
Sony Drops Impressive Numbers At CES 2020

Sony broke from their usual platform of not going to heavily into games and dropped some great sales numbers and PS5 news at CES 2020.

Garethvk1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

Added the PS5 logo fast enough but staff has it. I was shocked they talked about it as honestly, the CES show is big on their other tech in the showcase and perhaps lightly mentions the system. For them to talk about the new system and specs as well as the logo was big.

_SilverHawk_1607d ago

Playstation domination across the nation. I cant believe they sold so many ps4s and ps4 software.

1607d ago
ShadowWolf7121607d ago

Because Sony doesn't usually do more than pay the games division lip service at CES. For them to mention it, and drop numbers, and have Jim Ryan up there reiterating the PS5 deets to the tech world at large signifies how major the PlayStation brand has become within the company.

bouzebbal1607d ago

Anyone has ps3 software numbers to compare?? I think it sold more..
I just see how many ps3 games I have compared to PS4. I have more than double.

Kumakai1607d ago

Shocked they talked about revealing the logo of a console vs the actual console? Me too.

Unspoken1607d ago

So they don't show anything and the fanboys go crazy....it's almost as bad as an Apple conference, almost...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1607d ago
Muzikguy1607d ago

I love that Sony provides real, solid numbers. Not made up statistics that mean nothing.

NeoGamer2321607d ago

So where was the PS Now numbers?

Oh right... Just like every other company they cherry-pick numbers that make them look good and ignore numbers that don't.

neutralgamer19921607d ago


Last time they said it crossed 1 million bro at $9.99 not $1 for 3 months

1607d ago
OB1Biker1607d ago

Why would you not like real information and prefer misleading PR buzz words?

lodossrage1607d ago


Sony announced they were over 1 million back in October of 2019


For all the boasting about gamepass Microsoft does, for all the fawning over gamepass the media does, and for all the cheering MS fans have done over gamepass, they have yet to give official numbers. All they say is "growth" this and "double our numbers" that.

Muzikguy1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

Numbers do effect us. It shows strengths, how healthy something is. Not only that, who wants to be fed lies over the truth? I don't understand why people so happily today would rather hear lies over the truth

bouzebbal1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

You don't like to hear how many headshots fired, number of miles driven or number of times RT pushed within the last 2months?? Come on... I know you do

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1607d ago
1607d ago Replies(4)
DeadSilence1607d ago

PlayStation 4 is such an absolute MONSTER MY DEAR GOD!

106M Consoles SOLD, 1.15B Games, 5M PS VR.

Garethvk1607d ago

Ultra HD Blu Ray and SSD. That new system sounds great.

4kgk761607d ago

Deadsilence@ the ps4 dominate this gen and ps5 will probably dominate next gen.

TGGJustin1607d ago

Of course it's going to. Really going to make all these game writers who have been putting up all those "Xbox One Series X going to dominate" articles look silly.

rainslacker1607d ago

That's an attach rate of over 10 games per system sold, which is pretty impressive.

1607d ago
rainslacker1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

10 is a pretty high attach rate. A little under one is the typical number. Through history, .7-.9 is more typical.

Attach rate is just an average, and there are several ways it can be determined, but 10 games per system sold is a high number regardless.

Most attach rate numbers you see reported are usually per first year of how many consoles sell that year. The full software numbers are not usually consistently reported like we have seen from Sony this gen, and even Nintendo has done some impressive numbers as well.

Yearly attach rate comes out to roughly 1.6 per year, which is about double the norm.

Minute Man 7211607d ago

Mine is over 50 games per console last gen and this one

rainslacker1607d ago

I probably have about 150-200 I brought this gen. attach rate is all an average of all users though. Some people may only buy one game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1607d ago
ApocalypseShadow1607d ago

See? These are REAL NUMBERS. Not "just believe what I say" numbers.

Good job Sony. PSVR selling about 100,000 a month as I thought. Now at 5 million.

4kgk761607d ago

Apocalypse shadow@ 1 billion gun shot has been fire in gear 5 since launch ;).

ApocalypseShadow1607d ago


Microsoft gave up on that because even those numbers were useless. Real numbers that matter tell you the real story. Others will say why does it matter and will shout out "MS is a trillion dollar market cap company."

But somehow that never translated to winning or amount of games or best developers.

moriarty18891607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

lol.....good one....i can hear major nelson now.....’5 million laps have been driven in Forza 7 and 3 billion bullets have been fired in Gears 5 while engagement saw all time highs due to free gamespass subs and trials on the cheap!!! But we still dont want to say how many copies were actually sold or systems.....’
keep,spinning numbers while hiding maus and sales numbers......real nice MS. making yourselves look so silly and shady when companies reveal their numbers and are proud of what they have accomplished due to fan support. You owe your dedicated fanbase at least that much. Or is that to much to ask?

DeadManMMX1607d ago

You guys keep going on about announcing numbers but last gen when they were behind Sony wouldn’t separate PS3, ps2 and PSP numbers. They didn’t report PS3 numbers until late in the gen. So it’s nothing that any one company does. The only company that was 100% straight up with their numbers even when they were unfavorable was Nintendo.

galmi1607d ago

its n4g man, dont take anything here too seriously

ApocalypseShadow1607d ago

You mean last gen when Sony combined their numbers?

Compared to hiding all the numbers? Giving no numbers but useless metric numbers until even those were worthless.

I see how they're so similar dead man. 1 is the same as zero. /s

That's some crazy math.

solideagle1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

basic Math skills can help

Total number - PS2 total - PSP total = PS3 (roughly)

RazzerRedux1607d ago

"when they were behind Sony wouldn’t separate PS3, ps2 and PSP numbers. "

Do you think Sony was wrong for hiding PS3 numbers?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1607d ago
gravedigger1607d ago

Phil Spencer - nobody is asking for VR

rainslacker1607d ago

Don't need to ask when you have the option.

Longadog1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

bah..those figures means absolutely nothing until Sony can give the number of combos made or bullets fired in their games.

got to prioritize whats really important mate..

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1607d ago
PhoenixUp1607d ago

At least some companies still believe in reporting numbers

Tross1607d ago

Well, there's no need to fudge numbers if their products are successful.

nowitzki20041607d ago

If you are getting blown out by the other team, you dont want anyone watching the game and knowing the score.

AmUnRa1607d ago

When you are winning thats easyer, but when you get crushed by the other console, you have to invent fake numbers and boost them to look strong...

IRetrouk1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

103 million monthy active users out of 106 mill, wow, that's impressive.

Kribwalker1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

that does include multiple users per system and multiple accounts per users when people have multiple accounts. But you are probably know that, but you didn’t clarify

CaptainHenry9161607d ago

You're trying to hard and made it obvious

The_Sage1607d ago Show
The Wood1607d ago

Leave it out brother. Microsoft introduced that metric because they needed a lane to swerve into due to unimpressive sales numbers then done a U turn and stopped reporting those too. . . . . .

MasterCornholio1607d ago

At least we are getting both MAUs and sales from Sony do we can discuss it here.

IRetrouk1607d ago

Well I mean yeah, like every other console in existence🤷‍♂️, I dont really see why I needed to clarify that, it's still 103 million monthly active users out of 106 million consoles sold to consumers, that's impressive no matter how you slice it.

rainslacker1607d ago

Sony is giving almost every conceivable number to use for comparisons, so what's the problem? Very specific numbers as well. Isn't that good for when we have these discussions about comparing numbers, or just contextualizing the numbers to mean something? About the only number they haven't given is number of currently active systems with some form or metric, which no one uses for comparisons anyways.

RememberThe3571607d ago

Would you make this comment if they were talking about Xbox?

MasterCornholio1607d ago


I don't really support using MAUs but there's really nothing wrong with them as long as you provide physical hardware sales. That way it makes it easier to gauge where the MAUs come from and it isn't deceptive.

rainslacker1607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )


I'm beyond a point of really caring for the rest of the gen. It's pointless to really discuss anymore. There's nothing wrong with MAU's, but numbers this gen that have been used heavily for discussion have been used without some context which makes them meaningless for discussion, or at the very least for comparison.

When you compare a solid number, with context, against a vague number with key information that the other data set provides not present in the vague number, it leads to a lot more pointless discussion which goes nowhere, because it's all based on postulation and biased assertion.

All I'm saying is that Sony gave us solid numbers. Numbers worthy of discussion, and numbers with enough context that can be discussed without a bunch of postulation or assumption to assert some pre-determined(or hoped for) conclusion.

To put it bluntly, if one were using the number sets provided by both for some sort of mathematical comparison to do anything important....like say make a business decision, or get a passing grade in a rudimentary statistics class, Sony, and Nintendo, are the only one's really providing meaningful numbers, whereas MS numbers make it more like algebra functions, where you just punch in whatever variable you want to figure out an answer. With MS, we're determining the process of the function by plugging in variables, instead of the just having the answer to the formula. Unfortunately, the variables aren't meaningful or have all the necessary data to complete the equation, so people are plugging in unknowns usually based on whatever outcome they want.

IRetrouk1607d ago

The numbers look pretty straight forward to me, what's twisted about them?

GaboonViper1607d ago

Same with Xbox then yes, all do you take a different view when it's Xbox numbers.

IRetrouk1607d ago

Please provide those xbox numbers so we can discuss them, as far as I'm aware ms used to announce numbers, then they switched to maus, then they pretty much stopped giving out numbers all together, also context is important. These numbers provide a good overview of how the ps4 and its services have performed, cant really figure that out from the numbers ms was releasing.

1607d ago
1607d ago
TKCMuzzer1607d ago

What and MS don't when they say so many 'users' have played this game etc etc.

Christopher1607d ago

This is true of any metric utilizing account-based volume. You know, like people using multiple accounts to keep subscribed to Game Pass for $1/month.

bluefox7551607d ago

I was wondering if you'd have the temerity to weigh in on this article, lol.

1607d ago
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purple1011d 9h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky15h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu15h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 9h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo14h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay18m ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx15h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8515h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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