
PS3 Firmware 3.40 Hidden Features

Ironstar: With every firmware update Sony usually doesn't announce every little feature that comes along in the package. While browsing through firmware 3.40 here are some of the features that weren't announced that I found quite interesting.

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Tony-A5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

That didn't take long.

Anyway, that's my favorite part of firmware updates. We get to discover some hidden easter eggs! I can't wait to try out the new features (no PS3 at the moment).

Oh, and that "Service List" thing was there well before 3.40 as well as Trimming, if I'm not mistaken.

FanOfGaming5087d ago

Not sure either, but the trophy level wasn't for sure, even though I think they could of filled those atrocious boxes with more.

-Alpha5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Who approved this nonsense?

IronStar just wanted to get their article out first, and it shows because this report is piss-poor. Of course it gets insta-approved, which just goes to show the politics behind the approval system.

3/5 things they listed weren't hidden, old, or already known. Come on, trimming? Service List? Trophy Level? Please keep better track of the features or let someone else do the job.

-Alpha5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

I'm sorry, but it's BS to submit something that is wrong, a lie/incorrect. This site needs to get its Shit together if they can't even peer-edit. Feel free to disagree, but at least have the guts to tell me why.

Can you even defend the article? Judging by the first post, you can't.

Edit: Oh wow, you are affiliated with the site, no wonder.

The article got 3/5 things wrong, it just goes to show you how poor the quality is when you can submit something with zero effort. It's just a joke. I'm not hating on the FW update or anything, just the fact that sites like this try to cash-in on news and excitement of gamers.

At least submit something that is truthful or have the decency to do the job right. Not trying to "hate" but at least have the ability to see that what you are doing is wrong. Be straight up with me buddy, u guys just wanted to be the ones to submit it first and get hits, right? I'm just saying that if you are going to be the bearer of news, please do it right. I don't mean to be rude or offend you Track, but it's not news when what you are reporting is flat-out wrong. Just asking you guys to take your time with what you post.

ChronoJoe5087d ago

I'll tell you why Alpha, well. This is purely my opinion but eh.

But what I value, in news. Is the time it's published. This was published first, and whilst admittedly had some issues, with some areas being incorrect. It was the first to inform me about two new features, which I am grateful for.

In this, I also understand that you need to 'rush' the process of aquiring this information, so slip ups are forgivable, edits were made quickly to retract previously false statements on the article. Fair enough.

The Article was informative, and the first to be published of it's kind. I was happy with it.

-Alpha5087d ago

Chrono, when I see something posted as news I expect it to be accurate. This is the same stuff that goes on with these sits on N4G that send stuff in without any sort of peer-editing or proper research. This isn't breaking news, so there is no reason to be so urgent to report it. The writer should have taken the time to fact-check.

ChronoJoe5087d ago

Yeah I can see it from your perspective too. Personally I may be a little biased since this news was exactly what I came on N4G, looking for, at that time. So naturally I was quite content, regardless of accuracy.

But frankly, there's a lot worse on N4G, like the constant opinion pieces about the same crap over and over. *sigh*

Shang-Long5087d ago

i think ppl are hating at alpha because he has alot of bubbles

Larry L5087d ago

Talk about making a big deal over nothing!!! So what there's some old news in there, or features listed that they just didn't notice before? That happens on every single hidden firmware feature list like this that comes out. EVERY ONE, has had listed a feature that was already there. But hey, they got a few right, and new features are cool. I can't believe they listed trimming though, lol. I've had my PS3 since launch and I don't remember that ever NOT being there.

But the fact is, I can't believe this guy is going crazy over such a small thing. I have literally seen reviews with lies, and many other outright lies about important things linked to on this site.....no one cares about those, but this fellow makes a big deal over someone not noticing some old features on PS3?.......outrageous. Gaming journalism as a whole has become a joke of lies and dis-information, and THIS is what upsets you?! Chose your battles. Save your internet rage for the people who deserve it.

I've already come across a couple new things in the firmware as well. Well, actually they aren't new, they are fixes of things that got screwed up last firmare with the web browser. 1. Certain things on youtube were no longer working, like the search button and commenting. Those are now working again. And 2. it's remembering cookies again after exiting the browser (THANK THE GAMING GODS!!). This may not matter to most people, as most use a PC for browsing the web anyway. But to people like myself who use PS3 for web browsing for one reason or another (mine being my PC broke like 2.5 years ago and I don't really care to fix it since I only used it for web browsing anyway), this is pretty huge. It was a real hastle it not remembering cookies.

WhittO5087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

Trimming was definitely there prior the update.

and Alpha is right they have just completely rushed this out for hits, no quality control or research etc done beforehand, makes them look amateur.

Anyway, this update is even more poor than I thought when reading it's contents!

There is absolutely not ONE single feature in the update I like or will use (except the Trophy Level...which looks out of place at the top right why not have it next to the name?! and it takes a second to load for every name, might as well load their gamercard.)

nickjkl5087d ago

difference now it lets you save both copys

DanyBrown5086d ago

i also found under sound settings you can now have dual sound output im fairly sure this is new

Siesser5086d ago

Nope - dual sound output was added last update, I think. Old.

goalweiser5086d ago


Well stated.

This website suffers because of the "first post" syndrome. I think all this could really be fixed by a rating system as opposed to the current system which I guess works off of hits.

For the record, I would rather read intelligent opinion pieces than the same news 50 times in a row.

Once again, we're supposed to reject news stories that are duplicates but look at the hottest topics now? Are there not duplicate stories?

So once again the idea of "first post" is promoted. In all cases the rules of this website were ignored. No duplicate stories and no false information.

Everybody loses.

xTHRASHx5086d ago

Alpha Man is a wise wise fella. What he speaks is the truth. There was a time when N4G stood for NEWS for Gamers. Now its just Nil for Gamers and just self promotion for sites that care more about page views than quality content

Shadow Flare5086d ago

Alpha is right. News articles are supposed to give accurate information. Giving false information is not only annoying to read, it makes you look like amateurs. The amount of times i've read "news" on this site and thought to myself, "i could have written a better article". At least I would have got the facts right. You guys are supposed to be the voice for the games industry, so your supposed to be on top of your game. And its ridiculous when most normal gamers who comment on n4g know more about the subject then the people who write the article. That's why I don't even bother reading articles most of the time, I just read the comments on n4g. Because the people here usually know more then the people who write the articles. And I've seen that happen enough times to know its true. So give accurate information and be more professional unless you want your site to be considered an amateur's blog

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
Snoogins5087d ago

Deep Color (HDMI) has been there since dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Snoogins5087d ago

I was using a turn of phrase, because OBVIOUSLY the PS3 hasn't been around since the age of the dinosaurs. However, disagreeing that Deep Color isn't a new feature just shows how absolutely clueless you are with the PS3's features. I've been using Deep Color since I got my HDTV back in January.

Larry L5087d ago

You shouldn't call people clueless when you are wrong. I hope you have your foot in your mouth right now. Deep Color is brand new. In fact I was just going through all my video setting 3 days ago just seeing how much I could tweak my picture between my PS3's settings and my TV's settings and Deep Color was absolutely not there. There was just the Full Range RGB setting and Super-White (and of course the cross-color reduction, but that setting's for SDTV users using the old-school composite video wire).

I assure you, Deep Color is brand new. And I'm liking the results it gives, and I only have an older projection 720p/1080i HDTV. It does exactly what it's name implies. The colors really do look quite deeper and more rich.

Snoogins5087d ago

Yep, you sir are correct. I did infact get it mixed up with Full Range RGB. I was the clueless one. lol

colonel1795086d ago

Clearly Dinosaurs didn't have a PS3, otherwise they wouldn't be extinct.

steviebhoy5086d ago

Kudos snoogins for having the decency to admit your wrong.

Kleptic5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

Deep Color is an HDMI 1.3x protocol option to work with 10 bit displays...Sony calls it 'deep color', others usually refer to it as x.v. color iirc...

whats interesting is that some of you are noticing differences on older displays...but older displays will not support it...as it takes a 10 bit display panel to show the differences...I haven't read up on it in a while, so I could be wrong...but its a feature just now being implemented into certain blu ray movies...and currently no other format utilizes it...other than the xmb possibly (its a feature most likely not for games)...

like some of you mentioned...this is different than RGB full range...an HDMI feature designed to mimic what used to only be done with component cables (early HDMI connections, usually a bridge in a receiver for example, did not have the bandwidth to have full color range like component did...the option was simply to decrease bandwidth so older connection devices could handle it)...but any modern HDMI equipped TV can handle full color range now...

so like some of you said...deep color is new...but I would like to know how some of you are seeing differences, especially if you don't have a 10 bit display (referring to the person that says they notice a difference on an older 1080i HDTV)...not calling you out, just wondering what it does as I am still waiting on my popped 60gb to return...the feature showed up on high end 2008 HDTV's...some VERY high end 2007 models may have had it...but anything before that most likely does not support it...anything 2009 or newer would support it though most likely...

EDIT: so its still hard to define...apparently deep color and x.v. color are two different things...but have similar effects to a viewer...but your display is the end of the equation, like i said...older HDTV's, with 8 bit panels, do not support the feature...its also a feature that depends on the media...its not that the PS3 will turn everything into 'deep color'...it has to be mastered into a BD disc, and now I guess some HD camcorders can do it...

goalweiser5086d ago

Deep Color wasn't supported by HDMI until version 1.3.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5086d ago
jack_burt0n5087d ago

how the F**K did alpha get 7 bubbles >_< so its only mods that actually control bubble distribution sheeesh this site used to be a democracy lol a crazy sick and twisted democracy but still votes actually counted.

Christopher5086d ago

Because he actually deserves them for posting real comments relevant to gaming and the news that's here rather than trolling for attention or talking about how the mods here obviously are secretly controlling bubble counts.

Kleptic5086d ago

^somebody has a boyfriend haha...

BannedForNineYears5087d ago

Hidden easter eggs?
Are there any other kind?
Kinda redundant if you ask me.

Kleptic5086d ago (Edited 5086d ago )

well sometimes your sister paints them and puts them on the dining room table...and even though she is in her mid 20's, she prances around trying to impress the family how she hasn't lost touch with her childhood, that she is still innocent and hasn't been wrecked by multiple guys, and she still has your grandparents by the balls as their 'favorite' grand kid...

in that case...they are not really 'hidden' easter eggs...

also for the record: I don't have a sister...but have dated enough girls with brothers to know what they are up to come easter...

BannedForNineYears5084d ago

Rofl Kleptic...
I'm not even going to ask....

cyborg69715086d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again this site is an attention seeking whore of a site that should never ever have an article put on n4g. Alpha your right and the disarees are from the kids who run this train wreck of a site. Screw them.

Theonetheonly5086d ago

"hidden" more like
not in your face.

i guess navigating the menus constitutes a Hidden label.

:) good stuff haha

FACTUAL evidence5086d ago

How is the trophy card level a hidden feature when it's right in your face?....wow..

n4gno5086d ago

I agree with you shadow flare, so we have to never see again kotaku, gizmodo, gamedaily and others biased/paid by ms or others/fanboyz site's articles.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5084d ago
sedx5087d ago

psn plus is up to join click on settings ,automatic download and choose a time and it will ask you to join

BiggCMan5087d ago

how do i find the playstation app on facebook?

bostoner5087d ago

that's easy http://apps.facebook.com/pl... but for the record I think Facebook's Wack!!!

T9X695087d ago (Edited 5087d ago )

The Trophy level isn't really hidden....its kinda thrown in your face lol

EDIT: They added a rating system exactly the same as Xbox's hahaha Hmmmmmm what to rate

vhero5086d ago

Ratings system been around for ages I think the first major company to use it was the apple app store not Xbox..App store had it for years..

Marquis_de_Sade5086d ago

Yes, of course, MS invented rating systems.

xino5086d ago

the farking Dark Forest for Dante's Inferno!

Paradise Lost5087d ago

The XMB is alot smoother as i've said before .

fooltheman5086d ago

didn't see that...i'll try it later ^^

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

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DarXyde2d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 17h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..