant the opposite.

BrettAwesome7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

What the fuck are you talking about? I think it looks like an awesome game. I don't get the sentiment that it didn't get as much praise as it deserved. The only ones who's been shit talking it, are sad wankers with no sex life. Am I whining? How? 😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
Cacabunga8d ago

I think we can safely claim that Stellar Blade 2 is confirmed!
I got it day one, i have some backlog due to RDR2 i just platinumed.. i will get to Stellar Blade in the near future

shinoff21838d ago

Same but I'm hitting yakuza right now. Stellar blade looks cool though.

neutralgamer19928d ago

Capcom really dropped the ball with DG2. They had easy success on their hand but instead with their stupid decisions ruined the games success

Stellar blade is an amazing game and deserves all the success. For all the artificial hate it got from people who had no interest in the game to begin with this shows if you make a good game it will sell. The so called 1st party drought from PlayStation has meant 4 exclusives in 2024 so far. Other companies need to learn how to run a business and plan for the future

H98d ago

Stellar blade is performing very impressively there, DD2 didn't do well because word of mouth destroyed it's reputation and not about the Microtransactions or performance, bad word of mouth about how the game lacks so many things that were in the first one

Redemption-648d ago

DS2 sold 2.5M in a little over a week, what the hell are you talking about?

H98d ago

"there", that's Japan, this article is about Japan, the bad word of mouth is about Japan

Hereandthere8d ago

Exclusives matter. No matter what bumbling phil and bond try to say, exclusives is why you buy a console.

The_Hooligan8d ago

How dare you speak common sense!!??

jznrpg7d ago

It would if they added a lot more combat and didn’t focus on graphics

XiNatsuDragnel8d ago

Stellar blade is great excited for 2

anast8d ago

They dropped the ball with dogma. SB is a solid game, it just had to weather the social storm.

shinoff21838d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Said that dd2 was missing things the first one did,like mass effect 2? I haven't played it so I'm really asking.

spss118d ago

I've played both and I have no idea what people say when they claim it's "incomplete". I've only noticed new things in comparison to DD1 (I would give a list but spoilers). Sometimes I wonder if some people actually played DD1 or maybe they remember it differently. Anyways, if you liked the first one and want more of that, you'll probably like DD2.

anast7d ago

Yeah, the content, combat movement is slower, less vocations, the armor system, it's more simplified, and dungeons are lacking. It's like they rushed it out or something, but didn't forget to add in youtuber pawns and micros. At least ME 2 upped the content.

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Resident Evil 1 Remake To Have Slower Pace; Will Further Expand On The Game's Lore

Many details for the upcoming rumored Resident Evil 1 remake have already leaked online. Capcom appears to have huge ambitions for it.

XiNatsuDragnel13d ago

Sounds interesting I'll be interested in the second remake of re1

Cacabunga13d ago

They game cube remake was mind blowing.. another remake would be nice but i was really hoping for Code Veronica first

-Foxtrot13d ago

If it's true they are probably leading up to RE5 with the Chris vs Wesker story

RE1, CV and then RE5

Terry_B13d ago

Their REmake is still one of the best 3 video game remakes ever made.

Cacabunga13d ago


Zero was not a remake but an amazing game as well. I hope they remake that one one day with some coop play.. great great game

maelstromb13d ago

The whole Lisa Trevor side-story was an incredible addition and really fleshed out more of the lore. It could have easily felt tacked on to artificially extend the length of the game, but it felt 'right' like it should have been in there from the beginning. I'm hoping they include that in the Re-remake.

Yui_Suzumiya12d ago

Code Veronica definitely needs it the most!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 12d ago
fsfsxii13d ago

Cant wait until they cut the basement section and replace it with something worse.

Becuzisaid13d ago

While I want another modern remake of 1, I think code Veronica should be first. The first re1 remake holds up amazingly well. Give CV it's due.

Scissorman13d ago

As long as the Crimson Heads are back.

Nerdmaster12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

I hope they don't. They were created mainly to justify Wesker not really dying, and they do create more tension, but they don't make much sense.
Re-reviving things that were twice dead? Why would the virus stop there and not keep reviving them forever (until the head gets destroyed)?
And also the characters knowing that destroying their heads keep them from becoming crimson heads, while having a combat knife and lots of heavy objects around to do it while they're down, but having to rely on lucky shots or burning them with oil?
They can create other stuff that serves the same purpose of creating tension but that makes more sense.

Levii_9213d ago

Come on State of Play already!!!

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