
G4TV: Prototype Review

Alex Mercer doesn't know how good he has it. He has government-provided superpowers, the ability to morph into anything, a hoodie that stays up no matter how fast he runs, and amnesia on top of that. Some people would pay good money not to remember the last eight years. But like any good antihero, Alex is pissed and someone's going to pay.

Johnny Rotten5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

The funny thing is they gave infamous a 5/5 but it's still not on the metacritic page yet, so I wonder if this one will be?

Not that I really care because the game looks fun, mmmmmm bio mass!

WildArmed5469d ago

lol a noteworthy thing is:
Prototype plays almost NOTHING like infamous.
So stop comparing, try try both of em out!

fanboys are gonna shoot him 4 that xD but i guess some1 had the guts to say it

Max Power5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

I don't think G4TV reviews will be up on Metacritic anymore something like G4 not pleased with Metacritics upgrading the scores to the 100 point scale. Just something I heard.

LJWooly5469d ago

Seeing as we're mentioning Infamous, this game looks like a big mess compared to that game... I dunno if I'll be buying it. It just doesn't seem too much fun when one's fighting. If there's a demo or something soon, I'll be waiting until I play it myself to see if it'll be worth checking out. So yeah, we'll see.

Lifendz5469d ago

funny how the reviews were withheld until the game was out. usually that happens when the game absolutely stinks.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5469d ago

The graphics are ugly with the exceptions of a few great looking special effects. I mean this game is *technically* ugly, and *Artistically* ugly.

Anyway, it still looks fun even if repetitive. A 7 out of 10 is the best I could give it, but a 6 seems more fitting.

Montrealien5469d ago

ummm, no. so wrong, you clearly lack an eye for what looks good or not in videogames.

SaberEdge5469d ago

ZuperamazingCookie, how is it ugly? The textures are just as nice as in inFamous, the character models look great, and the effects look nice, not to mention that it runs smoother than inFamous and has noticeably better anti-aliasing.

I mean neither game looks great to me, but as far as open world games go I think Prototype looks better than inFamous. I really hate aliasing and pop-in and that really hurt the look of inFamous. Not to mention that even beyond those technical issues it really isn't that great looking. The textures are mostly flat and color palette is kind of bland.

Anyway, Prototype is getting generally good reviews and I guess that threatens the PS3 fanboys so they feel the need to tear down Prototype. But please stop. Just accept the fact that they are both good games and some people are going to prefer one over the other.

s8anicslayer5469d ago

Anyone who has not played the game yet should do themselves a favor an go play it, it's very entertaining and ambitious enough to keep you playing it to the very end

MegaMohsi5469d ago

Most reviewers have stated inFAMOUS is the more technically polished game and is graphically superior, inFAMOUS is a better game in terms of overall package but the gameplay in Prototype is very engaging and addictive as well.

Marceles5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

"The military doesn't find a soldier jumping 40ft all that unusual I guess...."


I'm still gonna give this game a shot, it looked fun after watching the video review.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5469d ago
cranium5469d ago

Does anyone else find this guy's voice really annoying?

Johnny Rotten5469d ago

The guy's a total nerd and it looks like his mom dresses him,

btw does he wear shoulder pads?

Marceles5469d ago

I'm kind of used to his voice by now, I used to watch X-Play before Morgan Webb and TechTV joined it (they should go back IMO).

Raider695469d ago

he got right on the spot!fanboys must stop comparing the two games,because the two have all that matters,BEING FUN AND ENJOYABLE!!

GiantEnemyCrab5469d ago

Never gonna happen. Just look at the hottest story on N4G. It isn't the highest score it's the lowest score that get's the attention.

People feel they need to defend iNFAMOUS and anyone to disagree is a wrong and anyone who says like they like inFAMOUS is a PS3 fanboy.

Gamers are a dying breed.

/pours out a 40oz to their memory.

leyego5469d ago

what happend to the days of yore where u played a game just because its fun to play regardless of graphics, crappy storeline, and crappy controlls?

this is starting to conform to the my penis is bigger then your penis game.

Esena5469d ago

Umm...usually games that are fun to play have non-crappy controls and non-crappy stories...thats umm....what makes them fun.

I'm not saying prototype is anything crappy, I myself haven't played it. I just didn't really understand your comment.

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6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos37d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto37d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger8837d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies37d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Six Activision Games I’d Like to See Revived Under Microsoft

As the world reels from the shockwaves of the seismic news that Microsoft is acquiring the proverbial swamp of the video-game landscape, Activision Blizzard King, it only seems natural that our minds should now shift towards what the fallout will be for presumably years if not decades to come.

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MadLad860d ago

Another Prototype would be awesome.

As for Singularity, I don't necessarily need a sequel, I just want to see Raven be able to flex their creative muscle again; not just be relegated to assisting with CoD. A lot of the old guard is still with the company.

That's part of what I'm hoping to see come from this acquisition. Revive teams like Vicarious Visions and Ravem to actually allow them to work on their own new projects again.

Crows90860d ago

As great as that would be the deal wont finalize until end of fiscal year 2023. Until after that date MS wont really have a say as to where resources will be spent. So we wont realistically see anything until perhaps 2026 or later.

LWOGaming859d ago

I think that’s a point that so many people are missing. Things will not change this year or next year at all. Maybe some changes might be apparent in 2024 but 2025/2026 is a good estimate of when things will really start happening. And I don’t think we will see as big a set of changes as some are suggesting.

TallDarknWavy860d ago

Those teams having not worked on anything, the employees find jobs at other companies, they don't just remain unemployed till someone at the publisher decides to revive the team, they need to eat lol

That said, this list of games makes me unexcited for anything outside of CoD that Activision has to offer. All games are in stale genres, like Guitar Hero, Simpsons Hit and Run, these are long surpassed genres that are going to be difficult to revive.

gamer7804860d ago

I want to see new IPs. Not a bunch of forced renovations of old franchises.

Gamer75860d ago

Why not a combination of both

gamer7804860d ago

@gamer75 if it is a combination it has to have my seal of approval. Such as a new Warcraft game or a new Warcraft mmo, or an action game based off the night elves orcs and humans if it’s a new IP. I’ll let you know after I talk with Microsoft

King_Noctis860d ago

Man I’ve been waiting for Protoype since the last one. Protoype could seriously be MS’ answer to Infamous (freaking loved that game as well, hope Sony make a new one soon).

porkChop860d ago

I'd love to see Raven take another crack at Heretic and Hexen.

MadLad860d ago

That's one I see being tossed around a lot to bring back, even if not from Raven themselves.

Put so many hours into those games over the years.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 859d ago
Knightofelemia860d ago

I'd like to see Activision get the Transformers license again and continue the War and Fall of Cybertron games. the movie games were crap and the game that combined both movie and Fall and War of Cybertron sucked a new Prototype would also be good as well.

jaymacx860d ago

You deserve a 1000 likes haha 😂. It’s a shame High Moon didn’t get to continue making Transformers. If they got a decent budget i think most of us TF fans would be excited.

wolf581859d ago (Edited 859d ago )

Ms bought Activision and everybody dancing for what? For cod? Ms want to atleast earn some money Back from those 70 billion dollars.... The only thing they count on is more gamepass subscribers via Activision cod, diablo and over watch 2 1st Day free at gamepass. If they decide to make them exclusive to xbox they Will lose profit from ps4 and 5 sales. As For a New ip or an existing ip like over watch 3,diablo 5 or anything else like a New transformers Dont you think that developers need at least 3 years to Do something decent?
Anyway my opinion is that ms want to make videogaming Just a subscription a la netflix and that ps5 will beat xboxsx in sales like ps4 beat xbox and xbox one x..... All the money ms spending It Will defentily make more gamepass subscribers as for games we all must wait at least 3 more years... And thats why ps5 will get ahead in sales they have more AAA in the pipeline already plus lets see their answer for gamepass... P. S i Dont support subscriptions from neither company and i didnt buy switch plus for n64. If they give me the option to buy n64 games then yes i Will buy them but i am not paying for a rental.

860d ago
860d ago
rlow1860d ago (Edited 860d ago )

Re-imagining of River Raid and the original adventurer Pitfall. Oh Zork is also a great game.

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