
Microsoft offered 'several iterations' of its cloud remedy to the CMA

Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) CEO Sarah Cardell says that Microsoft offered multiple versions of its Cloud Remedy to UK antitrust officials.

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dcbronco377d ago

The fact that Microsoft negotiated several options and none were "acceptable " to the CMA shows the CMA never had any intention of giving Microsoft a fair chance. As I've pointed out before, if the CMA doesn't feel Sony's many exclusivity deals that block Microsoft from titles aren't anticompetitive given Sony's better than 70% of the market then the CMA doesn't actually consider anything anticompetitive. By saying Sony can't leverage their current advantages into the ability to build their own cloud service in the next ten years says Sony's management is incompetent and the CMA is willing to guard their position for the foreseeable future. What the CMA did was criminal and hopefully Microsoft will push on in every other region and let Brexit claim another victim. Microsoft has already shown they have no intention of denying gamers games as they have shown with other franchises they've purchased that remain on competing platforms. As Microsoft moves on with the process certain members of the CMA won't and a proper decision from honest members will solve the issue for the UK. Until then UK gamers will have to get to know the import market.

gold_drake377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

it most likely shows, that the many options just didnt convince the CMA. its that simple.

regarding your "well sony is incompetent and in building cloud game servers".
you need to understand that Microsoft is a Tech-only company. they have know-how, the resources to build a massive thing. no one but Microsoft wants to push games into the cloud as desperately as they want, because they're failing in the console world of things.

also, your posts would be much easier to read with commas.

and dont drag Brexit into it if you have no proper understanding of it.

also also, i can guarantee you, that no one follows your posts religiously.
so, "as ive stated before" is not a proper argument to make.

ArmrdChaos377d ago

It's going to get real interesting when they have to go over the details of the communications between them and the FTC. So much so they chose to have that meeting in private as opposed to answering the question at the public hearing. heh

Notellin377d ago

It's just like anything in the business ethics world. The organizations protect those that pay them under the table.

The CMA doesn't exist to protect consumers it exists to protect the interests of the businesses that pay them to stifle competition. It's always been this way.

Redemption-64377d ago

You guys live in some made up bubble. Microsoft has a history of also paying for exclusive deals for games that don't come to Playstation. But I love it, when you and your ilk ignore MS doing it and only calls out Sony

OptimusDK376d ago

the CMA is not able to count active cloud users as the EU pointet out. They counted all game pass users as cloud gamers witch we all here know is pure stupid. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE ACESS TO SOMETHING DOES NOT MAKE YOU A USER. It is more likely below 5% that use the service which means the whole premiss of the CMA IS UTTERLY FLAWED.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
rlow1377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

So because you didn’t like their comment or viewpoint on the subject. You go ahead and insult the person, “ also, your posts would be much easier to read with commas” or “ also also, i can guarantee you, that no one follows your posts religiously.”

By your standards using the word, “also” twice as you did, isn’t proper as well. Last I checked, on N4G nobody’s winning a grammar award for their posts.

As for the comment about Brexit, why can’t they comment on it? Does a person have to be from Britain or an expert to be able to comment on a subject? That’s called censorship and your comment comes off as a mild threat. Wether intended or not.

I disagree on your premise that MS is just a tech company. At their heart they are a software company. A distinguished difference. As for Sony building networks, @dcbronco was trying to convey the absurd notion of the CMA claim, that Sony wouldn’t have the capability of building a network, which is very inaccurate. Sony owns and operates their own networks already. What they should have said, Sony would have to play alot of catch-up to scale it to the size of MS network. Which translates, to alot of money and time, which they could do but won’t. Unless they were forced to compete, but the CMA took care of that for them.

As for MS wanting games in the cloud. Why wouldn’t they push for that and leverage their network? Yes we can see their motivations from a mile away. But there are other big networks out there. The biggest being Amazons “AWS” center, Netflix and Apple are no slouch either. Whom all have games already and are pursuing games to add to their network. As for streaming, it’s nowhere close to being a replacement for hardware. Speeds aren’t fast enough and it takes a company with deep pockets to be able to invest in the type of infrastructure, to even get close to localized gaming. Plus, the CMA approved huge streaming mergers for Hollywood, which they seemed to have no problem with.

Everyone is entitled to their viewpoint on the subject. Some are out there, or just plain antagonistic. But for those trying to put their two cents in as they understand it. They shouldn’t be mocked, or nitpicked on grammar, to diminish what they’ve said. Valid arguments or viewpoints, like you displayed at the beginning and midsection of your comment. Are the type of responses we should all (including myself) display. Anything else, just diminishes your counterpoints. Peace

gold_drake377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

no, that was more a suggestion than anything else, cause i somewat struggled following the reply.

i didnt insult anyone, or mocked anyone. there was no disrespect at all. and i never said anything about grammar either. i was simply repsonding to his repsonse to what i had said. last time i checked, this is what people do on here.

dont create a false narrative when there was none.

XiNatsuDragnel378d ago

That's why you split Blizzard and Activision and take one.

gold_drake378d ago

im rly surprised that they didnt go JUST after CoD.

would have been cheaper too id imagine.

Rude-ro378d ago

Not what they want.
The media has focused on the one game…
The fight is over the far reaching ramifications of patents, ips, licenses, etc…
The cma was proactive off of the monopoly of one specific aspect.

343_Guilty_Spark378d ago

38 other countries and territories have approved.

The CMA was never intent on approving the deal regardless of what behavioral remedy Microsoft offered.

SullysCigar378d ago

Do you have any evidence to support such claims or are we expected to just take your word for it?

derek378d ago

Nobody cares that Cambodia approved the purchase, lol.

378d ago
Bathyj378d ago (Edited 378d ago )

It's really sad that you guys obviously see this as the only path for Xbox to be a viable platform. Doesn't even occur to you they should make their own games not buy everyone else's.

But I guess if they could they would. Did you know Hitler was a painter? Only he wasn't very good. During World war 2 he stockpiled huge amounts of art and kept it from the world only under his control.

It's not going to make them better. It's only going to make abk and gaming in general worse.

378d ago
__SteakDeck__378d ago

@WOREGED Delusional just like that girl that keeps rejecting you. “If I keep trying, one day she’ll go out with me” Lol

__SteakDeck__378d ago

@WOREGED You’re lame. You really made a new account to say all of this. Lol

RedDevils378d ago

China love approving anything to do with monopoly.

shinoff2183378d ago


You work there, secretary maybe?

gerbintosh378d ago (Edited 378d ago )


Actually doesn't make a difference if China approved it. China blatantly steals IP all the time and they don't allow most games into their country anyway. I think China could give two shits about this

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 378d ago
sparky77378d ago

It's funny that they say it will stump competition yet all the competitors want it.

SullysCigar378d ago


Looks like Microsoft will need to devise an additional, more palatable solution to satisfy the CMA, should their appeal for reassessment be successful next year. They can present it to them from their bended knee, as they beg them to reconsider their ruling.

SullysCigar377d ago

^ I'm good thanks bro, how you doin'?

378d ago
RauLeCreuset378d ago

That's flat out false. Not all competitors want it. Let's get that out of the way before looking at what was said.

"What the group is considering there is [whether or not] a remedy will give the group confidence that this market will be able to continue with the competitive dynamics in the absence of the merger.

"This is a market which is in early gestation, where we want competition to flourish. We want all parties big and small to be able to access that market. There was a real concern on the part of the group that if you accept the proposal that was tabled by Microsoft, it would constrain the way the market would evolve going forward.

"It would not replicate the conditions of full and free competition that we would see in the absence of the merger."

Not only is it false that all competitors want it, but the CMA is not just looking at the market as it exists today and considering the effects of a merger for only the current competitors in the market. They are also thinking beyond 10 years and considering the market for future competitors trying to break into it.

343_Guilty_Spark378d ago

Major players have largely abandoned cloud gaming….leaving only MSFT NVDA AMZN and a few smaller players in the market. How can they dictate something for which may or may not happen in the future.

Listening to comments here most people do not like cloud gaming. They prefer a dedicated hardware experience. So even if there is growth it’s unlikely cloud streaming will ever take the place of dedicated experiences. So it will remain a niche market.

RauLeCreuset378d ago


That's really irrelevant to the point of my post that sparky is incorrect on the false claim that all competitors want the remedy and overlooking that the CMA does not just look at a snapshot of the market as it exists today. I don't know how many times they have to say it.

The problem is some of you just don't want to hear it and think your assumptions based on your observations of N4G comment sections should change that reality.

I don't know why you're trying to downplay a market Xbox has stated time and again that they're shifting to instead of trying to compete on hardware.

shinoff2183378d ago


The difference being ms is one of the richest companies in the world. They will continue to push and push cloud gaming until there's no choice. Why you think they've been extremely pro digital. Even as far as having high print runs for games.

Eonjay378d ago

Your hate for Sony will always prevent you from seeing the truth so you are wasting your time with this topic at all. You aren't ever gonna let yourself understand anything beyond 'hate Sony'.

If you were ever serious, you would be Actually addressing what the CMA said. They already ruled against needing to protect the console space so any reference to Sony is invalid. If you were serious but simply misguided you would have mentioned Google, a much larger company with much heavier influence than Sony.

If you were serious you would point out that the CMA is protecting British companies that might not a actually exist yet.

But you don't care about this deal. You don't really care. You only 'hate Sony' and that is not a solution here.

343_Guilty_Spark378d ago (Edited 378d ago )

I've owned all PS consoles except the PSP. So to say I hate Sony is a stretch.

Playstation has consistently had the best hardcore console exclusives. It has consistently delivered on great hardware and ease of development (aside from PS3).

This is beyond Playstation.

"If you were serious you would point out that the CMA is protecting British companies that might not a actually exist yet."

Have you considered the amount of expenses required to server backend a cloud gaming company that it is probably prohibitively expensive even for a large megacap corp to create a cloud gaming service. Not to mention the dependency on low latency mobile networks and high-speed wireless communication services in order to deliver effective cloud game streaming.

Its also a niche market.

The incentive for investing in cloud gaming isn't there unless you are already a player.

Outside_ofthe_Box378d ago

"So to say I hate Sony is a stretch."

Not a stretch, the truth. Literally your comment history is proof.

378d ago
Notellin377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

You just have to love seeing commenters like Eonjay pretend to be the unbiased ones. It's like listening to two toddlers explain who hit the other one first.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 377d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 377d ago
Hofstaderman378d ago

Who cares at this point? It’s not even a console war. For that there has to be shots (games) from both sides of the trenches. It’s a one sided massacre. Let’s just watch the showcase, plan what we want to buy, play it and move on now.

378d ago
Eonjay378d ago

I'm not really sure what they can offer. British authorities if their desires in the cloud space are fundamentally divergent. It's not that either side is wrong. It's simply that they want different things.

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purple1011d 9h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky15h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu15h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 9h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo13h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay8m ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx15h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8514h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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