
Assassin's Creed 2 - PS3 vs 360 comparison

Gameswire has uploaded a screenshot comparison gallery of AC2, which shows some noticable differences between the two versions. As for which one's best... it depends what you prefer - lighting or texture detail.

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snake_eater5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

No game can beat Uncharted/Killzone 2 graphically

talltony5311d ago

Looks like the cell infrastructure struggles to run the exact same code as xbox 360. I thought they run code differently? Anyways who gives a shlt? I dnt care that the ps3 version has better lighting and less jaggies while the 360 version has supposedly better textures. Who cares I rather buy it on bluray for a nice quiet system that won't break on me.

4point7BillionLoss5310d ago

get the PS3 version .... it's probably pirated anyway ....

Play Behind !!!

karan86245310d ago


You keep saying the PS3 versions are pirated though, to date, THERE IS NO MOD CHIP AVAILABLE FOR THE PS3 and TONS of 360 oweners have modded boxes. Seriously, do these xbots have any mental capacity at all?

MaximusPrime5311d ago

did someone turned the brightness up on PS3 version?
seriously, i dont know who to trust. I given up on lame comparison.

just get a game and enjoy it.

saint_john_paul_ii5311d ago

no, the brightness is just right for both versions.

you must be talking about the scene with the baby though.

MaximusPrime5311d ago

i was actually looking at the first 4.

NotSoSilentBob5311d ago

Pretty sure that the shot with the lady has the brightness turned up too on the PS3 side.

pangitkqb5311d ago

PC will beat both hands down. With 8X anti-aliasing, v-synching, and every single option maxed, the consoles can't touch it.

Sorry guys, that's just the truth...and I own both consoles!

Darkeyes5311d ago

I don't know why, but somehow I always like the lighter (or as they say 'washed out') version cause it feels more realistic... The lighting for once is better in the PS3 version no doubt from those screen shot, the 360 version seems to be darker (to the point where it actually hides a few textures), but in a few ones, the 360 version seems to have a better draw distance (in terms of detailing)... Either ways both version look good and it probably will fall dow to the framerates as the 1st one had problem on the PS3 version.. Hopefully Ubisoft have fixed that...

Greywulf5311d ago

But for some reason my TV isn't Gamma'd up to 4x

Ghostsmoker5311d ago

that the textures are sharper and the overall foresight is better on 360. But the water looks terrible on both versions. But I did not like the first part ... maybe I try this one.

They gave it 92/100.

5311d ago
Darkeyes5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Uh Um.... "it’s clear that the 360 lighting isn’t as powerful as it’s PS3 equivalent – suggesting that the lighting is done differently in the two versions." Not starting a stupid fight with you, but leave your moronic self in the open zone.

whothedog5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

and lets hear all the 360 "fangirls" bust a nut because they counted two more pixals in their version.

We all know by now what both systems are capable of and if they aren't up to snuff its because the developer is lazy or stupid.

I can't look at the pictures at the moment, but if there are differences they are usually very minor where it just becomes nitpicking.

darthv725311d ago

let the fans try and see which one is which. Then a week later (or a couple of days) they reveal which shots are which.

Funny thing though, if all shots came from the same game just with different tv settings.

mal_tez925311d ago

Why do people bring PC into situations when every PC is different?
"PC will beat both hands down" - try saying that to a guy who didn't spend a lot of money on a good PC, and only forked out the money for a console.

What you should say is that a GOOD PC will beat both hands down, but cost a lot more money.

I spent $AU 250 on a new graphics card last week, which is half the rpice of a PS3. It can produce great graphics but it sure was pricy.

badz1495311d ago

yeah, try telling that to the majority of people with PC which are not capable of giving out what you said! I know my HD4850 won't be able to max out everything 1080p and stay at 30fps! plus, this is about 360 vs PS3. no need to bring the sure winner PC here!

morganfell5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

Multiplatform titles are made to look as similar as possible. Otherwise the publisher will alienate one section of the fanbase and they will not allow that as it will harm revenue. Even a 5 year old grasps this simple matter of presentation and marketing.

So lets hear all the 360 fangirls cry because multiplatform titles are their only dream of equality.

Once a title is exclusive to the PS3 it wipes the graphic floor with any other console.

Besides, I will be too busy unlocking PS3 exclusives with AC Bloodlines.

Polluted5311d ago

@1.15: Parity between multi-plats was never important with the NES/SMS, PS1/N64 or PS2/Xbox/Gamecube. This crap is exclusive to this generation. If they can make something look better on one system, why shouldn't they?

dirthurts5311d ago

Hey buddy. Your video card should be able to trump this game...
my old 4830 ran the original at 60+ maxed out...and the sequal is made to run on the same hardware.
What are your specs? I'm afraid something may be amiss on your system.

Just trying to help out.

WenisWagon5311d ago

It looks like the cell struggles to give contrast, it looks very dull and washed out.

morganfell5311d ago

Yopu obviously did not read what I wrote so an explanation on my part is unwarranted.

I am not going to bother saying any more than I have. If you cannot comprehend why they try to keep the versions the same on the PS3 and 360 then you are beyond any help I can provide in this venue.

commodore645311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

@ morganfell.

It seems you acknowldege an important point when you say:
"Multiplatform titles are made to look as similar as possible"

Thus I find it disheartening to see so many titles on ps3 fail to live up to the 360 benchmark.

We all know this is true.
Extreme Fanboys will downplay the differences, yet they demonstrably remain, like a thorn in the side of fanboy pride.
Even PS3 magazines and websites have been forced to acknowledged this phenomenon.

Why is it so hard to get the ps3 multis up to scratch?
This has now happened in over 100 multiplats... hardly an isolated incident, right?

Given your quote above, can we conclude that the ps3 simply isn't capable of 'looking as similar as possible', if that is indeed the objective of the developer, as you acknowldege?

If they try to achieve parity, but fall short so often, isn't it fair to draw that rather obvious conclusion?

FACTUAL evidence5311d ago

Don't go there pal. We all know that the 360 has a similar archistructure to the pc. Thus leaving the ps3 behind in the porting area. I don't know how many times we go through telling 36o fanboys about this. And it's funny, funny you guys continue to talk and RE5 is the best looking game on your console thus far. I'm just saying, you already know how the ps3 gets down in power, but you continue to try to justify the 36o in the "graphics" department. You know what can be the final test of all this? A developer takes the time to build a short game, and build them both on 360/ps3 and take the time to build them from the ground up, doing their best. I guarantee we'd know which would be the better version.

DaTruth5311d ago (Edited 5311d ago )

bu, bu, but, teh graphicz don't matter, it's teh gameplay!

Explain why PS3 exclusives are 720p and 360 exclusives and multiplats are sub hd!

Why do they default the brightness so low on the 360 version? Are they trying to hide something?


360's got better looking detail and lighting on the chain links

and not to mention better textures too.

Consoldtobots5311d ago

"but fall short so often, isn't it fair to draw that rather obvious conclusion?"

that you're a tireless troll?

what part of multiplats don't make any to very little use of the SPU architecture don't you understand? aah whats the use, no point in talking sense to a troll with an agenda.

gaffyh5310d ago

These guys messed up the MW2 comparison as well, they always have their PS3 with the wrong settings.

I'll wait for a different comparison.

Syronicus5310d ago

And as for the version that is the best... I will play it on PS3 since that is the one system I have that doesn't die on me every few months.

edgeofblade5310d ago

That's right. If Sony has all this power, well, they should win automatically. It's a matter of principle that Sony wins even though games look better on 360. 360 is a system of lesser power and that disqualifies them from ever being better. Even worse... Microsoft made Xbox 360 which means we all have to go on crusades to destroy the Xbox brand. Death to infidels. </sarc>

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5310d ago
saint_john_paul_ii5311d ago

i see no difference at all. you must be a fanboy to say that one version looks better than the other.

now we need to see in motion.

xhi45310d ago

by these comparisons (which may or may not be tampered with) it looks like the 360 is in some cases a lot better.

like for example = http://www.gameswire.net/co...

edgeofblade5310d ago

I agree that it's pointless to argue over which shots look "better". What is better when it comes to graphics? You can't pull out technical specs when the end result is subjectively judged.

chrisulloa5311d ago

It's clear the PS3 can't run textures as well as the 360, and as for lighting just look at the bayonetta comparisons.

Consoldtobots5311d ago

"It's clear the PS3 can't run textures as well as the 360, and as for lighting just look at the bayonetta comparisons."

MASSIVE FACEPALM, this is what happens when morons think they know something about graphics technology.

saint_john_paul_ii5311d ago

the scene with Baby Eizo (which I beleive it is Eizo) is pretty sketch when it comes to the 360 version. i guess the burst of lighting happens a second later after the picture was taken of the 360 version.

Overall it looks like UBISOFT did a good job at making sure that both versions were the same.

my only problem with the first was the framerate issue that the PS3 version that AC1 had. if they fix it and keep it locked at 30fps on the PS3, then im really really sold.

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thorstein283d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim297d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos297d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill296d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22481d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87480d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight