
John Carmack Thinks The PS3 Is The “Second Best Console Ever Made”

RipTen - John says it’s not so much the power of the PS3 as it is the dev tools, which he says simply aren’t as good.

CrzyFooL4675d ago

"However, he did also say that there are places in RAGE where the PS3 works and performs better because the cells have more total processing power."

Ok, so what I've managed to gather from all these Carmack tidbits and interviews is that he prefers to develop on the 360 because of the superior dev tools and Microsoft's debugging process, but that the PS3 is extremely powerful, if not more so when used properly.

All I know is that I'm glad RAGE looks just as good on PS3, even if it was a pain in the ass for id to do it.

Sigmarue4675d ago

Yeah... still... prepare for flames.

malol4675d ago

as much as i like the guy
like he is really good programmer and all
but he really talks too much as of lately

what happened Carmack you used to be like the guy in the background that doesn't say much but does alot

but since this gen started and he is just putting the word up XD

CommonSense4675d ago

what??? i love hearing him talk. it's like getting a glimpse inside the mind of Neo. dude's pretty brilliant.

Silly gameAr4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )


It's not really him. It's these sites taking what they want from his interviews and turning them into articles like this one.

If you believe any of the articles about Carmack lately, someone would believe that the guy has nothing positive to say and spouts crap just to keep his name in rotation. It's not him, it's these gaming sites and gullible people just eat this shit up. Look at a majority of the comments.

It's mostly people trying to lure and bait PS3 owners into the flames, but luckily, most are just letting this s**t roll off of their backs.

Blaine4675d ago

^^Silly hit the nail on the head. I was watching Carmack's keynote presentation from Quakecon, and the whole time I was just thinking "there's so much fodder for flamebait articles to use out of context here." The keynote was literally a gold mine for these dumbass sites!

John just rambles for pretty much 90 minutes straight, moving seamlessly from one subject to the next in an almost hypnotizing way--before you realize what happened, he's covered 4 different subjects while you were trying to make sense of what he just said a minute ago! The guy's a genius, and he doesn't sugar-coat anything. In context, it all sounds great, but if you quote him out of context you can very easily make it sound like he said whatever you want--especially if you're a fanboy.

malol4675d ago

yah i think you are right silly
bubbles up to you

meetajhu4675d ago

John Carmack for the President!

DatNJDom814675d ago Show
WrAiTh Sp3cTr34675d ago

Datnjdom, you can't see because you're a blind fanboy. Go look at the comparisons of Gears 3 and UC3’s beta.

fr0sty4675d ago

Gears 3 doesn't look better than UC3 by any means. They're both pretty damn close, but gears relies on a bland color palette and a ton of motion blur to hide it's imperfections, whereas UC3 has a much sharper, colorful, and more vibrant image. Both are amazing looking games, however. I really like how Gears uses camera movement when following the player, it adds a nice immersion to it that you don't see in Uncharted. However, when you really look at the two side by side, you start to see the shortcuts gears takes to achieve it's look.

chrisgay4675d ago


I imagine Carmack is planning on RAGE competing with PS3 exclusives graphically...

KonaBro4675d ago

Your name says it all because it's universal that Reach is nowhere in comparison to other FPS such as Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, etc. It was a decent looking game but please don't act like it's a graphical powerhouse especially when compared to other games such as Uncharted 2 or God of War III. Use some common sense.

MeanOldman4675d ago

i dont guess johnny was referring to dependability now was he. an he sure wasnt referrin to bein a graphical powerhouse.

DaTruth4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

I don't understand. How come whenever a multiplat has lesser resolution, framerate dips, no AA, screen tearing or glitches on one console then the other, it is a crappy port and that console is weaker. But then when some games release with a few or all these problems(Crysis 2), it is a brilliant use of the developers resources and a better fit for the game and these broken games are hailed for their amazing graphics?

Wud up wit dat!

MysticStrummer4674d ago

@DaTruth - I asked that very question about Crysis 2 several times and never got an answer. There are still people on here that say C2 is the best looking game on consoles, despite the obvious technical problems.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
Micro_Sony4675d ago

Another one of these flamebait articles that portrays Carmack as the evil guy that hates the PS3.

The below article got approved TODAY but shut down by the mods and I expect the same thing to happen to this one. Lets go mods!

Carmack displeased with the segmented PS3 memory

xPhearR3dx4675d ago

Did you see where he says the PS3 is more powerful and RAGE performs better on the PS3 in some spots?

starchild4675d ago

Some people are so ignorant of technology that they think when he says the Cell has more theoretical peak performance that he is saying the PS3 itself is more powerful overall. This is completely false.

He has said quite clearly on several occasions that 360 has a more powerful GPU and better memory architecture, while also having more RAM to work with since the 360 operating system overhead is lower.

He then goes on to explain how the Cell has a higher peak theoretical performance, but makes it very clear that there is a big difference between theoretical performance and what is actually achievable in the real world given the time and budget constraints of game development.

Basically the 360 unequivocally has a more advanced GPU and better memory architecture, while the PS3's CPU can do some types of calculations better than the 360's CPU (but not all--branch prediction and other similar things are better on the 360's CPU).

qwertyz4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )


you are correct. Its good to know that not everyone on n4g is technologically ignorant.

the 360s cpu beats that of the ps3 in 2 departments:
1)branch prediction
2)MIPS(number of instructions it can process per second)

both because the ps3 has 1 ppe while the 360 has 3 ppes. the spes are not real cores they are just used as execution units by the ppe so the ppe does the instruction decoding and sends the work over to an spe etc

Its true that theoretical performance don't equal real world performance an amd 6970 can do twice the flops as a gtx 580 but the gtx 580 destroys it in EVERY gane and benckmark because in real word performance the amd 6970 can only do less tahn half of its theoretical flops because of architectural weaknesses and inefficiency.

Some people on here don't realize that even a core 2 duo from 2006 is more powerful than the ps3 cell and the 360s xenon cpu anyone that thinks I'm lying should go read up on cpu architectures and go into programming and maybe they'll one day be smart enough to know why the core 2 duo is superior. I'm a computer and software engineer myself and I have worked on games so I know what I'm taking about but unfortunately most people on here haven't as much as written a pixel shader in their LIVES yet talk out of their arses bet mos people on here don't even know what a pixel shader is.

its really sad that people can be so ignorant as to believe that technology hasn't moved since 7th gen consoles released

anyways a 2006 high end pc is more powerful than ps3 and 360 combined, consoles have been holding back pc development since they launched.

CrazyJ4675d ago


I think your wrong about a lot of what you just said. It's quite sad since you sound like you should know what your talking about. And yes I have programed a pixel shader before. I'm pretty certain the Cell processor with 7 spu's can do way more instructions per second. Granted it can't do more general PPE instructions but that's not what MIPS means. For the most part I believe the main PPE core in the Cell is pretty much exactly like those in the 360 minus the VMX128 instructions. Branch prediction of the PPE vs 360's cores should be the same minus whatever cache misses get you since the 360 cpu has more cache. The PPE does not do the instruction decoding for the SPUs. It does send the initial program to the SPU though. SPU's are more like mini cores with only 256K of memory. They can DMA main memory into their local store but can only operate on one small chuck at a time. Now what the cell is bad at is a lot of programs that just use the PPE. This also means multitasking since you'll have multiple programs vying over the limited PPE. The SPU's are very powerful but the 256K at once memory limit makes their use limited to specific tasks.

As for a 2006 core 2 duo being more powerful, well that all comes down to the type of task you want to run. If your only crunching a bunch of numbers and the task is easily split across multiple cores then the Cell will win easily. If your trying to run Linux or any other general program the core 2 duo will win hands down. Its got gobs of silicon dedicated to do better branch prediction and out of order execution.

DragonKnight4675d ago

I think that it's funny that Carmack has reset this whole debate back to the year 2006/early 2007.

Carmack's opinion is just that, HIS OPINION! The guy may have made impressive games and contributed greatly to modern gaming, but usually one can say how "great" a console is by the quality of its games. Now seriously, compare the total lineup of games the two consoles have and seriously look at which has a better quality of games. Then, and only then, can you actually say which is the better console.

But Carmack's opinion is more based on the development PROCESS rather than the actual games. Of course a mostly PC developer is going to think that a console with a mostly PC architecture is the best.

MysticStrummer4674d ago

@qwertyz - No, PC gamers hold back PC game development because PC game sales in general are far less than console sales year after year. Most devs don't want to take the time to max out their game on the newest PC hardware because relatively few people have that hardware.

gamingdroid4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

That is like one of the best post.

Theoretical power and actuality are to different things, because systems will have a bottleneck. If you aren't careful in design, those bottlenecks will prevent you from using any power you may have on paper.


***No, PC gamers hold back PC game development because PC game sales in general are far less than console sales year after year***

That is a fair assessment of the cause, but is undeniable that the console limitation is holding back PC development. If there were no consoles, surely more resources would have been put into the PC.

zag4674d ago

The CELL isn't based on an intel design it's based on PowerPC chips.

the difference is the CELL is meant to be running pure assembly code not C or some other language.

That is why IBM put in a special C language handler so the chip itself takes in C code and converts it to assembly code then processes it, assembly is the fastest code you can do but it's very hard for people to do stuff in it as your writing what all CPUs actually use so few people actually write assembly code.

The CELL has a way higher processing ability than the intel chips but when you combine what is a windows OS cut down to just the games stuff and have the Dev support of windows then it's easy to do stuff as 99% of stuff has already been made for you.

The PS3 won't have that support and you need to make everything yourself, the people who can do that will excel and those who can't won't as you can tell by the games put out.

N4g_null4674d ago

Zag your out classed man. If you can write in assembly you are working on compilers for a CPU maker. No real developer can afford a true assembly programmer for such complex chips which is why we all waited for IBM to provide one. Yet Sony has money to burn on this. Problem is Sony isn't sending these guys out to everyone yet it's also know that everything can't be feed to the other cores.

It was a great idea even intel tried it for their larrabee. I was a supporter of both but both failed to be what they needed to be almost due to inexperience.

Carmack has his views but he is about results not PR. Sony would be wise to listen to him since he has a huge influence on their API OpenGL.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
nopunctuation4675d ago ShowReplies(11)
FACTUAL evidence4675d ago ShowReplies(1)
AKS4675d ago

This is pretty much the same thing Carmack said years ago. He likes the 360 a bit better because of the development tools, but he also noted that the PS3 is bit more powerful. Multiplatform development would probably be tougher on the PS3. I would assume that developers have an easier time with exclusive PS3 games because they don't have to also make it run on other platforms.


Everyone knows PS3 can perform better than Xbox 360, there are a lot of evidence.

CommonSense4675d ago

I think if you develop exclusively for a company like MS or Sony you are going to get a lot more direct help with development.

"oh, you're making a 3rd party game? we'll send a dev kit."

"oh, you're making a first party game? we'll send a dev kit and some of our best technicians."

MysticStrummer4674d ago

Yes. This is only a rephrasing of what we've known all along. 360 is easier to program for than PS3. There is no evidence whatsoever that 360 is better than PS3 in terms of power, and Rage won't change that fact. There will be miniscule differences that one side or the other will jump on to prove their complete technical dominance. Meanwhile, the exclusives tell the real story. Of course, one side has been convinced that exclusives don't matter at all, which is a viewpoint that totally disregards gaming history.

baker_boi4674d ago

Why is the N64 even coming out of people's mouths these days? Did yall forget that was one of THE WORST consoles ever?

And you know damn well aint no Zelda game make up for everything else it lacked.

You can't place the N64 by the PS1 cause even the Sega Saturn was kickin it's ass.

candystop4674d ago

I disagree with that! N64 was on a different level than all consoles back then. Tons of great experiences.

kingdoms4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

LOL John never said that your quote is what the author claimed John said.

LOL John said ps3 had a theological prowess thats if a dev went out of their way they could get better physics. That is all. John said the 360's GPU dram/memory would yeld better real world results.

Words from johns mouth not blogs

PS3 could in theory pull off better physics

xPhearR3dx4675d ago

Why are you posting a video from 2008? It's 2011 son.

kaveti66164675d ago

"theological prowess"

haha. I think you mean 'theoretical."

HaHa_Ostrich4675d ago

Didnt you know? Even Jesus game on the ps3 now!

Jamzluminati4675d ago

I think PS2 is the best console of all time.

-We are watching

dead_eye4674d ago

I'd love to argue with you and say the sega mega drive was better because that was my first console, but god the ps2 is the best console.

chidori6664675d ago Show
firemassacre4675d ago

so pretty much ps3 is more powerful than the 360, its just harder to program for and he does not like that one bit. am i right?

4674d ago
mendicant4674d ago


Reading comprehension is your friend.

Mizz_mai4675d ago

great way to get sony fans to buy your game,when they've still got resistance 3 and uncharted to come...:)

newleaf4675d ago

So sony fans don't care about playing games, they care about what the maker of the game says?
So saying ps3 is the second best console EVER made angers sony fans to the point of not buying a game? If so then they are a bunch of babies that do not deserve to play the game

WetN00dle694675d ago

Yeah resistance 3 looks kinda MEH. The last great Resistance title was second part. AS for Uncharted 3, no if, buts or nothing that will be amazing. BUT truth be told RAGE, graphic wise still kills both those titles!

EZMickey4675d ago


Your very last statement is the smartest thing I've read on N4G in a long time. Bubbles up :P

joab7774675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

Its as if I am hearing the argument I used to hear all the time 1-2 years ago but I guess he hasn't developed a game for this gen until now...I think. Its true, it took awhile for developers to get comfortable w the ps3 but many now say it is what has allowed developers to push the envelope. All I know is that they r using the same tech for the ps4 except this time around it wont take 2 -3 yrs before developers understand it. It should b interesting. I can't wait to see what epic and naughty dog do w the next generation. But, carmack is a genius. He just happened to hit the end of this cycle in which im sure he'd love more memory for the ps3 and more processing power for the 360. I dunno about the latter, but there's gotta b a way consoles can begin their merge w pcs and try memory upgrades etc. Have developers build for minimum specs, offer us the option to upgrade consoles and use higher settings. I just love the console community and would hate to lose that but I don't see how any static console can exist in a 5 year cycle without falling way behind the tech. Its moving too fast and would cost too much to build and sell a product 3 yrs ahead of its time.

EZMickey4675d ago

"All I know is that I'm glad RAGE looks just as good on PS3, even if it was a pain in the ass for id to do it"

Smartest thing I've read on N4G in a while. Someone who cares more about games than platforms.

SpartanZero4675d ago

Carmack already said that said that the 360 hardware is superior to the ps3
So I think this confirms that Rage will look and perform better on 360 and that the ps3 is weaker.

Persistantthug4674d ago

You're losing a bubble on general principle.

You will keep losing bubbles until you get back in your time machine (Delorian) and travel forward to 2011.

BABY-JEDI4674d ago

Fair point. No one can really complain that he prefers an easier option to develop for..
LAZY BONES LoL (only kidding)

Winkle924674d ago

Based on Carmack's comments I guess this shows it's not the size of raw processing power that matters, but how you use it. ;)

oohWii4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

@CrzyFooL - I see where you are trying to grasp for straws there and based on the agrees and disagrees your fellow PS3 fanboys have commended you for your efforts.

However the biggest quote you missed from the articles was “Well, it’s the second best console ever made”. The developer tools aside, he never said the PS3 was the best console, the dev tools are not part of the "Actual console".

He could have easily said "The PS3 is better, however the dev tools need some work.", what he said was the PS3 was "The SECOND best console ever made.

Try reading into that all you want. He also said "in SOME" places the PS3 performs better, that could be 1 or 2 places, he never said in "Most" places the PS3 performs better.

So once again, extract whatever you need to make your fanboy heart hurt less.

capcock4674d ago

It requires more time, effort and money just to make the ps3 version on par with its 360 counterpart. I don't think any developer prefers the ps3 over the 360.

SonyPS3604674d ago

"Extremely powerful".

Bit of a stretch for a 6 year old piece of hardware buddy, but Ps3 fans will believe anything.

seinfan4674d ago

He's saying this strictly from a programming standpoint. The 360's ISA is most likely close to that of your common x86 PC.

subtenko4674d ago Show
Muffins12234674d ago

so what did your comment have to do with that he said 360 was better than ps3?

OhMyGandhi4674d ago

god forbid he tell us who he's voting for in 2012.

lMHl4672d ago

I quit the internet this is balls

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4672d ago
BlackjackCF4675d ago

PC gaming is still for the win.

Peaceful_Jelly4675d ago

PC is not a console, it's a computer.

LOGICWINS4675d ago

Ummm..a console IS a computer. LMAO, seriously.

Google is ur friend.

theonlylolking4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Console:A panel or unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment

Computer:An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program

Definition #2 a machine for performing calculations automatically


John Carmack cant seem to make up his mind. He has to be bipolar

SonyPS3604674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Technically consoles are also computers, sweetheart. And we all know which "computer" platform is the most powerful today.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
Eidolon4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

A gaming console is a computer, but a PC is not a gaming console.

news4geeks4675d ago (Edited 4675d ago )

nice, that's actually a good case to prove the failure in affirming the consequent:

if A then B
Therefore A

mamotte4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Actually, it's the opposite: I can play on a computer, so it's ALSO a console, with controllers and everything. But I cannot do on a console anything I do on my computer, like work, use word and stuff, since Sony dont let us use it with other OS.

So... both are computers and consoles, it's the use what make'em different. And, in that aspect, a computer is better. But, games for consoles are better.

Istanbull4675d ago

Ofcourse PS3 is the 2nd best console, 1st is PS2 and 3rd is PS1.

SNES is the 4th best console

wumster4674d ago

How long have you been a gamer? Better yet, how old are you? SNES 4th?

capcock4674d ago

PC=Freedom~not restricted

Consoles=Jail~sony and microsoft cooks your food

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4674d ago
xPhearR3dx4675d ago

All I know is RAGE is going to be amazing.

TrevorPhillips4675d ago

all I can say is that RAGE looks awesome :)

knifefight4675d ago

#2, right behind the Dreamcast :D

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Quake II Development: From Concept to Launch Day - A Retrospective

"Quake II is a masterpiece; an enduring first-person shooter that shows iD Software at their technical and artistic best."

- Christian 'Reggie' Wait, TechStomper

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Legendary Game Developers: id Software

The story of John Romero, John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, Tom Hall, Jay Wilbur and their legendary company id Software. From Commander Keen to Wolfenstein 3D, from Doom to Quake, they invented the 3D first-person shooter genre, and they transformed PC gaming into a multi-million dollars business.

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MadLad451d ago

They definitely pushed the FPS genre into the mainstream.


John Carmack, the consulting CTO for Meta's virtual-reality efforts, is leaving.

businessinsider writes: "His exit came on Friday, the people said. Carmack, who has been openly critical of Meta's advancements in AR and VR, core to its metaverse ambitions, posted to the company's internal Workplace forum about his decision to leave."

Read Full Story >>
BlackIceJoe532d ago

I hope he starts up another new company and can get another new game engine on the market too.

Number1TailzFan532d ago

He's apparently focusing on AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, AKA trying to get AI to be sentient. Which according to Ray Kurzweil could happen by 2029.

Rainbowcookie532d ago

SKYNET approves

SKYNET becomes a follower

SKYNET left the forum

Yui_Suzumiya531d ago

Then I need to look more into this because it sounds like the backbone tech I need to make Projekt Monika a reality.

camel_toad531d ago (Edited 531d ago )

AI advances are really starting to open my eyes to us not even having scratched the surface. But with the field itself growing exponentially and stuff I'd never considered before like putting AI to work finding cures for major diseases - it's exciting but also kinda scary tbh.

More on topic - sentient AI. Creating a digital soul so to speak. Spooky in a what have we done and is it good or bad kind of way.

masterfox532d ago

He is like: "Im done with F#@#$%NG nonsense, pff Metaverse da funk I was thinking!!, Im out!! :D"

Yeah he put a smile in his face too in the end.

Orchard532d ago

I hope he goes back to traditional games.

VR gaming is a flop and the Metaverse has (fortunately) completely failed to take off.

Babadook7532d ago

VR has much more potential than flat screen games. Just need to tap the right market and fund AAA development. Meta is a rotten company though so good to see him leave.

Orchard532d ago (Edited 532d ago )

That's where it becomes a catch-22 problem though. Very few companies (if any) are going to spend AAA amounts of dollars on VR if the market isn't there - and the market isn't there.

If it was the future of gaming we'd see the big publishers getting involved - and basically none of them are.

Agree on Meta 100% - horrible company and I really do hope FB (and social media) dies some day soon.

JackBNimble532d ago

There will never be AAA games until VR sells at the rate of mainstream consoles. Understand that even if Sony do sell 3.5 million VR in the next 2 or 3 years like they hope, that isn't ever going to get any commitments for AAA budget. No investor would ever sign off on that.

Orchard532d ago (Edited 532d ago )

The adoption has been terrible and the market basically non-existent as a result of that.

We're now 10 years into PC VR gaming, 6 years into console VR gaming and it just hasn't taken off - the reality is, most consumers don't care for it.

Even with a huge install base like the PS4, only a few million adopted it, about 3-4%.

ApocalypseShadow532d ago

He only thinks it in his mind. Because Microsoft isn't offering "high fidelity VR." Only Sony is offering "high fidelity VR" because they actually deliver.

I just read today that Honda is moving forward in using VR and has vehicles that were built in VR without an actual real vehicle.

Orchard just doesn't know any better. He claims he's a PlayStation fan but doesn't want Sony to succeed in growing the VR market. But he's okay with Microsoft buying up the industry and game pass. Tell you where his mind is actually at. Or he has investment in it.

But Carmack leaving is only that he was frustrated with higher ups. But he's very interested in AI. And that's a good field of investment too.

JackBNimble532d ago

If any of the big 3 had sales were like VR for their console, they would fold like the Saturn. Right now VR is nothing more then a high priced peripheral and no one should expect AAA for it.

By the way , I am one who would like to see VR succeed, but it has a long way to go before that ever happens.

Orchard532d ago (Edited 532d ago )


"Only Sony is offering "high fidelity VR" because they actually deliver."

And the reality is, from what we've seen thus far, the vast majority, about 97% of Sony customers don't care about it in the slightest. They can't even sell out of PSVR2 devices, which are supposedly in short supply. Better to just invest in traditional experiences instead.

"I just read today that Honda is moving forward in using VR and has vehicles that were built in VR without an actual real vehicle."

Yes. And that helps gaming how? I've said time and time again that AR/VR is great for enterprise. Just not great for gaming.

The lack of customers, lack of customer interest, and lack of AAA game companies investing & AAA game experiences being crafted says everything we need to know about the state and future of gaming VR.

tagzskie532d ago

When uncle philly announced true vr experience and demoed fallout 4 in one x, some xboys sings different tune..

Orchard532d ago

@tagzskie Well, those people were wrong.

Knushwood Butt532d ago

'Just not great for gaming.'.

That's your heavily biased opinion. You are in every VR thread trying to project your doom and gloom. Why?

There are many genres where VR is at least equal to or better than flat. VR in a driving game destroys the flat experience.

FPS, horror games, even Tetris is better in VR.

You speak about AAA as if it's the only consideration, moving goalposts.


Are they not a AAA publisher?

Is RE4 not a AAA game? RE7? RE8?

Hofstaderman531d ago (Edited 531d ago )

The Metaverse is one big flop but VR gaming on its own still has steam and growth potential. Remember Mark and his Meta wants you to associate gaming with the meta verse the gaming industry and its large number of users has the capacity to sway the opinion of the mass market.
Incidentally, Meta is haemorrhaging money and expertise that’s what this article is highlighting.

ApocalypseShadow531d ago

See, the problem orchard is that you see what you want to see. Sony sold PSVR at profit. They made money on software. They made money on a 10 year old peripheral. Yeah. It didn't sell 100 million. How many games sell bucket loads when they cost almost 10 times less than PSVR was at launch? That's why the new headset is coming. Before, there was no console VR. There is now. To grow the market, you must keep pushing and not be afraid like Microsoft. Facebook, HTC, ByteDance, Varjo, Valve, Sony, etc are growing the gaming market. Did flat gaming sell millions overnight? No. It took time. Just like any other product. Fads fade. VR is not a fad because it has potential in many areas. Sony doesn't want PS VR 2 to be a Kinect. A fad. Millions on advertising but no substance. It's why PS Move still exists and works on PS5. And Kinect is dead. Move had substance. PSVR had substance. Which is why PS VR 2 exists.

Honda is an example of VR entering other sectors. It's fairly obvious that it "ain't no 3D TV." Bugatti also uses VR as well as other car manufacturers. VR is here to stay. I know it hurts you that it's growing bedsides flat gaming being successful too. Just like mobile.

You just like to lie to yourself and others. VR is in education, in construction, in the automotive industry, medicine, real estate, music.... AND GAMING. The market wasn't there. Now it's here and it's growing in every sector besides gaming. But you want it to jump out there immediately like some viral video or fad. That's not how it works.

Chances are, you developed something, because you call yourself a developer. And no one wanted your product. So you're projecting.But there are other companies and developers who are successful in making VR work. You just sucked at it.

You claim Sony isn't selling out on pre-orders. But you don't even know what numbers they have allocated. Or how many they are producing to meet demand. You just pull it out from you know where and lie to everyone that Sony is failing. Sony has said they will have headsets for launch and not have to worry about production. What do you have that goes against Sony's statements on the matter? Absolutely nothing. Put up your facts against Sony's production lines?

But tell us. What software you made for VR that failed so that we all can know where your mindset is?

Orchard531d ago

@Knush You just highlighted the problem perfectly - the only AAA taking part in console VR is Capcom. Where is COD VR? Battlefield VR, GTA VR? All the big pubs are skipping on it because they don’t believe in its future - if they did they’d be investing in it now.

@Apocalyspe At the time I thought MS were insane for not getting into VR, but looking back on it, given where we are now, that seems like a very smart decision.

Honda making VR for car showrooms or whatever means nothing for gaming. The vast majority of gamers - PS gamers included - don’t care in the slightest about VR. The numbers show that.

I’ve never worked on a VR game nor do I want to. The market being non-existent means salaries are substantially lower when compared to AAA salaries. I wouldn’t take the pay cut - I’ve been in AAA since graduating college, and I intend to keep it that way.

But that’s also the good point of being a developer, ultimately it doesn’t really matter to me if the game sells well or poorly - I still get paid the same at the end of the day.

It’s funny that you mention Kinect because I consider the Kinect a failure too - but it still had 4x the sales of PSVR and a way higher attach rate.

We are supposedly still in the tail end of a chip shortage, so clearly we would expect a new device like PSVR to sell out - Sony themselves were too or they wouldn’t have done invites to get one initially - they thought it was going to be difficult for people to get one (so did many on here) but when it turned out it wasn’t they opened it up to everyone.

Clearly it isn’t moving as many units as they’d anticipated.

Come talk to me when we’re all sitting in our living rooms with VR headsets on and the attach rate is so high they ship it in the box as the default controller method - so I guess I won’t ever be hearing from you again :p

Knushwood Butt531d ago


'the only AAA taking part in console VR is Capcom'.

No, EA and Ubisoft have VR games on console.


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 531d ago
Stanjara532d ago

Problem with VR is that it hasn't have legs. Everything from mevement, enemies, pacing, puzzles has to take that into equation.

532d ago Replies(2)
Hofstaderman531d ago

I agree with you. I remember when Second Life was as the dogs bollocks and big business had store fronts or ambassador land parcels but soon discovered that it was pie in the sky. Second Life is still operational but only frequented by a stagnant population of people who were with it since it’s launch. New people sign up to try it out but tend to not stay. People want to browse the internet or use it to play games not live in it.

generic-user-name531d ago

"And yet, you can provide me no evidence to the contrary."

Compare sales of gen 1 VR headsets with sales of gen 1 home consoles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 531d ago
XxINFERNUSxX532d ago

One of if not, the best game engine developer in the world. I hope he gets back into developing game engines.

Orchard532d ago

I could see him in some kind of director role at Epic games working on Unreal Engine. That would be pretty cool.

MadLad532d ago

I would hope he stays away from modern day Epic.

Orchard532d ago

@Mad Depends. Their engine & online services are highly impressive and very advanced.

The games on the other hand... Fortnite... no thanks.

Wrex369532d ago

They need to stick VR back in RnD departments everywhere that or let the porn industry lead the way like everything else that's been introduced then brought to mass market after porn made it a thing lmfao

Number1TailzFan532d ago

Yea VR has that virt-a-mate thing which seems to be quite popular with adult Quest 2 owners, but i mean there is Half Life Alyx, few other things.. nothing huge after those so far.

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