
New Platforms, New Players: Four Fan-Favorite Xbox Games Coming to Nintendo and Sony Platforms

Today, we announced the four fan-favorite Xbox games coming to Nintendo Switch and Sony platforms this spring. Our studios have drawn on their multi-platform experience to open their worlds to even more players.

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Nyxus101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

So all four games will be releasing on PlayStation, and Hifi Rush and Sea of Thieves aren't on the Switch (but maybe they'll release on its successor).

By the way, isn't this the first time a Rare game is releasing on a PlayStation console?

Terry_B101d ago

Rare is only known as Rare by its name anyway. The original devs are gone since years.

JackBNimble100d ago

Rage started up in 1992. People age man, how long do you expect someone to stay in the same place for?
The original dev's would be in there 50s at the very least.

darthv72101d ago


Rare Studio:
"This is the first time in Rare’s nearly 40 year history that we’ve shipped a game on a PlayStation platform, that is cause for celebration for both Rare as a studio and Sea Of Thieves."

"What makes it even more of a landmark moment is that while Rare has made games for many consoles, computers and handhelds in its 40 year history, this will be the first time a Rare game has ever launched on a PlayStation platform."

Obscure_Observer101d ago

"What makes it even more of a landmark moment is that while Rare has made games for many consoles, computers and handhelds in its 40 year history, this will be the first time a Rare game has ever launched on a PlayStation platform."


I wonder if Sea of Thieves will be successful on PS5 as it has been on Xbox and PC.

PhillyDonJawn100d ago

@Observer PS gamer claim to not like MP games so it might not do to well there

itsmebryan100d ago

You maybe right. Look how poorly Helldiver 2 is doing.
I found people are more vocal about not liking or wanting something when they can't have it. Now that these games are multi platform it will test my theory and finally end these fan boy console war.

Obscure_Observer101d ago

"By the way, isn't this the first time a Rare game is releasing on a PlayStation console?"

Though no longer a RARE franchise, I would love to kick some PS5 players a$$es in Killer Instinct.

Eonjay101d ago

I hope they bring Killer Instinct to PS5!

101d ago
101d ago
Sonic1881100d ago (Edited 100d ago )

Is it just me but I find this whole situation hilarious. I would never guess to see Xbox exclusives going to playstation like this. Times have really changed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 100d ago
darthv72101d ago

April 30th for Sea of Thieves... garrr

101d ago Replies(3)
Lightning77101d ago

This leaks were spot on. AA and LS games only makes sense. If these games do fairly well they'll do more AA and LS day and date eventually. However if they don't do all that well. Phil even alluded to it last week. Heavy monetization and nickel and diming everything.

Yeah no thanks.

101d ago Replies(1)
Christopher101d ago

Can't complain about 9/10 AA games going more places. Love to see it.

KwietStorm_BLM101d ago

If a game isn't so called AAA, "gamers" don't want anything to do with it. If it's from an indie studio, "gamers" don't want it. If it's digital, "gamers" don't want it. Then, when a studio gets bought just to survive, "gamers" who didn't buy their games cry about it. Someone needs to make a reality TV show and capitalize on the elitist ass gaming community.

101d ago
Bathyj101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

You realise this is then just dipping their toe and testing the Waters. It's not even really that it's them making you get used to the idea of Xbox games on PlayStation and switch. They are softening the blow because if they bring their good games now you guys will cry even harder.

From the article
Xbox will continue to help game creators find the biggest audience possible.

-Foxtrot101d ago

Also to note

“As a publisher and platform we are committed to meeting players where they are, by bringing more games, to more people, and on more devices”

Lightning77101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

"They are softening the blow because if they bring their good games now you guys will cry even harder."

Who's "you guys?" The hell is that?

A few things. If PS was threatening to put their games on other platforms, do you think you would act rationally? Lol. All PS die hards like you would be crying even HARDER along with threats, hell yall done death threats in the past. You've even threatened to leave PS if they ever go on PC. Yet here you are, in 2024 please practice self awareness, for once think before you say anything. You point one finger. 3 are pointing right back at you. Remember this.

Second thing, reading and comprehension is not yalls strong suit. I'll be saying this all year and maybe, just maybe a light bulb will eventually go off in yalls heads. If everything was going over slow or fast doesn't matter then why would they have another console next gen? Why what's the point? Logic says just buy a PS5 since E6, Blade, HALO are on the new systems. Xbox influencers and PS influencers would just tell their fans to wait a year and buy it on PS with all the DLC, expansions, updates etc and word would spread like Covid. That's stupid console killing buissness and Xbox knows that.

Phil's open ended statement about nothing being off the table when it comes to their AAA games going multiplatform was to save himself from looking like a liar 5, 10 years later. He's not promising those games will never be on other platforms, only to end up on other platform down the line and look like a fool. Cool wait 10 years if it happens. If you think Sony will have the exact same buissness model and possibly won't be doing things different themselves? Then you're in for a rude awakening.

343_Guilty_Spark100d ago

They have been dipping their toes with games like Ori and Cuphead. Gears is not coming to PS.

101d ago
101d ago
StormSnooper100d ago

@lets be fair, Phil has never been concerned with lying. About 99% of what he says can be flipped upside down for the truth.

Lightning77100d ago

Cool I guess we can expect a Indy and SF announcement coming to PS5 this year then. Since he's lying and all right?

StormSnooper99d ago (Edited 99d ago )

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were coming to PS5. Not that anyone would care. Especially not for starfield.

Watch Spencer/MS dwindle Xbox into more and more a service as the years go by while pretending to be an advocate of Xbox console gamers. His lies are more grand than a game announcement here and there. He is a professional lier.

To be fair to Spenser, he is only doing MS’s bidding.

Lightning7799d ago

They're releasing another console next gen so why would they have their AAA games on PS6?

StormSnooper98d ago

They released series x/s and yet released their games for PS5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 98d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 98d ago
BehindTheRows101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Hope those who haven’t played these enjoys them!

InUrFoxHole101d ago

Absolutely I remember being stoked for SOT but then it released with minimal content. Where it's at now is amazing. Might get back into it

BehindTheRows101d ago

Yeah, it's turned out to be a pretty damn good experience!

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Stellar Blade Tops Circana April Charts

The latest US sales data is out, and while hardware may be down for the big 3, software is ruling the day, including Stellar Blade topping the charts

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helicoptergirl3d ago

Must be weird for Xbox fans to see Sea Of Thieves at number 4 on the NPD charts

ravens522d ago

The "best selling" game!?!? Lol. The narratives, I swear.

PhillyDonJawn1d 15h ago

No it's more funny than weird. Cause ps fans swore SoT was bad and didn't interest them at all 😂

helicoptergirl1d 8h ago

Everyone knows a game can change in 6 years. The beta testers on xbox one are apparently laughing so you tell me. Well the definitive edition players look to be enjoying themselves. Thanks for your service

PhillyDonJawn1d 6h ago

"A game can change in 6 years" 😂 no game ever.

CrimsonWing692d ago

Well, would you look at that Sony! Guess there’s an audience after all for this stuff.

JEECE2d ago

I wonder where the change from "NPD" to "Circana" ranks on the chart of lamest rebrands? And yes I know it changed awhile ago it just annoys me every time I see it.

anast2d ago

People like this game, despite the big puritan push against it.

Hugodastrevas1d 22h ago

Stellar Blade deserves it, it's just a gorgeous well-optomized working right out of the box game. Would plat all over again.

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Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Tango Gameworks Dev Asks “Not Enough?” Amid Studio Shutdown Despite Multiple Awards

Amid the studio’s shutdown, a Tango Gameworks developer has questioned whether its many awards were not enough for the Xbox management.

XiNatsuDragnel22d ago

I'm sorry but I'm going for cringe *insert madara got betrayed by black zetsu here* but fr tango it's never enough for Microsoft. Microsoft are cannibals imo

TheProfessional22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Yeah PS hasn't shut down any studios.

Arkane austin made redfall, everything about that was bad regardless of microsft's involvement. Plus prey didn't sell well either.

Tango gameworks shouldn't have been closed though. The others make sense.

notachance22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

it doesn’t take long for xbox fanboys to put on their fanboy glasses again huh?
it’s always the classic combo of “PS did it too” and “it makes sense”.

And they wonder why there’s barely any new fans since xb1 era, that’s because normal people are disgusted by the corporation and its fanboys.

Reaper22_22d ago

"Yeah PS hasn't shut down any studios."

Now you know that's a lie.

thorstein22d ago

Today's lesson in rhetoric:


-a type of red herring fallacy. Both are argumentative fallacies that divert attention away from the original topic to a new one. However, whataboutism uses the new topic to attack the other party, while a red herring fallacy introduces an unrelated topic.

XiNatsuDragnel21d ago

Yes we understand ps isn't perfect especially not recently but this fallacy doesn't mean anything because if ps saw potential they'll cultivate usually and problem particularly tango where they made bangers that xbox needed but nope man shut it down like tf

DarXyde21d ago

1. Why are we talking about PlayStation closing studios? We know they did, but the "they did it too" deflection is such a lazy way to redirect frustration and outrage about what is happening now. We're not talking about Sony, are we? The problem is Microsoft straight up closed studios they've held for less than five years after releasing single projects. And being the cowards they are, they closed Tango when staff was away during Golden Week in Japan.

2. I don't play Arkane games as first person games are not my flavour, but let's look at this exactly as it really is: Microsoft, a company with a market cap over 3 TRILLION dollars, has doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and quintupled down on their Day one subscription service. They have sabotaged their own titles' chances of success related to revenue by doing that—add to the fact that they insisted on having all of these studios with the publishers (refusing to cleave off any studios) and having a drawn out legal battle over ABK. And even with Game Pass, Microsoft had to close the loophole for $1 subs because their players don't even want to pay the full sub fee.

And now, the developers are on the chopping block. Spencer acting as the remorseful figure after Red Fall bombed, yet he's still got his job and the studio is gone.

Stop the madness. And just to appease your whataboutism, yes, Sony deserves this fire too if/when they go that way. I can't speak for others, but I was absolutely livid when they closed Japan studio. I don't even have Plus because they raised the price and haven't had it since.

None of these corporations are good. I wouldn't lose sleep if they all burned to the ground and something that balances labour and consumer best interests came from it.

Until then, keep the anger righteous. Today, that happens to be Microsoft.

Profchaos21d ago

Arkane Austin were under direction for zeninax to make redfail prior to that arkane actually had a really impressive history so one mistake they partially made remember it's zeninax that drove the games direction and it's a yeah they suck they deserve it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
MrDead22d ago

You have talent but MS is IP hoarding so only the biggest IP's will survive, a few new ones might slip through but if they don't sell like the big titles like COD or Fallout then bye bye and thanks for the money we'll make from continuing to sell your games.

InUrFoxHole21d ago

That's a fair take. While Tango made hi fi it's not like any of there other games were system sellers

Hugodastrevas22d ago

This is legitimately heartbreaking, you pour all you got into your craft, you're recognized for it, you're successful... Just to be discarded like leftovers

MrDead22d ago

The games haven't been discarded, MS just made sure the people who created them are not receiving any money from future sales... like the massive c**** they are.

Palitera22d ago

Well, in the past, they gave away their choice power for money.
They just want to receive the aquisition and full funding money, but still call the shots?

VariantAEC19d ago

Tango is a dev under Bethesda which is part of Zenimax. Microsoft acquired Zenimax and everything under their umbrella. Tango had no choice in the matter.
The more you know...

shinoff218322d ago

Hopefully they can move on and continue, whether forming their own studio, or getting a job elsewhere. This dev is exactly right.

CDbiggen22d ago

I loved ghostwire, such a shame.

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