Majin-vegeta4553d ago

Releases spring of 2012 yes can't wait.

Abash4553d ago

I said I wasnt buying a PS Move till Sorcery came out and with how awesome the redesign is I'll definitely be getting the game

BluEx6104553d ago

Yeah this game is what convinced me to get a PS Move. I got the PS Move Tiger Woods 11 bundle w/ Nav for $60, so I'm satisfied with my purchase already.

I was afraid that the devs might make this game too casual friendly. They could've easily released this game as just another shovel ware game and earn that quick cash, But looks like they're putting a good effort into this title. Monsters looks pretty scary, and effects of skill looks great. Hope there's lot of puzzles/enemies where you need to mix up spells in order to progress.

Another PS3 exclusive to add to 2012/2013

sikbeta4553d ago

Finally! can't wait for it, these kind of games the Move needed from day one!

DasBunker4553d ago

i guess we now know why it was delayed so much.. graphics and the main character look way better and less cartoonish.

pc_masterrace4553d ago (Edited 4553d ago )

:'( don't have a PS Move.

guitarded774553d ago

I've really been waiting to hear more about this game... I kinda regret purchasing the Move starter bundle, extra wand and navi on day one since Black Friday saw some insane deals on Move, but games like this may make the investment really worth it. I hope the hardware carries over to the PS4 so it's not just a gimmick. If Sorcery is a success, we will definitely see more quality Move titles.

ABizzel14553d ago

You know what else would be a good move game.

A new Folklore.

iChii4553d ago

A new Folklore would be an awesome game for the Move.

Also a Star Wars game for the Move would be nice.

potedude4553d ago Show
Gam3rSinceBiRTH4553d ago

Well Kinect does have a Harry Potter game that does something like this so yeeeeeeeah. :/

Asgaro4553d ago

Buying a PS Move for 1 game is quite stupid...

Boody-Bandit4553d ago (Edited 4553d ago )

That's Sorcery?
That doesn't look anything like what I remember from the game they premiered at E3. That looks incredible. I don't own Move yet, till now. When this game hits I without question will purchase Move. Now this is a game you purchase motion controllers for. Well done!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4553d ago
darfreeze4553d ago

" I was told that the game is only five or six hours in length"

A bit disappointing. But I will still buy a move for this. Shitty trailer though.

yesmynameissumo4553d ago

Love the art direction! Day one. Looks like Move may finally have its killer app.

GoldenPheasant4553d ago

Just because the likes of KZ3 or R3 with a sharpshooter might not be YOUR cup of tea, saying that it FINALLY has a killer app is a bit shallow and short sighted, hence the disagree.

In regards to the actual game. I'm glad to see its coming to light. Looks like to be not my type of game, but it good to see more support.

Now Sony, more third party support on the FPS spectrum...and no fcking around with Infinite. I hope that special peripheral rumour stays just that, a rumour.

rdgneoz34553d ago

Whil I have KZ3 and R# and played both with the Move. I do have to agree a bit with sumo. Its a game designed for the Move, and only uses the Move. With KZ3 and R3, using Move was an optional controller configuration. You never had to use it if you didn't want to, in order to fully enjoy the games.

Biggest4553d ago

That doesn't mean they weren't awesome Move games. Having options doesn't always diminish the options. The Move has had killer apps since the beginning.

yesmynameissumo4553d ago

I own R3 and KZ3 and play them exclusively with Move. I love Move. My statement of "finally have its killer app" is in regards to the unnecessary separation of Move titles that A) have Move controls patched in or B) can be played with either a DS3 or Move/Nav. This is a Move-only game, correct? If so, it could very well be Move's killer app, as MGS4 in the early life of the PS3 was its killer app.

Damn some of you people on this site are sensitive.

testerg354553d ago

I agree with yesmyname... with KZ3/R3, Move was nothing more than a glorified lightgun. With Sorcery you have a true Move game.

PR_FROM_OHIO4553d ago

Wow that looks awesome!!!!! Day 1 for me!!!!!!

andibandit4553d ago Show
house4553d ago

i was surprised how much they changed it and how much better it looks love it

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