
Quantum Theory Absolutely Is Gears Of War On Playstation 3

PushSquare: "If you've been waiting for some meat-head cover-based shooting on your Playstation 3; y'know, something to fill the Gears Of War-void, then it definitely looks like you should invest some interest in Tecmo's Quantum Theory. The above trailer could easily pass as a debut reveal for Epic's latest Gears title.

Maybe Tecmo found their niche?"

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5250d ago Replies(16)
Cheboury5250d ago

OMG this game will be brutally avoided! Every piece of art and corner of design screams mediocrity! I don't mind devs re-using the wishbone of other games but at least give the sense that there's is a little bit more than meets the eye. Gameplay seems so sluggish and overal quality way past gen.

Darksider... now there's a game worth playing!

HammockGames5250d ago

In my eye, Quantum has a lot to prove.

I will say this - the newest gameplay videos look better than last summer's build by far. What I had seen before was nothing but a bland, laggy mess. This at least looks more passable, but Gears sets a pretty high standard if that's what they're trying to match.

I'm going to wait on the reviews & maybe a demo before considering this one.

If it turns out good, then that's just super swell. I'm not going to be overly optimistic.

Edit: Agreed, Darksiders rocks - don't miss this one!

5250d ago
jannytime5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

ur seriously not getting a game because its not exclusive anymore? u got some problems kid. so if mgs5 came out for the ps3 AND xbox you woldnt get it? your ignorance is hilarious. but on another note the game dosent look that good, fallout 3-like headshots which look cheap, bland-ass ps2 enviroments, the overall graphics arent great, gameplay looks like it can deliver though.. besides the fact that hes constantly throwing that girl and carrying her on his arm like a parrot.

blind-reaper5250d ago

I will wait and see some reviews, like Dante's inferno I don't care if it's a rip-off as long as it's a good rip-off.

Immortal3215250d ago

the gaming industry doesn't seem to like MS but only for their money. this game totally rip off gears of war like dante inferno to Gow3. I do not support clear rip offs

yojoe265250d ago

on my "To Get" list since I read in my newest issue of Playstation: The Official Magazine that this game does NOT support two-player coop. How stupid is that?? The whole game and story is based around two people working together yet they don't make coop play an option. Total nonsense. I just don't understand developers and the way multiplayer gaming is headed now. There are like next to zero games that support two player coop splitscreen and the ones that do are mostly on the 360 and Wii it seems. Come on we all know that the PS3 is the most powerful and capable console out there so we better start seeing some games that support splitscreen!!!

stix0795250d ago

there are a few on the ps3, Resistance:FOM, Terminator Salvation, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 (online campaign olny), Resident Evil 5,Army of Two.

jetlian5250d ago

why you see more coop and splitscreen on 360 is MS is going for that kind of gamer.Look at most of their exclusives left4dead 1/2, gears 1/2, fable 2, forza 2/3 ,splinter cell con, and halo 3/odst. Then crackdown has online coop. not sure on halo reach and crackdown 2.

Ms is trying to get you to buy live. Sony seems to not care one way or the other.

WildArmed5250d ago

If they release a demo and I like it, I wouldnt mind picking up another Gears..
uhmm. i mean Quantum Theory :)

I dont mind rip-offs, as long as they are fun and not broken that is.

meepmoopmeep5250d ago

i don't think it looks that bad.

sure does look like Gears though

A Cupcake for Gabe5250d ago

Looks like a really fun action TPS. Other that the TPS and roid addict hero, I see little like Gears. But there's no need to try and throw any blame at PS3. This game went Multiplat casue the shooter fanboys on 360 will buy it.

MmaFanQc5250d ago

gears was a rip off from killswitch.....so what?

Pillage055250d ago

Yeah, it's not like the game looks bad, it just looks...uninspired. combat looks decent enough. character models, baddies, and environments just look so 'just ok'

Not to mention everything we've read from people who have gotten some hands on time with that game didn't really have anything good to say about it.

Saaking5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

The game is no longer exclusives so I really don't care. I'll rent the game, but that's about it.

And I agree, MS does support split-screen a lot more which is a plus imo. Splitscreen is always more fun than online only multiplayer.

ThanatosDMC5250d ago

Wow, complete ripoff from Gears and to make it worst it looks ugly compared to Gears. What a lame knockoff. But the sad thing is... if it has good co-op, i'll probably get it.

solidt125250d ago

What happened to the chainsaw gun. Did they take that out.

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Chucky20035250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

LOl,what a stupid title,the game is on 360 too,beside PS3 doesn't need a Gears of War game when it has Uncharted 2 who is by far alot better than Gears games

vhero5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

I agree in somewhat with what your saying but it would be nice. Why can't we have both eh?

bjornbear5250d ago

if its a good game, i don't give a damn if its a gear clone.

and if its a good game, i think 360 only owners should have the ability to choose...we know how choice is for them =/

mcnablejr5250d ago

i havent even bought uncharted 2 =/ i like gears alot better
Nobody was good on uncharted beta, at least gow players are competitive.

bjornbear5250d ago

because people in the beta weren't "good"

dude, its a BETA, no one is good, and its very random set of people too.

thats the worst excuse i've ever seen but what ever suits you =P

I assure you this, people have gotten a lot better

but you wouldn't care, you have Gears 2 right? xD

yojoe265250d ago

of a game than gears. What I was totally preturbed about Uncharted 2 was, again, the total lack of splitscreen multiplayer and coop. I mean some of us have real friends that like to come over to my real house and play games together in my real living room. And every time they come over we're like "Hmmm. What can we all sit down and play together? Oh here's Resistance it has good coop! Oh wait we're sick of that one now. How about Uncharted 2. Oh wait we have to take turns. Oh, Oh how about some Dragon Age. Oh yeah it doesn't support it. Well there's always Resident Evil 5, that has coop. Nah, we're both bored to tears with that one now." That's what I'm talking about. I know uncharted 2 and some of these other PS3 exclusives are incredible i.e Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Infamous, Ratchet and Clank, but where is our splitscreen. I don't know I just think that Quantum Theory screams out for splitscreen and coop play and the fact that it just isn't going to be there is TOTALLY absurd to me.

Cueil5250d ago

come back when you can saw someone in half with your gun in Uncharted 2

pixelsword5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

...come back when Gears can have more than five enemies onscreen.
(See What I Just Did?)


At any rate, They're both great games in their own way; no need to needlessly tear them both down; and no: Quantum will not likely be an equal for Gears. Gears is just that good.

WildArmed5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

They are both fun, I love gears offline split screens and horde mode..
while i hate the competitive aspect of it.

I love Uncharted 2's online aspect, but hate the fact it has no split screen.

You can't have both, so both games rock my socks. I hated the chainsaw in gears, it was only good when one person was around otherwise your asking for a pounding with bullets .I do wish gears had an awesome melee system like uncharted 2, but then again you can't melee locusts like you can humans xD just like how you can't melee *SPOILER* the sasquash in U2 and the infested in UDF *SPOILER END*.

YogiBear5250d ago

We don't need shotguns for that bub. We have have Kratos and he does it with his bare hands.

Sheikh Yerbouti5250d ago (Edited 5250d ago )

I like all these games.

Now Uncharted is one of the most robust games I've ever played as far as gameplay, and I have a hard time comparing Gears of War's gameplay to Uncharted's for the very reasons everyone is stating. I don't expect the same from Gears - one is specialized and has co-op and the other executes diverse gameplay elements very well.

With that said...I absolutely love the Gears franchise on the 360. Along with Mass Effect, it is the only new franchise that has seriously caught my attention from the 360. For a multiplat to imitate its success should be understandable, just like with Dante's Inferno. And PS3 only owners that liked Gears (like me for now) can look forward to seeing how this title develops.

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Sir Ken_Kutaragi5250d ago

NO THANKS...i will pass on this game...looks P00!!! ;-D

Foliage5250d ago

I'm going to pretend like the terrible Gears of War 2 never happened, and this is the official upgrade of Gears of War 1.

Unfortunately it is pretty dated in comparison to most games on the PS3, but it was a smart move by them also putting it on the 360 console, since they are sure to be the best looking and functional 360 game out there. It's a shame they couldn't cater to the PS3 technology and was limited by the 360, otherwise this game could have been something.

avengers19785250d ago

I'm going to have to see alot more from it to say that I'll get it. Right now being called a gears clone isn't a bad thing. Look right now there's devil may cry clones and god of war clones out there, companies are just doing what they have always done, this thing is succesfull let's make are as much like it as possible.

INC NATE21315250d ago

lets rewind this to about 2 months ago, and all you ps3 fanboys were like, this will kill gears of war. Gears of war is garbage compared to this. but now its like this looks like a stupid game. hmm what changed your mind... oh wait it went multiplatform so all you ps3 fanboys started bashing it!

JasonPC360PS3Wii5250d ago

Funny how Sir Ken_Kutaragi used to say this game would destroy Gears and now that it's on the 360 he hates it... that's a droid for ya :D

likedamaster5250d ago

There you have it folks, the game to end all Gears games. Everything exactly like Gears, EVEN THE BLOOD! No more Gears, this will be THE game to play. Gears of War, what is that? LOL.

Happy gaming everyone, don't forget to preorder this 3rd person beast. And oh yeah...


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Dsnyder5250d ago

I havent...

Id rather have good story cover based shooting then meathead shooting.

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Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


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Goro3864d ago

I don't care what this guy think after he called Way of The Samurai 3 an awful game.

Bigpappy3864d ago

with Quantum Theory, I played the demo and was not impressed. I felt like they were trying to mix Gear of War with Lost Planet, and didn't do either very well. May be someone who never played either would have a blast with it though.

fOrlOnhOpe573863d ago

Yeah, I played the demo too but couldn't finish it....the thought of therapy was too much lol

SyphonELITE3864d ago

damn, i never even heard of this game til now

Yui_Suzumiya3863d ago

I followed this game forever until I finally came out. I got it and loved every bit of it. Originally supposed to be a PS3 exclusive. It got horrible reviews and I didn't understand any of them. They must've been playing a different game then me!

Spore_7773863d ago

Never played it, never will -_-