
Europa Gameplay Trailer

The first gameplay trailer for Europa was revealed during the Guerrilla Collective showcase and it's stunning!


Europa is Looking Like One of the Most Engaging Games of the Year

GB: "With this feature, we take a look at Novastar Entertainment's upcoming Europa and why it could end up being one of the biggest games of 2024."

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Eonjay37d ago

This is the same guy who made a Spoiler video about Horizon FW but never played it and got called out when he completely botched one of the biggest points in the story. He is a fraud.


Europa: Ghibli-Esque Indie Cozier Than a Fleece Blanket | We Game Daily

Tom from We Game Daily writes "Playing through Europa's demo, its aesthetics struck me. Put simply, it’s a beautiful game. Lush, vibrant environments are deeply reminiscent of Studio Ghibli’s hand-drawn environments, immediately instilling a sense of wonder"

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Stylized exploration adventure game Europa Announced

Europa, a stylized exploration adventure game about a single conscious life form born in the unlikeliest of places, a tale told through the last sentient droid, a millenia after singularity ran amok.

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2192d ago