
DmC Devil May Cry NYCC 2012 trailer

Capcom released a new trailer for DmC Devil May Cry.

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Vandamme214248d ago

Awesome..I'm going to per order this..this game is going to be awesome..fuck the haters

aCasualGamer4248d ago

Agree with you that this game is going to be awesome.

BUT... It doesn't take away the fact that it would be greater to have played this game with "older" Dante without emo personality. It just misfitting to have an EMO kid carry all that machoness in his personality, bit contradicting imo.

It's like having Robert Pattinson in the role as Deadpool in the new Deadpool movie instead of Ryan Reynolds. IF that makes any sense to you.

That's just how it is. Some characters should be left alone from creative input. They are complete.

Dante is one of those characters.

With that said, this game is looking really good otherwise. Gameplay seems great and fun.

ritsuka6664248d ago

Gameplay does look pathetic in this game, I said before its how they are basically abandoning the DMC fanbase just so a new IP can get some publicity makes me want to punch everyone who works at Crapcom.

LOGICWINS4248d ago

I really don't see whats so "bad" about this game. Looks great to me. This coming from a person who loved DMC1 and 3.

Campy da Camper4247d ago

That's because it is a G.T.U.C.T.S.C.G.

(Game That Uses Cut-scenes To Sell Crappy Gameplay)

Blastoise4248d ago

I think we need more rock music in video game trailers and less dubstep... :P

Game's looking great!

fabiani4247d ago

dubstep getting old accross the board

MattyG4248d ago

Alright, I'm sold. This game looks awesome, and to all the people who are bashing this game, get over it. It's a different take on DMC and it actually looks very good.

HammadTheBeast4247d ago

That's why it's getting hate. It's a different game, not a bad one, but a completely different one, just with DMC stickers on it. A new IP would've been better received.

It doesn't look bad.

rezzah4247d ago

Call it something else I don't mind it as its own game.

But if this is the future of DMC then it is a great reason to dislike it.

HarryMasonHerpderp4248d ago (Edited 4248d ago )

Looks awesome.
Had a chance to play the demo at Eurogamer Expo and it plays brilliantly.
Can't wait to pick this up.

bitboi4248d ago (Edited 4248d ago )

Saw this in person at NYcomiccon. It will shut alot of haters up. this game looks awesome!

C L O U D4248d ago

The only thing I was impressed with when I played this game is the level design, the whole inception architect shifting thing.

However that was not enough...

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC42d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC42d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos42d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga42d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer42d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60242d ago (Edited 42d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya42d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde42d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP42d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."


Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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