
I Hope Aerith Lives in Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake has been a critical and commercial success. An "Aerith lives" scenario would be an awesome way to troll longtime FFVII fans. Will Tetsuya Nomura do it?

Gardenia1500d ago

No it isn't. Aerith's death is part of the whole story. She knew she would die facing Sephiroth so she could summon Holy to safe the planet.

Also in the remake just when he meets Aerith, you can see Cloud having a vision this is going to happen.

ilikestuff1500d ago

Yea, that was a huge moment in the game, I believe it was the first main character to die in a final fantasy game. Keep it in.......that’s what she said

-Foxtrot1500d ago

They've some small things the remake, mostly things established in separate FFVII titles, but if they start remaking and changing core story related things found in the original game then what was the point of the remake.

She has to die unfortunately

Tross1501d ago

I don't think the canon is going to change, and I certainly hope the story doesn't change. However, I may be ok with certain choices or actions throughout the game having an effect on certain key events.

Terry_B1500d ago

The story was changed a lot already. This was not the start to a trilogy of FFVII remakes, its a reboot, kinda reminds me at Mortal Kombat 9 in 2011 and how it changed the continuation of the story completely.

DVAcme1500d ago

I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're objectively right.

Terry_B1500d ago

The downvoters are probably either upset about this fact, or just don't know about the story changes in the FFVII Reboot so far.

jambola1500d ago

maybe the downvotes are due to incorrectly calling it a trilogy despite never having any official confirmation of how many parts

lodossrage1501d ago

That probably can't happen.

Remember, Aerith being killed by Sepiroth was THE pivotal part of the game that people remembered most. It was an iconic scene that helped push the series into the mainstream.

Lionsguard1500d ago

Although you're 100% right and it's true that she needs to die, I have to say that I honestly don't care. We know that she does and we get it. If they want to put another alternative path in where she lives and we find a different way, even if the ending isn't the same or turns out to be a "bad ending" kind of deal, I'll take it. It just adds on replay-ability and makes new twists and turns for people already well versed in the game's story. They can re-do the whole huge materia thing because in the OG, it was a rather lackluster storyline. They should have done something more with it. I wouldn't mind the huge materia being super summons, Bahamut Zero, Knights of the Round, etc. that we can possibly summon to attempt to the destroy meteor or something. But yes, the canon storyline should also still exist where she dies.

jambola1499d ago

I'd rather they don't waste their time on bad endings
Put that time into actual content

Miraak82 1500d ago

She prayed for Holy before she died , her death wasn't the catalyst for holy to activate , sephiroths Will was the main reason it didn't . So technically she really doesn't need to die because she accompished what she needed to do before she was killed . Hell the rest of the cast were in limbo as to why for most of disc 2 . , plus if it happens noone is gonna wanna use Aerith at all in part 2 and it won't be shocking since we all know it's coming lol .

SegaGamer1501d ago

"An "Aerith lives" scenario would be an awesome way to troll longtime FFVII fans"

Yeah, because that doesn't come across as immature does it?

For a few years now, I have been saying I don't see Final Fantasy 7 Remake as a remake, and I stand by that more than ever now. For a while I have been calling it a reimagining, but I think I am coming around to the idea that it may be a stealth sequel.

It's all just speculation at this point, but Final Fantasy 7's remake is more interesting that it has been for a while for me. I originally thought they were just going to split it into parts and milk the game, but I'm starting to think there is much more to this than I originally thought. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how things go in the 2nd part.

1500d ago Replies(1)
Lexreborn21500d ago

This the last time I’m giving people on the internet this lesson. If you are 12 and you draw a picture and you thought “I did a great job” but 20 years later. After you’ve developed more skills and points of view. If you take that picture and draw it again with your new found skills and perspective you have just “Remade” (a.k.a Remake) that picture:

As it is the same picture but you took different liberties with it making it anew. Reimagine is synonymous with Remake, therefore that means it is essentially the same word.

So.... FF7R is exactly what a remake is. Just because you wish to use a different spelling of the same meaning of a word does not make it any less what it is.

This game IS Final Fantasy 7, and it’s taking the liberty to make it anew to give a fresh perspective of a long loved story. Without giving us the same thing over again that we already seen and felt.

I had so much emotional draw towards the way FF7R ended because it made me believe we can save people we love and give them a happy ending. But we don’t know at what cost yet these changes will impact our beloved story.

So, let’s stop with the Semantics of why you want it to be one word over the other. This game is exactly what it said it is, and we are on a ride of intrigue and more emotional draw.

Miraak82 1500d ago

Totally agree , same world and characters in a new light !!!! I personally would like to see a different outcome like being able to see Aerith and Zack reunite again and all that could have been , something like that would pull on my heart strings more then seeing her die again .

goldwyncq1501d ago

"Although Aerith lives isn’t part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake story that I’m hoping for, I have no doubt that the denizens of the Internet will provide plenty of unintentional entertainment with their phony rage over a videogame character having a different story. Reading and watching them will be fun."

Wow, what a manchild.

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shinoff2183346d ago

Come on already square always on about this stuff. Half the game is done the story and all is already there , I imagine they'd take a couple things out. I can't imagine these days they'd leave the dog fighting in. Not that the player bet on it or anything but it was there

CrimsonWing69345d ago

I think because it’s easier to make grand games in pixel art rather than model everything in 3D as well as the amount of espers, spells, cutscenes, animations and whatnot it’d be a huge task to remake.

FinalFantasyFanatic344d ago

I'd prefer a HD-2D remake, but we're not getting that, I probably wouldn't want a remake like FF7R.

Flawlessmic345d ago

Give me ff9 and 10 remakes first and I'll be over the moon!

Those are my 2 personal favourites, although at this rate ff16 is quickly going to eclipse them both, which I mean I knew 16 was going to be good, but game of the gen so far and fav ff ever at this rate I wasn't expecting that.

Just love to see ff back in the spot light big time and it will only continue with ff 7 rebirth

shinoff2183345d ago

10 still don't look bad , I feel that could wait but word is 2026ish for ff10 remake

Flawlessmic345d ago

it doesnt look bad at all and is still suer playable, but more ffx is always a good thing for me, i go through and play it atleast once every 2 years hahaha

FinalFantasyFanatic344d ago

FFX could just use a remaster update with higher res textures and stuff, a remake on that game would be a waste.

on_line_forever345d ago

What about vagrant story & parasite eve ?

jznrpg345d ago

Yes and Yes . Vagrant Story first though for me

FinalFantasyFanatic344d ago

DO IT! They've been re-releasing a lot of their old games though, so maybe we can get a remaster or remake of those in the future.


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kayoss640d ago

That don’t look like Tifa. Looks more like chun li.