EYEamNUMBER14790d ago

page not found looks amazing can't wait day 1 buy

crxss4790d ago

I'm really looking forward to what Nintendo can bring to the table. All i really want are the amazing Nintendo released faster. 5 years in between Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword releases is not acceptable.

PRHB HYBRiiD4790d ago

soo...just by a picture its a day 1 buy? o.o

n4f4790d ago

i never saw a picture of leak being real for nintendo

DeadlyFire4789d ago

Image looks creditable, but why leave Project Cafe on the image. If it was real wouldn't a real name exist on the console. This is the 2nd image I have seen on the net of this same console design though. So its possible. I wouldn't bet my life on it.

NewMonday4789d ago

Key words "easy portability from PC, 360"

--------4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Or a really big router.

RedDead4789d ago

Bringing handheld and home console together it seems.

jaosobno4789d ago

Easy portability from PC/360 is a feature? So, Wii2 = 360 in power?

Classic nintendo, last gen hardware, new gen price.

AAACE54789d ago

And there you have it!

But I wonder... Why did they feel the need to point out that its easy to port PC and XBOX 360 games?

Something fishy going on here... and hopefully it is what i've been hoping for...

blumatt4789d ago

Man, all I know is, either those screens on those controllers are really low resolution screens (240x160 or so), or those controllers are going to cost around $75 a piece. haha But I like what I'm seeing so far. The next important thing will be the cost of the new console. They really can't go any higher than $350-$400 for the console, or people will simply just pick up a PS3 or Xbox 360. Another key selling point for the new Nintendo would be a bluray drive, hopefully used for the games, but at least as a movie player. Can't wait for E3 2011!!

silvacrest4789d ago

the same could be said for the ngp and we already no that exists

Blad3star4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

Go Nintedo!!!!!!!!!

Day one purchase for me - Cant wait to play my beloved Zelda,Metriod and Mario in HD.

Nintendo please buy back the Killer Instinct IP from Microsoft and bring onto the Wii HD as a launch title.

ilikecookies4789d ago

He pointed out "easy portability between PC, Xbox 360" for 1 of two reasons. Reason 1 being that its fake because it doesn't mention any other system and acts like the others don't exist. Reason 2 he could be trolling saying its impossible to port from the PS3 because its so good but that's not important. I think this is fake. Take this with a grain of salt.

BattleAxe4789d ago

Its says "Easy portability from PC and Xbox 360". I wonder if its going to have a similar architecture to the 360 then?

Millah4789d ago

@deadlyfire because Nntendo probably hasn't named it yet. They used the "revolution" name publicly for a long time until finally settling on "Wii"

malamdra4789d ago

it seems contradictory that they write that it's next gen technology at current gen price but they also say that it's easilt portable from 360, which is current gen

so which one is it then?

Dee_914789d ago

damn it looks sexy to me

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4789d ago
Motorola4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

EDIT: He fixed it, tsall good

dedicatedtogamers4790d ago


There is no Wii HD, at least not for the next few years.

Wii HD would be a worse mistake for the Nintendo than the Virtua Boy.

Theyellowflash304790d ago

I disagree, The Wii HD makes perfect sense. The Wii is going to sell over 100 million units in the next few years. Its at 80 plus million now. Nintendo can use all the money they made off of the Wii and DS to really to court more core gamers and use this system with modern features to get 3rd parties back on nintendo really for the first time since the SNES.

dedicatedtogamers4790d ago

Why would they WANT to court core gamers? Not a single "core" game has sold anywhere close to the Wii's best sellers. Even the Wii's lower-selling AAA games like Smash Bros Brawl sell far more than most "core" games? When Nintendo DID "court more gamers" it resulted in their decline on the N64 and Gamecube.

Also, the "core" market is shrinking.

Yeah, just because it sound like it'd be a fun system doesn't mean it's a good idea. I hope that Nintendo does not make the Wii 2 a powerhouse.

RememberThe3574790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

Wow... You actually wrote those comments... So as a gamers you don't want fun games? Am I missing something?

I don't think you actually know what "core gamer" means. The core game is one that is not a casual game. Popular titles like COD, AC, BF, GTA, and GT are core titles. Wii Sprots sold with the console and even if you want to count successful shovleware theres only a handful. Their may be some hugely successful casual games but there aren't many.

Where are you getting this "the core market is shrinking"? The core market is the most stable section of the market. If the core market is shrinking so badly than why are both the PS3 and 360 seeing continued growth while the Wii is seeing a drop in sales? Core games are still moving in mass, and at a sustainable rate. I'm talking about many games moving millions instead of one game moving millions.

Diversity is key to a healthy industry and Nintendo probably sees this. They don't want to just make more casual titles, they want to make title for both the core and casual so that they have a strong foundation. This is what Sony and MS are doing with Move and Kinect. It's about diversifying and having a business model that can adapt to a changing market. If the core market shrinks they can make it up in the casual market and vice versa.

It makes sense when you think about it.

N4g_null4790d ago

When nintendo courted gamers during the n64 up to the GC there games where not really as good as they are now.

First they just didn't look as good. Then they just had awkward frame rate and control issues that made nintendo whimp out on difficulty.

Nintendo is ready for hd now. I really didn't want to get sequels on the wii and so far we have not seem that yet.

Now after playing say battle field maybe you can chill out by playing some Mario? This balance makes it ok to try different types of games

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4790d ago
SantistaUSA4790d ago

Damn page on load! I want to see it :p lol

gamerzBEreal174790d ago

does that say easy portability from PC-Xbox360? WTF?

kneon4790d ago

Probably means a newer variant of the Xbox CPU and direct X support.

theEnemy4789d ago

Wii 2?

More like an Xbox 720 lol.

4790d ago
Cyorg4789d ago

It's an SDK (Software Developement Kit).
"easy portability from PC, 360"

It's not the Wii-HD.

duplissi4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

woo, not too bright eh?

yeah its an sdk/dev kit, but! its an sdk for the project cafe aka wii 2/hd... so yes its an sdk and yes its the wii 2/hd... jeez

just look at the ps3, wii and xbox sdks/dev kits:




gee, they look a lot like an xbox, wii and ps3!!!!

granted that doesnt mean that next gen dev kits will look like their retail cousins but its a good assumption.

Cyorg4789d ago

Yeah... Nevermind. I had misread the picture.

JLeVRT4789d ago

I would like Nintendo if it kept up in graphics to the curreny gen, wasnt too gimmicky, and had MUCH better games than just Mario.

I admit, this console looks good, and Nintendo is a good company, but im afraid that when Sony and MS release their new consoles, Nintendo will lose Dev support again. Thats why im not a big fan of Nintendo...

trancefreak4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

English your 2nd language?

Are you saying you want Nintendo to have the graphical capabilities in likes of the ps3/360 or close to what a mid ranged PC could offer?

I don't think Nintendo will offer much more than the current gen consoles in all honesty!

I believe Nintendo knows that the ps3 and 360 will hang around awhile longer and wants to be on a equal a playing field. They want to capture perhaps some of the hd gaming market which seems to be the obvious.

If the PS4/Next Box comes along they Nintendo would just have to release a couple years after that generation cycle IMO.

eagle214789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

the Nintendo logo on the bottom right makes me believe most...and the fact the lines match those "white" blueprint designs we saw a day ago. OMG IT DOES!! It looks good...wouldn't mind a silver or a white too. The image is shot from under, i bet it's sleek. Even wii can look bigger shot from under...

Day 1...forget da haters. Go play yo FPS....lol

TheMrMadzen4789d ago

"Easy portability from PC, Xbox 360"
Wait what?
Seems like the PlayStation 3 isn't mentioned.
A Wii could not handle it's games anyways :)

jony_dols4789d ago

If you want a Wii HD equivalent, with a better library of games and proper multimedia functions then just buy a PS3 and a Move controller (which will be cheap as chips by the end of 2012)

Zashule4789d ago

PS3 is PPC architecture.
X360 is x86 architecture.
PC is x86/x64 architecture.

Which would be the easiest to make multiplat? I take this to mean that Cafe will be x86/x64 architecture.

duplissi4789d ago

actually the xbox is also ppc.... it uses a triple core ibm ppc based processor called the xenon.

zeddy4789d ago

Easy portability from PC, Xbox 360? would nintendo really say that? i dont think so. its fake and as soon as the rumours started this was inevitable.

Aloren4789d ago


Why does this make you conclude that this wii2 will be equal in power to the 360 ? it just means that it will have a similar architecture, just like a 360 is close to a PC (architecturally). So that means really easy port from PC/360, and obviously, more "hardcore" games since most multiplat games are likely to relase on this new console (at least until the PS4 and next xbox are released).

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4789d ago
GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME4789d ago (Edited 4789d ago )

yep, works... those are going to be butt expensive controllers

Dart894790d ago

Hmm very intrigued guess we'll find out during E3.

BeastlyRig4790d ago (Edited 4790d ago )

It says it easily ports from pc & 360 but no ps3.. hmmm maybe it uses direct 3d then.

Pandamobile4790d ago

Most likely means that it just uses a conventional CPU/GPU combo rather than some crazy hybrid approach.

Show all comments (142)

Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

Read Full Story >>
Takwin2662d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

Read Full Story >>
Godmars2905107d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5107d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905107d ago (Edited 5107d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5107d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5107d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5107d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5107d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495107d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5107d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5107d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2698d ago
Bismarn2697d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One