
Sonys Ego Cost Them Their Own Halo

Sony has had a ton of opportunities to capitalize on Microsoft some worked, and some didnt' but the most crucial missed opportunity was having Call Of Duty all to themselves. Sony would've been in such a bigger position than their in now but a couple of slip ups has kept them away from even greater strides they would've currently had.

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Darkeyes5316d ago

Lol HHG.. This guy really knows how to make a headline for hits.

evrfighter5316d ago

I thought it was going to be a legit article. Then I saw a dude with his hat on sideways that likes to carry around a fake rasslin belt.

I think it's safe for me to say I dislike HHG more than ps3 fanboys for obvious reasons.

mercenarie5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

500 million predicted for call of duty modern warfare 2, we sure as hell know that the call of duty games will NEVER be an exclusive with either console, the monster sales and activision guarantees it.

common sense HHG, SONY (and microsoft) would have to fork out BIG money to obtain the exclusive, which i may add can be used to fund first party devs to create games people want.

GayASSAdmins5316d ago

hhg news that doesnt give advantage on sony = mad ps3 fanboys saying he's lame.

hhg news that advantage sony = sony fanboys saying he's right and good article.

nix5316d ago

uh-oh.. why do i sense Warzonegamer is going to come out with video of his own today?

5316d ago
anh_duong5316d ago

actually cod would have gone multi-platform by the time mw2 came out.. unlikely ms would have sat back and let mw2 stay exclusive given the recent history..

jjohan355315d ago

Highly unlikely unless Sony bought the IP to Call of Duty. Otherwise the sequels would have gone multiplatform regardless if the initial games were Sony exclusive.

badz1495315d ago

I've click any way! so...wth...LOL HHG!

5315d ago
meetajhu5315d ago

i hate this guy. But i really need to appreciate him for having a knowledge of creating best headlines which makes me click.

droid and bot5315d ago

sorry HHG
sony dont need a "HALO"

5315d ago
DMason5315d ago

The punctuation and grammar is absolutely third grade level. It makes me cringe to actually try and read this. This is gaming journalism at it's absolute lowest form. Will someone please remove this vermin from this site already?

sikbeta5315d ago

The same can be said about xbox fanboys, all of you enjoyed all the HHG news favouring or giving advantage to M$ for long time and now that sony is first again we see articles that differ from time to time

gaffyh5315d ago

If Call of Duty was exclusive, it would be a major plus for PS3. But if it were PS3-Exclusive, it would have gotten treated as badly as a PS3 exclusive. It would be getting very little perfect scores, and every xbox only owner would be saying "Halo is better" or "COD sucks."

Foliage5315d ago

"I think it's safe for me to say I dislike HHG more than ps3 fanboys for obvious reasons."

Because he is almost as bad as 360 fanboys? I agree!

nycredude5315d ago

If COD franchise was Ps3 exclusive then it would get exposed as the overated, overhype, played out game that it is.meta average 8-8.5 guarantee.

edgeofblade5315d ago

You know... I don't like this guy's anti-intellectual delivery much... but he's right. Sony acted like they didn't want to play the money game, but it ended up costing them. Microsoft leveraged their cash to get what they wanted. And now Sony is suffering as a result.

You can put a negative spin on this as much as you want... but this in the way things shook out. Welcome to business.

talltony5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

for 2 reasons...sound and the controller.

I bought it for 360 and was playing it and was just thinking to myself that something felt off. Now I have only played cod on xbox 360 but really havent touched my 360 for a year and have been playing fps's on ps3 alot lately. Let me just say this, after I played my bros ps3 version of MW2, the problems went away because I have come to the conclusion that xbox 360 joysticks are way too imprecise. The ps3 joysticks are sooo much better and smoother imo. I am not making this up nor being biased. I bought it for 360 thinking it was going to be the best version but boy was I wrong, if you like better precision or better sound, the ps3 and pc version is where its at. Trust me!

lightningsax5315d ago

Bigger strides? Where?

COD4 was so big that an exclusivity deal with the next one would have been immense. IW's going to make a bunch of money with a multiplatform Call of Duty - how much money would be needed to recoup the loss of profits with a deal?

You've gotta pick your battles, and I think Sony has picked the right ones, staying with their core second-party companies and leaving a few multiplayer blockbusters to the entire market.

Also, you've gotta love this headline! It rhymes!

frostypants5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

PS3 HAS its Halo. It's called Warhawk, it came out 2+ years ago, and it is light years ahead of Halo 3. Unfortunately, it was an early PS3 title and Sony didn't grease any palms, so it didn't get the press. It still has the best sound effects I have heard in any game on any platform, ever.

Halo is kiddie stuff that PCs were doing in the 1990s.

edgeofblade5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

Thank you for completely discounting personal preference. It's clear you know better than us what controller is the best and I should just copy everything you do and feel. My own personal preferences don't matter.

@frostypants: ...Really? You're kidding, right? Oh, your not. My parents told me about people like you.

The Lazy One5315d ago

360 fanboys don't watch HHG because all his videos just jack off PS3 fanboys.

Killjoy30005315d ago

Or maybe it's a catalogue sporting true diversity, ultimate splittimng up your community into multiple genres? Sony doesn't need a Halo.

Beast_Master5315d ago

Oh Boy, for a few months I was actually feeling bad for HHG. So many people hate the guy. I listen to the Warzone and dude gets chewed out by all the fanboys in Tor's crew. But I cannot in good conscience defend the dude anymore.

How does one post an V-article (not my word) about a meeting that no-one knows actually took place or what terms where discussed, or the price tag attached. And just make up a scenario that somehow Sony's EGO was the cause of the deal breaker? So why even have a meeting if Sony's ego was so big? And wouldn't MS have also had the same opportunity that Sony had..maybe the option of a bidding war was part of the problem.

I think I just got stupider for watching this... Thanks Hip-Hop!

XxZxX5315d ago

I starting to prefer chad warden instead of hiphopgamer, even chad only made 1 video.

Pekka5315d ago

After CoD4 price of IP or even exclusive contracts skyrocketed to astronomical figures. After that, they could have only bought exclusive DLC for next game (just for 1 game) with $100 million, it wouldn't be enough for timed exclusivity. Exclusivity for next CoD may have cost $400-500 million and IP would probably have cost way past $1 billion (even $2 billion is possible). Price of exclusivity is high because revenue would have dropped by several hundred millions and they have to take in to account. And revenue of the franchise is huge so IP would have to cost huge money. Because Activision is in good financial shape, I don't think they would sell them for any less.

I don't think neither MS nor Sony IP would be worth that much considering sales would drop after exclusivity. CoD franchise should have been bought BEFORE CoD4 when it was relatively cheap.

lightningsax5315d ago

@Frostypants - I see where you're coming from, and I really want to agree, but I just can't because of your last sentence - Sure, Halo is something that PC's did in the 1990's, but that's not a bad thing. Modern Warfare is something Halo did on the Xbox, Street Fighter 4 is something Karate Champ did on the NES, and Rez was nothing but Star Fox 64/Panzer Dragoon gameplay, and that's totally fine.

A big part of moving the video game industry forward is refining current assets. There was a great article a while back (I think it was in Kotaku) about how this current generation is about subtle changes to things like user interfaces, more cinematic experiences, the abolishment of loading screens (Tekken 6 notwithstanding), stuff like that, and I agree. You have to rehash certain stuff - in some ways, Dragon Age is just doing what Pong was doing in the 70's.

Here I am waxing philosophical on a HHG thread. Joke's on me.

talltony5315d ago

Just my opinion. I used to prefer the 360 controller for fps but I just changed preference. It is just a preference but it is a fact that the ps3 joysticks have less dead zone than 360's. I found it easier to go from 360's controller to the dualshock 3 than the other way around.

evrfighter5315d ago

"Because he is almost as bad as 360 fanboys? I agree! "

I dunno. I don't own a failbox 360 so I can't tell you.

gaffyh5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

@talltony - THANK YOU. I've been saying that for a while, I like the 360 controller, and it is very good for shooters, but the sticks are not as precise as the PS3 controllers. I mainly had an issue with this on Halo 3, and was just after I had played Resistance 1. I noticed that Resistance 1 just controlled way more accurately than Halo 3, especially during sniper firing.

PrimordialSoupBase5315d ago

Don't even give this idiot the time of day. Do not click.

Alternate Acct No1005315d ago

translator and also explain why this 35 year old man is running around with a wrestling belt on his shoulder.

Alternate Acct No1005315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

Can you show me a picture of your dog that you are always talking about.

talltony5315d ago

Cool man see u know where I'm coming from. Couldn't agree more.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 5315d ago
skeletonss5316d ago

rediculous. easy to pick on things that dont pick back huh?

FadeToBlack5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

With a name like that you must be starving for attention...

gamingisnotacrime5315d ago

Sony's "ego" has been delivering exclusives on a monthly basis this season. Sony's ego is selling a BluRay + Best gaming console around for $299, Sony's ego is keeping PSN FREE, all in all this video is ridiculous, and i can guarantee CoD 4 as PS3 exclusive would have flop

edgeofblade5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

Now now... don't crucify him over his name.

Sony's ego is obscuring otherwise good games and inflating expectations WAY out of proportion. The only games I have played on PS3 that really lit up my world were Infamous and MGS4. Everything else was pretty disappointing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5315d ago
zenosaga045316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

Sony has its own Halo sized hit and its called ...

Gran Turismo

but I guess that doesn't count because there are no guns and you don't kill anything right?

skeletonss5316d ago

guess who i sound like???

a ps3 fanboy.

zenosaga045316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

your tears are warm and salty... maybe you should stop crying and go play that system of yours

call me a fanboy all you want, but realize that you're no less of a fanboy than I am =)

WildArmed5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

lol skele..
you sound like how you always do.
Atleast keep ur fanboism in the open zone.
oh wait.. it might be too hard for you to tell the difference between open n gamer zone with those teary eyes.

GayASSAdmins5316d ago

LMAO skeletons so true!


bigrudowsky5316d ago

i agree that gran turismo is the playstations halo. When it releases its going to make forza's sales look like a joke not trying to flame but its true.. Just like halo 3 has done with any ps shooter.

wxer5316d ago


he is saying the truth you know
GT sold 50 million units

Cyrax_875316d ago

...then zenosaga hit it right on the button. It's called Gran Turismo, a franchise where every game has sold over 10 million copies. The freaking demo sold 4 million copies, imagine how much the full game will sell.

Come March the "sales" attacks and arguments will finally be put to rest.

sakura20095316d ago

zenosaga your not a fanboy. these people are just sensitive

skeletonss5316d ago

it dosent effect us in any way shape or form. and if it was a 360 fanboy crying i would have said the same thing. so happens, its mostly ps3 fanboys with the hurt feelings.

egm_hiphopgamer5316d ago

gran turismo is a huge title man i can't wait for it but it's not moving 3 or 4 million in a day, if it does i'll be excited i hope that happens but in the 4 years that ps3 has been around no game has done it not even metal gear you feel me

Cyrax_875316d ago

The thing is it doesn't have to move millions of units in one day (like all those overrated shooters). Final Fantasy and GoW3 will be out around the same time and there'll be alot more PS3 owners. GT5 will have incredibly long legs.

iron_sheik5315d ago

rather you should be wa wa skeletons
also halo odst and wars both flopped in reviews and didnt move any x360

GT will move atleast a million ps3 worldwide and has more global appeal than halo

ultimolu5315d ago

I don't understand this. Why aren't other games being attacked for not moving 3 million or 4 million a day? Why must Sony games move so much in one day? Sony exclusives have always had long legs.

It doesn't need to sell all of that in one day to be amazing.

Your stuff is going downhill HHG, I'm sorry.

Arsenal4Ever5315d ago

I disagree Ultimolu. I don't see what he's done wrong. Everyone on N4G is joining the hate patrol. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean "he's going downhill".

ultimolu5315d ago

But no one can explain to me *why* Sony games must sell three million or four million to be marked a success.

His interviews are great, but this article is full of it.

Pennywise5315d ago

Okay, honestly... HHG, you want to be a journalist than quit typing and talking like a middle school drop out. Use capital letters and punctuation. Do YOU feel ME?

Reading your comments makes me laugh. Buy a keyboard with a shift key, bro.

Mr_Bun5315d ago

don't you know the gansta keyboard doesn't have the shift key?...It's missing other keys too, aight

Pennywise5315d ago

Oh... Punctuation and grammar are considered "soft"?

I would also like to say, no... no, I don't "feel you". Why would I ever want to feel you? And if by "feel me" you mean understand me... No, no I do not comprehend.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5315d ago
ultimolu5315d ago

Amen. Damn multicolored Power Rangers...

Bereaver5315d ago

Man, screw you guys! Honestly! You are all turning into morons just like the Xbots. Sure, ODST was just a redone piece of crap, but Halo isn't a piece of trash.

Don't change into something like them. Seriously.

5315d ago
AngryTypingGuy5315d ago

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't acknowledge anything good about either system just because they like one better than the other is a piece of crap. And Sony fangirls are by far the most petty and baby-like.

edgeofblade5315d ago

Your bias feeds me, makes me laugh. You don't know what you want or why you feel that way. It's impossible for you to make an unbiased assessment of something you decided to hate... and you never even tried.

Just go away. You are addicted to negativity. You use it to shore up your insecurities. And I'm addicted to laughing at you.

traverstrousers5315d ago

really? what does hating on halo have to do with hating the 360? not a single person dissed the 360 only you have refered to it.

BTW Halo suck ass as does all FPS without mainly bullet based weapons. Thats why K2 owns.

AngryTypingGuy5315d ago

I'm speaking in general terms about the majority of people on this board. If anyone ever says anything remotely negative about Sony, then they get a ton of disagrees, even if what they said is the truth. It's a childish mentality that is demonstrated by both sides, but by Sony fans in particular.

And by the way, your opinion of Halo is just that, an opinion. The success of the franchise speaks for itself. I think Halo is an amazingly fun franchise. The only thing holding it back is the outdated graphics engine, but luckily we can kiss it goodbye with the release of Halo: Reach.

Cletus5315d ago

I pulled a Ego waffle from da trash wunc. It has a picure of Mary with a halo onz it!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5315d ago
HDgamer5316d ago

Forget halo, it's all about killzone 2. Good single player and multiplayer experience. But hey if that's not your game then Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op and 60 player matches or even Uncharted 2. Too many games that surpass halo.

bigrudowsky5316d ago

Halo is its own beast the best mp game out of those is k2 but they are very different games its all in opinion.. resistance is nice and while uc2 sp is awesome the mp is wayyyyyyyy tooo easy at least from my experience with it.

egm_hiphopgamer5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

a ton of games surpass halo in terms of game quality but the gaming community has spoken. when a game like halo odst can sell 2 million copies in 24 hours when a games like killzone 2 takes like 5 months to sell 2 million that's crazy right there. the quality in killzone 2 destroys halo but from a business standpoint halo is king why i don't know but it is

Digitaldude5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

lol wtf bigru how can multi player be "easy"

Also @hiphop so true, its cause back when Halo 1 redefined console shooters, the hype never wore off i guess and 360 owners depend on this franchise and still purchase when quality drops *cough* ODST.

bigrudowsky5315d ago

Theres no doubt that killzone exudes quality but i think the reason halo is so successful is because bungie for the most part gives its fans what they want. It's a fun and accessible but at the same time can be difficult to master all in all im not a big halo fan but its easy to understand why it lives on.

Halo3 MLG Pro5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

Killzone 2 is just crap. Full of cliche's. Seriously... no variety in the enemies. They all have the same cliche look. All black with red eyes. LMAO. Who created the look of the villians? An 8 year old? The weapon selection is your basic stock of weapons. The levels are the same ole war torn streets that we seen for years. The game just has zero personality. Levels with red exploding barrels is such a joke. And don't let me get started on the sluggish control. Their is a reason why Killzone 2 had disappointing sales.

Halo on the other hand is full of creativity. Weapons and levels are full of sci fi bliss. The villains are full of variety and creativity. Everything about Halo screams originality. And most importantly, the control is perfect. Their is a reason why Halo 3 still sells well today. Because it's just the best their is.

Aclay5315d ago

"a ton of games surpass halo in terms of game quality but the gaming community has spoken. when a game like halo odst can sell 2 million copies in 24 hours when a games like killzone 2 takes like 5 months to sell 2 million that's crazy right there"


HALO is like Microsoft's equivalent of Nintendo's Mario. Microsoft built the Xbox brand around Halo, OF COURSE it's going to sell millions in a day. The thing about Sony is that they've never built the Playstation brand around 1 or 2 particular Sony 1st party franchises for more than one console generation except for maybe GT.

Gran Turismo is one of the few Sony 1st party games I can think of that Originally started on the PS1 that has had an iteration of it released on the PS3 (GT5P). Most of Sony studio's have always kept coming out with new IP's each gen. and Sony simply didn't go the Mario/Halo/Sonic approach where they built each of their consoles around one or two specific Sony game franchises.

wxer5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )


you've never ever touched killzone 2

here is why

"Killzone 2 is just crap. Full of cliche's."
the only glitch that i found was a shaking body of a dead enemy and that was for only ONCE

"no variety in the enemies. They all have the same cliche look. All black with red eyes. LMAO. Who created the look of the villians? An 8 year old?"

there is classes
just because they dress black that dose NOT mean they are the same

look at this

online classes

"The weapon selection is your basic stock of weapons."


"The levels are the same ole war torn streets that we seen for years."

there is levels in the desert levels in space ships
levels on AIR
levels in cites a level in some big military academy
and a lot more

just because you watched a few vids on youtube that dosnt means that you've played it

"The game just has zero personality. Levels with red exploding barrels is such a joke."


the game's them is war
what you think they'll make it colorful ??
maybe add some flowers ??
yah solders in pink what about that ??

"And don't let me get started on the sluggish control"

n00bs need there auto aim
well i guess that's fair enough

"Their is a reason why Killzone 2 had disappointing"

Their is a reason why you don’t know sh1t about killzone2

@ below
yah nice of you to point on something that i didnt pay attention to

now run away and save youre skin
i've just owned your ass
admit it

Halo3 MLG Pro5315d ago

"Killzone 2 is just crap. Full of cliche's."
the only glitch..."

LMFAO!!!!!!!!! Dude seriously, do a google defination search for the word "cliche"

LOL! Thanks for the laugh buddy. I swear I have to remind myself that I'm probably arguing with children on here.

Consoldtobots5315d ago

"All black with red eyes. LMAO. Who created the look of the villians? An 8 year old?"

looks at the midget ducks with guns in Halo3 chuckles and shakes his head.


droid and bot5315d ago

WOW halo MLG you really got OWNED
and thats some week comeback you made there

iron_sheik5315d ago

when halo 3 has powerpuff aliens with green diapers?

ultimolu5315d ago

Halo, then I guess Halo is the best thing ever made, right? I love how you've NEVER played Killzone 2 and you're bashing it. It proves what kind of person you are.

Noob5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )


Halo 1 was good, Halo 2 was good, and so was Halo 3, but it's been the same sh!t, so I don't understand all of the hype. I mean, did people just start playing Halo when 3 came out? Sales aside, a lot games surpass it. The game has been surpassed since COD4 released, and that launched in 2007. Sure sales are high for the game but the gameplay and formula is stale and old. After buying into the hype and getting 3, I was done with Halo games. When people act like Halo is god of gaming, it just drives me crazy. I still don't understand it.

Swiftfox5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

For me, the first Resistance has been the shooter to beat this generation. Some may look at sales as value, others review scores, and some even the name itself a symbol of quality, but me...No other shooter has been as genuinely fun to play for me this generation as Resistance: Fall of Man.

HDgamer5315d ago

Sales do not equal quality, I'm sorry but that is true. If the gameplay and graphics aren't sound and it's selling at a high rate the game is no good.

dalibor5315d ago

I agree RFOM had it all. Lots of diff. enemies, ton of enemies on screen, co-op to play with a buddy, fun & yet bad*ss weapons to use & had a fun online play. Hopefully R3 takes some elements from R1 & R2 & combine them. Like R2 bosses & co-op for online. And pretty much everything from RFOM lol.

Jsynn75315d ago

Quotes from HHG:

"gran turismo is a huge title man i can't wait for it but it's not moving 3 or 4 million in a day."

"when a game like halo odst can sell 2 million copies in 24 hours when a games like killzone 2 takes like 5 months to sell 2 million that's crazy right there"

HHG plays sales now. *sigh* When will they ever learn?

frostypants5315d ago

@4.2: It's just marketing. Microsoft saturates all media channels with Halo coverage and promotions. Sony does a bit of TV but generally relies too much on word of mouth. Halo:ODST sold well due to natural human ignorance. It didn't even really get favorable reviews. Hey, marketing works!

Poopface the 2nd5315d ago (Edited 5315d ago )

It also had no co-op and no splitscreen. Halo allows 4 players to play online at once, KZ 2 cant even have local 2 player splitscreen. KZ 2 is good but there is no game that is made for multiple people at a time like halo 3. I think that reason so many bought it was because they were able to play it with a friend who had a 360 instead of sit around and watch and wait for a turn.

Killzone doesnt exceed halo in quality, if you think that your blind and know nothing about videogames. The Grafix were good(except the horrible looking fire) but everything else was standard.

HAHAHA sorry guy above- Ive never seen anyone play 4 player splitscreen online on a PC game before, have you??

Ohh yeah and COD would have never gone to sony exclusively. Last gen it was a PC games and cod 2 was a successful launch game on 360. The ps3 still isnt seen as a FPS console like the 360 even after the large amounts of FPS on ps3 now. Back in 2007 IW would have never gone exclusive as anyone who isnt a tard could predict that cod 4 would sell beter on 360. If you think Iw or ACTIVISION would let massive sales on either platform go your pretty dense.

I dont even have halo 3 anymore but it is packed with features that make it a great game for 1 or multiple people at once. Just look how many people are still playing halo. that doesnt mean it amazing but it does mean that alot of people find it enjoyable.

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde1d 19h ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 11h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..