
Sony Preparing New Motion Controller For PS3?

N'Gai Croal and Geoff Keighley are in town, so it's time for a Five (!) Minute Warning, impressions from Nintendo's press event, a Fallout 3 appreciation festival, and Microsoft's rumoured motion controller and, also, Shane Bettenhausen announcing Sony's own rumoured controller that will have "transforming multiple configurations" that Call of Duty 5 and the highly anticipated Resistance 2 will have implementation for.

Listen from 1 hour and 40minutes in the podcast

Meus Renaissance5894d ago (Edited 5894d ago )

I think I'll wait a few months before buying a Dual Shock 3 just to get this confirmed to be true or untrue because, the negative to this story is that the DS3 just being released, the idea of another controller being released later in the year seems kinda stupid. The DS3 should have been launched with the console last year but Sony weren't able to for legal reasons, so with rumblings of a new exciting peripheral like this rumoured controller, should have come in place of this now released DS3. It's all happening with bad timing and this will probably lead to criticism that will over-shadow any possible confirmation that this new controller is coming; there'll be some with three different controllers!

Anyway, this sounds interesting - I wonder what he meant by "transforming multiple configurations".

sonarus5893d ago

I hope this isn't true. This is not the way to go sony. No need for gimmicky controllers. DS3 is fine as is

killax35635893d ago (Edited 5893d ago )

It should be very easy for MS and Sony to copy the Wii controller and more importantly the Wii games. I mean really, the most popular Wii game is Wii Sports, something Sony and MS can create very easily.

Wii Fit also seems pretty popular in Japan but I don't it will reach Wii Sports, Pokemon or Nintendog heights.

sonarus5893d ago

wii is cheaper. If sony wants to work on a casual control scheme they should do something with the ps eye

yesah5893d ago

not so sure this is a smart move. Unless its priced at like 5 bucks or included in a game or something. But let me just say, if Sony, and Microsoft both come out with wii like controllers.....well Nintendo will have to get moving

thePatriot5893d ago

If microsoft wants all the crappy third party games from nintendo wii
they can have them. ps eye is under rated. I want that tank game (draw your tank tech)

uie4rhig5893d ago

ARGH.. WOT? NOOOO... damnit.. leave it on the DS3!!!

QuackPot5893d ago (Edited 5893d ago )

And if it was true in any way, the new controller would likely come package with a specific game as an teaser for console owners to switch. That's what I'd do anyway.

As for Pseye, it will have a place in the future but unlikely as the main controller. Did someone say rumble? How do you do that with a Pseye? Hmmmmmmmmmm...?

gaffyh5893d ago

Sounds interesting, the only reason Sony is doing this is to compete with the Wii market and the soon-to-be 360 market, Sony need to have something out to compete if the 360 Newton controller is a success.

Omegasyde5893d ago


The new motion controller might be that infa-red tech that supposingly the the new PSeye can track.

The eye focuses just on the "item" The camera its self doesn't move just if players stay within the the visual radius it will track the X and Y and Z planes of travel.

Unfortunately this idea has been on Sony's drawing board since the first ps2 camera. This story definitely deserves the label Rumor.

Positives, the item would be like a Wii-mote.
The Negative thing would be it would detect motion but no rumble. More than 2 people couldn't player either due to the taxing limitations and
errors (ps2 days).

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5893d ago
heyheyhey5894d ago

in other news:

Sony Santa Monica has scrapped God of War 3 to create a new "colourful" first-person shooter inspired by popular kids TV series "Power Rangers"

the working title for this project is Haro: Melee Combat Evolved

the lead character is rumored to be called Insignificant B!tch

Meus Renaissance5894d ago

A Power Rangers game needs to happen. I would so swarm all over that sh!t if it was released. Green Ranger FTW!

sonarus5893d ago

Yea was a HUUUUGE power rangers fan. I don't think i had any preference for any particular ranger though. If i had to choose though i would go with blu ranger just cus no one ever picks him

alanjp255894d ago

perhaps its a liquid morphing controller that morphs to fat hands and thin hands and long hands lol

Iamback5893d ago

i hate motion controls, not interested

xhi45893d ago

you're backward

and not interesting.

but seriously what would this look like aye, I mean they can't just scrap the original ps controller design

Iamback5893d ago

and you are nerd with no life(probably).
I am not going to wave with some crap like some nerd, i only want "classic" controls like Dualshock 3 and i am fine. Nerd can have motion dild.......

SickNick855893d ago

it was annunced some days ago via neogaf...best news to contrast wii

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

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Rynxie4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde1d 11h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 2h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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DefenderOfDoom21d 21h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..