
Capcom apologizes for Monster Hunter platform switch

The latest issue of Famitsu features an interview with the Monster Hunter team. Many PS3 fans were angered when the company made a surprising platform change for the upcoming Monster Hunter 3. The PS3 version of the game was canceled and became a Wii exclusive.

According to Famitsu, representatives of Capcom had a "big apology" for PS3 fans. "Famitsu pointed out that some people may have purchased a PS3 once Monster Hunter 3 was announced last year. This drew a big apology from the Capcom reps, who said that PS3 owners should wait for further announcements in the series."

Capcom is supposedly increasing their focus on PS3 development, but no significant projects have been announced for PS3 yet. A PS3 port of Lost Planet was recently revealed at its Gamers Day. If Capcom's asking PS3 owners to "wait" for another MH-related announcement, many Sony fans are going to be quite disappointed.

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Real gamer 4 life6060d ago

i hope they would release onimusha to the ps3. Even if it whent multiplatform i wouldnt care. i just wan a new one.

AllanWakker6060d ago

Capcom dug their own grave with their idiotic and shortsighted platform choices and now they are paying the consequences. They made their dumb choice to put Moster Hunter on the Wii back when it was selling 70-100k a week in Japan and now the Wii is falling like a rock in sales over there and almost no one but Nintendo is making money off of game sales for the Wii.

There are an enormous amount of first and third party software coming out for the PS3 over the next five years. Sorry Capcom, you reap what you have sown.

ruibing6060d ago

Words of apology rarely mean anything any more. Stabbing PS3 owners in the back over and over again, then apologizes and says stay tuned for more doesn't want me to stay at all. A real apology would be an exclusive for a well developed game, not a port of something PS3 owners never wanted much anyways.

FirstknighT6060d ago

I think it's Sony who should apologize for their ps3's horrible development kits and awkward ps3 engine.

AllroundGamer6060d ago (Edited 6060d ago )

i really don't know how to say this... but you are right! devkits and devtools were terrible at the beginning, i am a developer, so i know what i am talking about. But they are upgrading them constantly to make them better. btw what's a ps3 engine??? games are build on engine, but PS3??? :D maybe you meant the xbox360 turbo jet engine? :D

Edit: omfg fanboys just pls calm down, someone should really get banned for such offensive comments, and i think AllanWakker is nasim...

AllanWakker6060d ago

"but you are right! devkits and devtools were terrible at the beginning, i am a developer, so i know what i am talking about."

Bullshit idiot.

"But they are upgrading them constantly to make them better."

Wow, you mean like every console developer has done for every console ever made?

Stupid fanboys running their dimwitted mouths off about 'hard teh program!!!' Go away loser.

Husso6060d ago

Dumb xbot, look at GT5 Killzone and Uncharted, you should kiss sonys ass they made hardware capable of that. or go play with you POS breaks all the time cant run a decent game 360

Capcom sucks, i will never buy any o their games.

FirstknighT6060d ago

I'm not hating, I'm just stating fact. Top Developers have been complaining about the ps3 for a long time now. Many top games on the ps3 suffer crazy framerate issues. That's not hating. That is just fact. The Monster Hunter platform switch is just a perfect example of developers giving up on the ps3. I'm tired of all these articles of developers apologizing for their ps3 efforts. Just read an article about Konami's apology of PES 2008. When will you finally realize that maybe it could be Sony's fault.

Clinton5146060d ago

This is what makes reading your ridiculous comments so entertaining.

Husso6060d ago

Your a ignroant xbot retard.

Insominacs, Konami, Activision, SquareEnix all praised the hardware.

I'll take their word over bums that never mad anything worth a damn.

ruibing6060d ago

I wonder of how many lines of Gabe's (from Valve) prophecies you had to go through for your description of the PS3.

Right now, we have three developers bashing the PS3. Valve who didn't want to work on it so they gave it away. EA who didn't like how they can't just port it around like on a PC. And that ex-Rock Band developer who is probably unemployed and worked on a project that is no graphical marvel.

On the other side, we have every other big developers and publishers, ranging from Square Enix, Ubisoft, Activision, Kojima Production, Level 5, Insomaniac, Naughty Dog, and more. They all believe that despite its big learning curve (much more than they experienced when moving from PS1 to PS2), it was worth it and allowed them to do what they never thought could be done. They don't have limitations in terms of parallel processing power, graphics, and storage. This is why these exclusive first generation (1st year) PS3 games all look so good. And once they get used to the architecture and have their own graphics engine ready, they can make their next release faster and make it run better.

Foliage6060d ago

If anything the PS3 has exposed the laziness of some developers.

Can you blame some of them for changing routes and making a 360 game (which is basically a PC game with restrictions), or a Wii game (that is basically a last-gen port)? The developers complaining are those that were riding the coattails of the talented few in the industry for years.

Yes the PS3 has a large learning curve, it's called innovation.

gaffyh6059d ago

Foliage I totally agree with you. Bubbles for you

mithril6059d ago (Edited 6059d ago )

Foliage I agree with you ;)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 6059d ago
socomnick6060d ago

Its stupid that people get mad at capcom. They should get mad at the person responsible Sony They release a game console that is not selling and is extremely difficult to program for. Im glad they moved development to the wii I know they will make a profit.

Real gamer 4 life6060d ago

the ps3 sold 5.8 mil in 11 months. And devlopers are starting to learn how to develop for the ps3. That why game are starting to look identical to there 360 counterparts. Games such as 2k8 and CoD4.

Honeal2g6060d ago (Edited 6060d ago )

FYI 360 sold more in its first 11 months than Ps3. Ps3 will reign in due time people want it to be the hottest thing since sliced bread and right now its obivously not in the spotlight. So just be patient sometime by the end of 2008 the system will dominate as nature intended but for now 360 runs next gen...just by its massive vareity of games and dont try and come at me with that red ring of lights garbage cause if u were smart.You would have gotten a warranty for purchasing a product over 300 dollars all you would have is walk in to the store and replace it! yea yea sony makes excellent hardware but ur still a simpleton for not gettin a warranty for anything that expensive ,and there are gonna be people who say that they take imaculate(pardon my spelling) care of there appliances but u never know wat could happen.

TheFatOne6060d ago

FirstknighT - They will when M$ apologizes for the RROD.

drewdrakes6060d ago

Theyre offering free replacements/repairs, and will lose over a billion for it...no they arent sorry...

DemiseofPandas6060d ago

Don't act like MS is a charity. Everyone is just benefitting from European customer service laws, and Im sure they are sorry... that they have to pay for it.

DZNetworks6059d ago

Apologize... by offering a 3 year extended warranty...

Clinton5146060d ago

What they did was a sound business move and from the sounds of it, they will eventually be bringing the series to the PlayStation 3.

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The Best Monster Hunter Games - Every Western Monster Hunter Game Ranked

What's the best Monster Hunter of all time? In a series where half of the titles have the word 'Ultimate' fixed on the end, it can be a difficult decision to make. NL are not averse to difficult decisions though, so have taken it upon theirselves to rank every single Monster Hunter game (yes, even the non-Nintendo ones) to determine which is the very best.

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The Three Best Games That's Hard To Finish

First world problems all up in here, but that makes this gaming dilemma no less stressing.

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Why Monster Hunter is Less Successful In The West, and How Capcom Could Fix That

The third generation of Monster Hunter drags the series back to western shores because well, why not? In fact you could say that three really has been the magic number. Unless you live in Japan in which case one and two were also pretty fantastic and if anything three has been nothing short of a crushing disappointment.

‘But wait!’ Voletic hears you scream, ‘Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has been recently announced, why are you addressing the third iteration?’ Because background knowledge is a beautiful thing and Voletic has a word count to fill.

Amigaengine3477d ago

Simple, change the name to call of monsters and add guns :P

PeaSFor3477d ago

release it on ps4, it will be a good start.

lelo2play3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

"Why Monster Hunter is Less Successful In The West, and How Capcom Could Fix That"

Simple answer. Make the game multiplatform. Release it on PC/X1/PS4.

stavrami-mk23477d ago

vita don't forget the vita

KillerResistance3477d ago

@stavrami-mk2 ya, when will Monster Hunter come back to its home platform (PSP), i mean its successor Vita, can do alot with it and so can other systems, I just don't understand why Monster Hunter is becoming exclusive to Nintendo after all the years of it being on Sony.

breakpad3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

no ..MonHUn does not need wide acceptance from west audience, it created and succeed without acceptance from casual gamer ...Capcom must keep it intact as it is ...if they try to appeal to western gamers they probably make some tragic mixture of game mechanics spoiling entirely the series (see RE4-6, Drak souls 2)...those who want to play the game they play it even in japanese ,it doesnt need to be accepted from everyone

Th4Freak3477d ago

My problem with MH is the slow paced and plain combat system, if they make it more dynamic count me in.

breakpad3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

PLAIN combat system the Mon hun series????? have you ever played the games man??? Mon Hun has one of the most frantic and dynamic combat systems ever , it is perfectly made like a japanese fighting game ..the only problem is that has been stolen from the underpowered Nintendo systems ..bring it back to Sony and see it shine

Th4Freak3477d ago

Yes I have, I bought MH freedom Unite a few months after I got my Vita because it was being highly recommended on Reddit and after spending 14 hours into the game the combat system didn't make it for me, every other aspect of the game is great but the combat system isn't dynamic in any way, not only its slow paced but you can't make combos like you would in other games.

Now, keep in mind that in my comment I expressed that it didn't work FOR ME, I know a lot of people love it as it is and thats fine but I didn't like it, I like fast paced combat where I can move fast, hit several parts of the mob not only its legs (in the case of bosses) and make dynamic combos not the same combo all the game.

WeAreLegion3477d ago

Don't try telling Monster Hunter fans the combat sucks. They won't listen. -_-

Neckbear3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

But it doesn't suck. It's its own particular brand of hack-n-slash, which is why some people dislike it- with it being slow and precise.

But I'd rather have MonHun's combat stay as it is than see the series transform into a modern-day, western-ish work with a "mash square to win and QTEs for cool animations" combat system.

It's fine as it is.

dredgewalker3477d ago

I have to disagree that the combat sucks. Combat in this game requires a lot of planning and if you just use the old hack and slash routine you'd end up as monster chow. The controls take a while to get used to and each weapons have their own pros and cons. It's also a fun game to play with friends but I have to admit that this game is not for everybody.

N4g_null3477d ago

The combat is jarring at first but they should provide context. Small fast arms should be enabled that attack like a ninja and the heavy weapons would work better perception wise but the ninja attacks would take way longer but offer quicker dodging.

Yet if you play the game you can see even that is sort of supported.

Nerdmaster3477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

I still wish for a "real" RPG that uses Monster Hunter battle system. People told me Dragon's Dogma did it, but I played it and the combat had nothing to do with Monster Hunter other than sometimes having to fight really big monsters.

Monster Hunter would be one of my favorite game series with its fantastic battle system and crafting, if it didn't rely too much on going back many times to the same places, one time to kill twenty X enemies, other time to kill ten Y enemies, other time to gather ten Z mushrooms... It should have more of a traditional quest system: you get the quests to kill X, Y and collect Z, so you go once and you can do all that at once, instead of having 20 quests that you have to choose one at a time and go to the same place all the 20 times.

I always play for like... 20 hours before getting tired of the quest structure and quitting the game.

HentaiMasterRace3477d ago

Make it multiplatform for starters. 3DS/Wii U, PS4/Vita.

N4g_null3477d ago

What is sad is it would sell the same number but you just spent a ton of money porting it. Just because people don't like the combat system and they didn't like the story. It really is a bayo2 like problem.

Spotie3477d ago

Considering how successful the game was on PSP, it would have made sense to put it on the Vita, since many PSP fans upgraded with the expectation that a new MonHun would be there. A Vita version would do very well, and move units to boot.

Putting Monster Hunter on PS4 or even XB1 would also boost sales- and thus profits- quite a bit. Like Dragon Quest, there's an existing fanbase on PlayStation consoles for the franchise, and the larger- and faster growing- install base is more than promising.

It's nothing at all like Bayonetta. Bayonetta virtually abandoned its original fanbases to build a new one; Monster Hunter doesn't have to do that. Rather, it would be going back, in some cases, and expanding to new areas in others.

N4g_null3477d ago

You can argue that those gamers bought 3ds. Which would be true. Also capcom was not willing to spend the money to push a vita after their fanbases began to turn on them.

We are talking about japan here. When was man hunter successful in the west?

NovusTerminus3477d ago

They need a full console release, launch the CryEngine one for PC for PS4/XO. And make sure to bring it stateside.

Masterchief_thegoat3477d ago

Maybe being exclusive is not a smart choice capcom has made.

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