
Titanfall Microsoft Exclusivity Deal: Insiders Clash on Whether The Game Can be Brought to PS4

Titanfall has been a quite polarizing topic as of late, polarizing enough to put even industry insiders on opposed fronts. Earlier today Ahsan Rasheed, AKA Thuway mentioned that the "rumor around the block" is that Sony is trying hard to bring Titanfall to PlayStation platforms, while Microsoft is trying to secure the game completely. He also encouraged fans to "make noise" to support the switch. After that, another industry insider with a pedigree, Pete Dodd AKA Famousmortimer. completely denied Thuway's claim.

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Snookies123760d ago

Well I do have to say, after playing the beta that it's certainly a fun game. Really love the fluid motion of movement you have while on foot.

So, I say the more platforms it's on, the better. I mean, I'd get it on PC regardless but it never hurts to reach more people.

Rig_Master3760d ago

"I'd get it on PC regardless"

And that right there is it.

thekhurg3760d ago

I'm just tired of seeing these stupid Titanfall articles on the PS4 channel.

malokevi3760d ago

That's it? I'm getting it on XB1, so that, sir, is quite evidently not "it".

But you keep telling yourself that it is. It's kinda cute. ;)

Eonjay3760d ago

"Insiders Clash" - LOL okay guys calm down.

Gazondaily3760d ago

Lol @ insiders clash.

I imagine it to be something like this:


georgeenoob3760d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Titanfall will stay exclusive to Microsoft, buying it on PC doesn't help Sony in any way no matter how bad N4G keeps emphasizing it. You will still support MS when buying this game.

The question isn't whether Titanfall will come to PS4, cause it isn't. The question is, will Titanfall 2 come out on PS4 considering MS might plan on locking the series down after the huge hype and success. Knowing how rich MS is, it is a huge possibility.


I'll tell you what they don't have in common. None of those games had a life-time exclusive deal, only timed unlike Titanfall as confirmed by IGN.

As for Mass Effect, the game was originally published by MS and developed by Bioware. THEN EA BOUGHT BIOWARE, hence it turning multiplatform. How does that scenario apply to this one?

RyuCloudStrife3760d ago

PC is really the place to play TitanFall

DragonKnight3760d ago

"Titanfall will stay exclusive to Microsoft, buying it on PC doesn't help Sony in any way no matter how bad N4G keeps emphasizing it. You will still support MS when buying this game."

Bioshock, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden.

What do those games have in common?

AngelicIceDiamond3759d ago

How come you all don't like it when someone states they are getting it for X1?

I'm getting for X1.

Is there a problem that I am?

SpideySpeakz3759d ago


No one is arguing against your platform of choice.
Not one person here is crying about the Bone version except Xbox fanboys. You, and the Boners brought it up. Stop being so insecure and trying to force the flamebait upon us. No one cares if you like the inferior version, that's your lost, not ours.
Now back to the PC talk.

Why o why3759d ago

Vote for Pedro

Love Napoleon Dynamite


Live and let live I say.... pretty much everything else is in sonys favour.... multiplats, sales, in-house talent, track record, power........let em have something.

darthv723759d ago

So are we treating this game as the new rumor to gears of war on PS3 or MGS4 on 360???

just because another platform is capable of running it does not make it proof its coming. It all depends on how deeply the funding for the project runs.

ShwankyShpanky3759d ago

@georgenoob: If someone bought a PC three years ago that came with Windows, how is buying Titanfall on PC "supporting Microsoft?"

Be interesting to see if anyone gets it running decently via Linux/WINE as well.

DragonKnight3759d ago

@georgenoob: You got the answer wrong. Also, don't act like you know what the agreement between EA and Microsoft was. Finally, even if you're correct, Titanfall Omega with different coloured mechs and a new mech dog could easily make it to the PS4 without any problems.

its_JEFF3759d ago

@AngelicIceDiamond Why is it a problem when @Rig_Master or @Snookies12 say they're getting it for PC instead?

Visiblemarc3759d ago


No one here has seen the contracts and we have no idea the conditions set forth. Stating these things as facts looks silly.

Will it matter? I dunno. To me the extreme overhype on this game is overkill. Let's see how it performs on the sales charts. Let's also see if multiplayer communities persist. That's the keystone. A. Multiplayer only game can't have a long tail if it has no persistent community. That won't appear from no where. That will have to be composed of converts from other multiplayer-driven shooters. Will COD players stay with TF for a long time? After the next COD drops?

Without this key, the game could self destruct it's brand by ending up bargain bin fodder. If that happens, by the time the sequel rolls around it will be niche at best.

As for MS having magic deep pockets, they don't. The Xbox division is famously/dangerously unprofitable. The lack of first party titles overall should be your first hint at how tight the purse strings really are.

As for the fate of a runaway hit Titanfall? EA is one of the greediest companies on planet earth. The are watching the sales charts. With zero stock to spare PS4 is doubling XB1's sales. That is a huge indicator. As is the fact that XB1 bundles are turning up sub-$500 through retailers.

Couple that with a very subdued year for unannounced exclusives and the task ahead of MS is huge. EA will stab them in the back the first time they stumble. I promise you that.

Why do you waste time with all this fanboy crap anyway? Just evolve into a gaming industry news fan. Buy what's good, avoid what isn't. Personally I hope for a turnaround of MS' woes. A strong Xbox brand is VERY good for gamers and gaming. I love consoles and games period. Who cares who makes them?

What bugs me is how MS is digging a deeper hole by being dishonest and making a mockery of their customers and general technical knowledge (such as that "720 isn't worse than 1080 bs"). Aside from that, when everyone is respectful, all brands deserve to, and should, flourish.

UncleGermrod3759d ago

Let's all keep pretending you have a rig, and that your not just some Ps4 fanboy. 500 is too much, but you own a ps4 and a gaming rig, sure thing boss man.

I bet 60% of the people on here going "mer, I'll get it on PC"! are all full of it.

corvusmd3759d ago

Yeah sorry, that's not "it"...I agree it's a matter of opinion, but this feels like a console game to me. I understand wanting to play a game like ESO on PC rather than console (I'm debating that)...but Titanfall feels like more of a console game...esp after seeing the fact that a Max setting on PC only looks slightly better than the XB1 version. There is no need for all the extra keys, nor a mouse for this game...if it's your preference have at it...but my personal opinion is that this is a console game. Maybe it's just cause none of my friends game on PCs...and this seems like a "play with friends" kind of game.

ShwankyShpanky3759d ago

@Germrod: Thing is, you don't really need a "rig" to run it on PC. The only thing remotely taxing in its system requirements is the 64-bit OS.

loulou3759d ago

"insiders clash" lol

thuway the shill and dodd the attention seeker.

i find it truely amazin that these two are in the gaming news almost daily now

ThanatosDMC3759d ago


Hahaha... no.

CapsLocke3759d ago


I hope you're sarcastic. This is News for Gamerers, not "News for Sony fanboys"

ShwankyShpanky3759d ago

@CapsLocke: Looks like someone doesn't understand how "channels" work.

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LackTrue4K3760d ago

Fan boy crap aside, I'm expecting this game to do a "Mass Effect"
.... And end up coming to the PlayStation4.

DA_SHREDDER3760d ago

yeah like 6 or 7 years later. lol

alejandroelputo3759d ago


5 years is more likely

thezeldadoth3759d ago

sony fans will hate on the game until it arrives on ps4, and then they'll say that xbox/pc players beta tested it for them and its not a great game

Flames763759d ago

Again you do know EA and respawn has already confrmed Titanfall is an exclusive to Xbox will never come to PS4?As far as the 2nd or 3rd well see.Its not hard to understand it at all since its been confirmed time and time again

Prime1573759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

It doesn't matter, this is a fanboy site (yes, heavier on Sony, but not by much). You have the xbox fanboys who think all Sony fanboys are jealous, and all the ps4 fanboys that think the ps4 is miles ahead.

Then you have the 60% or more that game on pc, and literally don't care, but get lumped in with either side of the fanboys based off of what they say "sounding like" they are "supporting" one side or the other.

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ricochetmg3759d ago

What multiplayer only game ever sold consoles ? NONE

UncleGermrod3759d ago

How many good online only shooter have even been on consoles..........? Waiting

NarooN3759d ago

I was about to say Battlefield, then I remembered that they started shoehorning in single-player campaigns ever since the series came to the 7th console generation, so meh, haha.

ricochetmg3759d ago

Mag was good and shadow run was good.

CaptainFaisal3759d ago

M.A.G on ps3 ... was fun but they shut it down forever last month :(

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showtimefolks3759d ago

so EA just shot themself again but angering Respawn. Since the IP is owned by Respawn i can totally see them going with another publisher

also every contract has a loophole

its amazing to me how everything thought xbox one would dominate, how MS will basically kill sony/ps brand and look it here how the tide has turned. I said it before and i will say it again expect Titanfall to be on ps4 within 12 months, but better question is will people care enough?

someone who wants to play it can on 3 platforms.

EA regrets it every day lol. Funny thing is sony hasn't even announced a lot fo stuff for 2014 and yet its selling so much and we have the Japan launch coming soon which will create atleast few more millions gap wise between ps4 and xbox one

you bet on the wrong horse EA, last generation EA sold majority of its content on Playstation brand so it made very little sense to go with ms/xbox one.

Activision and UBI are looking smart by doing exclusive content for ps4 versions of destiny and watch dogs

solar3759d ago

i remember all the hoopla over ME being MS exclusive. how PS3 gamers shunned it, called it crap, then the series came to Sony's platform and all was rainbows and cum shots.

and this is coming from a PC gamer who gives two shits about the console wars. which i find absolutely hilarious.

Titanfall will hit PS4 at some time. because EA loves money. but talking shit about a game you cant play on your platform of choice, especially when you havent play it, is childish.

Chevalier3759d ago

No one even knows how popular it will be didn't stop you from putting in a comment did it? Unless your opinion is the only one that matters just let it go. You talk about being petty and you do the exact same thing. So stop calling people childish, they're entitled to an opinion just as much as you. No more no less.

We'll see how it goes when the game comes out. I'm of the opinion that EA being greeding and short sighted lost more than money. They lost mind share among customers which is more important. Having a willing customer come back every year is something they should be building.

Even if they only ended up selling only 2 million on PS4 that would be 30-40% of the customers owning an EA shooter with no competition from Activision for 6 months (till Destiny arrives). Now they're going to release Battlefield or Medal of Honor in the fall and it'll be pinned between both of Activision's Destiny and COD and also 2k games Evolve.

They would have been smart to have release on both PS4 and Xbox One offering MS exclusive DLC instead. They would benefit far into the following years setting up their position that way.

Just my 2 cents though.

Larry L3759d ago

Any PS3 only gamer bashing ME1 before it came out on PS3 was obviously just being a troll since they didn't play it. Why would anyone even pay attention to what they're saying? But you know who you COULD listen to about ME1? The people who were criticising it that actually WERE playing it........360 and PC gamers. You aren't suggesting ME1 was perfect, right? I mean, as a whole, after you've played through......yeah, that was a good, epic game. But if you look at induvidual parts making up that game, there were some problems, or at the very least, plenty of room for improvement.

The shooting mechanic was just off a bit. It was a weak point of the game for me, which they improved greatly for the 2nd and 3rd games. Graphics weren't very good in ME1, again improved alot for the sequels. There was alot of tedious and downright boring sections you had no choice but to deal with, which BioWare pretty much eliminated for the sequels. There's a few other little things too, which really add up if a gamer wanted to give an honest critiqueing of ME1. And since these things were improved (mostly) in the sequels, obviously these were real issues, not just something some "PS3 fanboys" were making up because they all secretly were jealous......which seems to be the going theory with fanboys of manufacturers other than Sony.

Now since you stated that you're a PC gamer, you may not be aware of this (nor are seemingly very many of the above poster), so I'm going to remind people that the PS3 version of ME1 is not a port of the original 360 or PC version. The way EA and BioWare got around MS's ME1 exclusivity was to rebuild the game for the PS3 on ME2/3's updated and improved game engine. Honestly, there's no fanboyism in this comment, BioWare greatly improved ME1 for the PS3 version. It's gunplay is much more like ME 2 and 3, it's visuals were improved to more closely match ME2/3. UI was smoothed out. The boring and tedious parts like the endless buggy driving was curtailed. Playing the game with little-to-no bugs or glitches was nice too by the way.

So my question to you is, did PS3 fans who actually bought and played ME1 once it came out for PS3 not bash the game just because they're Sony fanboys basking in the glory of finally having ME1, or did they not bash the game once they played it because the game they were playing was actually a better game than what 360 and PC gamers played a couple years earlier?

My answer is PS3 gamers were playing a far better ME1 both on a technical and a gameplay level. There are far less negative things to say about the PS3 version. Everything that needed to be improved in ME1, which was improved for ME2 and 3, was also improved for the PS3 version of ME1. Simply put, it's a better game.

Jack_Reacher3759d ago

Speak for everyone eh. I got Me on PS3 and to be honest was not impressed at all. So no rainbows and cumshots from this direction.

And who are you to call people childish. You have just shown everyone that your a PC fanboy. After all if you did not give 2 shits i'm wondering why you bothered to comment!

xx4xx3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Same was said about Gears of War....as PS fanboys said it was a crap xbox game. Then rumors started going around that it could come to PS4...it was going to be major coup to get another great game. Now that the series was purchased by MS, it's come full circle and is now a crap game again.

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Gardenia3759d ago

EA made a deal with Microsoft long before the PS4 and XB1 came out. Now looking at the sales of these consoles EA realizing they made a mistake by making Titanfall an XB1 exclusive

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3759d ago

LMAO.. Sony fanboy Thuway wants TitanFall so bad to come out on his beloved PS4. So bad!

"Come on people and let your voice be heard!"

Ha ha ha.. thought people didn't care about this game.

Boy this game is hot!

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XiSasukeUchiha3760d ago

Ok do say this if MS did buy Titanfall IP before Respawn or mostly like EA making it multiplat for $ i would be surprised!

alejandroelputo3759d ago

you are not really good at commenting in any article here in n4g

Silly gameAr3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Yes. OMG yes. Sasuke is confusing...like the manga.

NarooN3759d ago

u wot m8?

I seriously can very rarely, if ever, understand any of the comments you make, lol.

alejandroelputo3757d ago

Yeah seriously, he is even worst then the anime

Nero13143760d ago

Why is this still a discussion ?

Galletto33760d ago

because despite people saying this is a generic shooter, there is enough pressure on the powers-that-be by PS players to bring it over to Sony.

It doesnt help that all the higher ups are making statements they have to retract because of behind the scene deals

Rig_Master3760d ago

"there is enough pressure on the powers-that-be by PS players to bring it over to Sony."


Outside of a few Sony fans who think it would be hilarious to have a game Microsoft has putting so much wasted effort into hyping go multiplat, no one is begging for this Call of Doody with Mechs game running an outdated graphics engine.

ABizzel13760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )


I think there are people who are genuinely interested in the game on the PS side simply because the industry has been hyping it to death.

I also agree with you that there are people who want it simply to burn MS's investment.

And I also agree with you that most people probably don't care either way.

I personally don't care. I want to give the game a try, but from most of the footage it's not the kind of game I'd buy. To each their own. If it happens it's not going to be day and date with the XBO release (possibly 360 release, but more than likely 6 - 8 months later). If it doesn't happen then EA basically ruined this franchise for most PlayStation gamers and will only sell a fraction of TF2 compared to the XBO version.

Galletto33760d ago

Im just saying, why would Sony want to bring it over if no one wanted it? Just to steal profits from Microsoft? Thats a kinda shady maneuver if you honestly think thats the case.

Im calling Occams razor on this. What makes more sense, that PS players want an arguably fun looking super hyped game (despite any qualms about its uniqueness), or that a company just wants to screw over its competitors who are already suffering?

BlackTar1873760d ago


I am wanting it on ps4. I will get it on xbone and thats fine with me too but i would love this game to be on PS4 since its my preferred platform.

Stop pretending that all this news about possible multi etc. is coming from nowhere. Allot of people want to play this game and allot of people aren't willing to shell out $500+game to play it.

I believe the Game hype itself is a littl eover the top but people want to play this game it looks fun. Over the top meant people calling this a messiah of a game etc.

Cueil3759d ago

it's not the industry hyping it to death it's poeple who have played the game hyping it to death

MetaReapre3759d ago

I would actually like it on the ps4 since I prefer that controller but I will be happy to get it for the PC as I will just program my ds4 to work with the game. Although, I want to try the game first before I purchase it...

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DragonKnight3760d ago

@Nero1314: You're going to be told it's because PS fans want Titanfall on the PS4.

I stated it before, I will say it again, why should Sony waste their time on this when they could strive for better?

There is no reason to clash on this in any event. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is proof that no agreement is set in stone.

I personally hope that Sony would have better things to do than go for this game.

Imalwaysright3759d ago

You believe that MS didn't find a way to prevent those kind of loopholes after Ninja gaiden Sigma?

DragonKnight3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Nope. It's impossible. Contracts have to have specific language. Microsoft legally can't try to create a contract that essentially says "you can't take this game and add new content and give it a slightly different name or that's a breach of contract" because "new content" could literally mean anything and the game isn't technically the same once new content and a name change are involved. The deal between EA and Microsoft would be for Titanfall and all content that Titanfall launches with, not Titanfall Omega with new content, different coloured mechs, etc..

This kind of thing has been happening for centuries and isn't limited to gaming.

GamingNerd0133759d ago

I agree I would be happy with sony focusing on making new ips or just using it on exclusives content. 4 me the only reason I would want titinfall to be on PS4 is to burn MS and the MS fan boyish as it would be funny if the PS4 version is better and sells more PS4 as well wich will happen if it does:)

jetlian3759d ago

Dragon is flat out lying! Ng never had a contract same as bioshock.ME the only one and it mos likely based on a gen {5 year} term

Bioshock came because ps3 was behind. Ng was done by itagaki who liked xbox hardware over ps. Ngs was done by new head of team ninja

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GTgamer3760d ago

"According to Dodd, Zampella wasn’t too happy when Electronic Arts signed for a final exclusivity deal with Microsoft,"

Now that's how you win worst Company of the year making deals for someone's game without them knowing EA you never cease to amaze me.

Testfire3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Zampella was on KFI 640am giving an interview and hyping up TF last night. When asked how much involvement EA has in the game, Zampella said they're there every day and highly involved.

Funny how they went with EA to get away from this with Activision and now it's the same thing but from EA. It was a pretty good interview, I don't have any link to it, but if you search for it I'm sure it's out there.

GTgamer3760d ago

They should of tried Ubisoft lol.

Cueil3759d ago

the difference is this is their IP not EAs... EA is likely providing significant man power as they push through towards going gold

HappyWithOneBubble3759d ago

If I was going to make a game I wouldn't go to EA or Activision that's for sure.

MiloGarret3760d ago

Oh look, "insider" info. That, or educated guesses from attention seeking no-lifes.

Either way, moving on.

Cueil3759d ago

niether one of these guys have direct access to people in the know so they are only speaking from talking to someone who knows someone... Thruway was the first one who said the xbox one was getting down clocked

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub631d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad631d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp30d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal911d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad911d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal909d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.