
Square Choosing Xbox360 Over PS3 Was A Failure

Square Enix is a company that represents the best of the best when it comes to the RPG genre in the game industry. The problem is that Microsoft isn't the definitive console for this type of audience which has left a bad taste with many gamers after the exclusivity of games like Star Ocean, Infinite Undiscovery, and The Last Remant.

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-EvoAnubis-5261d ago

Approving this just to see the crapstorm. Past that, don't actually care not one bit.

Bungie5261d ago

hiphopgamer bashing 360 again

what a surprise

OT i think square did a good job supporting both consoles

doeman5261d ago

and i was doing such a good job of avoiding hiphopgamers news articles for 2 months.

Blaze9295261d ago

dammit i REALLY fell for it this time. I need to really start looking at the names that submit these stories now.

KillaManiac5261d ago

Noone can deny that he isn't correct, but we knew about this when SE announced all the exclusives for the 360.

So....thanks for the info we already all knew?

whats next...
"The Wii has alot of shovelware!"
or maybe
"Square Enix to continue making Final Fantasy games!"

its all "duh" information is my point...

BadboyCivic3605261d ago

Nice cover pic, does that mean this article is flame bait?

FamilyGuy5261d ago

Hopefully SE does learn a lesson from all this. There must've been a LOT of money involved to sway SE into failing to make an obvious choice like making their games for the PS3 as well.

Anyone else here picking up Star Ocean 4, despite what critics said about the 360 version?

Dragun6195261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

I mean come on, Infinte Undiscovery wasn't even good and it didn't sell well along with The Last Remenant having framerate/load times problems. All three titles didn't sell what was expected not even close considering that Xbox360 had a bigger install base nor did any of them had a good story.

Now, they're trying to make a u-turn by bringing more titles such as Star Ocean IV, Nier, Front Mission,FFXIV, and FFXIII Versus to the PS3. But of course, it doesn't make up for the low quality of games they have been releasing. You know I used to not doubt the quality of their games, but now I have to worry if their games even have a good gameplay or Story.

I'm still looking forward towards FFXIII but I'm really disappointed with the recent hate/ reviews on it. I think Square Enix has really fallen from the position of being a top quality jrpg developer. Maybe Level 5 or another developer can take their spot.

kaveti66165261d ago

It is so ironic to see fanboys from both sides criticizing HipHopGamer's title choices because most of the time the very same fanboys are prone to saying the same things.

The PS3 fanboys on this site have been saying that Square Enix made a stupid decision by choosing to support 360 more than PS3 for a long time now. I would think you all would agree with him now, instead of saying, "Oh, here comes HHG again..."

nix5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

that's why all of you fell for it. as for the "story", wow! i just learnt a new thing. thank you hhg!


@Dragun619: i think From Software is doing a good job when it comes shelling out great RPG. just look at Demon's Souls. or maybe we all will have to wait until FFVsXIII comes out.

tordavis5261d ago

ok HHG

Worldwide Sales

Star Ocean

Lost Odyssey which is exclusive to Xbox

It will never find a home on PS3. Microsoft financed and published the title. Hironobu has issues with Sony but could create titles for the PS3 if he wanted, just not Lost Odyssey.


White Knight Chronicles

Currently sold less than Lost Odyssey sold 110,000 in Japan in 2007. That's amazing considering the installed base.


Infinite Undiscovery

Last Remnant

Blue Dragon

Tales Of Vesperia

Notice how low and how close the sales are

Eternal Sonata

Video should have been titled:

Is the JRPG A Dying Breed? Or Is Final Fantasy the WoW of Consoles? Or Will the Japanese Only Spend Money If The Title Has Final Fantasy In It?

Do you research before posting articles like this. Square actually sold more RPG games than the competition. I think JRPG's as a whole are failing on both platforms. Final Fantasy is an anomaly and always will be. Different characters, different stories, same title. You could put Final Fantasy on ANY of the JRPG's that I mentioned and they would have sold more.

Ravage275261d ago

i don't think anyone can deny that he made some good points.

Star Ocean was the 2nd biggest JRPG franchise after FF and SE made one of the most retarded move this gen by making it a 360-exclusive. Bet they are feeling pretty good about themselves right now...they probably killed the series. Last i checked, it's struggling to hit half a million and while there will be a PS3 release soon, i'm pretty sure it will not attain 50% of what the figure could have been had they chose to make it a ps3-exclusive or multiplat in the first place. It always amuse me when i think of japanese gamers kicking SE in the balls by shunning the 360, that's what you get by accepting bribes and thinking only of the short term.

Noctis Aftermath5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

@familyguy: i will be buying SO4 day 1, i felt the inclusion of japanese audio pretty much sealed the deal for me.

OT: everyone already knew this, square tried going for the western market and just expected the japanese market to follow them wherever they went(console wise) but learned the hardway that most JRPG fans stick with the playstation brand(handhelds not included).

Edit: @tordavis - How can you compare Tales of Vesperia 360 worldwide sales to ps3 japan only sales?

Digitaldude5261d ago

Well a huge part of the market is in Japan since its a JRPG. and 360 is apparently dead in Japan.
So it makes sense in a way.

tordavis5261d ago

@noctis - I'm not comparing sales, just showing how JRPG sales are low for all companies.

Simon_Brezhnev5261d ago


using vgcharts of all things lmao

reintype5261d ago

but I bet Wada's bank account would beg to differ.

-EvoAnubis-5261d ago

Ok, stepped away for awhile and came back to see the fallout. About what I expected. Tordavis has a great point, and it's one I've gotten into areguments with HHG and writers on his staff, back when I cared; no research whatsoever.

It's like they just make up random bits of bullshit made to draw in hits, which is why I never go to the site and discourage people I know from doing so either. HHG is the World Weekly News of the gaming industry, and I tire of seeing more bullshit articles from the site on N4G. Seems more appropriate to BadJoystick. I mean, it is comedy, after all, with no factual basis whatsoever.

5261d ago
immortal845261d ago

I will tell you why square-enix RPGs didn't sell that well on xbox 360:

First of all, can you give me a JRPG from Square on Xbox 360 that has an average of 80 on metacritic? No.

So, the first reason is JRPGs this generation from Square weren't of high quality. Second reason is JRPGs aren't selling good in Japan or any region this gen. Of course FF XIII is going to sell like hot cakes in Japan, even if Square release it on N64.

Lost Odyssey (worldwide sales) sold better than any other JRPG on Xbox 360. It's the second best selling HD JRPG this gen after FF XIII. Why? because it's a good game and it's was being made by Sakaguchi, the father of the final fantasy series.

@ tordavis:

You are right.

Dragun6195261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

Ok I don't about you but I'm pretty sure if they're going to support Xbox360 and not PS3 I would think SE was expecting alot better results with their support for Xbox360 especially with Star Ocean IV, a Series with quite the fanbase yet it didn't sell well in Japan or worldwide.

Then SE decided to finally release a game on the PS3, and guess what, it sold more than all SE's Xbox360 titles combined on its first week in japan. Hell, Tales of Vesperia sold more on the PS3 than it did against its year old counter part in japan, what would happen if they released the PS3 version released world wide.

The Argument about Jrpgs not selling well on neither console is because most of them suck or it just doesn't appeal to anyone. And I notice you didn't even mention the sales for recent Jrpgs. The sales for Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls sold great especially since it heavily relied on word of mouth and It also fared far better than xbox360 latest jrpg title Magna Carta 2. Wait, and we'll see how well WKC, Star Ocean IV, etc does on consoles.

As for Jrpg being a dying breed. The PS3 says different
PS3 jrpg line up

- White Knight Chronicles
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Resonance of Fate
- The Last Rebellion
- Trinity Universe
- Atelier Rorona
- Ar Tonelico 3
- Agarest: Generations of War
- 3D Dot Heroes
- Trinity: Zill O'll Zero
- Neir
- Tales Of Vesperia
- Star Ocean IV: The Last Hope International

Obelisk925261d ago

I can get past the fact you used vgchartz for sales comparison, but you can't deny that 90% of these games SUCK.

That's actually not good for the fans. And the hating starts.

The less are the fans, the less are the sales.

starvinbull5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

Couldn't agree more with this article.

Breaking your fanbase up like Rockstar did and Suare Enix did, in the long run will hurt both their businesses.

Speaking honestly, I am not half as excited about GTAV as I should be and would have been if R* hadn't ballsed up the release of GTA4.

It feels like they stalled after the release and haven't been able to satisfy their fanbase like they have done with past releases.

Square have a history of making very high quality cutting edge games whether new ips or not. This generation their best offerings are FF13 and The World Is Not Enough(DS game). Splitting your fanbase is sometimes inspired but clearly it hasn't worked as their output and the attributable sales don't tally.

Really all I'm trying to say is that if you have people who are loyal and will buy your product then you shouldn't play games with them or try to manipulate them. Not releasing DLC for PS3 or not releasing Japanese focused games on the best popular platform available in Japan are two examples.

SaiyanFury5261d ago

I'm forced to agree with Dragun above. Most people associate JRPGs with Japanese platforms. Microsoft's endeavour to capture the Japanese market with JRPGs obviously didn't work. S-E is releasing the definitive version of SO4 on the PS3 replete with Japanese voice overs, a first for the series. I'm also looking forward to the western release of Tales of Vesperia. There are so many great looking JRPGs coming to PS3 it's almost a torrential flood. Amazing games like Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles served to whet our appetites. Now the main course is coming.

sikbeta5261d ago

Lets get this straight

Is not only SE choosing x360 a failure, is the new "polymorphic content" strategy that simply $UCK$, SE want to make games everywhere like if it was a big Publisher but this strategy is not going anywhere

FF13 and FFvs13 are the last hope and SONY will going to buy stocks to save SE one more time

gaffyh5261d ago

@tordavis -

1. Regarding Lost Odyssey exclusivity, it could come to the PS3 (Ninja Gaiden Sigma anyone?) easily. And it seems that Sakaguchi didn't like Kutaragi, and Kutaragi is no longer there so it's possible.

I know that LO is a great game, and it at least deserves 1 million sales, and without a doubt I know it would have sold that much on PS3 easily.

2. White Knight Chronicles has not been released in the US or EU yet, so it really cannot be compared.

tordavis5261d ago


Microsoft owns publishing rights for Lost Odyssey. It will never come to PS3.

EVILDEAD3605261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

This is far from the first time this elitist PS3 argument comes up and thanks to HHG recycling the same old f-boy rhetoric it won't be the last.

The funny part about it is we disprove these silly points exactly the same way Tor did. Just show the ACTUAL results of the RPGs released this generation on both platforms and you kill all the noise.

It's laughable how one side will tote Final Fantasy Vs. or the fact that FF13 is exclusive in Japan..but if the 360 gets a couple of timed exclusives mainly to help spark some sales from the Japanese market then it's the end of the world.

Who cares if they werent massive blockbusters..I had a blast with Star Ocean 4..is it close to the Monster RPG that is Final Fantasy? absolutely not..but it definately wasn't some mass failure to bring it to the 360.

Lost Odyssey proved that when done right an Japanese RPG will do great across the board. And boy was Lost Odyssey done right.

It's a new generation though..The Elder Scrolls, The Fallouts, The Mass effects are the order of the day..

Next HHG..Why Mass Effect 2 should have been a PS3 exclusive?


sloth4urluv5261d ago

Anyone else feel like they have just been Rickrolled?

Sez 5261d ago

now you know better than that. you have been here long enough to know that you can't use vg chartz for anything other than ps3 system sells. you can't use it for anything other than that. lol

Christopher5261d ago

Square didn't choose 360 over PS3, they chose both. As long as they make a profit on both, it was far from a failure.

rockleex5261d ago

Square Enix was just plain retarded in deciding to release those games EXCLUSIVELY for the 360.

The most profitable choices were either:
1. Multiplatform = largest possible audience
2. PS3 exclusive = largest single console JRPG audience

But they decided to go with number three:

3. 360 exclusive = miniscule JRPG audience

Not only did they fail in maximizing profit and sales, the quality of the games were also horrible.

bacon135261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

Yet another terrible and flamebait driven article from HHG. Let the hate commence! But a solid point has been made. The fan base for RPGs does not reside on 360.

vhero5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

its HHG again but he has got a point it was a failure. They did it though as they still made just as much capital from there games not through sales but cash out of MS own pocket. So who really failed here SE? no... MS did as they never got all the RPG players to switch consoles. Most of them just hang on to psp and wii until PS3 finally got the games.

kingnick5261d ago

If anything SE's early seventh console generation games would have been worse on the PS3 as they were obviously rushed to 360 and lacked the polish of last gen JRPGs.

SE is to blame not the Xbox360 but keep deluding yourself PS3 fanbois.

GrandDragon5261d ago

You racist pricks, this guy always comes with interesting news and information... he is interesting and at times has a fresh perspective.

What he said in this video was 100% correct, even his opinions are all obviously correct given the circumstances and back history of games performances. Sqaure Enix decided to launch games exclusively for the Xbox 360 and whilst the games performed better than most other JRPG genres in the West, they WOULD HAVE sold far more if they were released on both consoles.

At the end of they day Sqaure Enix has learnt that the exclusive "incentive" for JRPG's on the Xbox 360 is none existent. They should either make it clear from the get go weather to to make the game multi plat or Sony Exclusive.

We all know that in Japan the PS3 install base is far far superior to the Xbox 360, and given that JRPG originated in Japan, a Sony exclusive will NO doubt sell well.

So what Sqaure Enix decided to do with Final Fantasy XIII is perfect for maximising their profit and sales.

Redgehammer5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

you know what else is a failure? Clicking on a HHG link.
GrandDragon did you just call people racists because they disagree with the HHG's take on the gaming industry? I did not see any racist related comments, and to accuse people of racism because they disagree with someone is tantamount to complete stupidity. I am also amazed at your ability to divine someone's race by the text they type or by their avatar. Normally I am not offended or bothered by any of the opinions presented on N4G; but you Grandragon have earned my vote for Prick of the Day.

5261d ago
evrfighter5261d ago

tordavis destroyed this comments section

that is all.

And I like how vgcharts loses credibility when it's convenient for the ps3 fanbase. But is the goto source when it's pro ps3.

JasonXE5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

AHHH crap. Seriously i thought this was an actual news story till i saw hhg on there. Damnit now i can't go on regular news story without knowing it's him or not.

gintoki7775261d ago

its called buisness............

Chubear5261d ago

...A F-A-I-L-U-R-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! HA! Serves them right too. lol

Saaking5261d ago

Indeed it was. SE felt all high and mighty, and I laughed when they saw failure after failure. They need Sony a LOT more than Sony needs them.

CHAD ROGERS5261d ago

does not need the traitors of square enix. Their games have gotten so bad since they stopped working exclusively with SONY. Traitors will not be missed. I boycotted them- everyone else should too- until they come crawling back to SONY, and humbly apologize to everyone of us true gamers.( y'know people who have a PS3)

pixelsword5260d ago (Edited 5260d ago )

The same thing happened to Tekken 6, it went multiplat and sold less than previous titles in terms of time out last I checked. I think Sony fans feeling betrayed was part of it, as the Final Fantasy series was never a PS3 exclusive game whereas every incarnation (as it were) was on a Playstation of some type.

Namco going for the fast money wound up burning them; especially since some people said the 360 version looked better I think.

I still don't agree it was a *total* failure, though.

The Lazy One5260d ago

Who said anything racist?

@all others
tordavis raises a great point. JRPGs that don't have final fantasy in the title just don't sell like they used to.

Personally I'd attribute it to many japanese developers making their stories so ridiculous and over-written that the stories just stopped being interesting. It seems like every time you need to know what happens next in a JRPG chances are it will be something unrelated to the story so far, and that it will happen in a 30 minute monologue.

pixelsword5260d ago

I understand where you're coming from, but in the cases of Lost Odyssey and Last Remnant, there was no "like they used to"; they were new titles.

But I do agree that JRPG's aren't mopping up like they did in the 8-64 bit days.

The Lazy One5260d ago

JRPGs is they. In general, new or old franchises, they aren't selling like they (JRPGs) used to.

Pika-pie5254d ago

Tis true though. MS paid a shed load of money to secure some JRPGs from Square-Enix. What happened:-

Infinite Undiscovery - HUGE FLOP!
The Last Remnant - HUGE FLOP!
Star Ocean 4 - HUGE FLOP!

+ Show (47) more repliesLast reply 5254d ago
Persistantthug5261d ago

Bubble on general principle


Eamon5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

Flamebait article here we go

belal5261d ago

he is actually right, i mean when SE was making s3 exclusive games, they did MUCH better software wise and HW wise for sony. but for xbox all they manage to do is like 40k and hw sales goes to like 15 k then down to 2k again lol.

bobdog6265261d ago

Do you Know that the 360 install base is close to 40mill Right now.That's 40 mill People ! Do you Think Square is Stupid! I don't Think So.

Christopher_Walken5261d ago

Let me guess who this is

oh right

GameGambits5261d ago

You need to find this HHG and stab him in the face with a saudering iron! Tell him he's talkin at you all wrong...it's the wrong tone.


Anyone have sales #'s for the JRPGs we all value highly from before this generation of consoles? I bet you games like Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden 2, Chrono Cross, Grandia, Lunar, Alundra, Xenogears, etc all had even crappier sales #'s than this current generation of JRPGs. Honestly all I've ever hoped is that the developers make enough to keep their company a float and give me more games of the same quality. Unfortunately, a jump over into this generation has not given us as big of quality games as in the past.

I don't care if they sell 20 million or 1 million---whatever the quota they need is all I want from the game to meet.

Shadow Man5261d ago

So don't take it so seriously Droids and Bots.

WWE VS TNA= Monday Night Wars!!!

Doc Sony5261d ago

Give it up Shadow Man, hate all you want. He's just spitting facts no matter how you slice it.

Shadow Man5261d ago (Edited 5261d ago )

WWE Bret Hart VS TNA Hulk Hoga!!!

Vince McMahon VS Vince Russo

Monday Night Wars Are Back Brother!!!!

chidori6665261d ago

wow shadow man.. you are one of big fanboys of 360 and sayng this?


menoyou5261d ago

First of all it's NINTENDROIDS not Sony Droids you imbecile. I don't know where you people get this from. There is no such thing as Sony Droids.

Anyway, Square-Enix has sucked ass for 2 generations now. Who cares about them? Only retards.

AliTheBrit195261d ago

Haha you PS3 fanboy lot are a joke

When HHG is supporting the 360 you hate them, when they say anything anti-360 you love them

They could release a cure for cancer, HHG are still trash

chrisulloa5261d ago


tawak5261d ago

WWE Bret Hart VS TNA Hulk Hoga!!!

Vince McMahon VS Vince Russo

Monday Night Wars Are Back Brother!!!!

-- uhhhh he/she? likes muscular guys =)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5261d ago
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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

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DarXyde1d 17h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 9h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..