
Helldivers 2 community manager tells players to “make your displeasure known”

Helldivers 2 has been under attack recently thanks to a requirement to link your PlayStation Network account to play. One community manager wants you to make your displeasure known and even offered ways to do it.

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XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

Thank you devs for being on the side of gamers.

derek27d ago

The game was paid for and published by Sony, and owned by them it wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for them. The CM spoke out of pocket, the requirement was turned off at Arrowhead request to help those dummies get their act together when the game launched.

XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

Lol man it's still an injustice because the countries that don't have psn needed to get supported ngl bad hindsight on Sony lol

derek27d ago

@Xi, the fake outrage crowd is using these countries without psn because they know their childish cries about setting up a free psn account were laughable. People in countries without psn or other networks are use to using foreign accounts to register for online games. I think Sony will implement a work around for these jurisdictions. The Ceo of Arrowhead is an amateur who should get offline becuase he's making a fool of himself. He's the one who decided to suspend the requirement because he thought it would help them smooth out the launch.

franwex26d ago

It’s still okay to speak up. Even if it’s against Sony, or your employer. Employees and consumers should be empowered to point out something bad without being scared of repercussions.


Does Sony pay you or something? There's no chance "people in countries without psn are use to using foreign accounts to register for online games" is an actual argument. If Sony is paying you, I hope they read this and fire you because jesus christ man

franwex23d ago

Well I guess he was demoted. So I guess you’re satisfied.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 23d ago
24d ago

Helldivers 2 devs are aware of the issues with the current MO; fix being worked on

The latest Helldivers 2 MO is full of bugs that aren't Terminids. The devs are aware of these issues and a fix is currently being worked on.

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SeraphTeran1d 11h ago

A fix is now being worked on as stated by Baskinator a few moments ago.


New Helldivers 2 Major Order is set to bring The Illuminate to the game

The latest Major Order has been released in Helldivers 2 and it is set to see The Illuminate finally arrive in the game.

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Magatsuhi1d 7h ago

The illuminates have been coming since the game released and I'm already bored with the faction.

MIDGETonSTILTS171d 6h ago

If people keep giving up on the Dark Fluid missions, then we’ll never even manage to blow up Meridia…

No irreversible destruction = No alien attention

jznrpg1d 5h ago

It’s doable just need to use stuff we normally don’t use as much. Spawn points could be better but not impossible

MIDGETonSTILTS171d 3h ago

The arc thrower is my go-to to keep them off the drill.

StormSnooper21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I hope they make the illuminate a little less apple iPod and a little more Protos-like .

In the OG Helldivers, I sometimes felt like I’m shooting at Apple products.


Helldivers 2 Players Worship a Monstrous Automaton

Players are singing praises to a certain Automaton from Helldivers 2. Fans are excited over a possible return of an old enemy.