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N4G Guideline Update

Hello everyone.

We reviewed one of our guidelines regarding Spam and Self-Promotional content and have adjusted it to include a bit more as well as to note that the moderation team at N4G will be focusing more on moderating content directly and specifically to the guidelines as written.

You can find the update at https://n4g.com/user/blogpo... with the following text updated specifically as follows:

.: Spam and Self-Promotion Content
N4G does not allow any content that self-promotes a service or product, such as specific video game apps or gaming gear. We do not allow news about updates to a site, contests sites are running that are not sponsored by a developer or publisher, or similar content. Self-promotion includes having ads or links on other pages of the site that would self-promote a service or product.

N4G does allow game deal submissions but will fail any that are deemed to be less informative, minor in detail or purpose, and more about spamming affiliate links or the like that would generate revenue for the site in question. We also only accept links to official promotions from a platform that links directly to an official store page promoting the sale and not a news site listing each item in the sale.

Sites deemed to be made solely to advertise such things will be banned and prevented from submitting content altogether.


If you have questions or concerns, please PM me directly or ask below.

Thank you,

neutralgamer1992472d ago ShowReplies(1)
crazyCoconuts472d ago

Do we consider this pattern as self-promotion?
Product X is great
To buy product X here's a link to their site
Link contains revenue sharing token

Christopher472d ago

If it's really just saying "buy this product with our affiliate link" then that's not going to be allowed. If it's a real review about a specific product and a reasonable amount of words written about it, then likely it's fine. If it's a page filled with multiple products with a few lines about each one and affiliate links for each product, no.

Stanjara472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

How about a site that says "20 best PS1 games of all time",
but when you click on the site, every game is a separate page with ads, and click on the next game is a page reload, counting as a web visit?

We all know what they are doing here.

Also off topic, sometimes you have a review of a game and only platform listed is Xbox... because reviewer played it on xbox.

...but he "forgot" to put all platforms in a preview page that the game is available on, promoting actually Xbox not the game.

That's N4g responsibility am I right? (That blue hashtags before -view the full story-click)

Don't get me wrong, they put only Switch also.

I lose interest, than later that week I find out the game is actually multiplatform and I can buy it for my system.

Mr_cheese472d ago

Great point! Websites that display their content across multiple pages for clicks and ad revenue are trash.

It's a tought one I guess. Does N4G outright ban them and take away the choice of viewing? Or do they maybe add a new warning *multiple pages* on the preview/comments page

Asplundh472d ago

You're relying on N4G article tags to determine which system a game is available on? 🫤

Stanjara472d ago

Yes, not relying but a quick look at the tags gives you muddy idea.
Sea of Stars for example.

If the tags are there they should be accurate, if not then remove them completely.

Christopher472d ago

***How about a site that says "20 best PS1 games of all time",***

That's something we can review, but tends to fall under "we don't tell sites how to create their content." I agree, it's annoying, but if the content otherwise matches then it matches. We kind of hope that users learn to avoid those sites and, hopefully, in the future you can do just that on your own page where you can ignore certain sources if you want.

***sometimes you have a review of a game and only platform listed is Xbox... because reviewer played it on xbox.***

Reviews are by platform, kind of like how some sites have posted different scores for PS/Xbox content in the past. Previews are general and typically all platforms. It is our responsibility to moderate those as needed and sometimes I just fix things.

Honestly, it's more helpful to ensure that the people who look at reviews are getting a review that actually is tied to their platform of choice and not just a blanket review that may not mention issues specific to a platform.

***I lose interest, than later that week I find out the game is actually multiplatform and I can buy it for my system.***

If that wasn't a review, that was a failure on the submission. We can do our best, but some get through and even new games we just don't know either unless we specifically search for it.

Christopher472d ago

Stanjara, just to note, if you go to a game tag's page, you should be able to filter from the "All" drop-down and see the platforms upon which it is or will be released.

Example: https://i.imgur.com/oULc74Q...

Stanjara472d ago

Yes, I understand that both of issues go under a radar.

Thank You for answering and continue great work with this website.

It really is a great value for gaming.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 472d ago
dumahim472d ago

So with the update, are we still going to see the weekly Amazon Price Slash articles or will they need to change it up?

Christopher472d ago

No. The site is in a transition phase and the new team is looking for ways to get people similar info without it taking up real estate on the home page as it has.

Double_O_Revan472d ago

I definitely don't have a problem with articles for game sales. While this is primarily a News site, I have found so many deals over the years because of the articles that have been posted on this site. And I would have missed them otherwise.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake13h ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

-Foxtrot7h ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”

Inverno1h ago

Hope ya don't mind me asking since it seems like you've played it, did it feel like a decent step up from the last game or was it more like the best from the last but more polished?

CS71h ago

It makes Remake feel like a demo.

9.5/10 imo. And I think the “mini games” did a great job of adding variety to the gameplay. Purely optional as well.

-Foxtrot1m ago

Here's my thoughts

I think it's a big step up from the first instalment, I'm enjoying it way more.

I thought keeping it just in Midgar was silly, it felt dragged out and it didn't have much variation in terms of the scenery.

However with Rebirth, as soon as you get out of Kalm you have a big world to explore and it's great to just wander round and explore.

Now that I'm half way in though, despite still liking what I'm playing, the gameplay loop is now starting to slow down on me. I've got to a new region and I'm like "Yaaay...need to go and find those towers again, oh look another special beast marker, is that a bird I see in the distance? Better follow it to another Mako Crystal"

It's like....you know how Peter Jackson was only supposed to have two Hobbit films then Warner Bros wanted a third film so he stretched the second film out as much as he could so he could keep stuff for the third film making a trilogy? Yeah it feels like that, so these mini games are a part of that overall gameplay loop to keep us going and stretch the game out overall so they have something for the third and final game.

I personally think you could have had the first instalment get you out of Midgar and through to Grasslands / Junon and the second game finishes things off.

Becuzisaid1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I had a weird cycle of love/hate for all the mini games as I played through. At first I really hated the seeming need to check all these boxes while exploring the grasslands. I didn't enjoy the Gilgamesh quest initially, and thought Queen's blood was fine but didn't want to commit to it. The side quests didn't really grab me either.

Then for some reason everything in Junon region changed my mind and I did pretty much everything. I liked most of the side quests, I actually liked playing fort condor (didn't care for it in the intergrade dlc). And my interest for completing these quests stayed pretty much through to Cosmo Canyon.

Then they added that horrible Lifestream memory/battle mini game and I started getting so burnt out of it all. I just wanted to do the story. I didn't do any side quests in neibleheim and beyond except for the summon. I abandoned Gilgamesh.

So what I'm saying is I would like the third part to go back to the focused progression from remake. Keep the mini games to the gold saucer. Start the game snowboarding if you want, but from there keep the story rolling.

MetroidFREAK2140m ago

As long as it comes out on PS5 to have the entire series on one platform, do whatever you want


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot7h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast3h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

LucasRuinedChildhood7h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter3h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Jin_Sakai2h ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️

IHateNate1h ago

Amateur hour. Very incapable developer.

Outside_ofthe_Box1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Since you're not an amateur and clearly know more than them, can you over there and help get the game running on the S without having to sacrifice their true vision. Us gamers would really appreciate you using your wisdom for good 🙏

IHateNate1h ago

Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!

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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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