chidori6665276d ago

yeha,, FINALY gt make the rigth choice in years.

OtherWhiteMeat5276d ago (Edited 5276d ago )

Demon's Souls got my vote.

brianleppez5276d ago

It should have been:
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Brutal Legend
Demon's Souls

My vote goes to Batman though, it's the only one I played this year.

Method5276d ago

Demon's Souls definitely deserved it

JoySticksFTW5276d ago

Personally can't say enough good things about that game

sikbeta5276d ago

Demon Soul is just Amazing, this game deserve more recognition

callahan095275d ago

But Batman's not a new IP. It's a new take on an old IP. But that doesn't make it a new IP.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5275d ago
Lord_Ranos5276d ago

Good for Demon Soul's. But my favorite new IP goes to inFAMOUS in my opinion.

ezcex5276d ago

this game is great, everyone should at least try it out more than an hour

nnotdead5276d ago

people really should. it really becomes addictive. the game can be hard, the i think it just has a high learning curve. took me a few hours and two characters for me to really get into the game.

bacon135276d ago

GOTY is Batman: Arkham Asylum. The most entertaining, impressive and freshest gaming experience of the year without a doubt.

nnotdead5276d ago

im going with no. the actual game play mechanics of Batman werent very good. the story, voice acting, graphics, sound, art and character design where all great. i just didnt like playing the actual game.

sikbeta5276d ago

Well, if you don't have a PS3 and by that you don't play Uncharted 2, so your gaming experience is limited, well I probably say you're right


GOTY 2009 = Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

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6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos37d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto37d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8837d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies37d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


The best PS5 exclusives 2024

With so many PS5 exclusives to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming to pick which one to play. This is especially true for a new PlayStation gamer who has yet to experience the wonder of PlayStation-exclusive storytelling. So, here's KnowTechie's take on the best PS5 exclusives in 2024 and beyond

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Hereandthere48d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC48d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier48d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k448d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 48d ago
Cacabunga48d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy8548d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga47d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS747d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

48d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog48d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto48d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies48d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

48d ago
47d ago
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Abear2148d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS747d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast48d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

48d ago Replies(2)
47d ago
DefenderOfDoom248d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo48d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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The inFamous games deserve more love from Sony

The inFamous games are an important part of PlayStation history, but the series is in limbo and playing older entries isn't exactly easy.

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LucasRuinedChildhood104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Would like remasters of 1 and 2. I enjoyed them much more than Second Son.

1 & 2 had more of an emphasis on climbing and the traversal requires a bit more effort in a good way. It was rewarding. Second Son made climbing mostly obsolete so they put little effort into it. The traversal was just great in inFamous 1 & 2. There's a reason Sunset Overdrive copied and improved upon the induction grind mechanic.

Reminds me of how I felt about the decline of parkour and the well designed tombs (basically Prince Of Persia levels) that we saw in the Assassin's Creed games.

The story and atmosphere were also much better in 1 & 2.

Electricity is just a brilliant superpower for an open world city. It perfectly fits just like webslinging does in New York and it has many applications.

Cacabunga104d ago

For sure.. one of my favorite Sony licenses

Shane Kim104d ago

Loved one and two. I actually liked the story as well.

Minute Man 721104d ago

The standalone DLC was a sweet

jznrpg104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

I enjoyed Second Son but it was too short. The first 2 were great though

-Foxtrot103d ago

Second Son was alright but didn't touch the first two games

It felt short and lacking in comparison

Also I really thought Reggie would have made a better protagonist, someone who is anti-conduit as much as him and ends up becoming one would have been interesting to see. I kind of enjoyed his character throughout the game as his development.

badz149103d ago

why is it right now, the thing I want the most from Sony is to release remasters of inFamous (1,2 & SS), KZ (1,2 & 3), Resistance (RFoM, 2 and 3) and Motorstorm (1,2 & 3)??

The_Hooligan103d ago

All great choices. I would like to add Warhawk/Starhawk to that. The multiplayer in Warhawk was amazing. I am surprised Sony hasn't looked into MAG either. That game was ahead of its time.

Maybe Sony should make an internal studio like Bluepoint games and all they do is remake/remaster these amazing games, even going back to PS1,PS2,PSP, Vita portfolio. And because of the recent articles suggesting cost cutting, budget issues and releasing more games on PC, they could do that with these remakes/remasters. Do a day one on PC and PS5. At the end of the day Sony or any other company is going to do what makes them the most money.

Kiryu1992103d ago

Would love a remastered collection on PS5/PC

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 103d ago
kpgs104d ago

Wouldn't the onus be on the consumers? If they bought the Infamous games, then we'd have more games from that series.

KwietStorm_BLM104d ago

Infamous has sold millions of units. People have been asking for more. They aren't interested. Just like people have been asking for more Resistance or even a remaster collection, but insomniac isn't revisiting that either. Likely never getting a new sequel since they're a Marvel studio now.

LucasRuinedChildhood104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

No. Infamous was successful. But after a few entries (which are taking longer to make these days) a lot of Sony studios move on to new IPs. That's not a bad thing at all. They don't need to make inFamous games forever, just like we didn't need new Sly Cooper games forever.

But people would like to be able to easily play them on current hardware which is reasonable. Same for Killzone, Resistance, MGS4, etc. Good games shouldn't be trapped on old hardware. It's good that Bluepoint ported Uncharted 1-3.

kpgs104d ago

I'm not saying it wasn't successful. I enjoyed playing all 3 entries and DLC. But like you said, people move on, studios move on. But I don't think I've heard people asking for more Infamous in a long time.

Profchaos104d ago

The franchise was popular we got quite a few games but Suchet punch wanted to beach out I think that's why we got ghost of Tsushima over infamous 4

Tbh ghost is a fantastic game I'm not complaining about that but I'd love to see infamous handled by another team

jznrpg103d ago

Id take GoT2 over Infamous right now but after GoT2 or maybe 3 if they go trilogy I’d like a new Infamous.

badz149103d ago

that's the problem with Sony that puzzles me A LOT! they have studios specifically specialized in remastering and remaking old games for new gen hardware, but we are getting very few of them. SoTC, Uncharted collections, Demon's Souls Remake, TLoU Part 1...and?? that's it? why aren't they giving their old games new lease of life on the PS5 for the new generations of gamers to enjoy? they clearly have the expertise. for god sake, I can even accept lazy porting like Nintendo are doing for theirs if I have to.

FinalFantasyFanatic103d ago

There are a lot of games that consumers have been asking Playstation for, Playstation won't do it, so a lot of these developers have gone and made it themselves by any means possible such as Kickstarter (e.g. Armed Fantasia, Penny Blood, Ratatan, 100 Heroes, ect...). Developers have even asked if Sony could help them out with porting/remasters some of these older games for Playstation, they said no.

Crows90103d ago (Edited 103d ago )

Um...dude like you say that as if nobody bought them....the devs went on to do ghosts after 3 infamous games....3

People ask for new resistance and new infamous at every moment where it makes sense to mention it.

Having a remake of 1 and 2 would be very welcomed I'm sure.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 103d ago
chicken_in_the_corn104d ago

I would love to see a new game but a feel that would get a response similar to Saints Row.

TravsVoid104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

If they keep any of the characters from the previous games I think it would do fine unlike Saints Row which decided to replace fan favorites with less likable replacements. I wouldn't be surprised if that decision caused a majority of their buyers to be new to the series rather than returning players. I will say though, if Infamous Second Son or the first two Infamous games were remade I would be a day one buyer on PC.

ocelot07104d ago

Loved all 3 of them. I couldn't get on with the vampire spin off though. Wish they didn't move away from cole but I didn't mind the other character.

DefenderOfDoom2104d ago

Loved 1 and 2 , would definitely love a new INFAMOUS single player campaign.

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