
The New PlayStation 5 Is One Of Sony’s Worst Console Revisions

Shaz from GL writes: “Sony have had great console revisions over the decades, but something is amiss with the company in recent years, and the new PS5 is proof of that.”

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Jin_Sakai231d ago

I agree.

Digital edition $450
Disk add on $80
Vertical stand $30

Digital edition w/ stand $480 up from $399
Digital edition with disk drive $530/$560 w/ stand


We also have to mention the "new" cover plates for the PS5 Slim. The old covers aren't compatible.

This is what happens when Xbox isn't competitive.

blackblades230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Your logic is stupid why would they be compatible when the slim is small what you want it to an umbrella for it. Y'all B* about the OG being bigger and now still B* when its a smaller version.

-Foxtrot230d ago

To be fair why would the plates be the same if it’s smaller?

I couldn’t imagine this console being smaller and having the old plates, it would look ridiculous.


@blackblades @Foxtrot Of course the old plates aren't compatible, but Sony could've remedied this by simply releasing the PS5 Slim in various colors. This way, OG PS5 owners who are upgrading to the Slim aren't paying for the same colored covers twice.

Soulsborne230d ago

The irony of your username.

FinalFantasyFanatic230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Can't you just sell your old face plates? I don't think it matters if they offered the Slim in other colours, plus, it might slow Sony's production down as they would have to make 5 different coloured shells during manufacturing. Nah, just offer it as an after market cover like before.

Anyway, Xbox hasn't been competitive for 2 console generations now, they should have done better.

itsmebryan230d ago

Xbox just lives in your head rent free.

Barlos230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

What do you mean Xbox isn't competitive? They recently spent almost $80 billion to monopolise...er..."consol idate" their ability to produce the best games the world has ever seen like FH, Starfield and...Redfall!

Wash your mouth out with soap you heathen!

Godmars290230d ago

Or, they're trying to set up MS while preparing for Nintendo. The Switch 2.

If that turns out to be at least as powerful as PS4, remains portable when the other two can no longer justify graphical power housing, then that's the console war. Big N's #1 again even with price drops from Sony.

EvertonFC230d ago

8 people actually agreed with you, what the fu*k is the world coming too 😂🤣

slayernz230d ago

easily fixed, just get the skillsaw out of the shed and cut it down to size /S

congratulations @logicwins, youve won the prize for stupidest comment today, smh

RedDevils229d ago Show
Ps5conehead229d ago

Read ps blog in early 24. They will have colors

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
IRetrouk230d ago

Your just getting the price increase the rest of us already got, the new versions cost the same as the old in the uk, no excuse for that stand though, really is unnecessary.

VariantAEC227d ago

PS2 had a stand that cost $49.99 if I recall correctly... But clearly, the PS2 didn't need that stand at all! Time will tell if PS5 slim really needs the stand or not. It might not and if that's the case. The extra $40 you don't need to spend shouldn't be a concern living in your head.

IRetrouk227d ago

It's probably not a need, but the simple fact is with the older model you got a choice and it didn't cost you 30 quid to make it, they de-engineered the stand just so they could make a few extra quid🤷🏻‍♂️

Eonjay230d ago

The disk drive being 450 makes sense because you ate getting more memory and you can can ipgrade it which isn't something you could do with the original model.

But it's just an option. You cab spend 500 and just buy the disc console with more storage.

Or if you are like me you can just be happy with the launch unit you already have.

The New PS5 digital is the best digital console to date because it has options.

I like the fact that they made buying the disc unit up front cheaper overall though.

I don't use my stand so I'm not gonna bitch about buying the new one.

crazyCoconuts230d ago

You can upgrade storage on the original model too

--Onilink--230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Its barely an increase in storage size and the whole idea of a slim model (especially this one that is simplifying their entire manufacturing process) is that its gotten cheaper for them to make.
So the idea that they are now manufacturing the console for less, charging the consumers more for it, removing the stand and charging an obscene amount for it, also charging an inflated price for the disc add-on (in the UK and EU it’s honestly ridiculous), all while the actual size reduction isnt even that much and apparently not even getting more energy and heat efficient (which is another usual thing with redesigns)

Add all of that to doing this in the same year they massively increased the price of PS+…

VariantAEC227d ago

The new system is cheaper to make... then they added 250GB of the same superfast storage PS5 already had...
$30 saved in production against how much for those new NAND storage chips?
Maybe they're still breaking even on PS5 due to inflation and trying to at least keep up with Xbox's base 1TB of storage?
Has anyone but me considered that?
Probably not.

crazyCoconuts230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with the console revision, it looks good and is smaller. Typical. What people don't like is the pricing.

S2Killinit230d ago

I think it brilliant. Not sure what you are on about.

derek230d ago

@Jin, I will never understand people whining about prices for videogame system, it's not a necessity of life.

Lightning77230d ago

If it was Xbox you would be yelling anti this and that hard. Since it's Sony they get a free past or it's "suddenly" justified. I guess you love it when they nickel and dime you for everything.

JackBNimble230d ago

Of course it's not a necessity of life , that's kind of irrelevant isn't it?

If people think they are being asked to pay more then they feel it's worth , are they not aloud to question it if it's not a necessity of life?

Pretty ridiculous statement if you ask me

goldwyncq230d ago

Jim Ryan and the his effect on Playstation has been disastrous.

DarXyde229d ago

I agree with Jin.

At best, Sony didn't think it through.

At worst... They did.

The pricing really doesn't make sense. It almost feels like a punishment for adopting the console late.

Genuinely hoping this is the absolute last "f*** you" from Ryan era leadership and there's nothing else coming like this. Leadership has really left me scratching my head this gen.

If we're being objective, Sony is doing some concerning stuff. The slim doesn't come with a price cut, it's more expensive to upgrade to a disc version than outright buying it, you can't buy PSVR2 controllers separately... Honestly, what is going on?

Concern is warranted and justified, and people are acting like it's whatever.

No, people. Sony is a corporation. They've been good with PlayStation because people demanded it. Sony just had some employee data stolen and we're acting like that didn't happen because we weren't impacted directly?

Sony is not uniquely awful. I know that. You have a LOT of people (including f***king regulators) who were okay with approving a deal that allowed Kottick and the other cockroaches at ABK to scurry under a rock if it means Game Pass releases. Nintendo is rumored to be charging people for backwards compatibility with their next generation platform.

We need to stop enabling corporate bullshit. They are not your friends. If they could get away with shoveling shit at you every year, they would. All of them.

So when they do dumb things, we need to call them out.

VariantAEC227d ago

"I agree with Jin.

At best, Sony didn't think it through.

At worst... They did.

The pricing really doesn't make sense. It almost feels like a punishment for adopting the console late."

Or maybe the new storage costs more plus inflation and the weak Yen (PS' connections with Sony and the very weak Japanese economy right now)? Who would've thunk a terrible global economy would result in consoles not coming down in price? Not you, clearly.

"If we're being objective, Sony is doing some concerning stuff. The slim doesn't come with a price cut, it's more expensive to upgrade to a disc version than outright buying it, you can't buy PSVR2 controllers separately... Honestly, what is going on?

Concern is warranted and justified, and people are acting like it's whatever."

Already explained the PS5 not getting a price cut ($30 saved, then likely spent to beef up stock storage from 825GB to 1TB plus inflation), then you obsess over PS5 disc's drive price? Just buy the $50 more expensive unit and save $30. Problem solved. What would be concerning is if the new PS5 slim with disc drive cannot use another PS5 slim disc drive... that would be converning! You can't but PSVR2 controller separately... this thing hasn't been out for a whole year yet. All your PSVR2 components are still under warranty, if they break send them in for repair (I think you pay S&H and nothing else). What's the problem? Oh, you can't play instead you'd rather pay whatever it costs for a right or left hand controller provided PS ever sells them separately and as individual controllers and not pairs... Seeing as how you can not buy PSVR2 without the controllers being included, I'm going to have to stick with: this is not actually a problem.

So far nothimg of concern.

"No, people. Sony is a corporation. They've been good with PlayStation because people demanded it. Sony just had some employee data stolen and we're acting like that didn't happen because we weren't impacted directly?"

This breach is not new. It happened in May and you just heard about it this month because some unknown supposedly not so good at hacking hacker group claimed responsibility for it and supposedly MOVEit was responsible for the up-keep of their servers. Sure SIE used them, but these companies buy server space too. It isn't like SIE knew this was a thing and even if they did they can only pull their data from the offending companies serverspace demanding the service provider cleans up.

To the rest of your comment it would help if you knew what to actually be concerned about.

DarXyde227d ago


"Or maybe the new storage costs more plus inflation and the weak Yen (PS' connections with Sony and the very weak Japanese economy right now)? Who would've thunk a terrible global economy would result in consoles not coming down in price? Not you, clearly."

So you think that less plastic, smaller chips, and 175GB more storage...warrants a net increase in price, years later, I should add? Okay, buddy. I'll even grant you that—I'm just glad to see that you're denying it's a corporation being greedy. Glad you understand that much.

"Already explained the PS5 not getting a price cut ($30 saved, then likely spent to beef up stock storage from 825GB to 1TB plus inflation), then you obsess over PS5 disc's drive price?"

"Already explained" like I can reply as you write. Solid. No one is obsessing over the disc drive price. Mentioned it a grand total of... Once. And that's just to say the pricing scheme doesn't make sense. And no matter how you try to spin it, it doesn't.

"Just buy the $50 more expensive unit and save $30. Problem solved."

I guess we'll have to see what availability looks like. We don't even know the ratio of digital to disc edition slims we're getting. This is modern Sony, so I think my skepticism is healthy.

"You can't but PSVR2 controller separately... this thing hasn't been out for a whole year yet. All your PSVR2 components are still under warranty, if they break send them in for repair (I think you pay S&H and nothing else)."

That warranty does nothing for me, someone outside of the US and Canada. According to the details of the warranty, it also only covers the headset (no peripherals) if determined to be materially defective and does not consider acts of God or even accidents. If you live with children (I don't know if you do, don't really care and not looking for an answer there) or have frequent guests who use the thing, there is heightened risk—neither of those are unusual scenarios either. Yes, it is the consumer's job to protect it, but there really need to be options because (say it with me) accidents happen. Warranty is great if it's defective and you live in NA. Besides that, just give me the option to give you $120-$150 instead of $550 again. It's the pro consumer thing to do. And if you don't see that, this is a waste of time.

"This breach is not new. It happened in May and you just heard about it this month because some unknown supposedly not so good at hacking hacker group claimed responsibility for it and supposedly MOVEit was responsible for the up-keep of their servers. Sure SIE used them, but these companies buy server space too."

Oh, it's not a new breach! Thank God! That makes it so much better, doesn't it? I haven't had a credit card attached to PSN since the attack on PS3 ages ago. You miss the point that people (like you, apparently) blow it off as nothing. I will never understand. If you are cavalier about those things, fine. I don't wish ruin on you, but if you aren't bothered by it, that's dandy and I really don't care. The problem I have is collective indifference. I'm just one person who enjoys PlayStation, but I'm also quite hostile towards PlayStation. I remember early PS3 Sony. They were insufferable and from that, any time they screw up or do something blatantly anti consumer, I prefer that people make a big deal out of it so they don't get comfortable.

"To the rest of your comment it would help if you knew what to actually be concerned about."

Perhaps you're too myopic to understand these things. Moving along then.

VariantAEC226d ago

"I'm just glad to see that you're denying it's a corporation being greedy."
I like to think of it as you overreacting... because it sounds like you are. You act as if these raw material costs are the only thing going up. What about the people PS pays to buy those materials to make PS5? Yeeeaah, YA DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT!
I do.

The price of labor the price to manufacture the shipping the hosting... IT ALL WENT UP and the Yen. Don't know if you know this but Sony Corporation is Japanese and unfortunately PS though its own business is still under Sony Corp. and answers to the almighty Yen which... is looking pretty puny at the moment.

These issues are the crux of the debate. You brought up utterly ridiculous things like this 6 month old hack that didn't expose PSN users info this time. Yeah it is unfortunate that maybe all 6700+ Sony employees in North America lost some personal information, but again even this was explained as a mistake in SIE trusting a 3rd party as most companies do...
If you were to go out and make a company that, I don't know makes videogame consoles and videogame software hosting petabytes of data at massive data centers... Do you honestly think PS does that in isolation? Do you think any corporation does that all on their own? Maybe Google Apple and Microsoft all have the money to do this but most companies don't including Sony Corp and Nintendo. They have to offload these things to third parties and its part of your ToS (which even much larger richer companies like the aforementioned Apple, Google, and Microsoft put into their online services ToS, though it's probably so they can sell your data technically with your knowledge and consent, because you're supposed to read those things). You think you are safe from these businesses prying eyes because you are on another continent? 🤣🤣🤣 29315; You aren't. Maybe this is the first time you've heard of the "Five Eyes?"

Anyway... almost nothing you are saying is even remotely genuine.
I would even say your healthy skepticism is farcically over dramatic.

I don't know your history of fanboyism here or anywhere and I don't f•••••• give a s•••, but this interaction reeks of it.

You don't want the thing, don't buy it. No one is forcing you. What is stupid is that you act like anyone else is doing this better. Nintendo made a slightly better screen for Switch and made the thing $50 more expensive. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but I don't remember any complaints. Xbox did the same thing around the rime SIE was hacked this year making the Series S 1TB for the same price... the Series S is literal s•••! But it didn't get a price-cut and... no complaints?

PS5 is mature, but prices for everything went up because the global economy was f•••••• by the global pandemic response (not by the pandemic itself). It's not greed. It's not malice. It's not Sony trying to gouge every last penny and bit of credit you have to your name to coax you into gaming. That's all on you.

Personally, I already have a PS5, and I'm content.

DarXyde226d ago


Normally, I wouldn't address lengthy post like this, but I think it's worth exploring.

"I like to think of it as you overreacting... because it sounds like you are. You act as if these raw material costs are the only thing going up. What about the people PS pays to buy those materials to make PS5?"

I'm in favor of price hikes if they raise the standard of living for the labour, but somehow, I doubt that. I don't think I'm overreacting either. It just becomes difficult to ignore the latest move from PlayStation that seems to be a concerning pattern this generation.

"These issues are the crux of the debate. You brought up utterly ridiculous things like this 6 month old hack that didn't expose PSN users info this time."

Humility is important in these matters, but the most important thing is taking steps to protect yourself. I'm sure the powers that be can get into my things, but I at least try to make it a challenge. I regularly change passwords, all of my devices run through a VPN (a Panamanian one, FYI), I use Threema for messaging, and I always generate virtual cards for digital purchases—and forget Five Eyes, I'm not even in a 14 Eyes Country; I do frequently connect through Switzerland however for their stricter data security laws. I'm quite paranoid about those things following the Patriot Act (I'm a US expat, FYI). I don't disagree that these things can happen to anyone. My point is that if it's easy to say NBD about it, that doesn't motivate caution on their part. Sadly corpos only see you when there's a palpable threat to their bottom line. I love PlayStation, but I prefer prevention to intervention, so for every stumbling block, I would rather keep Sony in check. To their credit they've historically responded well to pressure.

"Anyway... almost nothing you are saying is even remotely genuine.
I would even say your healthy skepticism is farcically over dramatic."

I'm being genuine. I wouldn't bother replying otherwise. You don't share the same concerns. That's fine. Generally, I don't like where PS is going.

"I don't know your history of fanboyism here or anywhere and I don't f•••••• give a s•••, but this interaction reeks of it."

I didn't know this was one of those conversations warranting this kind of fire 🤣. So you mean to say it reeks of fanboyism? If so, I'm genuinely curious to know where you think I land.

"What is stupid is that you act like anyone else is doing this better."

Not true. This bothers me, but NOTHING compared to the pure anger I feel about ABK. I don't care at all about games (been boycotting since COD2). But the fact that Kottick & co. will escape penalty when someone took their life is absolutely unforgivable. I feel very strongly about that. And you mention "just don't buy it". While I own a PS5 PE, I typically get slim models when they come out (not always) and transition for low power consumption and I typically give the OG models to one of my siblings. I love gaming, which is why I feel strongly about the issues: every new step concerns me. Sony feels personally greedy, Nintendo treats fans like constituents, and Microsoft is trying to shape an industry they don't really care about in their image using money. I have the most hope for Sony. Of course I'm concerned.

DarXyde226d ago

"PS5 is mature, but prices for everything went up because the global economy was f•••••• by the global pandemic response (not by the pandemic itself)."

Agree, and I defended the price hike when it happened. I did NOT defend Xbox price hikes though because the timing made no sense. For PS, it was targeted to specific markets, and didn't feel intentional. I commended the recent temporary price cuts. With supply shortages, I understood. I don't like this "luxury gaming" thing Sony has now. Feels like the Kuturagi PS3 era. I like the PS5, but it's my least favorite PlayStation, despite the features. I don't feel the passion for gaming in this one, but that's me. Just feels overtly monetized.

Anyway, I think that sums up my point of view. No need to reply, just hope I'm clear here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 226d ago
229d ago
Evan_Beezy229d ago

I get it but you're also just regurgitating tech tubers complaints…and tbh the digital shouldve always been 450 from the jump *shrug*

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 226d ago
purple101231d ago

yes it is,

UK just had a deal that ended yesterday, where you could get a PS5+copy of FC24 for £409, and bypass all this nonsense.

yess that is well below rrp, and I'm sure they'l do another one soon

Fishy Fingers231d ago

That was just a means to allow retailers to sell out of the old stock as Sony wont want them listing both models, nor will they want to exhange or RMA.

purple101230d ago

a brand new bundle, with a brand new game (released 29th September- 2 week ago)

for below rrp of just the console itself.>?? they could have just given the free game like they did with the use offer but the took another £50 off just for fun.

sparky77231d ago

And yet Playstation fans keep kissing Sony's feet. This is only going to get worse until they see the light.

Number1TailzFan231d ago (Edited 231d ago )

There will need to be a Pro model next year if it wants any chance of standing against midrange PC GPUs for UE5. PC has already surged ahead by miles with a 4090 and will completely dominate when the 5000 series launch.

Also a mistake Sony made was not having an external disc drive work with the digital model, instead forcing people to buy a new console.

ocelot07230d ago

Ah yes there is that word again FORCING people to buy a new console. Yup that's what they are doing. Jim Ryan is putting a gun to everyone's head we all are being FORCED to sell our old model PS5s and are being FORCED to get these new ones. Is that how it is? When someone CHOSE to buy a digital ps5 in the last 3 years. They can't complain they didn't have a option to get a disc drive add-on as it was never ever promised.

Now let's talk sense. When the ps5 released in 2020 us customers had a CHOICE. We could buy a cheaper digital only console. Or for a bit more money we could get the same console with the same powetz same storage size but with a disc drive. No one FORCED me to buy a disc based ps5 console. That was my CHOICE because I wanted one with a disc drive and Sony gave me the CHOICE what type of console I wanted.

Now when the new designed PS5 releases. Sony has now given customers even more CHOICE. When available it's my CHOICE that I will be selling my disc launch day ps5 for the new digital console. Because for the last year I have solely used digital. But since Sony has give us more options than before. I may even buy the optional disc drive.

badz149229d ago

And you have to mention the 4090. A GPU that can nab you 3 PS5 for the same price!

231d ago Replies(1)
-Foxtrot230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Kissing Sonys feet?

Have you seen the reaction to Jim Ryan leaving or the awful GaaS plans being put in place

People are vocal and they will be vocal with this if they don’t agree with it

You can’t call a fanbase when you arselick Xbox and Phil Spencer…what about the recent Forza with how much of a step back it is. It’s hypocritical.

230d ago
sparky77230d ago

Sorry but no.

The only reason people are attacking Jim is because he's leaving, if he got a promotion or a massive bonus everyone would be saying "he deserves it, he's great".

You guys are very transparent and are not fooling anyone, Sony can do nothing wrong hence my kissing Sony's feet comment.

-Foxtrot230d ago


"everyone would be saying "he deserves it, he's great"

Lmao. Not really.

If people are glad he's leaving then why would they suddenly praise him if he did get a bonus or promotion?

Compare the reaction to Jack Trenton or Shawn Layden leaving to Jim Ryan, they are night and day differences. Hell most don't even believe he's leaving on his own terms, the whole "I'm taking early retirement" is usually code with these big corporations where they ask someone to take early retirement or ask to leave where they will use the "wanting to explore exciting and new opportunities" excuse. No one leaves when they are putting a plan (GaaS) into motion and then someone is apparently stepping up to his duties despite the guy not leaving until March next year.

People are more critical to Sony than people like yourself are to Microsoft. Now am I saying that as in "100% perfect, no fanboys and no ass kissing" God no, there's people like that obviously but I've seen people shit on Sony for dumb f****** decisions than people with Microsoft.

I mean just look at your entire comment history in the past couple of months, it's literally calling Sony on everything, even the most nitpick stuff while over praising Microsoft that they can't do anything wrong. You'll downplay one and overhype another. It's hypocritical. You know this. You don't care. So I'm not going to go further than this comment as it's overall pointless. Especially when you make comments like this....


FinalFantasyFanatic230d ago (Edited 230d ago )


Your joking right? Or trolling? I don't believe most PS users liked Jim Ryan, if you're new to the site, you can look back at previous articles and see that most people were pretty vocal about the direction he was leading Sony in.

I don't think you know how to use the word "transparent".

Lightning77230d ago

"People are vocal and they will be vocal with this if they don’t agree with it"

I barely seen it. Here or Twitter. Actually I have seen it here and Twitter when Sony raised the price of plus. People were vocal, only for a day then went right back to trashing every single SF article in sight. (true story)

Xbox tries raising price of XBL 2 years ago and Xbox fans pushed back. Sony raises prices, not happy, disappointed, some justify it or deflect and finger point like you did. Hardly anything gets seriously pushed when Sony does these things.

Don't finger point and deflect face the issue.

Bobertt229d ago

Jim Ryan can't leave fast enough. He was not pro consumer.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
230d ago
230d ago
ravens52230d ago

Sparky at it again lmao. You have to be in your teens. Right?

Barlos230d ago

Could be worse. You could celebrate a company in their attempt to monopolise the gaming industry.

Crows90230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Im sorry what?
Console mid gen slim models are normal. What exactly we supposed to be seeing here?

Nobody liked Jim Ryan and his gaas. Open your eyes. You should be kissing sony fans feet because theyre the only reason Xbox has been buying studios. You guys were to blind to complain about anything.

And people have also been vocal about a lack of exclusive 1st party lineup. That could have been Jim Ryans fault as well and nobody is content with it.

Get your fanboy bias out of here while the grownups actually critique issues on all platforms properly.

Rude-ro230d ago

EVERYTHING is going up in price.
This console is just a repackage with MORE memory.
Love it, hate, yell at your wealthy people choking the world market.
Microsoft is charging AAA prices for half baked indie games to fluff up their subscription package.. do not see you up in arms over that.
Heck… Microsoft is literally charging early access for games on their subscription service! Care? No.
Micro transactions for a
color in halo infinite for $20… care? No.
Why? Because a fandom blindness.
Sony is doing nothing but following the market of which is globally up 50%.
You can not buy the parts and sell them for a loss because the world is being robbed.

outsider1624230d ago

You've been kissing MS's for a decade now. You're still here...

derek230d ago

@sparky grow up. Nobody should whine about Microsoft price increases or Nintendos either. When you're an adult if you don't need something and can't really afford it you don't buy its that simple. I could be wrong but you seem to only be vocal about price increases when it comes Sony.

230d ago
230d ago
TheEroica229d ago

Sony fans like being milked daily...

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
jznrpg231d ago (Edited 231d ago )

I think it’s great.a lot smaller and you can replace the drive easily if it ever dies is a great option. They don’t have a Series S holding back the entire generation that IS the WORST decision of the entire generation

ApocalypseShadow231d ago

Gamers today. All I see is nothing but bitching and complaining about everything. Something is offered that is new and you automatically tear it down as if everything is about you or that Sony is only selling products to you only or they aren't innovating enough or making enough.

"Why is the PS5 so big? It doesn't fit in my perfect entertainment center. It doesn't match my other electronics that are all black or all white. How come they couldn't put more SSD space in there at launch? Why are they making multiplayer games that aren't one offs where gamers move on to the next multiplayer game at the drop of a hat? All I want Sony to do is make single player games only. Because it's all about me."

"Why did Sony make VR? No one wants that. I don't want to be immersed in a game. And I want to see everything around me and type on my phone at the same time. Why does it have all those features but costs less than PC headsets? It should be mass market price of $199-299 max. Where's are the games? 100 is still to little. GT7, RE8, Horizon, Saints and Sinners, NMS, Synapse, etc etc aren't enough games to play. How come it doesn't play COD or Madden? How come they can't make a PS Vita 2 instead where games would be $50-70 dollars? How come Sony's making a streaming device? Who wants that? How come it can't have Android built in? How come they couldn't allow me to put other operating systems on it?"

"What kind of upgrade is the Slim? Why does it cost more than the other digital console that has less memory space and no ability to add a disc drive for physical games? The new Slim should cost less because Sony built it with less plastic. They shouldn't be trying to make money but give their tech over to me for less. The new Slim isn't even an upgrade from the PS5 I already have that plays the same games. I expect more from Sony. It should at least do 8K or something. Even though I don't have an 8K TV. Or do holographic games. Why are they selling a stand separately? It should be included in the package even though all Sony's consoles never needed a stand to stand up. What were they thinking?"

Where are the games? I know Sony's developers are making them and it takes a little longer to make sure games are quality. But I want them right now. I don't care if the pandemic affected the game industry for 2 years, I don't care if they wanted to play it safe by doing cross gen games until the virus was controlled. They should have been ready even in a world crisis. Who cares about Horizon or GT7 or Ratchet and Clank or Returnal or GOW or the up coming Spider-Man 2. We want more more more. You're taking to long Sony. I need a roadmap. It's all Jim Ryan's fault for keeping Sony in the black during a virus. I need games games games now now now now now. "

Spoiled. Entitled. Bitches and complainers.

Fishy Fingers231d ago

Its like you're quoting the things that keep you up at night bro.

ApocalypseShadow230d ago

Made yourself look ignorant with that one.

slate91231d ago

We aint reading that book fam

darthv72230d ago

There is a sense of irony in your first paragraph. Because that is exactly how you are to XB. You admit to such behavior almost every rant.

shadowknight203230d ago

My switch OLED and ps5 being both black and white looks amazing together. Case in point.

230d ago
jimbo676229d ago

skipped. You actually think people gonna read this.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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Sony shares big new PS Plus stat, but not the one we want to see

PlayStation Plus has improved the split of PS4 and PS5 players on its priciest tiers, but Sony continues to hide total subscriber numbers.

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mandf1d 6h ago

lol acting like it’s equivalent to ms numbers

Mr Logic1d 5h ago

Uh...They're definitely not equivalent.

"Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service now has 34 million subscribers."

"the total number of PS Plus subscribers across all tiers was 47.4 million"

darthv721d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN.

bloop1d 1h ago

That's not the "gotcha" you think it is Darth.

darthv721d 1h ago

^^it's not supposed to be bloop.... it's just an interesting observation.

Einhander197223h ago


"That PSN number seems like it should be much higher... especially when you consider that PS4 alone has a sell through of over 117m. To not even be at least half that is rather interesting.

To the XB side, having 34m to an install base of roughly 50m (XBO sell through) or even 85m (360 sell through) is a greater percentage of unit to member ratio than PSN."

Have you ever heard of a PC before? I hear they are pretty popular.

fr0sty17h ago

MS started lumping gold subscribers in with those GP numbers... keep in mind.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
shinoff21831d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

What. Definitely more os plus subscribers but that makes sense due to actual console sales

Darth the difference between the bases are huge your right but you gotta think. Ps players buy more games, where as the Xbox base relies on gamepass for their gaming. So it makes perfect sense

darthv721d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

What makes perfect sense though? You say PS players buy more games... so then logically there should be more PS+ subscribers given the increased number of online multiplayer games in the PS4 generation alone. The PS4 was the first time that + was required for online play much like Gold was for 360 users.

Keep in mind we are talking subscribers, not simply XB/PS users. I assume you meant to say offline single player games, which is most likely true as well. That gen also saw a significant increase in games with an online component comparted to the previous gen.

victorMaje1d 3h ago

I for one will be going back to essential at the next renewal. When I feel a game is good & right up my alley, I’ll check trusted reviews & just buy it.

jznrpg1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

I have the top tier until 2028 as they gave me a massive discount for all the years I had left but I’ll most likely go to essential as well. I buy my games but my kids do use the service occasionally. They do prefer to own their games as well since any game can leave the rental service at some point and they don’t like that idea. They mostly use it to demo games then ask me to buy games if they really like it.

RedDevils22h ago

For me, I will cancel it all together but unfortunately I still have it till 2030 lol

meganick1d 2h ago

I would like to see Sony add a fourth tier of PS Plus for people who just want to be able to play games online without any of the perks like monthly games, store discounts, or anything like that, and it should cost $20 annually, $30 maximum. There’s no way I’m paying $80 just to play games online. Even the original $60 fee was too much, and I would often wait for sales to re-up my subscription.

P_Bomb22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Essential is too expensive, I agree. We’ve got one Essential and one Premium sub. Dropping the Premium when it expires.

gamerz19h ago

Just let my subscription lapse for the first time since 2010. Will sub again every now and then for a month or so to access my old ps+ games but for me it's the end of an era.

DivineHand12518h ago

Let those numbers continue to drop because it is now too expensive. $80 per year just to play online. I noticed they didn't offer any discounts on the subscription or controllers during this year's days of play for the first time in many years and they will feel it when people choose not to renew.

My subscription will lapse next month and it will stay that way until further notice.

KevtheDuff15h ago

There were savings on subs and controllers here in the UK? I bought a controller yesterday in the sale..
It would be weird if those deals were not in other territories too?


Evercade Alpha Reveals Affordable Mini-Arcade

This looks fun and affordable for fans of Retro Cabinet games.
Introducing Evercade Alpha, the first Evercade-compatible arcade machine. This bartop-sized arcade gives you everything you want in a home arcade machine with one big feature - full compatibility with the Evercade cartridge ecosystem.

darthv722d ago

I like the Mega Man one more as it has a better variety of games. Strider, Carrier Airwing, Final fight... The other is all SF. Plus i like that i can pop in any of my evercade carts to play as well.

Garethvk2d ago

As long as it is durable; it's a deal.