
Robert Bowling Abandons Call of Duty, Respawn Entertainment Next Move? - Unscripted Access #1

"Robert Bowling calls it quits on Infinity Ward, Zipper Interactive possibly being shut down by Sony, LittleBigPlanet Karting emerges, Prey 2 likely cancelled by Bethesda Softworks, and much more. After numerous requests to launch a brand new audio podcast on The Gamer Access with an unscripted format similar to what they have done previously with shows such as their CES 2012 Recap, Unscripted Access is finally here!"


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CrimsonEngage4447d ago ShowReplies(5)
TopDudeMan4446d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if some of his old buddies over at respawn showed him some early footage of their upcoming game and offered him a deal... In theory, that might have happened.

FragGen4446d ago

Who cares what some random IW employee is going to do next? COD has been auto pilot for how many years now?

PopRocks3594445d ago

Hey, show a little respect. The guy has to work on a million dollar franchise, try his best to generate positive hype for it AND deal with a lot of haters. Take the CoD name out of the equation and suddenly you see him as a pretty respectable guy.

Raider694446d ago

Im more worried about Prey 2 been dump than the fucking rest!

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20 Awesome Canceled Games You'll Never Get To Play

You can understand some games getting canceled, but these awesome looking games still baffle us to this very day.

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-Foxtrot86d ago

"Tommy saving the planet from an army of aliens after they abducted him and his entire bar, with the game ending on the promise that Tommy would be back, but that promise was never fulfilled"

The thing is with the original Prey 2 that Tommy wasn't even the main character, they replaced him with some generic looking space bounty hunter. It was a refreshing change to see an awesome Native American character with ancestral like powers fight aliens yet they ditched him. It was only after an outcry they showed much later in a new preview that Tommy was in the game as an NPC.

I'd have prefered a real sequel with Tommy as the main character, literally picking right up from the originals ending.

As for Eight Days...Sony really needs to pick this up

If Amy Hennig was still at ND, I'd have loved to see her tackle it after what she did with Uncharted.

isarai86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

I thought that was awesome too, and honestly i wish people werent so damn critical about cultural variety in games. I feel like people try to ruin devs lives if even one detail is off about their culture in a game and so everyone is too scared to try anymore

isarai86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

One of the lead engine programmers for Prey 2 at Human Head was my programming instructor when i was taking game design. This game was in limbo at the time and we asked once and only once about this game, the misery in his eyes when he told us "this is the 1st and only time ill ask you to never ask me about that game" was something ill never forget😅 he used a couple assets through the curriculum for teaching purposes but nothing very tangible. Just a function here, a 3d prop there. Such a shame. Years later i saw him at a magic tournament, we caught up and he still thinks about that game and how it's "practically done" probably sitting on a drive somewhere

shinoff218385d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Practically done? Jeez that fking blows because that looked much more interesting then what bethsada made. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the one bethsada made.

Lmno looked interesting.
I'd knock titanfall and fez off the list. Add something else. Scarface 2 man only if would've been awesome. Prey 2 should be higher to. Either way not a bad list. Out of 20 there's only 2 I'd hate on.

isarai85d ago

That gen got a lot of games canned right before the finish line. Cipher Complex, Battlefront 3, legacy of kain dead sun just to name a few

XiNatsuDragnel85d ago

Games that need to come out: Battlefront 3, 8 days, and timesplitter 4.

Skuletor84d ago

One that's not on the list is Killing Day, I remember seeing the trailer in 2005 and being impressed at the time. Being Ubisoft you know it would have been a AAAA game too, lol
2 Days to Vegas and The Getaway 3 are two other games that seemed promising but never came out.

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Former Call Of Duty Dev Says Series Needs "Revitalization"

"We need more than iteration, we need revitalization."

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Jin_Sakai882d ago

You can say that again. Game has become repetitive and stale. Nothing new same and old story. The franchise also needs to move into future settings.

TheColbertinator882d ago

I disagree on the future settings

Jin_Sakai882d ago

I disagree on the World War setting. I’d much rather see future settings going forward.

Terry_B880d ago

How about..Call of Duty "Samurai Setting" or Call of Duty: Middle Age Setting instead of more future / scince fiction settings?

Some drastic changes sometimes could be awesome.

Smok91880d ago

I was hoping for Bacterial Warfare

annoyedgamer880d ago

They already take alot of liberty with the "history" as it is. It's a reskinned Hero shooter.

smolinsk880d ago

Absolutely not a future setting, they need to do what they do best make it somewhat relevant to what's going on in today's wars and conflicts. Make a game that relate to that. And for God's sake a new engine. That's the main problem along with the lag of love for the game.

ChubbyBlade880d ago

No one wants future settings. Each time they do it aside from Bo2, it’s a complete disaster.

Bobertt880d ago

This is part of their dilemma WW2 is played out and they don't know how to do a CoD set in the future. They will inevitably add jet packs again and people hated those. If they are going to be futuristic only the weapons and killstreaks should be affected but they got rid of all the good developers so they will not balance it properly and put out some overpowered gun and everyone will complain again. So they have to stay in a modern setting or slightly future setting but remain modern but they don't know how to innovate. It's the same guns every year, bad maps, and more shitty skins. CoD is dead i have no faith even if they got rid of yearly releases that they are competent enough to make a new one that is great. The multiplayer will keep losing players so they will eventually just make Warzone the focus for CoD for the battle royale gamers.

CantThinkOfAUsername880d ago

I want one set in the future as well, but CoD has been at its best with modern warfare (no pun intended).

0hMyGandhi880d ago

I never played Infinite Warfare, so I can't speak on that. But I really liked Advanced Warfare. The campaign was also super solid.

Profchaos880d ago

Remember when we got like 5 years of purely future only settings nothing modern and or historic it became very stale.

They need to balance the settings better one year it's future the next modern the next historic 40s to 90s etc

Rachel_Alucard879d ago (Edited 879d ago )

They did future settings multiple times already and people hated it. It's not just the fact it was in the future, it's the fact that all 3 devs used the same setting back to back while using some new movement system nobody liked. Right now the 3 studios are stuck in this position where each of them only sticks to one era so they don't overlap. Infinity Ward with Modern era, Treyarch with Vietnam/Cold war era, and Sledgehammer with Old war.

Changing the era does absolutely nothing different to the series as they've demonstrated. What needs to change is how the game is played with the same exact pacing and mechanics every game. Even with the new engine used for MW19, it didn't change the fact the maps were god awful and contradicted the fact the game is a fast paced instant kill game that pushes people to camp. The entire game feels like it wants to be played slower paced with the movement and animations, but it does nothing like that at all. I don't think they'd ever change that fact in the series, but at least start by not trying to appeal to both sides at once and screwing up both.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 879d ago
ForwardDude880d ago

Call of duty franchise is like Pokemon franchise or even Madden. Every fan of the franchise want better games, better story, better graphics, but everybody else buy the crappy yearly release anyway. Why would Activision change anything to Call of Duty when it's the best selling games every year?

Abear21880d ago

Exactly, and if they change up the formula too much fans will be pissed, so they stick with small changes to say they tried something different when really they took no risk. This ensures profits and that’s all it’s about.

galgor880d ago

The game needs more dinosaurs. Is that too much to ask?!

MetroidFREAK21880d ago

I'm just over CoD. Vanguard was the first CoD I didn't buy since I started playing in 2006. I don't plan on buying into the game franchise again

LucasRuinedChildhood880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

I only bought 2 COD games after Ghosts (Black Ops 3, Modern Warfare) so I haven't played that much of the franchise in the last 8 years.

As much as I'm over the franchise, I do think this year will be a big year for them though. This one's Modern Warfare 2 (2022).

MetroidFREAK21880d ago

We'll see. I did enjoy the MW 2019 campaign so maybe I'll buy it just for that

BenRC01879d ago

Same, never missed a cod since cod 1 on the pc and the ropey ps1/2 ports. Vanguard did nothing for me. Also, go woke go broke. (You too marvel)

MetroidFREAK21879d ago

Well I didn't buy it because it "went woke"... I didn't buy it because I got bored of the same thing for years. Plus, I don't want to support any current Activision title until Kotick is gone

-Foxtrot880d ago

The sooner people stop buying this crap, the quicker we can get Singularity 2

RaidenBlack880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

As much as we few like the first one, Singularity 2 ain't happening.
Check the actual story, it has a bad rep at Activision and was once nearly cancelled.
Hypothetically, lets say there's a possibility or hope of a new Singularity project.
Then I'd want the actual Singularity game which was envisioned. With massive time manipulative gameplay concept and accompanying complex story.
Not the cheap Soviet Bioshock clone they had to eventually resort to shipping (again, check the above link, excellent read if you're unaware).
Just 11 months to turn around a wreck from development hell.

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The Greatest Games That Never Got Made

We go on a trip through memory lane.

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mastershredder1010d ago (Edited 1010d ago )

Prey 2 and SW 1313 sadden me the most. The internal politics behind those decisions is sickening. Serious feels for the crews that worked on these.