
DF Astro's Playroom on PS5: a brilliant introduction to the DualSense controller

Feel the difference.

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darthv721312d ago

Man, I can't wait to experience this for myself. There is a genuine sense enjoyment in every one of these preview pieces. And watching them, hearing the reactions of those who have gotten the hands on, really brings a smile to my face.

Obscure_Observer1312d ago (Edited 1312d ago )

But but DF is biased. They´re MS paid shills. S/

Great DualSense AND Astrobot in depth analysis/preview!

Great job Team PS and DF!

ApocalypseShadow1312d ago (Edited 1312d ago )

What we should be looking at is that Sony is giving away a free pack in game and a new way to experience games compared to their competition with the new Dual Sense. That's why they were so secretive when some gamers thought Sony were being arrogant for being silent. They didn't want the competition to copy so quickly like we know they will in the future.

Don't you find it more interesting that no one is talking Microsoft's new controller? Or the copied share button from DS4? Almost as if it's not worth mentioning.

blackblades1311d ago

@Apocalypse honestly not much to talk about the Xbox. The controller is basically the same as the xbone, the box is just a box with beefier specs, same BC talk for years, the UI is about the same, etc... Xsx is more if a mid gen system compared to ps5 just to be honest.

Father__Merrin1312d ago

After watching DF preview of the controller it's clearly the best controller out there also that game Astro looks amazing

darthv721312d ago

I find it to be very Mario sunshine / Sonic Adventure inspired. and thats not a bad thing as both of those games have a certain charm about them. It could just be the levels that are demoed in most of these previews. The sandy beach (sonic) and the way astro hovers over things (sunshine). That's really the only similarities I can think of but either way its a very good presentation. So fun and full of little nuances to really show off what the controller is capable of.

And the best part.... this is only the beginning of how that controller can be used. Just imagine as time goes on and creative minds find a way to do even more.

LiViNgLeGaCY1312d ago

I'm seriously excited to try this.

whitbyfox1311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

Astro Bot now copying Mario Galaxy’s ice skating mechanics and spring jumping power up, having already copied Sunshines hovering and everything else.

If you’re gonna’ copy someone copy the best.

S2Killinit1311d ago (Edited 1311d ago )

Astrobot blew mario games games away imo.


5 games to play first on your new PS5

From bullet-hell shooters to spectacular RPGs, here are the best games to start your PS5 library.

DivineHand125156d ago

I would swap Returnal and MLB the show for Ratchet and Clank Rift apart and Elden Ring.

repsahj155d ago

I'll swap Elden Ring for Demons Souls remake.


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Abnor_Mal201d ago

30 clicks to see 30 games, with only half a paragraph worth of information for a game judging by the first on the list. No thanks.


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shinoff2183389d ago

Some pretty dope indies could've made this list to.

gold_drake388d ago

the messenger is rly good ha.

repsahj389d ago

Awesome list! I agree 100%.

rippermcrip389d ago

Returnal honorable mention reason is dumb. It is a single player game with optional coop. Just like Elden Ring which is in the list.

VersusDMC389d ago

Coop wasn't even available till after a year after launch...by that reasoning ghost of tsushima(legends) wouldn't count?

jznrpg389d ago

Returnal is so fun solo I won’t ever try the co-op. It would be too easy imo

Abear21389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

Ratchet and Clank and Horizon are my picks. Miles and GoW are gathering virtual dust on the SSD. Good games just not as addicting as those imo. Returnal is best if you’re into that challenge.

DivineHand125388d ago

No uncharted :( I had a blast playing the legacy of thieves collection at 120 fps.