
Xbox’s Contraband reportedly like this underrated Battlefield game

Just Cause studio Avalanche Studios is allegedly bringing 8 player co-op to Contraband, the brand-new heist caper coming to Xbox consoles.

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Zeref139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

The description kind of reminds me of "All Points Bulleting". I never got the chance to play it but a similar game with a higher budget? And it's on GamePass? Sign me up.

Lightning77139d ago

Thought this the game was vaporware they were having issues behind the scenes. If it releases it might be late this year maybe early next year.

HyperMoused137d ago

Hardline had one of the best MP modes, the one where the hard points are vehicles and you get points for how long you are in the vehicles......chaotically driving around the map and then also chasing the enemy down to destroy the vehicles was a great, fun mode


Xbox Showcase 2024: 7 Things We Want

Kevin writes: "The upcoming Xbox Showcase 2024 is going to be important for the future of Xbox consoles and Game Pass, and here's 7 things we want to see."

rlow129d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto29d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


5 predictions for an Xbox Developer Direct curveball

From Contraband to Perfect Dark, here are some potential wildcard surprises that could appear at this month's Xbox Developer Direct.

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The3faces140d ago

Wow I actually commented in a Xbox thread before Jin_Sakai! Contraband gameplay would be dope.


Xbox Games Showcase 2023: 10 Predictions For What We Could See

With Geoff Keighley only vaguely threatening everyone with an entire summer of his face at the moment, Xbox Games Showcase 2023 could be the foremost showcase of the season. But what's in-store?

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potatoseal393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Would love to get a look at the new Indiana Jones game. Also see the progress on Avowed and see what they are doing with Fable. That's what I'm hoping for. Would also like to see what Hellblade 2 gameplay looks like. First one was really lacking in that department.

Obscure_Observer393d ago

From the article:

1. Forza Motorsport - Most definitely.

2. Fable - Reveal, gameplay and release window/date very likely

3. Contraband - Game was announced in 2021. Reveal and gameplay unlikely.

4. State of Decay 3 - Reveal and Gameplay chances are 60%

5. Hellblade II - New gameplay and release window/date very likely

6. Shocking Game Pass News - Most definitely

7. Compulsion’s Project Midnight - Announcement/Reveal and gameplay chances are 70%

8. Something Gears Related - - Announcement/Reveal and gameplay chances are 60%

9. A New Acquisition/Third-Party Deal - Megaton! Depends on ABK´s deal approval or block.

10. The Elder Scrolls VI - Highly unlikely since Bethesda will be focusing on Starfield.

Personally I want more news, infos, reveals, updates and gameplay for Avowed, Indiana jones, Perfect Dark, Project Mara, Everwild, Project Dragon and Project Cobalt.

CBaoth393d ago

didn't Avowed get scrapped and restarted? Or was that a rumor? It is my most wanted MS IP. Points 1 and 5 definitely should be there. Points 8-10 are dead in the water. The rest unlikely. Maybe points 4 & 6 - what's going with Double Fine these days? Methinks your personal interests have a better chance of being there in some form. Would love to see what's going on with Indiana Jones. I don't care how far along in development it is

Obscure_Observer393d ago

"didn't Avowed get scrapped and restarted? Or was that a rumor?"

Rumor. Hard to believe since we got so many rumors surrounding and suggesting that so many new Xbox games got rebooted, scrapped or in actual development hell, that it would make it impossible for Microsoft to host a 2 in 1, 2+ hours Xbox dedicated event.

"what's going with Double Fine these days?"

According to Tim Schafer, Double Fine is working on a new IP.

"Would love to see what's going on with Indiana Jones. I don't care how far along in development it is"

Same here. Any info will do for me.

Lightning77393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

Everything from 2020 shows. I'll do a break down of not all but most of the teams. Including rumors things I've read and the chance we'll see it based off timelines of development.

Fable- Said to be releasing late 2024. It's been too long we'll have to see something. The game is in playable state as well. The world, some gameplay and dea of what the games about. 60% chance we'll see it

State Of Decay 3- The studio has been expanding since the acquisition in 2018. Opening up a bigger office in Florida and said to be working on new animation techniques. Just like Fable I also think we'll see something. The world, quick cuts of gameplay though it could be a further out. 54% we'll see gameplay

Compulsion games- The game is said to be in a playable state since late 2021. There's a high chance we'll get gameplay and a release date. 75% we'll see it.

Contraband- haven't heard much about this one. I heard some stuff like it was suppose to release last year. They're trying to "find the fun" I don't have too much hope for this game tbh. Regardless I think we'll definitely see gameplay and release date by now. 90% we'll see it.

Rare- another one I don't know much about. They've been radio silent. The last thing we've heard was they rebooted the game awhile ago. Who n. Know how far along they are. 30% we'll see anything though we could be surprised.

The Initiative/CD- The game is said to be not as priority as they're working on The New Tombraider. In fact Tombraider is said be coming out first then Perfect Dark afterwords. 20% chance we'll see it. I just don't know how far along they are plus the game isn't priority in CD.

The Coalition- They took a hiatus to learn Unreal Engine 5 and are now working on Gears 6. Though it's early in development I wouldn't expect anything. Maybe the rumored Marcus Fenix collection? Anyway 2% we'll see Gears 6.

Ninja Theory- They said they were done with Mocap late last year. Rumors of a late 2023 release even Phil alluded to it in the interview. 99% chance of gameplay

Obsidian- they rebooted the game in 2020 and again 2021 saying they were doing too much and the game was doing many different things so they wanted to bunker down and focus on what it does right and we'll. They also changed directors a few times. Which is good because they're able to speed up and accelerate development. They're in good shape. 90% we'll see gameplay. 2024 release.

Indiana Jones- they announced the game in early 2021. They could show something in engine but it's way too early for anything. 5% we'll see anything.

Stalker 2- They said they're ready for this year to release but I dunno tbh. We'll definitely see gameplay however I hope the team is well and healthy more importantly. 80% we'll see gameplay.

nXile- project Cobalt said to be working on steam punk first person role playing game. I think we'll something in engine or at worst a CG trailer with a official title. 70% chance we'll see something.

Forza 8- of course. 100% gameplay

Starfield- with everything riding on this title now after the huge flop thats Redfall the expectations are so high it's unrealistic. Regardless 100% chance of gameplay and more. Starfield console controller everything. That's an obvious on.

I think MS needs to shadow drop something maybe 1 or 2 games that were suppose to release this year. That would be in the step in the right direction for the company.

potatoseal393d ago

You really think they should "shadow drop" another game or two? I would think that would be a bad idea. It didn't do the last shadow dropped game any favors. I really just hope they show actual gameplay for the reveals. I am so sick to death of CGI trailers at this point. Unless they are announcing something completely new with a little CGI teaser, like what Insomniac did with Wolverine.

Lightning77393d ago

"It didn't do the last shadow dropped game any favors."

2 million players and expanding tango game works workforce? These are just facts.

CG trailers still after 3 years of those announced games? I certainly hope not. I would say MS can't be that dumb to that but.... MS doesn't really have a clue anymore.

potatoseal393d ago (Edited 393d ago )

But I'm pretty sure shadow dopping that game affected sales, at least according to Jeff Grubb.

IMO, I still don't know if shadow dropping games is a good idea. Why not build them up, raise the game's profile and then release it? Don't you think?

"2 million players and expanding tango game works workforce?"
Yeah, maybe if it wasn't shadow dropped it could have had 4 million players and a lot more sales. Maybe lol.

Lightning77393d ago

Grubb back tracked on that statement after he got called out on it. This is old news now.

"IMO, I still don't know if shadow dropping games is a good idea. Why not build them up, raise the game's profile and then release it? Don't you think?"

I don't know. Idc what they do, or how they do it. MS just needs to release quality games, that's it. If they have a game that's in the works and ready to be played then yeah drop it. Especially if it's good. Drop the game day after the show case. Instead of hyping it in typical MS fashion and under delivering it.

I guess you're trying to be funny with that last statement I guess.

onisama392d ago

sorry, but the comments your making on each studio doesn't go with the probably percentage your giving

GhostScholar393d ago

I don’t know if anyone who isn’t annoyed by keighley. Batman is deeeeeaaaaad

potatoseal393d ago

The Dorito Pope is a Cringe-Lord. But I do respect his passion for games

neutralgamer1992393d ago

More gameplay for the games which are shown and actually running on Xbox series X not PC. Please be transparent and stop messing up this brand

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