
Sony Talks 2010: "Project Natal and Wii are going to have trouble"

John Koller, Director of Hardware Marketing for SCEA, talks to GamePro about the future of the PS3, the growth of the PlayStation Network, and why Sony's motion control gaming will be better than Project Natal and the Wii.

Delta5282d ago

They will only be Chaos!!! in 2010.

WildArmed5282d ago

lol. Thank God Kratos needs no motion controls to kill the Gods of Olympus.

But i still dont like when PR brag.. reminds me of Shane Kim n Aaron Greenburg crap. =/

oh wait, he says
'... Shooters and sports games... they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching, from a differentiation standpoint. We look at motion control as being that much more than what exists on the market. The Holy Grail of gaming is placing you as a consumer into the game physically.'

NVM. No one is bragging.
I've grown a grudge against all PR teams coz of Turn 10/Kim/Greenburg. Those guys really made a mess.

deadreckoning6665282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

The Wii...having trouble. lol People said that was gunna happen THIS year. Sony's talking WAYYYY too early.

@Disagree- U HONESTLY believe that the Wands will take significant market share away from the Wii? Keep dreaming.

we won5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Consumers may have trouble deciding what "wand" they wan't on what console(PS3 or Wii) but when it comes to what Microsoft will be offering consumers will know the only place to get it is with the 360 and many people are waiting for Natal.

It's like saying Wii is in trouble because we have sixasis motion, back in the day. Comparing what Sony and Nintendo has with what Microsoft has is crazy. The masses already know Sony has an HD version of the wiimote and they know the difference between full body motion control/tracking and a HD motion stick.

At least Sony is showing their concern for their very tough battle in 2010 with this pep talk-cheerleading pre-damage control.

Natal will explode. It will be desired by every kid known to man. Old folks will be replacing Wii's in retirement homes, families will be fighting over them at retail. Adults will be getting drunk and High playing Natal or just normal people having get togethers.

Natal could eat away at the Wii's market share pretty rapidly if Microsoft has a killer lineup and market's the Natal device as we all know they will. The Wii revolution will have nothing on this.

deadreckoning6665282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Don't know why people are disagreeing with we won. Natal's launch will be the BIGGEST gaming launch of all time(If M$ prices it right). You don't need to be any kind of fanboy to understand that. Gaming with NO CONTROLLERS, thats gunna be HUGE.

Some people here need to remind themselves that the CASUALS make up the majority of the gaming market, not the hardcore. As of right now, I only own a PS3 but I know for a fact that what M$ has coming a year from now will be BIG.

Edit: Thanks Dragun, I read the article. Were just discussing Sony and M$'s chances of wiping out the Wii.

LMAO, disagrees believe gaming with no controller WON'T be successful. The delusion here is ridiculous. The Wands, due to their accuracy, are EASILY the better choice for the hardcore. But c'mon now? Which one are the casuals gunna cream their pants over, the Wands or Natal? The answer is obvious and M$ will advertise the hell out of it. Reason and logic people, reason and logic.

Dragun6195282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

It seems that most of you are not actually reading the article.

He was describing how a wide variety of genres can utilize the PS3 wand where as he states that he thinks that areas such as Family games, shooters and sports are critical to being successful for motion controls.

"Those are going to be the areas that will really define success, because they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching, from a differentiation standpoint."

He wasn't bashing or bragging, Gamepro just took one line he said and interpreted as bashing or Flamebait. He was merely stating that Project Natal and the Wii may have trouble delivering these experiences such as Shooters. Its understandable as the PS3 motion control, you can easily build types of shooting games around motion controllers as shown by the Wii. But with Natal, Wouldn't be quite difficult to deliver an FPS experience and such, Seriously, using no controller for a hands free FPS game? How does that work especially for games such as COD or Fighting games such as Street Fighter.

So far there's limited presentation of the Wii vitality sensor and Project Natal, So I'm Not sure if they can really offer good FPS/TPS etc games. I will wait for some games that show how they'll include these motion controls such as Rare's game for Natal, But for now I'll remain skeptical on how they will deliver such experiences.

WildArmed5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )


No no, please let them continue their highly intellectual debate about Natal n Wii.

They don't need to read the articles, this is a forum, come and post and walk away.

On a side note:
I really dont care about Natal, Wands or the wii things. Never cared about motion controls, I prefer having to use N64/360/ps3/Gamecube controller than any motion control. I'm sure they'll find a market, but I dont see much coming out of it. I've seen nothing that I'd pay $99++ to experience.

Saaking5282d ago

It's good to see Sony finally take the offensive. 2010 is gonna get really interesting.

we won5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Natal shocked the world. Shocked America. Every major News organization in America Talked about the natal tech for a week after it was revealed. It won E3 according to most if not all the media covering E3. A major research company asking what was peoples favorite thing at E3 and it was Natal by over two times the next favorite thing.

People hate Natal because they know a sh*t load of people that think the Wii was something special will look at Natal and say *Im getting one of those* not to mention non gamers will be buying Natal/360

You have to be out of your mind if you don't think Microsoft will have trouble keeping the 360 on the shelves next shopping season.

Trebius5282d ago

Which is why Natal will be very limited in what it does when it comes to gaming.

But the reason it'll sell is because you'll be able to flip through netflix with a flick of your wrist, or maybe they'll release a web browser with it and let you manipulate the screen with it...

Thats the only way i see Natal succeeding...if it's marketed as not agame, but a motion user interface.

TheBand1t5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

lol, don't even bother with we won guys. It's just Why Dis with a new account.

Frankly I think both Natal and the Sony wand will flop. Both because they are NOT standard issue with the console. The Wii's success was due purely to the fact that it was designed from the start to be motion controlled. Peripherals rarely, if ever, do well at retail because it divides the user base.

Let me put it to you like this. Ask any average schmuck walking around, and I'd be willing to bet no one knows what Natal or the Sony Wand even exist.

we won5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

One more thing before I leave. I bet Microsoft makes Halo Reach compatible with Natal on some level. This will help get the attention of Casuals and the Hardcore alike, never mind the massive marketing and the Natal launch lineup.

2010 will be the year of games and marketing for Microsoft, expect a marketing Campaign in 2010 2nd to none.

I have my own Halo Reach trailer speculation folks missed. The Elite in the end of the trailer hints at Malee combat? Perhaps there will be a mode to fight it with Natal? Just kidding.

Sunny_D5282d ago

Sony shouldn't be this c0cky so early.
Against Natal: Maybe
Against Wii: Hell no

Dread5282d ago

its funny how when the executives at MS say that they are better than the competition, all you sony fantards star complaining about integrity and being humble an so on

but when Sony does it, not a peep from any of u hypocrites.

double standard
double standard

nos surprised, did not expect any better from u anyways.

on point if they think their product is better then say so. this is business period..

beardpapa5282d ago

maybe some people should really click and read the article. Obviously George Sears conveniently "forgot" to put matching after trouble in the headline, causing this whole "bragging" interpretation mess. Talk about selective reading.

we won5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

I like to Laugh at all the disagrees. Don't be mad at me, be made at the millions of consumers/gamers and the American, European and especially the Japanese developers for being excited for Natal. I wonder what Kojima will come up with.


I don't wan't to get into a pointless debate with hardheaded PS3 fanboys I just wan't to give my opinion on the topic. Your(PS3 fan) input has the worth of a hick's tobacco spit.

TheBand1t5282d ago

I'll say it again. Ask anyone (Namely, anyone in the Wii crowd, "Casuals") what Natal is, and they will respond they haven't the faintest.

Whether you like it or not, the SMC and Natal really can't do much at this point to dethrone the Wii as the console to go to for motion controls.

SilentNegotiator5282d ago

Well, Sony and MS are both taking a risk by adding a peripheral and trying to built a userbase around it. These things usually go bad (With the exception of Guitar Hero).

Bungie5282d ago

$ony should just stop all the talking

last place and being arrogant

SilentNegotiator5282d ago

Are you Xbox fanboys still calling the 2nd fastest selling current console (After the Wii, not including handhelds) with a year disadvantage and higher price and better exclusives (And also has the multiplats) the "Third place console"?


RememberThe3575282d ago

Again, you didn't read. I mean come on, the post right above you clarifies his comment. He wasn't saying the system wasn't going to sell. His comment was not based on sales but content quality. He believe that Sony's motion controller will be a better fit for Shooters and sports games. Not that it will sell more units.

And you are grossly over estimating Natal. It's actually kind of funny watching you drool over it.

Who the hell wants to play a video game without a controller? Natal isn't virtual reality; it can't read your mind. You need a physical input device to tell the system what you want to do.

Sarcasm5282d ago

"I think the areas that are going to be really critical to our success will be family games, as well as shooters and sports games. Those are going to be the areas that will really define success, because they're areas that quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching, from a differentiation standpoint."

Taking things out of context there aren't we.

na2ru15282d ago

Yeah probably as huge as that granny's big loud mouth.....BAH! BAH! BAH!

Shang-Long5282d ago

the comment came off c0cky, but wut i think hes sayin is that neither one can match what it will provide. sony is basicly giving a WII (Gem) n natal (eye toy) combined experience in one

either way i wont get it since i dont like motion control.

silvacrest5282d ago

microsoft better make use that natal is technically accurate, easy to use, reliable etc otherwise all it will be known for is a massive launch......and not much else

hatchimatchi5282d ago

I don't have anything against the 360 but natal is gonna fail. It might rake in tons of money but as a gaming device, it's gonna fail hard.

What can you play without a controller? The paint game, the break out style game, the kid going around playing a motion version of rampage? We all saw how well tony hawk ride did, how accurate do you think a skateboarding game would be without a controller? How accurate would a racing game be without a racing wheel/controller?

For example, Gears of War. Are you gonna be taking cover behind the couch? I can see shooters on natal being like the arcade game 'police 911', anyone remember that? (Youtube it if you don't.) It's a fun game but good lord, moving around and taking cover is a tiring experience. Plus it's just an on rails shooter with full body motion integrated into it.

How are you gonna control your character without a controller? Everything would have to be on rails. It's so mind numbingly stupid to think that natal is gonna deliver worthwhile games.

Also, the whole moving my arms to select something. What's wrong with pressing a button? I guarantee that the press of a button is more accurate than moving your arm in front of a camera to select something.

Bottom line, the majority of the games natal will offer will be dumbed down experiences. I can imagine a really cool guided game that requires you to do motions and whatnot, (a simulator of some kind) but i'm sure those will be few and far in between because it's obvious that MS is just trying to cash in on the gaming crowd that the wii brought in this generation.

I wanna point out too that i feel pretty much the same way about all motion controls. The majority of the games are complete failures, but gaming without a controller is just plain stupid. I'm not being narrow minded, i'm being a realist.

Consoldtobots5281d ago

"its funny how when the executives at MS say that they are better than the competition, all you sony fantards star complaining about integrity and being humble an so on

but when Sony does it, not a peep from any of u hypocrites.

double standard
double standard "

sucks when your favorite corporation and its products have a sh1t reputation huh?

Lifendz5281d ago

but like I said, if I had to chose (and a choice) between MS and Sony motion tech, I'd pick Sony's. Reason being is that I'm an old school guy. I want a controller in my hands when I play a game. If not a controller than a peripheral of some kind. I already have the PS3 eye so I'm sorta on the fence about the motion controller. Probably won't get it at launch as there's too many games dropping next year.

Montrealien5281d ago

So let me get this straight, when Sony has some marketing guy get all c*cky (which I like) its good. But when MS has dome marketing guy being c*cky he gets called out on his arrogance? Many people need to realize the hypocrisy.

/on topic

You go sony, play hard man we want competition between all the big players! But I think its fair to say that Nintendo are not going to have much trouble, they are too far ahead to get in trouble imho.

BWS19825281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

"Increasingly, we're getting a lot of traction on the PS2. It's been a very, very strong year with the PS2, and we're going on our 10th year. It's pretty unprecedented, and we're not looking to slow down anytime soon."

Eventually they're gonna have to pull the plug on that thing.

Anyways, to those naive few saying "When Sony gloats it's okay, but when MS does they should be humble" ...you obviously didn't read the article, and you obviously don't know what tact is, and you obviously quickly forgot the smack-talking that Greenburg is known for. The two guys are NOTHING alike. Or you can't read. Koller didn't thump his chest like a teenaged-quarterback after a touchdown, Koller didn't lie or insult the competition....

Koller specifically said how he felt they'd offer something the competition wouldn't--THE END, he didn't lie, spin numbers, spin facts, insult the competition, he just mentioned the direction Sony would go, he didn't fling his man stuff in the air like Greenburg does and shout "I'm bigger than you!", so drop the spin, it doesn't work on people who read the interview and read Koller's words. If you REALLY read Koller, you'd know him and Greenburg are on opposite sides of the personality spectrum, and Greenburg needs to have a little humility with his french fries.

Seriously, there's "I think we're going to do things the competition isn't going to do" and then there's "The competition is off track, we have the best of everything, we are the best, we are confident that everyone wants a 360 and the competition will crash and burn"....You must have missed Greenburg's loud-mouthed blabbering if you can't recall the tone and demeanor, or you're repressing it.

callahan095281d ago

I think it's funny when people talk about the PS3 being in "third place" as though that implies it's somehow a failure. Guys, this generation we have three consoles that have ALL already outsold the second-place console of last generation. The PS3 has only been on the market for 3 years in some territories, 2 and a half years in Europe, and it's already outsold the GameCube and the original Xbox's 4+ year numbers by a substantial amount. And by the way, it did so at what are objectively considered very high prices for the majority of its life-to-date (by far the most expensive video game console ever released that didn't flop out at less than 1 million sold). PS3 is a success.

N4g_null5281d ago

About offering something the competition don't ....
Like what? Blue Ray only ps3 owners car about sony's exclusives and the eye crap is not going to make that much of a difference tech wish and in game where it matters.

On top that Sony had 3 years to show us what they could do with just the gyro. Nintendo did just that because of that you may get some ports but the call of duty players of this gen have spoken they don't want pc like controlls they want xbox controllers as the first prefference and then ps3 dual shock sixaxis.

Then their is the cherry on top what makes you think they can make fun motion controls when they have pretty much ignored the sixaxis.

DaTruth5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

"its funny how when the executives at MS say that they are better than the competition, all you sony fantards star complaining about integrity and being humble an so on
but when Sony does it, not a peep from any of u hypocrites.
double standard
double standard "

It's funny how when Ninty puts out a motion controller, it is a stupid gimmick! But "TEH NATAL" will be teh Shiznit!

double standard
double standard

You guys can sit around saying PS3 owners are teh hypocrites all you want with no proof, but 360 owners have really shown their hypocrisy by getting so excited over motion controls while PS3 owners are saying "show me good motion cotrol games and I will be excited"! You 360 fanboys a sad lot!

Eamon5281d ago

lol, all of you are a bunch of immature retards.

Still fighting over "My console is better then yours!!" "No mine is!!"

And the idiot above me is counter accusing people of being hypocrites after being told a hypocrite himeself.

You fools take games more serious than your mothers. And I bet most of you are over 25s still living in your parents' attics.

Most of you probably share resemblence to this fool: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Oner5281d ago

@ DaTruth ~ "It's funny how when Ninty puts out a motion controller, it is a stupid gimmick! But "TEH NATAL" will be teh Shiznit!

double standard
double standard

You guys can sit around saying PS3 owners are teh hypocrites all you want with no proof, but 360 owners have really shown their hypocrisy by getting so excited over motion controls while PS3 owners are saying "show me good motion cotrol games and I will be excited"!"

+1 ~ Exactly. But you forgot to add how that the PS2 really solidified Motion Controls with the EyeToy LAST GEN and Natal is nothing more than what Sony STARTED. Which just supports your point of how certain types of "gamers" have a double standard and won't admit it (especially one in particular in the open zone).

Eamon5281d ago

Hasn't anyone realised that there is more console wars here than in the Open Zone??

N4G needs to sort this out.

The Happy Baby5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

Eyetoy for PS2 was a joke. If you were dumb enough to take that gimmick seriously, then I pity you.
Say hi to your brother and sis---i mean, mom and dad, for me. :)

"PS3 owners are saying "show me good motion cotrol games and I will be excited"!" ?????????
Ps3 owners got excited over their tech demo, just like 360 owners got excited over theirs.
Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today.

Hoggy19835281d ago

Whilst I agree with the point that peripherals can divide the user base. Microsoft will probably use the juggernaut that is Halo to help Natal penetrate the market. Its the next best thing Microsoft can do. I'm completely undecided about how big Natal will be. However, the Wii has shown its worth a gamble.

rockleex5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

Please don't make such a stupid mistake like they did with the PSP (only 1 analog). The gaming experience would be HORRIBLE if they don't include an analog stick.

Sony better make sure they include everything the competition has, and MORE. That is the only way the media and everyone else can see and accept what Sony has to offer.

Sure the Gem will be more precise, but everyone will pretend that doesn't matter simply because there's no analog stick.

talltony5281d ago

Trolling in a article about a system he doesnt even own. You are so obviously new to this site, Fvckin amature! You suck at trolling too. No one believes anything you said about this article. All you ever talk about is natal and reaches graphics being better than kz2. lol what a lame a**.

Christopher5281d ago

Good read and kind of everything we know already. Really wish 'journalists' would stop twisting what these guys say to make flamebait titles.

Oner5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

Awww, looks like "The Happy Baby" is crying that people have posted facts that he doesn't agree with...it's okay, that's part of being immature & misinformed.

But what really bothers me that I have to point out is how you speak about the hypocrisy of others yet you are absolutely clueless about your own hypocrisy ~ your own login name is "The Happy Baby" and yet you are making claims of others being children! PLUS your ASSumptions couldn't be anymore wrong. You don't know me, my age nor my experience in gaming. YOU are a hypocrite, THAT is crystal clear & confirmed right here for all to see.

Seriously, if there is anyone who needs to grow up here ~ it's you. You need to look at yourself before you talk BS about others because you don't know how badly you just got put in your place......but I'm not done yet.

See what YOU believe and what is FACTUAL are 2 totally different things. I myself NEVER owned or even liked any EyeToy games (yet you claim as if I did but you can't possibly know that ~ that's a "callback" to your post). But getting to my point, the undeniable FACT here is that Natal does nothing more than what the Eyetoy has done LAST GEN, YEARS AGO.

You can't change that actuality. So while yes, Natal uses newer technology to do what it is intended, it doesn't change that it does what the Eyetoy ALREADY DID for it's games for the most part. No matter what you say or would like to have others believe.

So onto some verifiable facts that will trump your opinion ~

Dr Richard Marks presenting PS2 Eyetoy YEARS AGO that shows quite a few similarities to what Natal is TRYING to do today (or soon) ~ http://stanford-online.stan...

Here are some additional videos showing how Natal does't do anything more than what the EyeToy already has done and show that the inclusion/implementation of a controller was set along time ago as well ~


Now just add this old video to the mix http://www.youtube.com/watc... and it shows even more capabilities that the PS Eye can do RIGHT NOW....So lets use our imagination for a second ~ this plus the motion control would make a pretty damned good FPS experience with technology Sony has innovated with since 2002 (7 YEARS AGO!).

And here is some newer stuff ~



Dr. Richard Marks talks about new directions in interface design. ~

http://www.youtube.com/watc... - 1 minute in

Sony motion control 2005 ~ http://www.joystiq.com/2005...

Sony Hand Controller ~ http://www.unwiredview.com/...

Now go and do some research and get PROPERLY informed before you embarrass yourself further.

My FACTS own your OPINION every time.

calis5281d ago

"You have to be out of your mind if you don't think Microsoft will have trouble keeping the 360 on the shelves next shopping season."

And you are completely bonkers if you think Natal can actually work in mainstream gaming.
It can't.

It cannot work with sports games and it cannot work with driving games. It cannot work with shooting games (unless it is a railshooter).
Physically speaking, people will play it for 5 - 10 minutes before users will tire.

Raz5281d ago

Nowhere did I hear anything about *why* MS and Nintendo should be afraid...very afraid. All I read was a bunch of market-ese and b/s about putting consumers "in the game" being the 'Holy Grail' as though they were on track to developing holo-deck technology.

Blowhards, every one of them, regardless of corporate affiliation.

The Happy Baby5281d ago

easy there kiddo.
does a login name have to do with anything(including your hypocrisy)?

But what really bothers me that I have to point out is how you speak about the hypocrisy of others yet you are absolutely clueless about your own hypocrisy ~ your own login name is "The Happy Baby" and yet you are making claims of others being children!
**how is this hypocrisy again?**

PLUS your ASSumptions couldn't be anymore wrong. You don't know me, my age nor my experience in gaming. YOU are a hypocrite, THAT is crystal clear & confirmed right here for all to see.
**how am I a hypocrite again? you still havent explained that. you see, you could a be a 30 year old virgin for all I care. if your going to act like childish fanboy, then youre no better than any stubborn 5 yr old. making you, a child. but i seriously doubt youre older than 16, otherwise you wouldnt be worried about your age. infact i cant remember saying anything about your age at all. its about 4:30 where i am right now. better hurry and log off, your mom will have dinner ready soon.**

Seriously, if there is anyone who needs to grow up here ~ it's you. You need to look at yourself before you talk BS about others because you don't know how badly you just got put in your place......but I'm not done yet. **but you havent said anything of relevance yet. what am I supposed to learn from you?**

See what YOU believe and what is FACTUAL are 2 totally different things.
**HOLY SHlT, my mind has been blown**

I myself NEVER owned or even liked any EyeToy games (yet you claim as if I did but you can't possibly know that ~ that's a "callback" to your post).***Youre right. I couldnt have possibly have KNOWN FOR SURE that a sony fanboy got excited over the motion control tech demo that was shown at E3--- Lets just call it a hunch.***

But getting to my point, the undeniable FACT here is that Natal does nothing more than what the Eyetoy has done LAST GEN, YEARS AGO. ***Right, which is exactly why its so popular and everyone has one now and loves it so much. Its the a huge part of the gaming world, look out Wii<sarcasm>. EyeToy has a camera, it tracks things. Natal has a camera, it tracks things. But thats like saying a Pinto is as good as a 2010 Mustang b/c noth of them are cars. Sure the Pinto was a nice little niche car back in its day, but it never caught on with the mainstream--- how many Pintos do you see now a days?***

You can't change that actuality.***Did I even try to? Try reading my statements again. read slower, it might help.***

So while yes, Natal uses newer technology to do what it is intended, it doesn't change that it does what the Eyetoy ALREADY DID for it's games for the most part. No matter what you say or would like to have others believe. ***Im not denying that. Never have, never will. Just like the Wii has motion controls, Sony plans on doing the SAME thing---but they plan on revolutionizing motion controls. Eyetoy was great, but Natal plans on revolutionizing and bringing this kind of entertainment to a massive audience---something Eyetoy did not. All those videos of tech demos you have sent are atleast 3 years old. Times have changed my friend. Its almost 2010.***

So onto some verifiable facts that will trump your opinion ~**Which ofcourse, you dont submit any facts. Just tech demos and random clips, the earliest of which is from 3 years ago**

Dr Richard Marks presenting PS2 Eyetoy YEARS AGO that shows quite a few similarities to what Natal is TRYING to do today (or soon)**let me refer you back to my pinto vs mustang example. by the way, how is this a fact?**

Here are some additional videos showing how Natal does't do anything more than what the EyeToy already has done and show that the inclusion/implementation of a controller was set along time ago as well. ***Pinto vs Mustang. both cars drive you from point A to point B, but what would you rather drive? Also not a single video thats recent.***

Now just add this old video to the mix http://www.youtube.com/watc... and it shows even more capabilities that the PS Eye can do RIGHT NOW....So lets use our imagination for a second ~ this plus the motion control would make a pretty damned good FPS experience with technology Sony has innovated with since 2002 (7 YEARS AGO!). ***did you just submit your imagination as a factual reference? LMAO. nuff said***

And here is some newer stuff ~
**As in 3 years old, newer? Still not finding the facts your trying to point out**

Now go and do some research and get PROPERLY informed before you embarrass yourself further.
**Sorry, but my imagination is not functioning properly right now. I'll show you some "facts" later. If you idea of research is old youtube tech demos, then you win, hands down---although im not sure what you won, b/c you clearly seem to be arguing a point that only you understand.***

My FACTS own your OPINION every time.
**those facts? still waiting for them.**

Your Friend,

The Happy Baby

SkyGamer5281d ago

I think that people are dismissing the whole you don't need a controller anymore for hard-core games with Natal. I think at least in the beginning that Natal will be an enhanced extra to the controller. Meaning that you will use Natal as an accessory to the controller. (Cover, flank, throw grenade, etc. You can have more options in games for more control.)

DaTruth5281d ago

Guess you know when you're being spoken to! You can tell by the way you're so hurt you have to attack me personally!

Easy to tell you're one of the losers who hated motion controls till "teh Natal".

You can get together with your friends and play with each others motion control wands!

Motion5281d ago

I honestly don't see what the big deal about Natal is. In all seriousness, besides having microsoft hyping it, how is natal any different than eye toy? People like tactile stimulation in their games. I really don't see jumping around and waving your arms really taking off as a control scheme. I highly doubt the tracking will be sensitive enough for precise game controls. Hell, maybe they'll just release a ton of Monkey Ball games... I only see this being incorporated in shovelware games and as a tacked on gimmic on larger name titles.

Oner5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

@ "Happy" I actually don't even have to post anything long to explain a few simple verifiable facts right here above.

You have made comments (assumptions) about me and were wrong. You were proven wrong about me liking things you can't possibly know and about Natal + Eyetoy with links, proof and facts that you "believe" NOT to be truthful when they absolutely are. And you just can't seem to handle that nor comprehend it. Your own fault. Not mine.

I made my point. Proved it clearly for all to see. Deal with it. I have said all that I needed to say and backed it up whether you believe it or not. I will not/don't need to keep repeating myself when all someone has to do is go back up and read.

Remember, it doesn't change what happened here ~ You were put in your place, because you were ultimately wrong. Especially about me.

The Happy Baby5280d ago

@ "Happy" I actually don't even have to post anything long to explain a few simple verifiable facts right here above. ***Listen kiddo, we get that you putting up random & old vids of eyetoy tech demo crap. The question is, why? No one is denying its existence or what it does---so what are you trying to prove is factual??***

You have made comments (assumptions) about me and were wrong. **Yeah but you havent PROVEN me wrong about you. You just say I am. Well, guess what? Im batman. So That makes it true, because you would be wrong to assume im not. See how stupid that sounds. Everyone knows your a kid, with his heart set aflame for sony. No one is faulting you for that. BUT---by no means does that mean you should just spit random crap out of your mouth and claim it to be "factual".**

You were proven wrong about me liking things you can't possibly know and about Natal + Eyetoy with links**LINKS TO WHAT?!?!?!? 3-4 year old youtube videos? I would have to say that eyetoy didnt exist for these to make sense, and as Ive told you before, no one is denying eyetoy exists. Its like your mentally challenged or something.**

proof and facts that you "believe" NOT to be truthful when they absolutely are. And you just can't seem to handle that nor comprehend it. Your own fault. Not mine. **What did I tell you I believed to be false? Like I said before, read my posts slower. It may help you read them better, and comprehend them better.**

I made my point.**Which was? See, you still wont say, because you dont have one.**

Proved it clearly for all to see. Deal with it. I have said all that I needed to say and backed it up whether you believe it or not. I will not/don't need to keep repeating myself when all someone has to do is go back up and read.**Read what? You havent said what you have proven to be true. Everyone knows eyetoy existed. Its like showing videos of the sky and saying "I told you clouds exist! HA! You lose!"**

Remember, it doesn't change what happened here ~ You were put in your place, because you were ultimately wrong. Especially about me. **Sorry kiddo, but for a guy who submits random, and old @ss vids for facts(not to mention his imagination, lol) it seems like you've put yourself in check. Next time you want to submit facts, try asking yourself why your submitting them.**


The Happy Baby

Oner5280d ago (Edited 5280d ago )

Just because you don't want to accept what I have posted as facts doesn't mean they aren't. Your opinion, views and guesses do not equate to facts. My links and proof are. No matter what you "believe". You can sit there and try and backtrack but here are a few things that give a nice clear picture of things as they stand ~

Eyetoy is the predecessor to Natal
Eytoy came out last gen
Natal has not shown anything that Eyetoy has already
You don't know me so how can you possibly know things like if I have a brother or sister (when I don't) and imply I live with my parents when I own my own house?
You assumed I took the Eyetoy "gimmick seriously" when I never said I did nor feel that way at all

Shall I go on? I know you will ask me to but I really don't have to. Everything is right here for all to see in black and white. I made my point and I am just repeating myself because you - just - don't - get - it. IF YOU CAN'T COMPREHEND HOW YOU WERE PROVEN WRONG THAT IS YOUR OWN PROBLEM. Educate yourself. Don't make baseless claims and assumptions next time and maybe this could have been avoided.

Eamon5280d ago

@ DaTruth: I will be very very honest with you. You can see Sh1t!
I'm annoyed at how when I want to go to the comments section to see peoples intelligent views and opinions I am bombarded with immature fanboys who do nothing but argue about "which console is better" all day long.

If you think I'm hurt when people say Natal is crap then you seriously need to get out more becaue it obviously shows you have no experience in Life whatsoever.

I couldn't care less if Natal flops but I would be happy if it succeeds. Why wouldn't anyone? It just means there's something cool out there worth playing.

WHAT IS OBVIOUS is that you are obviously hating on Natal because it's being made by Microsoft. If it was Sony making Natal, you would have had a completely alternative opinion. That is fact for most fanboys on this website.

Fortunately, the REAL GAMERS ALWAYS WIN because they have all consoles and enjoy games from both systems. And the fanboys lose.

The Happy Baby5280d ago (Edited 5280d ago )

Just because you don't want to accept what I have posted as facts doesn't mean they aren't.**No, these are just old @ss videos. If they were facts, you would be able to explain yourself.**

Your opinion, views and guesses do not equate to facts.**But I can explain them. Making them, more so facts, than anything you have said so far. And yet, I have never ONCE claimed anything I have said to be a fact.**

My links and proof are.**Proof of what? WHAT FACTS? Once again, a video of clouds, is just a video of clouds--unless you can explain to me why you've submitted this to me. I never asked for anything, never disputed the eyetoys existence---and yet you send a video ans say "FACTS! RIGHT THERE!"**

No matter what you "believe". You can sit there and try and backtrack but here are a few things that give a nice clear picture of things as they stand ~ **If we backtrack this entire thing over, we'll not only see that you dont have a point---but we'll see that you can even keep up with your own demented logic. DONT MISTAKE LOGIC FOR FACTS**

Eyetoy is the predecessor to Natal**Your point being? Thats like saying Halo 3 is the predecessor to COD:MW2. Yes they are both FPS games, but no they are not the same thing. The basic concept(point and shoot) is the same, but they are clearly different games.**

Eytoy came out last gen**Okay now this is just getting sad. Okay so its last gen---whats your point???**

Natal has not shown anything that Eyetoy has already**Well, nothing except for its actually going to do all the things the crazy eyetoy tech demos showed, and it you will be able to control top-notch games with it---not just 2d BS rhythm games, and half @ss fighting games where you have to show your gigantic body doing half @ss movements. There are alot of ideas floating around for what can be done with Natal. Who knows, maybe it will be forgotten, just like the eyetoy---but i doubt it. MS knows how to hype a product, and everything they have told us about Natal, has people really excited.**

You don't know me so how can you possibly know things like if I have a brother or sister (when I don't) and imply I live with my parents when I own my own house? **Well, like I said, theres no way for me to know for sure. I wouldnt ever ask you to post a video online showing your house and yourself and bills in your name---but it'd prolly be the only way to prove it. But since you havent proven me wrong, then you cant say for a fact, that I am.**

You assumed I took the Eyetoy "gimmick seriously" when I never said I did nor feel that way at all**And yet you keep sending links to videos about it and keep going on and on about it? If you dont care about it, then STFU dude.**

Shall I go on?**With what? Posting random sh*t?**

I know you will ask me to but I really don't have to.**I havent yet. You jst feel the need to reply back saying "proved" something, but cant tell anyone what that "something" is.**

Everything is right here for all to see in black and white.**So you know your colors, that a start**
I made my point and I am just repeating myself because you - just - don't - get - it.**But what is "it"? Like when someone doesnt get a joke, you say "aw you dont get it." but "it" is the joke. thats what they dont get. with you there is no "it". you just say, "aw you dont get it" without telling the joke or explaining anything. like a mumbling, bumbling homeless man, looking for Ninja Squirrels.**
IF YOU CAN'T COMPREHEND HOW YOU WERE PROVEN WRONG THAT IS YOUR OWN PROBLEM.**HAHAHAHAH, you cant explain your point, so if we dont automatically know--then that makes us wrong? lol. you know kid, that works for newborns. They cry, and so we figure out whats wrong. But You keep saying your a big boy. So man up. WHY ARE YOU CRYING? WHAT IS YOUR POINT? HOW ARE YOUR RIGHT? AND WHAT ARE YOU RIGHT ABOUT?**

Educate yourself. ** Believe me kid, im educated beyond your wildest dreams(although you DO have active "imagination" lol). But youre prolly sill in school. Pay attention in class, you might learn something.**

Don't make baseless claims and assumptions next time and maybe this could have been avoided.**And what have I claimed? You dont even know do you? And yes, maybe this could have been avoided--- I hate that I keep embarrassing you. I'd much rather you actually have a point in your rebuttals so this debate would make sense.

Yours Truly,

The Happy Baby

Oner5280d ago (Edited 5280d ago )

You really don't want to accept it do you? Fine, I will break it down AGAIN very slowly for you from the beginning (even though you won't admit it just as you have shown all this time)

In my original post @ 1.34 I agreed with a point made by DaTruth of how there is a double standard about how certain types of "gamers" hated motion controls (Wii & Eyetoy/PS Eye/PS Wand) and now that Natal was shown to be nothing more than what the Eyetoy did LAST GEN (fact not imagination) they swear it is the best out there. DOUBLE STANDARD ~ My original point 1 is proven...AGAIN

In your post @ 1.36 you claim that "If you were dumb enough to take that gimmick seriously, then I pity you" ~ I never made ANY SUCH CLAIM and disregarded it this whole time. I actually do think that it was a gimmick and thus is why I never bought, played or utilized the Eyetoy for PS2. That is assumption #1 made by you of which I have cleared up ~ point 2 proven...AGAIN

You also go on to say "Say hi to your brother and sis---i mean, mom and dad, for me. :)" condescendingly down to me as if you know who the F@#$ I am or something. When you absolutely positively don't know $#@! about me. Assumption #2 ~ point 3 proven...AGAIN

Now to end your first comment you added "Ps3 owners got excited over their tech demo, just like 360 owners got excited over theirs.
Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today." I agree but to a point that does not include myself. I was simply stating facts about how the Eyetoy STARTED what Natal is TRYING to hype as if they invented the whole thing. They didn't was my point. ~ point 4 proven...AGAIN

You with me so far..hope so but that would be asking to much because the next few parts get pretty tricky and confusing (especially on your part) because you now had to back track and try and cover up putting your foot in your mouth and me putting you in your place with more facts about Eyetoy but more so about myself about things you cannot know (calling back to your MANY assumptions). Anyway you ready after this little break? K, on to the show ~

I am not even going to break down my whole post @ 1.41 because it explains itself in conjunction to what I already said in THIS comment (now 0.4 on this page). But I will go over parts of your 1.44 comment that may have not been brought up, but in all honesty all I see is back tracking of you to try and take your foot out of your mouth. But to the point ~ here you start off with "easy there kiddo" to then come up with this piece of drivel "but i seriously doubt youre older than 16, otherwise you wouldnt be worried about your age. infact i cant remember saying anything about your age at all. its about 4:30 where i am right now. better hurry and log off, your mom will have dinner ready soon." ~ more assumptions again only to harken back to....actually there is nothing more needed to say about that as I have pretty much covered it perfectly about your consistent assumptions ~ point 5 proven...AGAIN

You also went on to say "havent said anything of relevance yet"...REALLY!?!?! Are you that dense? Please. I think I have shown WAAAY more relevance in what I have said about the topic than you with your insults, assumptions, guesses, baseless information, opinionated biased views and so on and so on. ~ point 6 proven...AGAIN

I could really go on and break down EVERYTHING you said, claimed, backtracked and such but I actually don't need to, I really don't even need to bother going on at this point of the game since this is way too easy. But I have to make at least one last point out of one little key line you just said (0.3 this page right above me here) ~

The Happy Baby said -

"MS knows how to hype a product, and everything they have told us about Natal, has people really excited.

But isn't it a gimmick just like Eyetoy "is/was"? Isn't that a bit contradictory to what your opening comment @ 1.36 was about? Maybe a bit double standard-ish? Now wouldn't that be hypocritical? Yep. That's what it is.

"Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today"...You said it yourself and boy did you make a mess in your pants here today "Happy Baby" ~ lmfao

The Happy Baby5279d ago (Edited 5279d ago )

You really don't want to accept it do you? Fine, I will break it down AGAIN very slowly for you from the beginning (even though you won't admit it just as you have shown all this time)**get to it son**

In my original post @ 1.34 I agreed with a point made by DaTruth of how there is a double standard about how certain types of "gamers" hated motion controls (Wii & Eyetoy/PS Eye/PS Wand) and now that Natal was shown to be nothing more than what the Eyetoy did LAST GEN (fact not imagination) they swear it is the best out there. DOUBLE STANDARD ~ My original point 1 is proven...AGAIN**Once again. Pinto vs Mustang. And all of the sony fanboys hate on the wii, but now that they have motion control, they are all giggly. so honestly what point did you prove? theres is no double standard here, just because people are excited about natal. the pinto was nice, but the mustang is going to be ALOT better.**

In your post @ 1.36 you claim that "If you were dumb enough to take that gimmick seriously, then I pity you" ~ I never made ANY SUCH CLAIM and disregarded it this whole time. I actually do think that it was a gimmick and thus is why I never bought, played or utilized the Eyetoy for PS2. That is assumption #1 made by you of which I have cleared up ~ point 2 proven...AGAIN**it says "IF". so this means IF you did, then I pity you. But IF you didnt, then I dont think your a complete moron. But for someone who did think it was a gimmick---you sure do defend it alot. I used the word IF, but you assumed, that I assumed that you DID take the gimmick seriously. so its was your own assumtions, not mine. sorry kiddo, but you got upset over nothing, and once again---you have no point, b/c you assumed, i didnt.**

You also go on to say "Say hi to your brother and sis---i mean, mom and dad, for me. :)" condescendingly down to me as if you know who the F@#$ I am or something. When you absolutely positively don't know $#@! about me. Assumption #2 ~ point 3 proven...AGAIN **I dont know you, but I know your type. And your that sad, lonely kid who only has friends he meets on the internet, and lives with his parents. you can say im wrong, but ofcourse there is no way to prove it either way.**

Now to end your first comment you added "Ps3 owners got excited over their tech demo, just like 360 owners got excited over theirs.
Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today." I agree but to a point that does not include myself. I was simply stating facts about how the Eyetoy STARTED what Natal is TRYING to hype as if they invented the whole thing. They didn't was my point. ~ point 4 proven...AGAIN **Ok so your the only Ps3 owner who didnt care about motion controls and didnt think they would be superior to motion control on the Wii. That statement doesnt apply to you, but it does to all the other Ps3 fanboys who got a hard-on over their E3 tech demo. Then why so upset? If it doesnt apply to you, and it was directed to the Ps3 owners who got all excited---then STFU. MS isnt claiming to invent the basic idea surrounding Natal, but they know its going to be better than eyetoy, and people are going to be excited for it, so ofcourse they hyped it. its called marketing, genius. Youre Making assumptions about MS, but ofcourse I cant assume anything about you being a lonely nerd? Yeah, youre not a hypocrite. lol.**

You with me so far..hope so but that would be asking to much because the next few parts get pretty tricky and confusing (especially on your part) because you now had to back track and try and cover up putting your foot in your mouth and me putting you in your place with more facts about Eyetoy but more so about myself about things you cannot know (calling back to your MANY assumptions). Anyway you ready after this little break? K, on to the show ~ **you like to stall alot. you keep running in circles, its funny. as if putting in an intermission makes you seem smarter. LMAO**

I am not even going to break down my whole post @ 1.41 because it explains itself in conjunction to what I already said in THIS comment (now 0.4 on this page). But I will go over parts of your 1.44 comment that may have not been brought up, but in all honesty all I see is back tracking of you to try and take your foot out of your mouth. But to the point ~ here you start off with "easy there kiddo" to then come up with this piece of drivel "but i seriously doubt youre older than 16, otherwise you wouldnt be worried about your age. infact i cant remember saying anything about your age at all. its about 4:30 where i am right now. better hurry and log off, your mom will have dinner ready soon." ~ more assumptions again only to harken back to....actually there is nothing more needed to say about that as I have pretty much covered it perfectly about your consistent assumptions ~ point 5 proven...AGAIN**once again, we're talking about whether or not your a lonely nerd. you have owned yourself by posting meaningless(you never explained what you were trying to prove) and old video of crappy eyetoy demos, and submitting your imagination as FACTS. you want me to stop talking about you being a lonely nerd? then stick to the FACTS(what this whole argument was about)---oh wait...i forgot...you dont have any.**

You also went on to say "havent said anything of relevance yet"...REALLY!?!?! Are you that dense? Please. I think I have shown WAAAY more relevance in what I have said about the topic than you with your insults, assumptions, guesses, baseless information, opinionated biased views and so on and so on. ~ point 6 proven...AGAIN ***LIKE WHAT?!?!?!?! Everything you have said, has been shot down. All your crappy vids were old and you never explained why you submitted them. You submitted your imagination as FACT. LMAO--i cant get over that.***

I could really go on and break down EVERYTHING you said, claimed, backtracked and such but I actually don't need to, I really don't even need to bother going on at this point of the game since this is way too easy.** god your stalling methods are sad, your insults arent even insults---you just try to build yourself up to be this awesome person. your so focused on your image---is it that bad being a lonely kid? oh wait, cant say that--i cant prove it. lol. loser. what even sadder is how you still make an effort to give me "disagrees" LMAO.**

But I have to make at least one last point out of one little key line you just said (0.3 this page right above me here) ~ **get to it**

The Happy Baby said -
"MS knows how to hype a product, and everything they have told us about Natal, has people really excited.**yes, i did lol.*

But isn't it a gimmick just like Eyetoy "is/was"?**it might be, havent used it yet, but i have seen it used live on talk shows and it seems to work pretty well. **

Isn't that a bit contradictory to what your opening comment @ 1.36 was about? Maybe a bit double standard-ish? Now wouldn't that be hypocritical? Yep. That's what it is. **HOME is the same thing as Second Life. But people were excited for it, b/c it was going to take that Virtual World concept, and bring it to a whole new level. Natal is going to do the same for that Visual Motion Control concept. If it doesnt deliver, then it will be a gimmick. But from what we are seeing, it looks incredible, and much better than eyetoy, but ofcourse we wont know until we can try it for ourselves. You showed a bunch of tech demos, but MS is bringing Natal to talkshows so people can see first hand how well it will works. Lots Tech blogs and gaming mags/blog have spoken highly of Natal and never once mentioned eyetoy. if it was just like eyetoy---i doubt they would be impressed.**

"Hypocrisy. Its everywhere today"...You said it yourself and boy did you make a mess in your pants here today "Happy Baby" ~ lmfao**HAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHAHHAAHA HA. Youre right, I am the Happy Baby. And you sir, are the lonely nerd. Its okay---i'll be your friend. lol. So thru it all, you never had a point---you just thought you didnt b/c you assumed things without careful reading what I wrote. I think thats how this whole "debate" got started. maybe you should take my advice: read slower. And please, next time you say you have FACTS--try actually having some.**

This was fun for me. Thanks kid.

Your Friend,

The Happy Baby

Oner5279d ago (Edited 5279d ago )

You really are some sort of stupid aren't you?

Even with PROOF that you were wrong from the start you STILL won't admit it. But here is the coup de grâce which you cannot finagle your way out of, to end this & fully prove you wrong...AGAIN...as usual ~

A pic of my townhouse being built a couple months back & my daily driver

A video of me playing with some "toys" showing I'm not a child as your numerous assumptions have claimed

And just for the hell of it a video me racing @ Hunts Point in the Bronx

You don't know $#@! about me. You have been wrong this whole time as I have stated many times already but your immaturity (even though I believe you are not a child which really makes it worse) does not allow you to be man enough to own up to it like the adult you SAY you are.

You have attempted to pass off everything I have said as not real or "imaginary" but that is simply denial, (EVERYONE can see it here for themselves) and your childish denial of that does not change a damned thing. You were wrong, were proven wrong, got put in your place and threw a tantrum/started to cry about it. Grow up & deal with it (but we both know you won't).

I have said everything that has been needed to say while giving facts, supported them with substance & proof over your simple minded opinions, bias, misinformation, insults, conjecture and assumptions. That is evidently clear here and it kills you that I'm right and have been right all along.

Now who's the real "kid" here? Not I. But your actions here sure do show a different light about yourself... ;)

+ Show (52) more repliesLast reply 5279d ago
i_am_interested5282d ago

SMH at this talk, save it for E3

SmokingMonkey5282d ago

Wii=Motion control but no camera.
360=No motion control but a "great" camera.

PS3=Camera and/plus motion control.

It does everything!

DaTruth5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

And 3D!

"The Holy Grail of gaming is placing you as a consumer into the game physically."

Golfcoachh5282d ago

hmmm, am I missing something here or is the 3d that the 360 can do for avatar different than what sony has been talking about? Not a slap at sony, just a serious question.

WildArmed5282d ago

lol Hutch.
there is a difference between a 2D avatar moving like a 3d object and seeing a 3d Game.
Like watching a 3D movie ya know?
Sony have been working on getting PS3 to run games in 3D. (with those stupid glasses and everything)
The experiences you pay for at Imax right at home. I'm more interested in 3D gaming than motion controls atm.

ginsunuva5282d ago

Not hdmi 3d, which is fake 3d. The ps3 does 3d with sony's special dual-panel 3d tv's, which are true 3d.

DaTruth5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

Camera+Motion controls+3D is different than camera, no motion controls and 3D!

1+1+1=3 > 1+1=2

So yes, you are missing something here, plain as day and in front of your face! Notice the "AND 3D" in reply to the original comment. The reply is when you have a comment slightly right adjusted below another comment!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5281d ago
Budg3tG4m3r5282d ago

I don't like Gamepro the mag is like PSM part 2. I buy PSM to get my Playstation fix, don't need 2. I didn't like EGM ether because they are also like OXM part 2. You read their mag its like PS PS PS PS PS or with EGM its XB XB XB XB XB and they are supposed to be multiplatform. I hate bias in media that try and play the middle.

They can keep these motion controls I need thumbsticks.

WildArmed5282d ago

Um.. but wasn't this an interview of a Sony rep?
I dont read any of those magazines or the sites for that matter.
Just trying to see where your coming from ^^

Budg3tG4m3r5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Just years of reading game mags off and on. Gamepro tends to be more Pro Sony and EGM was more pro Microsoft. Once you read enough you see patterns and bias. Being biased isn't a bad thing but it is when you claim your not in a published mag. Thats why I don't buy or read Gamepro or EGM anymore. I stick with Game Informer now or PSM and OXM. Sites like N4G, Kotaku, and Joystiq are a bit biased too but they are on the frontlines of game news so you kinda have to deal with it. If you check back issues of Gamepro you see interviews/news/articles like this one alot but with Nintendo and MS are rare. Just like when EGM talked about Bungie and MS all the time and hardly showed any love to Nintendo or Sony at all.

Anyway it has nothing to do with Sony I just don't like Gamepro or EGM, I know hide it well. LOL

saint_john_paul_ii5282d ago

oh, fightin words from Sony. As long as its not a Greenburg Calibur statement, im fine with it.

tordavis5281d ago

If Greenberg made this statement, Sony fans would be up in arms. I don't see that now. Hmmm...double standard maybe?

Mr_Bun5281d ago

The statement was taken out of context...learn to read

Sheikh Yerbouti5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

This is neither spin nor bragging. Nor does this celebrate a victory before the wand is launched. He is just outlining the areas they believe they may have an advantage. It is far from being as presumptious as Microsoft, but not the worse from a Sony spokesperson either.

Sez 5281d ago (Edited 5281d ago )

sure it was taken out of context. and i'm sure the next time Greenburg or anybody from MS makes a statement like this. i could use the same statement too. right or does this only applys to sony? hum

on topic:
at this point sony needs to shut up about the wand and who's going to be in trouble next year. first off sony has a problem supporting add-ons for their consoles. look at the gametap. where you could play 4 players in game. yet only sports games took advantage of it. let also look at the ps eye. how many games support the camera? 2 maybe. thats all.

this guy doesn't have a clue what games natal will support. it may only play party games. they may also make it possible to play older games as well as new games on natal. the ps wand doesn't offer anything different than what the wii has been doing since it was released. and when sony release the wand. most people won't care about it. because it's a wii-mote clone.

plus i rather know for sure what games will support the ps wand. because it may no work for older games. look how the whole trophy issues when sony released them. because dev's didn't want to patch older games. what people on this site should be concern with. is all dev's going to patch their games? how many games will be released for the wand? whats the price of the wand? will it continue to get games for it or will it die and collect dust. like so many other add-ons from sony.

DaTruth5281d ago

No, Greenturd's statements are all exactly in context and they are bashing the competition.

He is literally known for speaking more about Sony than his own company! His statements consist of Sony, Soni, Sone!

Oner5281d ago

@ Tor ~ Wow...for someone in the "field" of gaming journalism you sure as hell have a double standard for just reading a headline and not the whole story to properly comprehend what was meant/said.

Amazing. Seriously. ~ Fail on your part....

Sez 5281d ago

NO. what it is. is that sonyfanboys making excuses for sony everytime. so i guess when sony made statements that next gen starts when they say so. they wasn't bashing MS or anyone right. because sony is never arrogant and never says anything to bash others companys. because in your eye everything sony s**ts is the truth.

you guys and your double standards. ps3 does everything including EXCUSES,conspiracy theorys,hypocritcy,and fanboys that can't admitt when they are wrong.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5281d ago
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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

Read Full Story >>
Rynxie14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde1d 21h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 12h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..