
Star Wars Eclipse's Multiple Protagonists Must Rise to One Challenge

Quantic Dream's anticipated Star Wars Eclipse promises multiple protagonists, and the game should take a big chance with its characters.

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Upcoming Star Wars Game Has No Game Over, 'Anyone Can Die'

Star Wars Eclipse was announced in 2021 and not much has been seen of it since.

-Foxtrot250d ago

If that’s the case then this is going to be a nightmare for the people at LucasFilm who handle the official canon / lore.

MrChow666248d ago

You mean DisneyFilm? Yeah, thats not even Canon.

MeatyUrologist248d ago

Love it and we need more or this in games. I miss games like the old ghost recon and myth games were you build characters only to lose them. Adds a real sense of loss and finality to decisions rather than just a "try again" screen.

The only recent games to have tried something similar I can think of are baldurs gate 3 and the state of decay series, and those are two of my favorites.

Seth_hun248d ago

"No one's ever really gone..."

jznrpg248d ago

Definitely piqued my interest. Hopefully the execution is done well.

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Quantic Dream Doesn’t Deserve Star Wars

The game industry needs to shift and change and you cannot do this by constantly rewarding alleged harassment and misconduct with Star Wars. Quantic Dream needs to go.

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ikarodemon878d ago

The true is we Star Wars fans dont deserve this High República trash. At last someone by the wrong motivation are against this Disney Garbage.

darthv72878d ago

As a true SW fan (since 77), I am intrigued as to the direction this can go in the expanded universe. So much lore and stories to be told. QD knows how to tell a story.

DoctorOswin878d ago

Yeah I'm not sure I get this hate either. How fans not tired of the Empire/Skywalker era stuff?

fr0sty877d ago

Star Wars' story isn't exactly immaculate to begin with. It was always a bit cheesy, especially the newer films. It has its moments, but lets not treat it like it's the best story ever told. It gave us Jar Jar Binks, FFS.

Father__Merrin878d ago

a story based starwars game will be excllent with quantic dream. im predicting a hit on thier hands

pietro1212878d ago

Filled with plot holes, sloppy writing knowing David Cage's track record. Hand it to another adventure game developer

JEECE878d ago

Lol I remember when the industry had a collective freakout over the 1st Season of the Walking Dead, which beyond being a trainwreck technically, was miles behind Heavy Rain in terms of storytelling. At that point I once again had to remind myself that all the "games journalists" routinely ignored any PlayStation exclusive not made by Naughty Dog (how things have changed lol).

Michiel1989878d ago

@jeece what are you talking about? Heavy Rain got great reception when it launched.

Michiel1989878d ago

@Jeece ps3 has 18 exclusives rated 85+. and a couple of them really close to that, so what were you saying again? oh you were saying you didnt agree walking dead getting a higher score than heavy rain and you tried to shit on all gaming journalism to validate your opinion? They're all out for poor ol' Sony :(

and the only counterargument that ever gets said is: Breath of the Wild got 10/10 from some journalists.....this shit is getting old, just cut it out. either accept that the "general opinion" (or whatever it is that people get out of metacritic/reviews,) will be different than yours or stop giving a fuck about what ratings games get, like I do.

JEECE878d ago


Yes, major websites had a reviewer who gave scores to PS3 games. My point was that when the Walking Dead Season 1 came out, people treated it as if it was groundbreaking and it was in the Game of the Year conversation at a lot of sites. People would not have thought that if they'd played Heavy Rain.

Since you have trouble with this concept, think about music. I'm sure there's some artist you like that isn't super popular, and you've said something like "if people would actually listen to good music like this, they'd stop freaking out about mediocre pop music." When you say that, you don't actually mean that zero other people listen to the artist you like or that no reviewers liked it. You mean that people generally are uninformed about it.

Michiel1989877d ago

@Jeece I played both and liked walking dead more than Heavy Rain. both really good games though, but i got more emotionally invested in TWD.

I mean I get what you mean with the example, i listen to quite a bit of indie music and im totally fine with them staying that way. The moment they get the big spotlight put on them, they will start to cater to the masses in so many cases. I rather have them stay more niche and keep their original identity,

I think you can compare Heavy Rain somewhat to path of exile, its a pretty niche experience. There are dedicated fans for both games and im sure if both HR and PoE went more of a mainstream route they would have gotten, more sales, better reviews and more revenue, but at the same time compromise their artistic view. Im fine with games I really like not being rated high, or appreciated by a lot of other people.

"At that point I once again had to remind myself that all the "games journalists" routinely ignored any PlayStation exclusive not made by Naughty Dog (how things have changed lol)." this is something completely different than saying people are generally uninformed about it. Heavy Rain is NOT a game for everyone, and it shouldnt be, thats what made it unique (for its time). Also when someone didnt play HR and did play TWD and give it a high score, doesnt mean they are uninformed. It literally just means they didnt play HR and its not required for someone to do in order to give TWD a review. Since HR is basically the evolution of point and click adventures, would they be required to play Monkey Island before reviewing HR as well?

im just sick of this false narrative being spread, that reviewers were out for Sony, while the only evidence thats available tells the exact opposite. Most of their exclusives are rated 80+, got enough reviews to say they werent ignored by reviewers, so i really dont get how you got to that opinion.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 877d ago
gamer7804878d ago (Edited 878d ago )

I really like QD games. A bit disappointed they aren’t creating an original characters and world and doing Star Wars instead though. My favorites of theirs are heavy rain and detroit.

Magog878d ago

Oh, please. The trailer looked better than anything Star Wars related in decades. The quality of the end product is all that matters.

DoctorOswin878d ago

CG trailers don't mean anything if the game can't deliver.

Magog877d ago

They set an example for the asthetic and world they are going for. It looked right but it didn't look like a bland ripoff of the old movies.

spicelicka878d ago

Why do people act like Star wars is some immaculate franchise, it's popular and generic. If the issue is with the studio's controversy it should have nothing to do the type of game they're masking.

TheDoomedGuy878d ago

It may be popular...but you say...generic.

Spoken like someone who didn't grow up while these movies were released...nothing generic about them

spicelicka878d ago (Edited 878d ago )

The originals absolutely, but I'm talking about its state now. It's just cookie cutter stuff, with some exceptions obviously. Maybe generic isn't the technical term but you get the point.

JEECE878d ago

Lol he's like the kind of person who reads Shakespeare and ignorantly bashes it for having too many cliches.

TheDoomedGuy878d ago


Granted Shakespeare copied other people but sure. Yeah

CrimsonWing69877d ago

Generic!? What other Sci-fi/Fantasy movie, shows, and games are like it? What in the hell came before it that it was a generic rip-off of?

spicelicka877d ago (Edited 877d ago )

It's a generic version of its past self. I'm not talking about the originals as being generic, I'm talking about the state of the franchise now. It's the same cookiecutter stuff aimed at the mainstream with the usual tropes. My point is that making Star wars game doesn't automatically grant you some power that needs to be "deserved", specially in the video game industry it doesn't hold some special gameplay mechanics unique to itself.

mastershredder878d ago

Let's be honest, it would just be an interactive movie (rather than a game). I can imagine quicktime based events taking up the screen rather than me actually enjoying the cinematics or gameplay ... nopes very, VERY hard pass. Quantic Dreams is the absolute worst in story telling unless you need a Television soap opera style game mixed with Dance Dance revolution.

pietro1212878d ago

I don't care for QD or David Cage, but I will defend the type of games they make. Interactive movies are a sub genre of the adventure game genre and deserve respect. Interactive movies are a form of video games rather you like it or not.

CS7878d ago

I could never understand the sentiments on here. So a movie can be good… a game can be good… but make an interactive movie with choices? It automatically becomes terrible “QTE” trash.

So immature.

If you don’t like it fine but a developer should be able to choose the level of interactivity they want in their story. Whether open world, Linear, interactive movie or a pure film.

pietro1212877d ago


I was trying to be nice.

porkChop878d ago

While I do have issues with David Cage, there isn't anything wrong with the style of games that Quantic Dreams make. They bridge the gap between modern adventure games and classic FMV games.

pietro1212877d ago

Aside from some issues with Cage's writing, I did enjoy playing them.

Imalwaysright877d ago


Some? The guy is a terrible writer and it boggles my mind when I see people praising his storytelling skills.

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5 massive details in the Star Wars: Eclipse trailer

Star Wars: Eclipse was recently announced by Quantic Games. Here are some of the biggest details shown in the release trailer.

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