
"Being rated higher than Killzone 2 is awesome" - Headstrong Games

Talking to D+PAD earlier this week, The House of the Dead: Overkill developers Headstrong Games have expressed their delight at having their game score higher than Killzone 2 in the most recent issue of EDGE Magazine.

When asked how it felt to be rated higher than Killzone 2, lead producer Neil McEwan replied:

"It feels pretty awesome! You know, because we thought we're on the Wii, it's a light gun game, it's another on-rails shooter, we thought people would bring us down.

"I skipped home with EDGE's review, we put a lot of effort into this game and I think that shows."

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GrieverSoul5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

Is this for real?
What about the other 15 reviews where they scored lower?

Douch! Be proud for your game and dont compare it to other in order to greaten your own!

Rikitatsu5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

The scores:

Gameplayer: 9/10
GameInformer: 8.5/10
Worth Playing : 8.5/10
IGN: 8.3/10
Eurogamer: 8/10
Guardian: 8/10 (4/5)
M!Games: 8/10
Games Radar: 8/10
CVG: 8/10
Videogamer: 8/10
EDGE : 8/10
X-Play: 4/5
Mirror: 4/5

Tomonobu Itagaki5587d ago

Don't forget the other reviews:
Gamer.nl: 7/10
GamePro: 7/10
TGC: 7/10
1up: 6.7/10
Level7: 5/10

Rikitatsu5587d ago

are unknown or either unprofessional. Except 1UP and Gamepro.

enviable275587d ago

Oh and Edge is..... Yeah I didnt think so

solidt125587d ago

This is funny. Overkill does look interesting and has me thinking about picking up my Wii controller again since I am a fan of grindhouse, but it is obvious that Killzone 2 is the better game. They are just having fun with the score. Edge can kiss me were the sun don't shine.

Consoldtobots5587d ago

I think everyone agrees that developers need to be appreciated for the really hard work they put into these projects. That being said there is a game that almost 4 years to make and is garnering stellar reviews across the internet which they deemed was only worth a 7.

As Riddick would say Toombs shows up with only 4 bounty hunters to capture him "f@#cking insulting"

johover1125587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

a good o' swift kick in the nuts huh! lol
i played this game at New York's Comic Con 09...and i don't see this any different than Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
(if people are wondering, i didn't find this game to be that amazing)
after about 20 minutes i have lost all interest. i wouldn't believe the reviews after i played the game myself.

get2sammyb5587d ago

Yeah I'm really enjoying House Of The Dead Overkill. Whether it's better than Killzone 2 or not I care none. The game is fun.

Can't wait for Killzone 2 but this will tide me over.

lociefer5587d ago

its not that house of dead is better than killzone2 , its edge that have no credibility

zslash5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

Well to be fair I wouldn't call him a "douche." He was specifically asked how it feels to have his game rated higher than K2. What else would you say?

Honestly the interviewer here asked a stupid question.

s8anicslayer5587d ago

I still can't believe edge gave a higher score to house of the dead overkill then KZ2.

xwabbit5587d ago

Edge is becoming a joke now

JasonPC360PS3Wii5587d ago

Edge was reviewing and printing mags before most of you ^^^ were born, they been reviewing Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, PC and Xbox for a looooong time. They have more cred than 90% of all review sites and 100% more than crying and whining Playstaton fanboys mad because Killzone 2 score flopped from 10 to 92.

Elven65587d ago

House of the Dead sounds like a great game although I've heard because of the limited hardware on the Wii the developers had to make sacrifices which are apparent in the final game such as lag, framerate, etc.

xwabbit5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

Yeh the guy with Jason 360 calling people fan boys lol GG.
I guess banjo and kazooie deserved the same rating as kill zone 2 huh LOL, you must be right Jason 360, they know how to rate games.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5587d ago

I have never stated anything other than being a fanboy, it's a fanboy calling out fanboys, thats why I have "360" at the end of my name. How does that feel?

Pandemic5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

You did know this game is on the Wii..
Yes the game did get a good review but for the Wii.. If Killzone 2 was on the Wii, the game would get the same score as this game or even higher because they did an amazing job with the specs they have in the Wii.

It all depends on what console its being played on and the specs on the console....

Raz5587d ago

It feels hypocritical and stupid. How does a biased opinion trump a biased opinion? Dumbass.

EDGE obviously is a site well to your liking, and every other 360 fanboy, which tells me a great deal about THEIR biases.

N4360G5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

LOL at people comparing a Nintendo Wii game to Killzone 2,only 13 more days left until Killzone 2 is released,I can't wait!!

Nonsense 4 Gamers5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

D-PAD sounds like something dirty doesn't it?

Like a girl and her D-PAD

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DavidMacDougall5587d ago

Poor Neil McEwan is so blind to the fanboy wars. Bet you EDGE don't reply because it would just prove they have no reasons for a 7

Potty Scotty5587d ago

I'll be getting KillZone 2 here pretty soon. I'll be able to judge for myself. Until than, I'm not going to praise it or claim that it's not worth a 7.

MURKERR5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

this was a huge banana skin for them the kz2 score has highlighted and cemented what alot of people guessed for a while,this was a risk to far but there arrogance took over and they spat in the wind....

TheMART5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

Well yeah, KZ2 dropped from 9.8 average to 9.2 average after only the Official PS mags and non official reviews before the embargo was lifted (east european ones, giving high scores to sell some mags) and the 'exclusive' Eurogamer (you may review first if we as Sony like the review&score) were downtuned by real unbiased reviews.

So its not that hard that other games score higher. Gears 1 & 2 have a higher average score then KZ2 and KZ2's score is still decreasing. In the end it might end up on 9.0 out of 10. PS3 fanboys, lets hope it won't dive under that score...


@ David (below)

well dude the score diving down is not for nothing. Its because the gameplay is generic, the whole game actually is. Colours are grey, another form of grey and some glowing red eyes. It starts like generic shooters, you arrive at a beach, but instantly you're shooting like in a lot of generic shooters and entering a building like a lot of shooters. You want something fresh? Look @ COD4 opening you going in with a helicopter on a ship in a storm lightning everywhere. That was awesome. KZ2 starting is kind of meh. AI is fun, death animations are good, graphics good (but not Crysis great) but furthermore meh. And thats reflected in the decreasing score.

DavidMacDougall5587d ago

I don't care what its score is in the end. I just want the game. Is your life so empty that sh!t really matters? I mean we joke around and everything do the whole fanboy thing for fun but is it going to improve your life any?

PirateThom5587d ago

The only reason the score decreased so much is because of a single 7 out of 10.

Of the 49 reviews, 45 are 90 or above and 48 are 80 or above.

Omega45587d ago

At first glance it may seem like the 7 was the sole reason for the sudden decrease but when you look at Halo 3 it also has a 7 yet its still sits comfortably at 94

The reason Killzone 2 is only at 92 is because the majority of reviewer gave it 9's rather than 10's and with every 9 posted that averaged slowly comes down so its not just Edge's fault it was a group effort from the whole gaming media

Sony Rep5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

The problem with those scores of 90's and one or two 80's is that they only review the single player campaign. They don't take into account the strong multiplayer offering- which is what most people buy FPS' for. Gamespot, Giant Bomb, and a few other review sites aren't even going to post reviews until the spend a good amount of time with the multiplayer.

Reviewing just one aspect of a game is like reviewing Halo's generic campaign or COD4's 5-6 hour campaign and forgettable story and not reviewing their strong multiplayer offerings. For the record, I've seen two 95's and a 93 added to the Metacritic. So, It's not impossible for Killzone 2 to sit at a 94 or 93, but for now you can jack off to a 2 point difference...

Blitzed5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

I normally dont comment in the openzone, because...well...I dont have too, but does anyone on this site make themselves look like an idiot more regularily than the Mart? Sure he has comepetition but he is definitely up there.

FYI- the demo is not the beginning of the game you fool. Furthermore, i didnt know 9/10 was for generic piece of crap while 9.3/10 is a masterpiece. You really are a tool.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5587d ago

It went from 93 to 92 after the EDGE review stupid. Stop trying to play with your retarded brain PirateThom, and play with other things your good at, like your pu$$y.

All 9 and lower
70 Edge Magazine
80 Total Video Games
82 Pelit
87 Computer and Video Games
88 Game Informer
90 Cynamite
90 Level7.nu
90 GameDaily
90 VideoGamer
90 Kikizo
90 Gamer.nl
90 EuroGamer
90 Playstation Official Magazine UK
90 Wired
90 Games Radar
90 GamerNode
90 Gameplanet
90 GameSpy
90 TotalPlayStation
^^^those dropped your score^^^ and thats not counting the 10-15 reviews that range around 91 to 95. Now quick log onto one of those multi accounts and do a drive by disagree, bubble yourself up, and leave a comment pretending to agree with yourself.


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Omega45587d ago

When an underhyped game scores better than an overhyped game thats when you know its a good game

snake-OO5587d ago

yea its only 1 site that scored it higher, and thats edge, and at this moment they will do anything to cause a controvesy to get hits on the site, also they are biased.

CID5587d ago

It also scored higher than halo Wars

mastiffchild5587d ago

Mate two points here:1,HotD has been pushed really hard by Sega and I've seen more ads for it than I have Killzone2(ie. 3-0)on TV. and 2, I wouldn't put much faith in Edge as reviews go.
I'm not saying they're biased, they aren't, but they do often hit a critically acclaimed game pretty hard(Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge, R2 etc etc)fr hits.

However, reviews are consistently giving this 8/10 which for a game in the rails shooter is incredible, imo, so it should be worth it.

BTW I wasn't saying KZ2 isn't hyped(on here it really is)but if I didn't go online or scour the games press I wuld have seen more of HotD.

Omega45587d ago

But are Edge really doing it for hits?

I thought they were more of a magazine than a website, since their actual site is more business based than review based

mastiffchild5587d ago

Yeah, I think the ONLY explanation for Edge's continued contrary attitude(remember how often they do this to big games whether PS3/MS or multi)is to get hits and ensure ad revenue for the online side of things.

As I understand it Edge's hard copy magazine has circulation problems much like almost every other printed publication(you only have to see what hapened at 1up and EGM(?)the other week to see what I mean)and when people are cutting back on little luxuries your sub is the first thing to go.

I'm not saying the HotD score was wrong but I do wonder about the KZ2 score given their history with exclusive and big games on the HD consoles where they know they get this kind of reaction. I remember it with R2 and Mass Effect especially and , otherwise, I'm at a loss as to why they seem so often so out of step with the rest of their industry.What makes me wonder more is when they pick one game up for a fault that they didn't in others(Kilzone2) and when the words don't seem to match the score(Mass Effect).

Personally, I used to think Edge was a good read but over the past eighteen months I lost patience with them mainly over the way the score doesn't reflect the review and seems designed(cannot see why otherwise)to enflame and ensure traffic. I'm yet to see another reason as plausible and it's sad cos, truthfully, their guys, by and large, can't half write.

specialguest5587d ago

So according to Edge, this light gun game must be light years better than one of the best RPGs today, Mass Effect. Hmm...somethings definately not right there.

tuneraider5587d ago

I think when an overhyped game consistently scores high DESPITE its overhyping, that indicates an excellent game. Edge was trying to score some cheap hits with its troll of a review score and now its credibility is suffering.

Omega45587d ago

So why does everyone say that Halo 3 is crap, it was overhyped and it still got great scores

tuneraider5587d ago (Edited 5587d ago )

Because there's more to a game than hype and review scores. Halo 3 has already been out for a while, so people have played it and found their own experience didn't live up to the scores. Since KZ2 isn't out yet, it's too early to say whether it's been overhyped or not. BTW, why bring Halo into it? Defensive much?

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melons2508d ago

Amazes me how people capitalise on death for content.

andrewsquall2508d ago

Resident Evil 2 specifically. He directed some ads for it. :)


VR vs. 10 Franchises SEGA Would Be Crazy Not To Bring To VR – Part 2

Guns, girls, cars and dreams in week two of the SEGA list.

Auron2677d ago (Edited 2677d ago )

House of the deads, Panzer dragoons, space harrier, virtua on/Cop and shoot even shenmue.

Featuring_Dante2677d ago

House of the Dead needs to comeback!
Its now or never!

bouzebbal2677d ago

VR is the perfect platform for every rail shooter. From House of the Dead to Virtua Cop or even Time Crisis, Silent Scope..
They can also bring their racing franchises back, like Scud Race, Daytona, Sega Rally, Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler..
So many hidden treasures just waiting to be brought back.